--[[-- This module is responsible for reading and writing `metadata.lua` files in the so-called sidecar directory ([Wikipedia definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidecar_file)). ]] local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local dump = require("dump") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local DocSettings = {} local HISTORY_DIR = DataStorage:getHistoryDir() local function buildCandidate(file_path) -- Ignore empty files. if file_path and lfs.attributes(file_path, "mode") == "file" then return { file_path, lfs.attributes(file_path, "modification") } else return nil end end --- Returns path to sidecar directory (`filename.sdr`). -- -- Sidecar directory is the file without _last_ suffix. -- @string doc_path path to the document (e.g., `/foo/bar.pdf`) -- @treturn string path to the sidecar directory (e.g., `/foo/bar.sdr`) function DocSettings:getSidecarDir(doc_path) if doc_path == nil or doc_path == '' then return '' end local file_without_suffix = doc_path:match("(.*)%.") if file_without_suffix then return file_without_suffix..".sdr" end return doc_path..".sdr" end --- Returns path to `metadata.lua` file. -- @string doc_path path to the document (e.g., `/foo/bar.pdf`) -- @treturn string path to `/foo/bar.sdr/metadata.lua` file function DocSettings:getSidecarFile(doc_path) if doc_path == nil or doc_path == '' then return '' end -- If the file does not have a suffix or we are working on a directory, we -- should ignore the suffix part in metadata file path. local suffix = doc_path:match(".*%.(.+)") if suffix == nil then suffix = '' end return self:getSidecarDir(doc_path) .. "/metadata." .. suffix .. ".lua" end --- Returns `true` if there is a `metadata.lua` file. -- @string doc_path path to the document (e.g., `/foo/bar.pdf`) -- @treturn bool function DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(doc_path) return lfs.attributes(self:getSidecarFile(doc_path), "mode") == "file" end function DocSettings:getHistoryPath(fullpath) return HISTORY_DIR .. "/[" .. fullpath:gsub("(.*/)([^/]+)","%1] %2"):gsub("/","#") .. ".lua" end function DocSettings:getPathFromHistory(hist_name) if hist_name == nil or hist_name == '' then return '' end if hist_name:sub(-4) ~= ".lua" then return '' end -- ignore .lua.old backups -- 1. select everything included in brackets local s = string.match(hist_name,"%b[]") if s == nil or s == '' then return '' end -- 2. crop the bracket-sign from both sides -- 3. and finally replace decorative signs '#' to dir-char '/' return string.gsub(string.sub(s,2,-3),"#","/") end function DocSettings:getNameFromHistory(hist_name) if hist_name == nil or hist_name == '' then return '' end if hist_name:sub(-4) ~= ".lua" then return '' end -- ignore .lua.old backups local s = string.match(hist_name, "%b[]") if s == nil or s == '' then return '' end -- at first, search for path length -- and return the rest of string without 4 last characters (".lua") return string.sub(hist_name, string.len(s)+2, -5) end function DocSettings:getLastSaveTime(doc_path) local attr = lfs.attributes(self:getSidecarFile(doc_path)) if attr and attr.mode == "file" then return attr.modification end end function DocSettings:ensureSidecar(sidecar) if lfs.attributes(sidecar, "mode") ~= "directory" then lfs.mkdir(sidecar) end end --- Opens a document's individual settings (font, margin, dictionary, etc.) -- @string docfile path to the document (e.g., `/foo/bar.pdf`) -- @treturn DocSettings object function DocSettings:open(docfile) --- @todo (zijiehe): Remove history_path, use only sidecar. local new = {} new.history_file = self:getHistoryPath(docfile) local sidecar = self:getSidecarDir(docfile) new.sidecar = sidecar DocSettings:ensureSidecar(sidecar) -- If there is a file which has a same name as the sidecar directory, or -- the file system is read-only, we should not waste time to read it. if lfs.attributes(sidecar, "mode") == "directory" then -- New sidecar file name is metadata.{file last suffix}.lua. So we -- can handle two files with only different suffixes. new.sidecar_file = self:getSidecarFile(docfile) new.legacy_sidecar_file = sidecar.."