local BD = require("ui/bidi") local BookStatusWidget = require("ui/widget/bookstatuswidget") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage") local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local ReaderFooter = require("apps/reader/modules/readerfooter") local ReaderProgress = require("readerprogress") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local joinPath = require("ffi/util").joinPath local Screen = require("device").screen local N_ = _.ngettext local T = require("ffi/util").template local statistics_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/statistics/" local db_location = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/statistics.sqlite3" local PAGE_INSERT = 50 local DEFAULT_MIN_READ_SEC = 5 local DEFAULT_MAX_READ_SEC = 120 local ReaderStatistics = Widget:extend{ name = "statistics", page_min_read_sec = DEFAULT_MIN_READ_SEC, page_max_read_sec = DEFAULT_MAX_READ_SEC, start_current_period = 0, curr_page = 0, id_curr_book = nil, curr_total_time = 0, curr_total_pages = 0, is_enabled = nil, convert_to_db = nil, total_read_pages = 0, total_read_time = 0, avg_time = nil, pages_stats = {}, data = { title = "", authors = "", language = "", series = "", performance_in_pages = {}, total_time_in_sec = 0, highlights = 0, notes = 0, pages = 0, md5 = nil, }, } local shortDayOfWeekTranslation = { ["Mon"] = _("Mon"), ["Tue"] = _("Tue"), ["Wed"] = _("Wed"), ["Thu"] = _("Thu"), ["Fri"] = _("Fri"), ["Sat"] = _("Sat"), ["Sun"] = _("Sun"), } local monthTranslation = { ["January"] = _("January"), ["February"] = _("February"), ["March"] = _("March"), ["April"] = _("April"), ["May"] = _("May"), ["June"] = _("June"), ["July"] = _("July"), ["August"] = _("August"), ["September"] = _("September"), ["October"] = _("October"), ["November"] = _("November"), ["December"] = _("December"), } function ReaderStatistics:isDocless() return self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil end function ReaderStatistics:init() if not self:isDocless() and self.ui.document.is_pic then return end self.start_current_period = TimeVal:now().sec self.pages_stats = {} local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("statistics") or {} self.page_min_read_sec = tonumber(settings.min_sec) self.page_max_read_sec = tonumber(settings.max_sec) self.is_enabled = not (settings.is_enabled == false) self.convert_to_db = settings.convert_to_db self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self:checkInitDatabase() BookStatusWidget.getStats = function() return self:getStatsBookStatus(self.id_curr_book, self.is_enabled) end ReaderFooter.getAvgTimePerPage = function() if self.is_enabled then return self.avg_time end end Screensaver.getReaderProgress = function() local readingprogress self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local current_period, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local today_period, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local dates_stats = self:getReadingProgressStats(7) if dates_stats then readingprogress = ReaderProgress:new{ dates = dates_stats, current_period = current_period, current_pages = current_pages, today_period = today_period, today_pages = today_pages, readonly = true, } end return readingprogress end local ReaderGesture = require("apps/reader/modules/readergesture") ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress = function() local readingprogress self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local current_period, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local today_period, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local dates_stats = self:getReadingProgressStats(7) if dates_stats then readingprogress = ReaderProgress:new{ dates = dates_stats, current_period = current_period, current_pages = current_pages, today_period = today_period, today_pages = today_pages, --readonly = true, } end return readingprogress end ReaderGesture.getBookStats = function() if self:isDocless() or not self.is_enabled then return end local stats = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Statistics"), kv_pairs = self:getCurrentStat(self.id_curr_book), } return stats end end function ReaderStatistics:initData() if self:isDocless() or not self.is_enabled then return end -- first execution if not self.data then self.data = { performance_in_pages= {} } end local book_properties = self:getBookProperties() self.data.title = book_properties.title if self.data.title == nil or self.data.title == "" then self.data.title = self.document.file:match("^.+/(.+)$") end self.data.authors = book_properties.authors self.data.language = book_properties.language self.data.series = book_properties.series self.data.pages = self.view.document:getPageCount() if not self.data.md5 then self.data.md5 = self:partialMd5(self.document.file) end self.curr_total_time = 0 self.curr_total_pages = 0 self.id_curr_book = self:getIdBookDB() self.total_read_pages, self.total_read_time = self:getPageTimeTotalStats(self.id_curr_book) if self.total_read_pages > 0 then self.avg_time = self.total_read_time / self.total_read_pages end end function ReaderStatistics:getStatsBookStatus(id_curr_book, stat_enable) if not stat_enable or id_curr_book == nil then return {} end self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' GROUP BY dates ) ]] local total_days = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_curr_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(period), count(DISTINCT page) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] local total_time_book, total_read_pages = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_curr_book)) conn:close() if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if