local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local md5 = require("ffi/sha2").md5 local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = ffiutil.template local MyClipping = { my_clippings = "/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt", } function MyClipping:new(o) if o == nil then o = {} end setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end --[[ -- clippings: main table to store parsed highlights and notes entries -- { -- ["Title(Author Name)"] = { -- { -- { -- ["page"] = 123, -- ["time"] = 1398127554, -- ["text"] = "Games of all sorts were played in homes and fields." -- }, -- { -- ["page"] = 156, -- ["time"] = 1398128287, -- ["text"] = "There Spenser settled down to gentleman farming.", -- ["note"] = "This is a sample note.", -- }, -- ["title"] = "Chapter I" -- }, -- } -- } -- ]] function MyClipping:parseMyClippings() -- My Clippings format: -- Title(Author Name) -- Your Highlight on Page 123 | Added on Monday, April 21, 2014 10:08:07 PM -- -- This is a sample highlight. -- ========== local file = io.open(self.my_clippings, "r") local clippings = {} if file then local index = 1 local title, author, info, text for line in file:lines() do line = line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" if index == 1 then title, author = self:parseTitleFromPath(line) clippings[title] = clippings[title] or { title = title, author = author, } elseif index == 2 then info = self:getInfo(line) -- elseif index == 3 then -- should be a blank line, we skip this line elseif index == 4 then text = self:getText(line) end if line == "==========" then if index == 5 then -- entry ends normally local clipping = { page = info.page or info.location, sort = info.sort, time = info.time, text = text, } -- we cannot extract chapter info so just insert clipping -- to a place holder chapter table.insert(clippings[title], { clipping }) end index = 0 end index = index + 1 end file:close() end return clippings end local extensions = { [".pdf"] = true, [".djvu"] = true, [".epub"] = true, [".fb2"] = true, [".mobi"] = true, [".txt"] = true, [".html"] = true, [".doc"] = true, } -- first attempt to parse from document metadata -- remove file extensions added by former KOReader -- extract author name in "Title(Author)" format -- extract author name in "Title - Author" format function MyClipping:parseTitleFromPath(line) line = line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" if extensions[line:sub(-4):lower()] then line = line:sub(1, -5) elseif extensions[line:sub(-5):lower()] then line = line:sub(1, -6) end local _, _, title, author = line:find("(.-)%s*%((.*)%)") if not author then _, _, title, author = line:find("(.-)%s*-%s*(.*)") end if not title then title = line end return title:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"), author end local keywords = { ["highlight"] = { "Highlight", "标注", }, ["note"] = { "Note", "笔记", }, ["bookmark"] = { "Bookmark", "书签", }, } local months = { ["Jan"] = 1, ["Feb"] = 2, ["Mar"] = 3, ["Apr"] = 4, ["May"] = 5, ["Jun"] = 6, ["Jul"] = 7, ["Aug"] = 8, ["Sep"] = 9, ["Oct"] = 10, ["Nov"] = 11, ["Dec"] = 12 } local pms = { ["PM"] = 12, ["下午"] = 12, } function MyClipping:getTime(line) if not line then return end local _, _, year, month, day = line:find("(%d+)年(%d+)月(%d+)日") if not year or not month or not day then _, _, year, month, day = line:find("(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)") end if not year or not month or not day then for k, v in pairs(months) do if line:find(k) then month = v _, _, day = line:find(" (%d?%d),") _, _, year = line:find(" (%d%d%d%d)") break end end end local _, _, hour, minute, second = line:find("(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)") if year and month and day and hour and minute and second then for k, v in pairs(pms) do if line:find(k) then hour = hour + v break end end local time = os.time({ year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = minute, sec = second, }) return time end end function MyClipping:getInfo(line) local info = {} line = line or "" local _, _, part1, part2 = line:find("(.+)%s*|%s*(.+)") -- find entry type and location for sort, words in pairs(keywords) do for _, word in ipairs(words) do if part1 and part1:find(word) then info.sort = sort info.location = part1:match("(%d+-?%d+)") break end end end -- find entry created time info.time = self:getTime(part2 or "") return info end function MyClipping:getText(line) line = line or "" return line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" end -- get PNG string and md5 hash function MyClipping:getImage(image) --DEBUG("image", image) local doc = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(image.file) if doc then local png = doc:clipPagePNGString(image.pos0, image.pos1, image.pboxes, image.drawer) --doc:clipPagePNGFile(image.pos0, image.pos1, --image.pboxes, image.drawer, "/tmp/"..md5(png)..".png") doc:close() if png then return { png = png, hash = md5(png) } end end end function MyClipping:parseHighlight(highlights, bookmarks, book) --DEBUG("book", book.file) -- create a translated pattern that matches bookmark auto-text -- see ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkAutoText and ReaderBookmark:getBookmarkPageString --- @todo Remove this once we get rid of auto-text or improve the data model. local pattern = "^" .. T(_("Page %1 %2 @ %3"), "%[?