local CacheItem = require("cacheitem") local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") local DocCache = require("document/doccache") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local Document = require("document/document") local DrawContext = require("ffi/drawcontext") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local pdf = nil local PdfDocument = Document:extend{ _document = false, is_pdf = true, dc_null = DrawContext.new(), koptinterface = nil, provider = "mupdf", provider_name = "MuPDF", } function PdfDocument:init() if not pdf then pdf = require("ffi/mupdf") end self.koptinterface = require("document/koptinterface") self.koptinterface:setDefaultConfigurable(self.configurable) local ok ok, self._document = pcall(pdf.openDocument, self.file) if not ok then error(self._document) -- will contain error message end self:updateColorRendering() self.is_reflowable = self._document:isDocumentReflowable() self.reflowable_font_size = self:convertKoptToReflowableFontSize() -- no-op on PDF self:layoutDocument() self.is_open = true self.info.has_pages = true self.info.configurable = true self.render_mode = 0 if self._document:needsPassword() then self.is_locked = true else self:_readMetadata() end end function PdfDocument:updateColorRendering() Document.updateColorRendering(self) -- will set self.render_color if self._document then self._document:setColorRendering(self.render_color) end end function PdfDocument:layoutDocument(font_size) if font_size then self.reflowable_font_size = font_size end self._document:layoutDocument( CanvasContext:getWidth(), CanvasContext:getHeight(), CanvasContext:scaleBySize(self.reflowable_font_size)) end local default_font_size = 22 -- the koptreader config goes from 0.1 to 3.0, but we want a regular font size function PdfDocument:convertKoptToReflowableFontSize(font_size) if font_size then return font_size * default_font_size end local size if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(self.file) then local doc_settings = DocSettings:open(self.file) size = doc_settings:readSetting("kopt_font_size") end if size then return size * default_font_size elseif G_reader_settings:readSetting("kopt_font_size") then return G_reader_settings:readSetting("kopt_font_size") * default_font_size elseif G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZE") then return G_defaults:readSetting("DKOPTREADER_CONFIG_FONT_SIZE") * default_font_size else return default_font_size end end function PdfDocument:unlock(password) if not self._document:authenticatePassword(password) then return false end self.is_locked = false self:_readMetadata() return true end function PdfDocument:comparePositions(pos1, pos2) return self.koptinterface:comparePositions(self, pos1, pos2) end function PdfDocument:getPageTextBoxes(pageno) local hash = "textbox|"..self.file.."|"..pageno local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if not cached then local page = self._document:openPage(pageno) local text = page:getPageText() page:close() DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{text=text, size=text.size}) return text else return cached.text end end function PdfDocument:getPanelFromPage(pageno, pos) return self.koptinterface:getPanelFromPage(self, pageno, pos) end function PdfDocument:getWordFromPosition(spos) return self.koptinterface:getWordFromPosition(self, spos) end function PdfDocument:getTextFromPositions(spos0, spos1) return self.koptinterface:getTextFromPositions(self, spos0, spos1) end function PdfDocument:getTextBoxes(pageno) return self.koptinterface:getTextBoxes(self, pageno) end function PdfDocument:getPageBoxesFromPositions(pageno, ppos0, ppos1) return self.koptinterface:getPageBoxesFromPositions(self, pageno, ppos0, ppos1) end function PdfDocument:nativeToPageRectTransform(pageno, rect) return self.koptinterface:nativeToPageRectTransform(self, pageno, rect) end function PdfDocument:getSelectedWordContext(word, nb_words, pos) return self.koptinterface:getSelectedWordContext(word, nb_words, pos) end function PdfDocument:getOCRWord(pageno, wbox) return self.koptinterface:getOCRWord(self, pageno, wbox) end function PdfDocument:getOCRText(pageno, tboxes) return self.koptinterface:getOCRText(self, pageno, tboxes) end function PdfDocument:getPageBlock(pageno, x, y) return self.koptinterface:getPageBlock(self, pageno, x, y) end function PdfDocument:getUsedBBox(pageno) local hash = "pgubbox|"..self.file.."|"..self.reflowable_font_size.."