total_read_pages == nil then total_read_pages = 0 end return { days = tonumber(total_days), time = tonumber(total_time_book), pages = tonumber(total_read_pages), } end function ReaderStatistics:checkInitDatabase() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) if self.convert_to_db then -- if conversion to sqlite was doing earlier if not conn:exec("pragma table_info('book');") then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_([[ Cannot open database in %1. The database may have been moved or deleted. Do you want to create an empty database? ]]), BD.filepath(db_location)), cancel_text = _("Close"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = _("Create"), ok_callback = function() local conn_new = SQ3.open(db_location) self:createDB(conn_new) conn_new:close() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text =_("A new empty database has been created."), timeout = 3 }) self:initData() end, }) end else -- first time convertion to sqlite database self.convert_to_db = true if not conn:exec("pragma table_info('book');") then local filename_first_history, quickstart_filename, __ if #ReadHistory.hist == 1 then filename_first_history = ReadHistory.hist[1]["text"] local quickstart_path = require("ui/quickstart").quickstart_filename __, quickstart_filename = util.splitFilePathName(quickstart_path) end if #ReadHistory.hist > 1 or (#ReadHistory.hist == 1 and filename_first_history ~= quickstart_filename) then local info = InfoMessage:new{ text =_([[ New version of statistics plugin detected. Statistics data needs to be converted into the new database format. This may take a few minutes. Please wait… ]])} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() local nr_book = self:migrateToDB(conn) UIManager:close(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text =T(_("Conversion completed.\nImported %1 books to database.\nTap to continue."),nr_book) }) else self:createDB(conn) end end self:saveSettings() end conn:close() end function ReaderStatistics:partialMd5(file) if file == nil then return nil end local bit = require("bit") local md5 = require("ffi/MD5") local lshift = bit.lshift local step, size = 1024, 1024 local m = md5.new() local file_handle = io.open(file, 'rb') for i = -1, 10 do file_handle:seek("set", lshift(step, 2*i)) local sample = file_handle:read(size) if sample then m:update(sample) else break end end return m:sum() end function ReaderStatistics:createDB(conn) -- Make it WAL, if possible if Device:canUseWAL() then conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") else conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=TRUNCATE;") end local sql_stmt = [[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS book ( id integer PRIMARY KEY autoincrement, title text, authors text, notes integer, last_open integer, highlights integer, pages integer, series text, language text, md5 text, total_read_time integer, total_read_pages integer ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS page_stat ( id_book integer, page integer NOT NULL, start_time integer NOT NULL, period integer NOT NULL, UNIQUE (page, start_time), FOREIGN KEY(id_book) REFERENCES book(id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS info ( version integer ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS page_stat_id_book ON page_stat(id_book); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS book_title_authors_md5 ON book(title, authors, md5); ]] conn:exec(sql_stmt) --DB structure version - now is version 1 local stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO info values (?)") stmt:reset():bind("1"):step() stmt:close() end function ReaderStatistics:addBookStatToDB(book_stats, conn) local id_book local last_open_book = 0 local start_open_page local diff_time local total_read_pages = 0 local total_read_time = 0 local sql_stmt if book_stats.total_time_in_sec and book_stats.total_time_in_sec > 0 and util.tableSize(book_stats.performance_in_pages) > 0 then local read_pages = util.tableSize(book_stats.performance_in_pages) logger.dbg("Insert to database: " .. book_stats.title) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(id) FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ? ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.data.md5):step() local nr_id = tonumber(result[1]) if nr_id == 0 then stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO book VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") stmt:reset():bind(book_stats.title, book_stats.authors, book_stats.notes, last_open_book, book_stats.highlights, book_stats.pages, book_stats.series, book_stats.language, self:partialMd5(book_stats.file), total_read_time, total_read_pages) :step() sql_stmt = [[ SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS num; ]] id_book = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) else sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ? ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.data.md5):step() id_book = result[1] end local sorted_performance = {} for k, _ in pairs(book_stats.performance_in_pages) do table.insert(sorted_performance, k) end table.sort(sorted_performance) conn:exec('BEGIN') stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO page_stat VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)") local avg_time = math.ceil(book_stats.total_time_in_sec / read_pages) if avg_time > self.page_max_read_sec then avg_time = self.page_max_read_sec end local first_read_page = book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[1]] if first_read_page > 1 then first_read_page = first_read_page - 1 end start_open_page = sorted_performance[1] --first page stmt:reset():bind(id_book, first_read_page, start_open_page - avg_time, avg_time):step() for i=2, #sorted_performance do start_open_page = sorted_performance[i-1] diff_time = sorted_performance[i] - sorted_performance[i-1] if diff_time <= self.page_max_read_sec then stmt:reset():bind(id_book, book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[i-1]], start_open_page, diff_time):step() elseif diff_time > self.page_max_read_sec then --and diff_time <= 2 * avg_time then stmt:reset():bind(id_book, book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[i-1]], start_open_page, avg_time):step() end end --last page stmt:reset():bind(id_book, book_stats.performance_in_pages[sorted_performance[#sorted_performance]], sorted_performance[#sorted_performance], avg_time):step() --last open book last_open_book = sorted_performance[#sorted_performance] + avg_time conn:exec('COMMIT') sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(DISTINCT page), sum(period) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = %s; ]] total_read_pages, total_read_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, tonumber(id_book))) sql_stmt = [[ UPDATE book SET last_open = ?, total_read_time = ?, total_read_pages = ? WHERE id = ? ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(last_open_book, total_read_time, total_read_pages, id_book):step() stmt:close() return true end end function ReaderStatistics:migrateToDB(conn) self:createDB(conn) local nr_of_conv_books = 0 local exclude_titles = {} for _, v in pairs(ReadHistory.hist) do local book_stats = DocSettings:open(v.file):readSetting('stats') if book_stats and book_stats.title == "" then book_stats.title = v.file:match("^.+/(.+)$") end if book_stats then book_stats.file = v.file if self:addBookStatToDB(book_stats, conn) then nr_of_conv_books = nr_of_conv_books + 1 exclude_titles[book_stats.title] = true else logger.dbg("Book not converted: " .. book_stats.title) end else logger.dbg("Empty stats for file: ", v.file) end end -- import from stats files (for backward compatibility) if lfs.attributes(statistics_dir, "mode") == "directory" then for curr_file in lfs.dir(statistics_dir) do local path = statistics_dir .. curr_file if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file" then local old_data = self:importFromFile(statistics_dir, curr_file) if old_data and old_data.total_time > 0 and not exclude_titles[old_data.title] then local book_stats = { performance_in_pages= {} } for _, v in pairs(old_data.details) do book_stats.performance_in_pages[v.time] = v.page end book_stats.title = old_data.title book_stats.authors = old_data.authors book_stats.notes = old_data.notes book_stats.highlights = old_data.highlights book_stats.pages = old_data.pages book_stats.series = old_data.series book_stats.language = old_data.language book_stats.total_time_in_sec = old_data.total_time book_stats.file = nil if self:addBookStatToDB(book_stats, conn) then nr_of_conv_books = nr_of_conv_books + 1 else logger.dbg("Book not converted (old stats): " .. book_stats.title) end end end end end return nr_of_conv_books end function ReaderStatistics:getIdBookDB() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local id_book local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(id) FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ? ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) local result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.data.md5):step() local nr_id = tonumber(result[1]) if nr_id == 0 then stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO book VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.data.notes, TimeVal:now().sec, self.data.highlights, self.data.pages, self.data.series, self.data.language, self.data.md5, self.curr_total_time, self.curr_total_pages):step() sql_stmt = [[ SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS num; ]] id_book = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) else sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book WHERE title = ? AND authors = ? AND md5 = ? ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) result = stmt:reset():bind(self.data.title, self.data.authors, self.data.md5):step() id_book = result[1] end conn:close() return tonumber(id_book) end function ReaderStatistics:insertDB(id_book) self.pages_stats[TimeVal:now().sec] = self.curr_page if id_book == nil or util.tableSize(self.pages_stats) < 2 then return end local diff_time local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sorted_performance = {} for time, pages in pairs(self.pages_stats) do table.insert(sorted_performance, time) end table.sort(sorted_performance) conn:exec('BEGIN') local stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO page_stat VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)") for i=1, #sorted_performance - 1 do diff_time = sorted_performance[i+1] - sorted_performance[i] if diff_time >= self.page_min_read_sec then stmt:reset():bind(id_book, self.pages_stats[sorted_performance[i]], sorted_performance[i], math.min(diff_time, self.page_max_read_sec)):step() end end conn:exec('COMMIT') local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(DISTINCT page), sum(period) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] local total_read_pages, total_read_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ UPDATE book SET last_open = ?, notes = ?, highlights = ?, total_read_time = ?, total_read_pages = ?, pages = ? WHERE id = ? ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(TimeVal:now().sec, self.data.notes, self.data.highlights, total_read_time, total_read_pages, self.data.pages, id_book):step() if total_read_pages then self.total_read_pages = tonumber(total_read_pages) else self.total_read_pages = 0 end if total_read_time then self.total_read_time = tonumber(total_read_time) else self.total_read_time = 0 end self.pages_stats = {} -- last page must be added once more self.pages_stats[TimeVal:now().sec] = self.curr_page conn:close() end function ReaderStatistics:getPageTimeTotalStats(id_book) if id_book == nil then return end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT total_read_pages, total_read_time FROM book WHERE id = '%s' ]] local total_pages, total_time = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) if total_pages then total_pages = tonumber(total_pages) else total_pages = 0 end if total_time then total_time = tonumber(total_time) else total_time = 0 end conn:close() return total_pages, total_time end function ReaderStatistics:getBookProperties() local props = self.view.document:getProps() if props.title == "No document" or props.title == "" then --- @fixme Sometimes crengine returns "No document", try one more time. props = self.view.document:getProps() end return props end function ReaderStatistics:getStatisticEnabledMenuItem() return { text = _("Enabled"), checked_func = function() return self.is_enabled end, callback = function() -- if was enabled, have to save data to file if self.is_enabled and not self:isDocless() then self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) end self.is_enabled = not self.is_enabled -- if was disabled have to get data from db if self.is_enabled and not self:isDocless() then self:initData() self.pages_stats = {} self.start_current_period = TimeVal:now().sec if self.document.info.has_pages then self.curr_page = self.ui.paging.current_page else self.curr_page = self.document:getCurrentPage() end self.pages_stats[self.start_current_period] = self.curr_page end self:saveSettings() if not self:isDocless() then self.view.footer:updateFooter() end end, } end function ReaderStatistics:updateSettings() self.settings_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new { title = _("Statistics settings"), fields = { { text = self.page_min_read_sec, description = T(_("Min seconds, default is %1"), DEFAULT_MIN_READ_SEC), input_type = "number", }, { text = self.page_max_read_sec, description = T(_("Max seconds, default is %1"), DEFAULT_MAX_READ_SEC), input_type = "number", }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.settings_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.settings_dialog) end }, { text = _("Apply"), callback = function() self:saveSettings(MultiInputDialog:getFields()) self.settings_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.settings_dialog) end }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.95, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, input_type = "number", } UIManager:show(self.settings_dialog) self.settings_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function ReaderStatistics:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.statistics = { text = _("Reading statistics"), sub_item_table = { self:getStatisticEnabledMenuItem(), { text = _("Settings"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:updateSettings() end, }, { text = _("Reset book statistics"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:resetBook() end }, { text = _("Current book"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Statistics"), kv_pairs = self:getCurrentStat(self.id_curr_book), }) end, enabled_func = function() return not self:isDocless() and self.is_enabled end, }, { text = _("Reading progress"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local current_period, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local today_period, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local dates_stats = self:getReadingProgressStats(7) if dates_stats then UIManager:show(ReaderProgress:new{ dates = dates_stats, current_period = current_period, current_pages = current_pages, today_period = today_period, today_pages = today_pages, }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text =T(_("Reading progress unavailable.\nNo data from last %1 days."),7)}) end end }, { text = _("Time range"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:statMenu() end }, }, } end function ReaderStatistics:statMenu() self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Time range statistics"), return_button = true, kv_pairs = { { _("All books"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) local total_msg, kv_pairs = self:getTotalStats() self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = total_msg, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = kv_pairs, callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, "----", { _("Last week"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last week"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(7, "daily_weekday"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Last month by day"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last month by day"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(30, "daily_weekday"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Last year by day"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last year by day"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(365, "daily"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Last year by week"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Last year by week"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(365, "weekly"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("All stats by month"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("All