%d*%]?%d+", "(.*)", "%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d") .. "$" local orphan_highlights = {} for page, items in pairs(highlights) do for _, item in ipairs(items) do local clipping = {} clipping.page = page clipping.sort = "highlight" clipping.time = self:getTime(item.datetime or "") clipping.text = self:getText(item.text) clipping.chapter = item.chapter clipping.drawer = item.drawer local bookmark_found = false for _, bookmark in pairs(bookmarks) do if bookmark.datetime == item.datetime then if bookmark.text then local bookmark_quote = bookmark.text:match(pattern) if bookmark_quote ~= clipping.text and bookmark.text ~= clipping.text then -- use modified quoted text or entire bookmark text if it's not a match clipping.note = bookmark_quote or bookmark.text end end bookmark_found = true break end end if not bookmark_found then table.insert(orphan_highlights, { clipping }) end if item.text == "" and item.pos0 and item.pos1 and item.pos0.x and item.pos0.y and item.pos1.x and item.pos1.y then -- highlights in reflowing mode don't have page in pos if item.pos0.page == nil then item.pos0.page = page end if item.pos1.page == nil then item.pos1.page = page end local image = {} image.file = book.file image.pos0, image.pos1 = item.pos0, item.pos1 image.pboxes = item.pboxes image.drawer = item.drawer clipping.image = self:getImage(image) end --- @todo Store chapter info when exporting highlights. if (bookmark_found and clipping.text and clipping.text ~= "") or clipping.image then table.insert(book, { clipping }) end end end -- A table to map bookmarks timestamp to index in the bookmarks table -- to facilitate sorting clippings by their position in the book -- since highlights are not sorted by position while bookmarks are. local bookmark_indexes = {} for i, bookmark in ipairs(bookmarks) do bookmark_indexes[self:getTime(bookmark.datetime)] = i end -- Sort clippings by their position in the book. table.sort(book, function(v1, v2) return bookmark_indexes[v1[1].time] > bookmark_indexes[v2[1].time] end) -- Place orphans at the end for _, v in ipairs(orphan_highlights) do table.insert(book, v) end end function MyClipping:parseHistoryFile(clippings, history_file, doc_file) if lfs.attributes(history_file, "mode") ~= "file" or not history_file:find(".+%.lua$") then return end if lfs.attributes(doc_file, "mode") ~= "file" then return end local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, history_file) if ok then if not stored then logger.warn("An empty history file ", history_file, "has been found. The book associated is ", doc_file) return elseif not stored.highlight then return end local _, docname = util.splitFilePathName(doc_file) local parsed_title, parsed_author = self:parseTitleFromPath(util.splitFileNameSuffix(docname), doc_file) clippings[parsed_title] = { file = doc_file, title = stored.stats.title or parsed_title, author = stored.stats.authors or parsed_author, } self:parseHighlight(stored.highlight, stored.bookmarks, clippings[parsed_title]) end end function MyClipping:parseHistory() local clippings = {} local history_dir = DataStorage:getHistoryDir() if lfs.attributes(history_dir, "mode") == "directory" then for f in lfs.dir(history_dir) do local legacy_history_file = ffiutil.joinPath(history_dir, f) if lfs.attributes(legacy_history_file, "mode") == "file" then local doc_file = DocSettings:getFileFromHistory(f) if doc_file then self:parseHistoryFile(clippings, legacy_history_file, doc_file) end end end end for _, item in ipairs(require("readhistory").hist) do if not item.dim then self:parseHistoryFile(clippings, DocSettings:getSidecarFile(item.file, "doc"), item.file) self:parseHistoryFile(clippings, DocSettings:getSidecarFile(item.file, "dir"), item.file) end end return clippings end function MyClipping:getProps(file) local document = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(file) local book_props = nil if document then local loaded = true if document.loadDocument then -- CreDocument if not document:loadDocument(false) then -- load only metadata -- failed loading, calling other methods would segfault loaded = false end end if loaded then book_props = document:getProps() end document:close() end return book_props end local function isEmpty(s) return s == nil or s == "" end function MyClipping:getDocMeta(view) local props = self:getProps(view.document.file) local number_of_pages = view.document.info.number_of_pages local title = props.title local author = props.author or props.authors local path = view.document.file local _, _, docname = path:find(".*/(.*)") local parsed_title, parsed_author = self:parseTitleFromPath(docname) if isEmpty(title) then title = isEmpty(parsed_title) and "Unknown Book" or parsed_title end if isEmpty(author) then author = isEmpty(parsed_author) and "Unknown Author" or parsed_author end return { title = title, -- Replaces characters that are invalid in filenames. output_filename = util.getSafeFilename(title), author = author, number_of_pages = number_of_pages, file = view.document.file, } end function MyClipping:parseCurrentDoc(view) local clippings = {} local meta = self:getDocMeta(view) clippings[meta.title] = meta self:parseHighlight(view.highlight.saved, view.ui.bookmark.bookmarks, clippings[meta.title]) return clippings end return MyClipping