|"..pageno local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if cached then return cached.ubbox end local page = self._document:openPage(pageno) local used = {} used.x0, used.y0, used.x1, used.y1 = page:getUsedBBox() local pwidth, pheight = page:getSize(self.dc_null) -- clamp to page BBox if used.x0 < 0 then used.x0 = 0 end if used.x1 > pwidth then used.x1 = pwidth end if used.y0 < 0 then used.y0 = 0 end if used.y1 > pheight then used.y1 = pheight end DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ ubbox = used, size = 256, -- might be closer to 160 }) page:close() return used end function PdfDocument:getPageLinks(pageno) local hash = "pglinks|"..self.file.."|"..self.reflowable_font_size.."|"..pageno local cached = DocCache:check(hash) if cached then return cached.links end local page = self._document:openPage(pageno) local links = page:getPageLinks() DocCache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ links = links, size = 64 + (8 * 32 * #links), }) page:close() return links end -- returns nil if file is not a pdf, true if document is a writable pdf, false else function PdfDocument:_checkIfWritable() local suffix = util.getFileNameSuffix(self.file) if string.lower(suffix) ~= "pdf" then return nil end if self.is_writable == nil then local handle = io.open(self.file, 'r+b') self.is_writable = handle ~= nil if handle then handle:close() end end return self.is_writable end local function _quadpointsFromPboxes(pboxes) -- will also need mupdf_h.lua to be evaluated once -- but this is guaranteed at this point local n = #pboxes local quadpoints = ffi.new("fz_quad[?]", n) for i=1, n do -- The order must be left bottom, right bottom, left top, right top. -- https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=695130 quadpoints[i-1].ll.x = pboxes[i].x quadpoints[i-1].ll.y = pboxes[i].y + pboxes[i].h - 1 quadpoints[i-1].lr.x = pboxes[i].x + pboxes[i].w - 1 quadpoints[i-1].lr.y = pboxes[i].y + pboxes[i].h - 1 quadpoints[i-1].ul.x = pboxes[i].x quadpoints[i-1].ul.y = pboxes[i].y quadpoints[i-1].ur.x = pboxes[i].x + pboxes[i].w - 1 quadpoints[i-1].ur.y = pboxes[i].y end return quadpoints, n end local function _quadpointsToPboxes(quadpoints, n) -- reverse of previous function local pboxes = {} for i=1, n do table.insert(pboxes, { x = quadpoints[i-1].ul.x, y = quadpoints[i-1].ul.y, w = quadpoints[i-1].lr.x - quadpoints[i-1].ul.x + 1, h = quadpoints[i-1].lr.y - quadpoints[i-1].ul.y + 1, }) end return pboxes end function PdfDocument:saveHighlight(pageno, item) local can_write = self:_checkIfWritable() if can_write ~= true then return can_write end self.is_edited = true local quadpoints, n = _quadpointsFromPboxes(item.pboxes) local page = self._document:openPage(pageno) local annot_type = C.PDF_ANNOT_HIGHLIGHT if item.drawer == "lighten" then annot_type = C.PDF_ANNOT_HIGHLIGHT elseif item.drawer == "underscore" then annot_type = C.PDF_ANNOT_UNDERLINE elseif item.drawer == "strikeout" then annot_type = C.PDF_ANNOT_STRIKE_OUT end page:addMarkupAnnotation(quadpoints, n, annot_type) -- may update/adjust quadpoints -- Update pboxes with the possibly adjusted coordinates (this will have it updated -- in self.view.highlight.saved[page]) item.pboxes = _quadpointsToPboxes(quadpoints, n) page:close() self:resetTileCacheValidity() end function PdfDocument:deleteHighlight(pageno, item) local can_write = self:_checkIfWritable() if can_write ~= true then return can_write end self.is_edited = true local quadpoints, n = _quadpointsFromPboxes(item.pboxes) local page = self._document:openPage(pageno) local annot = page:getMarkupAnnotation(quadpoints, n) if annot ~= nil then page:deleteMarkupAnnotation(annot) self:resetTileCacheValidity() end page:close() end function PdfDocument:updateHighlightContents(pageno, item, contents) local can_write = self:_checkIfWritable() if can_write ~= true then return can_write end self.is_edited = true local quadpoints, n = _quadpointsFromPboxes(item.pboxes) local page = self._document:openPage(pageno) local annot = page:getMarkupAnnotation(quadpoints, n) if annot ~= nil then page:updateMarkupAnnotation(annot, contents) self:resetTileCacheValidity() end page:close() end function PdfDocument:writeDocument() logger.info("writing document to", self.file) self._document:writeDocument(self.file) end function PdfDocument:close() -- NOTE: We can't just rely on Document:close's return code for that, as we need self._document -- in :writeDocument, and it would have been destroyed. local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") if DocumentRegistry:getReferenceCount(self.file) == 1 then -- We're the final