stats by month"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(0, "monthly"), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, "----", { _("Books by week"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Books by week"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(0, "weekly", true), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }, { _("Books by month"),"", callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Books by month"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesFromAll(0, "monthly", true), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, } } } UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:getTodayBookStats() local now_stamp = os.time() local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour * 3600 + now_t.min * 60 + now_t.sec local start_today_time = now_stamp - from_begin_day local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*), sum(sum_period) FROM ( SELECT sum(period) AS sum_period FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page ) ]] local today_pages, today_period = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, start_today_time)) if today_pages == nil then today_pages = 0 end if today_period == nil then today_period = 0 end today_period = tonumber(today_period) today_pages = tonumber(today_pages) conn:close() return today_period, today_pages end function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentBookStats() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*), sum(sum_period) FROM ( SELECT sum(period) AS sum_period FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page ) ]] local current_pages, current_period = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, self.start_current_period)) if current_pages == nil then current_pages = 0 end if current_period == nil then current_period = 0 end current_period = tonumber(current_period) current_pages = tonumber(current_pages) return current_period, current_pages end function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentStat(id_book) if id_book == nil then return end self:insertDB(id_book) local today_period, today_pages = self:getTodayBookStats() local current_period, current_pages = self:getCurrentBookStats() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local notes, highlights = conn:rowexec(string.format("SELECT notes, highlights FROM book WHERE id = '%s';)", id_book)) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' GROUP BY dates ) ]] local total_days = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(period), count(DISTINCT page) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] local total_time_book, total_read_pages = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if total_read_pages == nil then total_read_pages = 0 end self.data.pages = self.view.document:getPageCount() total_time_book = tonumber(total_time_book) total_read_pages = tonumber(total_read_pages) local time_to_read = (self.data.pages - self.view.state.page) * self.avg_time local estimate_days_to_read = math.ceil(time_to_read/(total_time_book/tonumber(total_days))) local estimate_end_of_read_date = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", tonumber(os.time() + estimate_days_to_read * 86400)) local formatstr = "%.0f%%" return { { _("Time spent reading this session"), util.secondsToClock(current_period, false) }, { _("Pages read this session"), tonumber(current_pages) }, { _("Time spent reading today"), util.secondsToClock(today_period, false) }, { _("Pages read today"), tonumber(today_pages) }, { _("Time to read"), util.secondsToClock(time_to_read), false}, { _("Total time"), util.secondsToClock(total_time_book, false) }, { _("Total highlights"), tonumber(highlights) }, { _("Total notes"), tonumber(notes) }, { _("Total pages read"), tonumber(total_read_pages) }, { _("Total days"), tonumber(total_days) }, { _("Average time per page"), util.secondsToClock(self.avg_time, false) }, { _("Current pages read/Total pages"), self.curr_page .. "/" .. self.data.pages }, { _("Percentage completed"), formatstr:format(self.curr_page/self.data.pages * 100) }, { _("Average time per day"), util.secondsToClock(total_time_book/tonumber(total_days)), false }, { _("Estimated reading finished"), T(N_("%1 (1 day)", "%1 (%2 days)", estimate_days_to_read), estimate_end_of_read_date, estimate_days_to_read) }, } end function ReaderStatistics:getBookStat(id_book) if id_book == nil then return end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title, authors, notes, highlights, pages, last_open FROM book WHERE id = '%s' ]] local title, authors, notes, highlights, pages, last_open = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' GROUP BY dates ) ]] local total_days = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(period), count(DISTINCT page) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] local total_time_book, total_read_pages = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT min(start_time) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] local first_open = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if total_read_pages == nil then total_read_pages = 0 end total_time_book = tonumber(total_time_book) total_read_pages = tonumber(total_read_pages) pages = tonumber(pages) if pages == nil or pages == 0 then pages = 1 end local avg_time_per_page = total_time_book / total_read_pages return { { _("Title"), title}, { _("Authors"), authors}, { _("First opened"), os.date("%Y-%m-%d (%H:%M)", tonumber(first_open))}, { _("Last opened"), os.date("%Y-%m-%d (%H:%M)", tonumber(last_open))}, { _("Total time"), util.secondsToClock(total_time_book, false) }, { _("Total