local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local ReaderSearch = InputContainer:new{ direction = 0, -- 0 for search forward, 1 for search backward case_insensitive = true, -- default to case insensitive -- internal: whether we expect results on previous pages -- (can be different from self.direction, if, from a page in the -- middle of a book, we search forward from start of book) _expect_back_results = false, } function ReaderSearch:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderSearch:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.fulltext_search = { text = _("Fulltext search"), callback = function() self:onShowFulltextSearchInput() end, } end function ReaderSearch:onShowFulltextSearchInput() self:onInput{ title = _("Enter text to search for"), type = "text", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self:closeInputDialog() end, }, { text = "◁", callback = function() self:onShowSearchDialog(self.input_dialog:getInputText(), 1) self:closeInputDialog() end, }, { text = "▷", is_enter_default = true, callback = function() self:onShowSearchDialog(self.input_dialog:getInputText(), 0) self:closeInputDialog() end, }, }, }, } end function ReaderSearch:onShowSearchDialog(text, direction) local neglect_current_location = false local current_page local do_search = function(search_func, _text, param) return function() local res = search_func(self, _text, param) if res then if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then self.ui.link:onGotoLink({page = res.page - 1}, neglect_current_location) self.view.highlight.temp[res.page] = res else -- Was previously just: -- self.ui.link:onGotoLink(res[1].start, neglect_current_location) -- To avoid problems with edge cases, crengine may now give us links -- that are on previous/next page of the page we should show. And -- sometimes even xpointers that resolve to no page. -- We need to loop thru all the results until we find one suitable, -- to follow its link and go to the next/prev page with occurences. local valid_link -- If backward search, results are already in a reversed order, so we'll -- start from the nearest to current page one. for _, r in ipairs(res) do -- result's start and end may be on different pages, we must -- consider both local r_start = r["start"] local r_end = r["end"] local r_start_page = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(r_start) local r_end_page = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(r_end) logger.dbg("res.start page & xpointer:", r_start_page, r_start) logger.dbg("res.end page & xpointer:", r_end_page, r_end) local bounds = {} if self._expect_back_results then -- Process end of occurence first, which is nearest to current page table.insert(bounds, {r_end, r_end_page}) table.insert(bounds, {r_start, r_start_page}) else table.insert(bounds, {r_start, r_start_page}) table.insert(bounds, {r_end, r_end_page}) end for _, b in ipairs(bounds) do local xpointer = b[1] local page = b[2] -- Look if it is valid for us if page then -- it should resolve to a page if not current_page then -- initial search -- We can (and should if there are) display results on current page current_page = self.ui.document:getCurrentPage() if (self._expect_back_results and page <= current_page) or (not self._expect_back_results and page >= current_page) then valid_link = xpointer end else -- subsequent searches -- We must change page, so only consider results from -- another page, in the adequate search direction current_page = self.ui.document:getCurrentPage() if (self._expect_back_results and page < current_page) or (not self._expect_back_results and page > current_page) then valid_link = xpointer end end end if valid_link then break end end if valid_link then break end end if valid_link then self.ui.link:onGotoLink({xpointer=valid_link}, neglect_current_location) end end -- Don't add result pages to location ("Go back") stack neglect_current_location = true end end end self.search_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ -- alpha = 0.7, buttons = { { { text = "▕◁", callback = do_search(self.searchFromStart, text), }, { text = "◁", callback = do_search(self.searchNext, text, 1), }, { text = "▷", callback = do_search(self.searchNext, text, 0), }, { text = "▷▏", callback = do_search(self.searchFromEnd, text), }, } }, tap_close_callback = function() logger.dbg("highlight clear") self.ui.highlight:clear() UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui") end, } do_search(self.searchFromCurrent, text, direction)() UIManager:show(self.search_dialog) --- @todo regional UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "partial") return true end function ReaderSearch:search(pattern, origin) logger.dbg("search pattern", pattern) if pattern == nil or pattern == '' then return end local direction = self.direction local case = self.case_insensitive local page = self.view.state.page return self.ui.document:findText(pattern, origin, direction, case, page) end function ReaderSearch:searchFromStart(pattern) self.direction = 0 self._expect_back_results = true return self:search(pattern, -1) end function ReaderSearch:searchFromEnd(pattern) self.direction = 1 self._expect_back_results = false return self:search(pattern, -1) end function ReaderSearch:searchFromCurrent(pattern, direction) self.direction = direction self._expect_back_results = direction == 1 return self:search(pattern, 0) end -- ignore current page and search next occurrence function ReaderSearch:searchNext(pattern, direction) self.direction = direction self._expect_back_results = direction == 1 return self:search(pattern, 1) end return ReaderSearch