local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") local FontList = { fontdir = "./fonts", fontlist = {}, } --[[ These non-LGC Kindle system fonts fail CRe's moronic header check. --]] local kindle_fonts_blacklist = { ["DiwanMuna-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["DiwanMuna-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["HYGothicBold.ttf"] = true, ["HYGothicMedium.ttf"] = true, ["HYMyeongJoBold.ttf"] = true, ["HYMyeongJoMedium.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxBoldItalic.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxBold.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxItalic.ttf"] = true, ["KindleBlackboxRegular.ttf"] = true, ["Kindle_MonospacedSymbol.ttf"] = true, ["Kindle_Symbol.ttf"] = true, ["MTChineseSurrogates.ttf"] = true, ["MYingHeiTBold.ttf"] = true, ["MYingHeiTMedium.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskhArabicUI-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskhArabicUI-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskh-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["NotoNaskh-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansBengali-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansGujarati-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansKannada-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansMalayalam-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansTamil-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["SakkalKitab-Bold.ttf"] = true, ["SakkalKitab-Regular.ttf"] = true, ["SongTBold.ttf"] = true, ["SongTMedium.ttf"] = true, ["STHeitiBold.ttf"] = true, ["STHeitiMedium.ttf"] = true, ["STSongBold.ttf"] = true, ["STSongMedium.ttf"] = true, ["TBGothicBold_213.ttf"] = true, ["TBGothicMed_213.ttf"] = true, ["TBMinchoBold_213.ttf"] = true, ["TBMinchoMedium_213.ttf"] = true, ["STKaiMedium.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_67_Cond_Medium.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_68_Cond_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_77_Cond_Bold.ttf"] = true, ["Caecilia_LT_78_Cond_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_65_Medium.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_75_Bold.ttf"] = true, ["Helvetica_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = true, } local function isInFontsBlacklist(f) -- write test for this return CanvasContext.isKindle() and kindle_fonts_blacklist[f] end local function getExternalFontDir() if CanvasContext.isAndroid() then return require("frontend/ui/elements/font_settings"):getAndroidPath() elseif CanvasContext.isDesktop() then return require("frontend/ui/elements/font_settings"):getPath() else return os.getenv("EXT_FONT_DIR") end end local function _readList(target, dir) -- lfs.dir non-existent directory will give an error, weird! local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, dir) if not ok then return end for f in iter, dir_obj do local mode = lfs.attributes(dir.."/"..f, "mode") if mode == "directory" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then _readList(target, dir.."/"..f) elseif mode == "file" or mode == "link" then if string.sub(f, 1, 1) ~= "." then local file_type = string.lower(string.match(f, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "") if file_type == "ttf" or file_type == "ttc" or file_type == "cff" or file_type == "otf" then if not isInFontsBlacklist(f) then table.insert(target, dir.."/"..f) end end end end end end function FontList:getFontList() if #self.fontlist > 0 then return self.fontlist end _readList(self.fontlist, self.fontdir) -- multiple paths should be joined with semicolon for dir in string.gmatch(getExternalFontDir() or "", "([^;]+)") do _readList(self.fontlist, dir) end table.sort(self.fontlist) return self.fontlist end return FontList