highlights"), tonumber(highlights) }, { _("Total notes"), tonumber(notes) }, { _("Total days"), tonumber(total_days) }, { _("Average time per page"), util.secondsToClock(avg_time_per_page, false) }, { _("Read pages/Total pages"), total_read_pages .. "/" .. pages }, -- adding 0.5 rounds to nearest integer with math.floor { _("Percentage completed"), math.floor(total_read_pages / pages * 100 + 0.5) .. "%" }, "----", { _("Show days"), _("Tap to display"), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Read in days"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesForBook(id_book), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, } } end local function sqlDaily() return [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_period) AS periods, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(period) AS sum_period, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC ]] end local function sqlWeekly() return [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_period) AS periods, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%W', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(period) AS sum_period, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC ]] end local function sqlMonthly() return [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_period) AS periods, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(period) AS sum_period, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC ]] end function ReaderStatistics:callbackMonthly(begin, finish, date_text, book_mode) local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) if book_mode then self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Books from: %1"), date_text), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } else self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = date_text, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDaysFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } end UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:callbackWeekly(begin, finish, date_text, book_mode) local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) if book_mode then self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Books from: %1"), date_text), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } else self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = date_text, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDaysFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } end UIManager:show(self.kv) end function ReaderStatistics:callbackDaily(begin, finish, date_text) local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = date_text, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(begin, finish), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end -- sdays -> number of days to show -- ptype -> daily - show daily without weekday name -- daily_weekday - show daily with weekday name -- weekly - show weekly -- monthly - show monthly -- book_mode = if true than show book in this period function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype, book_mode) local results = {} local year_begin, year_end, month_begin, month_end local timestamp local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour *3600 + now_t.min*60 + now_t.sec local now_stamp = os.time() local one_day = 86400 -- one day in seconds local sql_stmt_res_book local period_begin = 0 if sdays > 0 then period_begin = now_stamp - ((sdays-1) * one_day) - from_begin_day end if ptype == "daily" or ptype == "daily_weekday" then sql_stmt_res_book = sqlDaily() elseif ptype == "weekly" then sql_stmt_res_book = sqlWeekly() elseif ptype == "monthly" then sql_stmt_res_book = sqlMonthly() end self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt_res_book, period_begin)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end for i=1, #result_book.dates do local date_text timestamp = tonumber(result_book[4][i]) if ptype == "daily_weekday" then date_text = string.format("%s (%s)", os.date("%Y-%m-%d", timestamp), shortDayOfWeekTranslation[os.date("%a", timestamp)]) elseif ptype == "daily" then date_text = result_book[1][i] elseif ptype == "weekly" then date_text = T(_("%1 Week %2"), os.date("%Y", timestamp), os.date(" %W", timestamp)) elseif ptype == "monthly" then date_text = monthTranslation[os.date("%B", timestamp)] .. os.date(" %Y", timestamp) else date_text = result_book[1][i] end if ptype == "monthly" then year_begin = tonumber(os.date("%Y", timestamp)) month_begin = tonumber(os.date("%m", timestamp)) if month_begin == 12 then year_end = year_begin + 1 month_end = 1 else year_end = year_begin month_end = month_begin + 1 end local start_month = os.time{year=year_begin, month=month_begin, day=1, hour=0, min=0 } local stop_month = os.time{year=year_end, month=month_end, day=1, hour=0, min=0 } table.insert(results, { date_text, T(_("Pages: (%1) Time: %2"), tonumber(result_book[2][i]), util.secondsToClock(tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false)), callback = function() self:callbackMonthly(start_month, stop_month, date_text, book_mode) end, }) elseif ptype == "weekly" then local time_book = os.date("%H%M%S%w", timestamp) local begin_week = tonumber(result_book[4][i]) - 3600 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,1,2)) - 60 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,3,4)) - tonumber(string.sub(time_book,5,6)) local weekday = tonumber(string.sub(time_book,7,8)) if weekday == 0 then weekday = 6 else weekday = weekday - 1 end begin_week = begin_week - weekday * 86400 table.insert(results, { date_text, T(_("Pages: (%1) Time: %2"), tonumber(result_book[2][i]), util.secondsToClock(tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false)), callback = function() self:callbackWeekly(begin_week, begin_week + 7 * 86400, date_text, book_mode) end, }) else local time_book = os.date("%H%M%S", timestamp) local begin_day = tonumber(result_book[4][i]) - 3600 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,1,2)) - 60 * tonumber(string.sub(time_book,3,4)) - tonumber(string.sub(time_book,5,6)) table.insert(results, { date_text, T(_("Pages: (%1) Time: %2"), tonumber(result_book[2][i]), util.secondsToClock(tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false)), callback = function() self:callbackDaily(begin_day, begin_day + 86400, date_text) end, }) end end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getDaysFromPeriod(period_begin, period_end) local results = {} local sql_stmt_res_book = [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_period) AS periods, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(period) AS sum_period, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' AND start_time < '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt_res_book, period_begin, period_end)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end for i=1, #result_book.dates do local time_begin = os.time{year=string.sub(result_book[1][i],1,4), month=string.sub(result_book[1][i],6,7), day=string.sub(result_book[1][i],9,10), hour=0, min=0, sec=0 } table.insert(results, { result_book[1][i], T(_("Pages: (%1) Time: %2"), tonumber(result_book[2][i]), util.secondsToClock(tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false)), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = T(_("Books in %1"), result_book[1][i]), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBooksFromPeriod(time_begin, time_begin + 86400), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getBooksFromPeriod(period_begin, period_end) local results = {} local sql_stmt_res_book = [[ SELECT book_tbl.title AS title, sum(page_stat_tbl.period), count(distinct page_stat_tbl.page), book_tbl.id FROM page_stat AS page_stat_tbl, book AS book_tbl WHERE page_stat_tbl.id_book=book_tbl.id AND page_stat_tbl.start_time > '%s' AND page_stat_tbl.start_time <= '%s' GROUP BY book_tbl.id ORDER BY book_tbl.last_open DESC ]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt_res_book, period_begin, period_end)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end for i=1, #result_book.title do table.insert(results, { result_book[1][i], T(_("%1 (%2)"), util.secondsToClock(tonumber(result_book[2][i]), false), tonumber(result_book[3][i])), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Read in days"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getDatesForBook(tonumber(result_book[4][i])), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getReadingProgressStats(sdays) local results = {} local pages, period, date_read local now_t = os.date("*t") local from_begin_day = now_t.hour *3600 + now_t.min*60 + now_t.sec local now_stamp = os.time() local one_day = 86400 -- one day in seconds local period_begin = now_stamp - ((sdays-1) * one_day) - from_begin_day local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT dates, count(*) AS pages, sum(sum_period) AS periods, start_time FROM ( SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%d', start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, sum(period) AS sum_period, start_time FROM page_stat WHERE start_time >= '%s' GROUP BY id_book, page, dates ) GROUP BY dates ORDER BY dates DESC ]] local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt, period_begin)) if not result_book then return end for i = 1, sdays do pages = tonumber(result_book[2][i]) period = tonumber(result_book[3][i]) date_read = result_book[1][i] if pages == nil then pages = 0 end if period == nil then period = 0 end table.insert(results, { pages, period, date_read }) end conn:close() return results end function ReaderStatistics:getDatesForBook(id_book) local results = {} local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT date(start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS dates, count(DISTINCT page) AS pages, sum(period) AS periods FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' GROUP BY Date(start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') ORDER BY dates DESC ]] local result_book = conn:exec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) conn:close() if result_book == nil then return {} end for i=1, #result_book.dates do table.insert(results, { result_book[1][i], T(_("Pages: (%1) Time: %2"), tonumber(result_book[2][i]), util.secondsToClock(tonumber(result_book[3][i]), false)) }) end return results end function ReaderStatistics:getTotalStats() self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(period) FROM page_stat ]] local total_books_time = conn:rowexec(sql_stmt) if total_books_time == nil then total_books_time = 0 end local total_stats = {} sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book ORDER BY last_open DESC ]] local id_book_tbl = conn:exec(sql_stmt) local nr_books if id_book_tbl ~= nil then nr_books = #id_book_tbl.id else nr_books = 0 end local total_time_book for i=1, nr_books do local id_book = tonumber(id_book_tbl[1][i]) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = '%s' ]] local book_title = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(period) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] total_time_book = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt,id_book)) if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end table.insert(total_stats, { book_title, util.secondsToClock(total_time_book, false), callback = function() local kv = self.kv UIManager:close(self.kv) self.kv = KeyValuePage:new{ title = book_title, value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = self:getBookStat(id_book), callback_return = function() UIManager:show(kv) self.kv = kv end } UIManager:show(self.kv) end, }) end conn:close() return T(_("Total hours read %1"), util.secondsToClock(total_books_time, false)), total_stats end function ReaderStatistics:resetBook() local total_stats = {} local kv_reset_book self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ SELECT id FROM book ORDER BY last_open DESC ]] local id_book_tbl = conn:exec(sql_stmt) local nr_books if id_book_tbl ~= nil then nr_books = #id_book_tbl.id else nr_books = 0 end local total_time_book for i=1, nr_books do local id_book = tonumber(id_book_tbl[1][i]) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT title FROM book WHERE id = '%s' ]] local book_title = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt, id_book)) sql_stmt = [[ SELECT sum(period) FROM page_stat WHERE id_book = '%s' ]] total_time_book = conn:rowexec(string.format(sql_stmt,id_book)) if total_time_book == nil then total_time_book = 0 end if id_book ~= self.id_curr_book then table.insert(total_stats, { book_title, util.secondsToClock(total_time_book, false), id_book, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Do you want to reset statistics for book:\n%1"), book_title), cancel_text = _("Cancel"), cancel_callback = function() return end, ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() for j=1, #total_stats do if total_stats[j][3] == id_book then self:deleteBook(id_book) table.remove(total_stats, j) break end end --refresh window after delete item kv_reset_book:_populateItems() end, }) end, }) end end kv_reset_book = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Reset book statistics"), value_align = "right", kv_pairs = total_stats, } UIManager:show(kv_reset_book) conn:close() end function ReaderStatistics:deleteBook(id_book) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql_stmt = [[ DELETE from book WHERE id = ? ]] local stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_book):step() sql_stmt = [[ DELETE from page_stat WHERE id_book = ? ]] stmt = conn:prepare(sql_stmt) stmt:reset():bind(id_book):step() stmt:close() conn:close() end function ReaderStatistics:onPosUpdate(pos, pageno) if self.curr_page ~= pageno then self:onPageUpdate(pageno) end end function ReaderStatistics:onPageUpdate(pageno) if self:isDocless() or not self.is_enabled then return end self.curr_page = pageno self.pages_stats[TimeVal:now().sec] = pageno local mem_read_pages = 0 local mem_read_time = 0 if util.tableSize(self.pages_stats) > 1 then mem_read_pages = util.tableSize(self.pages_stats) - 1 local sorted_performance = {} for time, page in pairs(self.pages_stats) do table.insert(sorted_performance, time) end table.sort(sorted_performance) local diff_time for i=1, #sorted_performance - 1 do diff_time = sorted_performance[i + 1] - sorted_performance[i] if diff_time <= self.page_max_read_sec and diff_time >= self.page_min_read_sec then mem_read_time = mem_read_time + diff_time elseif diff_time > self.page_max_read_sec then mem_read_time = mem_read_time + self.page_max_read_sec end end end -- every 50 pages we write stats to database if util.tableSize(self.pages_stats) % PAGE_INSERT == 0 then self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) mem_read_pages = 0 mem_read_time = 0 end if self.total_read_pages > 0 or mem_read_pages > 0 then self.avg_time = (self.total_read_time + mem_read_time) / (self.total_read_pages + mem_read_pages) end end -- For backward compatibility function ReaderStatistics:importFromFile(base_path, item) item = string.gsub(item, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- trim if item ~= ".stat" then local statistic_file = joinPath(base_path, item) if lfs.attributes(statistic_file, "mode") == "directory" then return end local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, statistic_file) if ok then return stored end end end function ReaderStatistics:onCloseDocument() if not self:isDocless() and self.is_enabled then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) end end function ReaderStatistics:onAddHighlight() self.data.highlights = self.data.highlights + 1 return true end function ReaderStatistics:onDelHighlight() if self.data.highlights > 0 then self.data.highlights = self.data.highlights - 1 end return true end function ReaderStatistics:onAddNote() self.data.notes = self.data.notes + 1 end function ReaderStatistics:onSaveSettings() self:saveSettings() if not self:isDocless() then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) end end -- in case when screensaver starts function ReaderStatistics:onSuspend() if not self:isDocless() then self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data) self:insertDB(self.id_curr_book) end end -- screensaver off function ReaderStatistics:onResume() self.start_current_period = TimeVal:now().sec self.pages_stats = {} self.pages_stats[self.start_current_period] = self.curr_page end function ReaderStatistics:saveSettings(fields) if fields then self.page_min_read_sec = tonumber(fields[1]) self.page_max_read_sec = tonumber(fields[2]) end local settings = { min_sec = self.page_min_read_sec, max_sec = self.page_max_read_sec, is_enabled = self.is_enabled, convert_to_db = self.convert_to_db } G_reader_settings:saveSetting("statistics", settings) end function ReaderStatistics:onReadSettings(config) self.data = config.data.stats end function ReaderStatistics:onReaderReady() -- we have correct page count now, do the actual initialization work self:initData() self.view.footer:updateFooter() end return ReaderStatistics