reference to this Document instance. if self.is_edited then self:writeDocument() end end Document.close(self) end function PdfDocument:getLinkFromPosition(pageno, pos) return self.koptinterface:getLinkFromPosition(self, pageno, pos) end function PdfDocument:clipPagePNGFile(pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer, filename) return self.koptinterface:clipPagePNGFile(self, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer, filename) end function PdfDocument:clipPagePNGString(pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer) return self.koptinterface:clipPagePNGString(self, pos0, pos1, pboxes, drawer) end function PdfDocument:getPageBBox(pageno) return self.koptinterface:getPageBBox(self, pageno) end function PdfDocument:getPageDimensions(pageno, zoom, rotation) return self.koptinterface:getPageDimensions(self, pageno, zoom, rotation) end function PdfDocument:getCoverPageImage() return self.koptinterface:getCoverPageImage(self) end function PdfDocument:findText(pattern, origin, reverse, case_insensitive, page) return self.koptinterface:findText(self, pattern, origin, reverse, case_insensitive, page) end function PdfDocument:findAllText(pattern, case_insensitive, nb_context_words, max_hits) return self.koptinterface:findAllText(self, pattern, case_insensitive, nb_context_words, max_hits) end function PdfDocument:renderPage(pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, gamma, hinting) return self.koptinterface:renderPage(self, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, gamma, hinting) end function PdfDocument:hintPage(pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) return self.koptinterface:hintPage(self, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) end function PdfDocument:drawPage(target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) return self.koptinterface:drawPage(self, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma) end function PdfDocument:register(registry) --- Document types --- registry:addProvider("cbt", "application/vnd.comicbook+tar", self, 100) registry:addProvider("cbz", "application/vnd.comicbook+zip", self, 100) registry:addProvider("cbz", "application/x-cbz", self, 100) -- Alternative mimetype for OPDS. registry:addProvider("cfb", "application/octet-stream", self, 80) -- Compound File Binary, a Microsoft general-purpose file with a file-system-like structure. registry:addProvider("docx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", self, 80) registry:addProvider("epub", "application/epub+zip", self, 50) registry:addProvider("epub3", "application/epub+zip", self, 50) registry:addProvider("fb2", "application/fb2", self, 80) registry:addProvider("htm", "text/html", self, 90) registry:addProvider("html", "text/html", self, 90) registry:addProvider("mobi", "application/x-mobipocket-ebook", self, 80) registry:addProvider("pdf", "application/pdf", self, 100) registry:addProvider("pptx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", self, 80) registry:addProvider("tar", "application/x-tar", self, 10) registry:addProvider("txt", "text/plain", self, 80) registry:addProvider("xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml", self, 90) registry:addProvider("xml", "application/xml", self, 10) registry:addProvider("xps", "application/oxps", self, 100) registry:addProvider("xlsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", self, 80) registry:addProvider("zip", "application/zip", self, 20) --- Picture types --- registry:addProvider("gif", "image/gif", self, 90) -- MS HD Photo == JPEG XR registry:addProvider("hdp", "image/vnd.ms-photo", self, 90) registry:addProvider("j2k", "image/jp2", self, 90) registry:addProvider("jp2", "image/jp2", self, 90) registry:addProvider("jpeg", "image/jpeg", self, 90) registry:addProvider("jpg", "image/jpeg", self, 90) -- JPEG XR registry:addProvider("jxr", "image/jxr", self, 90) registry:addProvider("pam", "image/x-portable-arbitrarymap", self, 90) registry:addProvider("pbm", "image/x‑portable‑bitmap", self, 90) registry:addProvider("pgm", "image/x‑portable‑bitmap", self, 90) registry:addProvider("png", "image/png", self, 90) registry:addProvider("pnm", "image/x‑portable‑bitmap", self, 90) registry:addProvider("ppm", "image/x‑portable‑bitmap", self, 90) registry:addProvider("svg", "image/svg+xml", self, 80) registry:addProvider("tif", "image/tiff", self, 90) registry:addProvider("tiff", "image/tiff", self, 90) -- Windows Media Photo == JPEG XR registry:addProvider("wdp", "image/vnd.ms-photo", self, 90) end return PdfDocument