/".. docfile:match("([^%/]+%..+)")..".lua" end local candidates = {} -- New sidecar file table.insert(candidates, buildCandidate(new.sidecar_file)) -- Backup file of new sidecar file table.insert(candidates, buildCandidate(new.sidecar_file and (new.sidecar_file .. ".old"))) -- Legacy sidecar file table.insert(candidates, buildCandidate(new.legacy_sidecar_file)) -- Legacy history folder table.insert(candidates, buildCandidate(new.history_file)) -- Backup file in legacy history folder table.insert(candidates, buildCandidate(new.history_file .. ".old")) -- Legacy kpdfview setting table.insert(candidates, buildCandidate(docfile..".kpdfview.lua")) table.sort(candidates, function(l, r) if l == nil then return false elseif r == nil then return true else return l[2] > r[2] end end) local ok, stored, filepath for _, k in ipairs(candidates) do -- Ignore empty files if lfs.attributes(k[1], "size") > 0 then ok, stored = pcall(dofile, k[1]) -- Ignore the empty table. if ok and next(stored) ~= nil then logger.dbg("data is read from ", k[1]) filepath = k[1] break end end logger.dbg(k[1], " is invalid, remove.") os.remove(k[1]) end if ok and stored then new.data = stored new.candidates = candidates new.filepath = filepath else new.data = {} end return setmetatable(new, {__index = DocSettings}) end --[[-- Reads a setting, optionally initializing it to a default. If default is provided, and the key doesn't exist yet, it is initialized to default first. This ensures both that the defaults are actually set if necessary, and that the returned reference actually belongs to the DocSettings object straight away, without requiring further interaction (e.g., saveSetting) from the caller. This is mainly useful if the data type you want to retrieve/store is assigned/returned/passed by reference (e.g., a table), and you never actually break that reference by assigning another one to the same variable, (by e.g., assigning it a new object). c.f., https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.2 @param key The setting's key @param default Initialization data (Optional) ]] function DocSettings:readSetting(key, default) -- No initialization data: legacy behavior if not default then return self.data[key] end if not self:has(key) then self.data[key] = default end return self.data[key] end --- Saves a setting. function DocSettings:saveSetting(key, value) self.data[key] = value return self end --- Deletes a setting. function DocSettings:delSetting(key) self.data[key] = nil return self end --- Checks if setting exists. function DocSettings:has(key) return self.data[key] ~= nil end --- Checks if setting does not exist. function DocSettings:hasNot(key) return self.data[key] == nil end --- Checks if setting is `true` (boolean). function DocSettings:isTrue(key) return self.data[key] == true end --- Checks if setting is `false` (boolean). function DocSettings:isFalse(key) return self.data[key] == false end --- Checks if setting is `nil` or `true`. function DocSettings:nilOrTrue(key) return self:hasNot(key) or self:isTrue(key) end --- Checks if setting is `nil` or `false`. function DocSettings:nilOrFalse(key) return self:hasNot(key) or self:isFalse(key) end --- Flips `nil` or `true` to `false`, and `false` to `nil`. --- e.g., a setting that defaults to true. function DocSettings:flipNilOrTrue(key) if self:nilOrTrue(key) then self:saveSetting(key, false) else self:delSetting(key) end return self end --- Flips `nil` or `false` to `true`, and `true` to `nil`. --- e.g., a setting that defaults to false. function DocSettings:flipNilOrFalse(key) if self:nilOrFalse(key) then self:saveSetting(key, true) else self:delSetting(key) end return self end --- Flips a setting between `true` and `nil`. function DocSettings:flipTrue(key) if self:isTrue(key) then self:delSetting(key) else self:saveSetting(key, true) end return self end --- Flips a setting between `false` and `nil`. function DocSettings:flipFalse(key) if self:isFalse(key) then self:delSetting(key) else self:saveSetting(key, false) end