local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = ffiutil.template local NetworkMgr = { is_wifi_on = false, is_connected = false, } function NetworkMgr:readNWSettings() self.nw_settings = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir().."/network.lua") end -- Used after restoreWifiAsync() and the turn_on beforeWifiAction to make sure we eventually send a NetworkConnected event, -- as quite a few things rely on it (KOSync, c.f. #5109; the network activity check, c.f., #6424). function NetworkMgr:connectivityCheck(iter, callback, widget) -- Give up after a while (restoreWifiAsync can take over 45s, so, try to cover that)... if iter > 25 then logger.info("Failed to restore Wi-Fi (after", iter, "iterations)!") self.wifi_was_on = false G_reader_settings:makeFalse("wifi_was_on") -- If we abort, murder Wi-Fi and the async script first... if Device:hasWifiManager() then os.execute("pkill -TERM restore-wifi-async.sh 2>/dev/null") end self:turnOffWifi() -- Handle the UI warning if it's from a beforeWifiAction... if widget then UIManager:close(widget) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Error connecting to the network") }) end return end self:queryNetworkState() if self.is_wifi_on and self.is_connected then self.wifi_was_on = true G_reader_settings:makeTrue("wifi_was_on") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("NetworkConnected")) logger.info("Wi-Fi successfully restored (after", iter, "iterations)!") -- Handle the UI & callback if it's from a beforeWifiAction... if widget then UIManager:close(widget) end if callback then callback() else -- If this trickled down from a turn_onbeforeWifiAction and there is no callback, -- mention that the action needs to be retried manually. if widget then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("You can now retry the action that required network access"), timeout = 3, }) end end else UIManager:scheduleIn(2, self.connectivityCheck, self, iter + 1, callback, widget) end end function NetworkMgr:scheduleConnectivityCheck(callback, widget) UIManager:scheduleIn(2, self.connectivityCheck, self, 1, callback, widget) end function NetworkMgr:init() -- On Kobo, kill Wi-Fi if NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() and NOT NetworkMgr:isConnected() -- (i.e., if the launcher left the Wi-Fi in an inconsistent state: modules loaded, but no route to gateway). if Device:isKobo() and self:isWifiOn() and not self:isConnected() then logger.info("Kobo Wi-Fi: Left in an inconsistent state by launcher!") self:turnOffWifi() end self:queryNetworkState() self.wifi_was_on = G_reader_settings:isTrue("wifi_was_on") if self.wifi_was_on and G_reader_settings:isTrue("auto_restore_wifi") then -- Don't bother if WiFi is already up... if not self.is_connected then self:restoreWifiAsync() end self:scheduleConnectivityCheck() else -- Trigger an initial NetworkConnected event if WiFi was already up when we were launched if self.is_connected then -- NOTE: This needs to be delayed because NetworkListener is initialized slightly later by the FM/Reader app... UIManager:scheduleIn(2, UIManager.broadcastEvent, UIManager, Event:new("NetworkConnected")) end end end -- Following methods are Device specific which need to be initialized in -- Device:initNetworkManager. Some of them can be set by calling -- NetworkMgr:setWirelessBackend function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi() end function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi() end -- This function returns status of the WiFi radio function NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() end function NetworkMgr:isConnected() end function NetworkMgr:getNetworkInterfaceName() end function NetworkMgr:getNetworkList() end function NetworkMgr:getCurrentNetwork() end function NetworkMgr:authenticateNetwork() end function NetworkMgr:disconnectNetwork() end function NetworkMgr:obtainIP() end function NetworkMgr:releaseIP() end -- This function should call both turnOnWifi() and obtainIP() in a non-blocking manner. function NetworkMgr:restoreWifiAsync() end -- End of device specific methods --Helper fuctions for devices that use the sysfs entry to check connectivity. function NetworkMgr:sysfsWifiOn() -- Network interface directory exists while the Wi-Fi module is loaded. local net_if = self:getNetworkInterfaceName() return util.pathExists("/sys/class/net/".. net_if) end function NetworkMgr:sysfsCarrierConnected() -- Read carrier state from sysfs. -- NOTE: We can afford to use CLOEXEC, as devices too old for it don't support Wi-Fi anyway ;) local out local net_if = self:getNetworkInterfaceName() local file = io.open("/sys/class/net/" .. net_if .. "/carrier", "re") -- File only exists while Wi-Fi module is loaded. if file then -- 0 means not connected, 1 connected out = file:read("*number") file:close() end return out == 1 end function NetworkMgr:toggleWifiOn(complete_callback, long_press) local toggle_im = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Turning on Wi-Fi…"), } UIManager:show(toggle_im) UIManager:forceRePaint() self.wifi_was_on = true G_reader_settings:makeTrue("wifi_was_on") self.wifi_toggle_long_press = long_press self:turnOnWifi(complete_callback) UIManager:close(toggle_im) end function NetworkMgr:toggleWifiOff(complete_callback) local toggle_im = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Turning off Wi-Fi…"), } UIManager:show(toggle_im) UIManager:forceRePaint() self.wifi_was_on = false G_reader_settings:makeFalse("wifi_was_on") self:turnOffWifi(complete_callback) UIManager:close(toggle_im) end function NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn(complete_callback, long_press) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Do you want to turn on Wi-Fi?"), ok_text = _("Turn on"), ok_callback = function() self:toggleWifiOn(complete_callback, long_press) end, }) end function NetworkMgr:promptWifiOff(complete_callback) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Do you want to turn off Wi-Fi?"), ok_text = _("Turn off"), ok_callback = function() self:toggleWifiOff(complete_callback) end, }) end function NetworkMgr:promptWifi(complete_callback, long_press) UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Wi-Fi is enabled, but you're currently not connected to a network.\nHow would you like to proceed?"), choice1_text = _("Turn Wi-Fi off"), choice1_callback = function() self:toggleWifiOff(complete_callback) end, choice2_text = _("Connect"), choice2_callback = function() self:toggleWifiOn(complete_callback, long_press) end, }) end function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifiAndWaitForConnection(callback) local info = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Connecting to Wi-Fi…") } UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() -- Don't bother if WiFi is already up... if not (self:isWifiOn() and self:isConnected()) then self:turnOnWifi() end -- This will handle sending the proper Event, manage wifi_was_on, as well as tearing down Wi-Fi in case of failures, -- (i.e., much like getWifiToggleMenuTable). self:scheduleConnectivityCheck(callback, info) end --- This quirky internal flag is used for the rare beforeWifiAction -> afterWifiAction brackets. function NetworkMgr:clearBeforeActionFlag() self._before_action_tripped = nil end function NetworkMgr:setBeforeActionFlag() self._before_action_tripped = true end function NetworkMgr:getBeforeActionFlag() return self._before_action_tripped end --- @note: The callback will only run *after* a *succesful* network connection. --- The only guarantee it provides is isConnected (i.e., an IP & a local gateway), --- *NOT* isOnline (i.e., WAN), se be careful with recursive callbacks! function NetworkMgr:beforeWifiAction(callback) -- Remember that we ran, for afterWifiAction... self:setBeforeActionFlag() local wifi_enable_action = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wifi_enable_action") if wifi_enable_action == "turn_on" then self:turnOnWifiAndWaitForConnection(callback) else self:promptWifiOn(callback) end end -- NOTE: This is actually used very sparingly (newsdownloader/send2ebook), -- because bracketing a single action in a connect/disconnect session doesn't necessarily make much sense... function NetworkMgr:afterWifiAction(callback) -- Don't do anything if beforeWifiAction never actually ran... if not self:getBeforeActionFlag() then return end self:clearBeforeActionFlag() local wifi_disable_action = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wifi_disable_action") if wifi_disable_action == "leave_on" then -- NOP :) if callback then callback() end elseif wifi_disable_action == "turn_off" then self:turnOffWifi(callback) else self:promptWifiOff(callback) end end function NetworkMgr:isOnline() local socket = require("socket") -- Microsoft uses `dns.msftncsi.com` for Windows, see -- for -- more information. They also check whether -- returns `Microsoft NCSI`. return socket.dns.toip("dns.msftncsi.com") ~= nil end -- Update our cached network status function NetworkMgr:queryNetworkState() self.is_wifi_on = self:isWifiOn() self.is_connected = self.is_wifi_on and self:isConnected() end -- These do not call the actual Device methods, but what we, NetworkMgr, think the state is based on our own behavior. function NetworkMgr:getWifiState() return self.is_wifi_on end function NetworkMgr:setWifiState(bool) self.is_wifi_on = bool end function NetworkMgr:getConnectionState() return self.is_connected end function NetworkMgr:setConnectionState(bool) self.is_connected = bool end function NetworkMgr:isNetworkInfoAvailable() if Device:isAndroid() then -- always available return true else return self:isConnected() end end function NetworkMgr:setHTTPProxy(proxy) local http = require("socket.http") http.PROXY = proxy if proxy then G_reader_settings:saveSetting("http_proxy", proxy) G_reader_settings:makeTrue("http_proxy_enabled") else G_reader_settings:makeFalse("http_proxy_enabled") end end -- Helper functions to hide the quirks of using beforeWifiAction properly ;). -- Run callback *now* if you're currently online (ie., isOnline), -- or attempt to go online and run it *ASAP* without any more user interaction. -- NOTE: If you're currently connected but without Internet access (i.e., isConnected and not isOnline), -- it will just attempt to