return self end -- Unconditionally makes a boolean setting `true`. function DocSettings:makeTrue(key) self:saveSetting(key, true) return self end -- Unconditionally makes a boolean setting `false`. function DocSettings:makeFalse(key) self:saveSetting(key, false) return self end --- Toggles a boolean setting function DocSettings:toggle(key) if self:nilOrFalse(key) then self:saveSetting(key, true) else self:saveSetting(key, false) end return self end --- Serializes settings and writes them to `metadata.lua`. function DocSettings:flush() -- write serialized version of the data table into one of -- i) sidecar directory in the same directory of the document or -- ii) history directory in root directory of KOReader if not self.history_file and not self.sidecar_file then return end -- If we can write to sidecar_file, we do not need to write to history_file -- anymore. local serials = { self.sidecar_file, self.history_file } self:ensureSidecar(self.sidecar) local s_out = dump(self.data) os.setlocale('C', 'numeric') for _, f in ipairs(serials) do local directory_updated = false if lfs.attributes(f, "mode") == "file" then -- As an additional safety measure (to the ffiutil.fsync* calls -- used below), we only backup the file to .old when it has -- not been modified in the last 60 seconds. This should ensure -- in the case the fsync calls are not supported that the OS -- may have itself sync'ed that file content in the meantime. local mtime = lfs.attributes(f, "modification") if mtime < os.time() - 60 then logger.dbg("Rename ", f, " to ", f .. ".old") os.rename(f, f .. ".old") directory_updated = true -- fsync directory content too below end end logger.dbg("Write to ", f) local f_out = io.open(f, "w") if f_out ~= nil then f_out:write("-- we can read Lua syntax here!\nreturn ") f_out:write(s_out) f_out:write("\n") ffiutil.fsyncOpenedFile(f_out) -- force flush to the storage device f_out:close() if self.candidates ~= nil and G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("preserve_legacy_docsetting") then for _, k in ipairs(self.candidates) do if k[1] ~= f and k[1] ~= f .. ".old" then logger.dbg("Remove legacy file ", k[1]) os.remove(k[1]) -- We should not remove sidecar folder, as it may -- contain Kindle history files. end end end if directory_updated then -- Ensure the file renaming is flushed to storage device ffiutil.fsyncDirectory(f) end break end end end function DocSettings:close() self:flush() end function DocSettings:getFilePath() return self.filepath end --- Purges (removes) sidecar directory. function DocSettings:purge(full) -- Remove any of the old ones we may consider as candidates -- in DocSettings:open() if self.history_file then os.remove(self.history_file) os.remove(self.history_file .. ".old") end if self.legacy_sidecar_file then os.remove(self.legacy_sidecar_file) end if lfs.attributes(self.sidecar, "mode") == "directory" then if full then -- Asked to remove all the content of this .sdr directory, -- whether it's ours or not ffiutil.purgeDir(self.sidecar) else -- Only remove the files we know we may have created -- with our usual names. for f in lfs.dir(self.sidecar) do local fullpath = self.sidecar.."/"..f local to_remove = false if lfs.attributes(fullpath, "mode") == "file" then -- Currently, we only create a single file in there, -- named metadata.suffix.lua (ie. metadata.epub.lua), -- with possibly backups named metadata.epub.lua.old and -- metadata.epub.lua.old_dom20180528, so all sharing the -- same base: self.sidecar_file if util.stringStartsWith(fullpath, self.sidecar_file) then to_remove = true end end if to_remove then os.remove(fullpath) logger.dbg("purge: removed ", fullpath) end end -- If the sidecar folder ends up empty, os.remove() can delete it. -- Otherwise, the following statement has no effect. os.remove(self.sidecar) end end -- We should have meet the candidate we used and remove it above. But in -- case we didn't, remove it if self.filepath and lfs.attributes(self.filepath, "mode") == "file" then os.remove(self.filepath) end self.data = {} end return DocSettings