re-connect, *without* running the callback. -- c.f., ReaderWikipedia:onShowWikipediaLookup @ frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerwikipedia.lua function NetworkMgr:runWhenOnline(callback) if self:isOnline() then callback() else --- @note: Avoid infinite recursion, beforeWifiAction only guarantees isConnected, not isOnline. if not self:isConnected() then self:beforeWifiAction(callback) else self:beforeWifiAction() end end end -- This one is for callbacks that only require isConnected, and since that's guaranteed by beforeWifiAction, -- you also have a guarantee that the callback *will* run. function NetworkMgr:runWhenConnected(callback) if self:isConnected() then callback() else self:beforeWifiAction(callback) end end -- Mild variants that are used for recursive calls at the beginning of a complex function call. -- Returns true when not yet online, in which case you should *abort* (i.e., return) the initial call, -- and otherwise, go-on as planned. -- NOTE: If you're currently connected but without Internet access (i.e., isConnected and not isOnline), -- it will just attempt to re-connect, *without* running the callback. -- c.f., ReaderWikipedia:lookupWikipedia @ frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerwikipedia.lua function NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(callback) if not self:isOnline() then --- @note: Avoid infinite recursion, beforeWifiAction only guarantees isConnected, not isOnline. if not self:isConnected() then self:beforeWifiAction(callback) else self:beforeWifiAction() end return true end return false end -- This one is for callbacks that only require isConnected, and since that's guaranteed by beforeWifiAction, -- you also have a guarantee that the callback *will* run. function NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenConnected(callback) if not self:isConnected() then self:beforeWifiAction(callback) return true end return false end function NetworkMgr:getWifiMenuTable() if Device:isAndroid() then return { text = _("Wi-Fi settings"), callback = function() self:openSettings() end, } else return self:getWifiToggleMenuTable() end end function NetworkMgr:getWifiToggleMenuTable() local toggleCallback = function(touchmenu_instance, long_press) self:queryNetworkState() local fully_connected = self.is_wifi_on and self.is_connected local complete_callback = function() -- Check the connection status again self:queryNetworkState() -- Notify TouchMenu to update item check state touchmenu_instance:updateItems() -- If Wi-Fi was on when the menu was shown, this means the tap meant to turn the Wi-Fi *off*, -- as such, this callback will only be executed *after* the network has been disconnected. if fully_connected then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("NetworkDisconnected")) else -- On hasWifiManager devices that play with kernel modules directly, -- double-check that the connection attempt was actually successful... if Device:isKobo() or Device:isCervantes() then if self.is_wifi_on and self.is_connected then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("NetworkConnected")) elseif self.is_wifi_on and not self.is_connected then -- If we can't ping the gateway, despite a successful authentication w/ the AP, display a warning, -- because this means that Wi-Fi is technically still enabled (e.g., modules are loaded). -- We can't really enforce a turnOffWifi right now, because the user might want to try another AP or something. -- (c.f., #5912, #4616). -- NOTE: Keep in mind that NetworkSetting only runs this callback on *successful* connections! -- (It's called connect_callback there). -- This makes this branch somewhat hard to reach, which is why it gets a dedicated prompt below... UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ icon = "notice-warning", text = _("Gateway is unreachable, but Wi-Fi is still on!"), timeout = 3, }) end else -- Assume success on other platforms UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("NetworkConnected")) end end end if fully_connected then self:toggleWifiOff(complete_callback) elseif self.is_wifi_on and not self.is_connected then -- ask whether user wants to connect or turn off wifi self:promptWifi(complete_callback, long_press) else self:toggleWifiOn(complete_callback, long_press) end end return { text = _("Wi-Fi connection"), enabled_func = function() return Device:hasWifiToggle() end, checked_func = function() return self:isWifiOn() end, callback = toggleCallback, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) toggleCallback(touchmenu_instance, true) end, } end function NetworkMgr:getProxyMenuTable() local proxy_enabled = function() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("http_proxy_enabled") end local proxy = function() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("http_proxy") end return { text_func = function() return T(_("HTTP proxy %1"), (proxy_enabled() and BD.url(proxy()) or "")) end, checked_func = function() return proxy_enabled() end, callback = function() if not proxy_enabled() and proxy() then self:setHTTPProxy(proxy()) elseif proxy_enabled() then self:setHTTPProxy(nil) end if not proxy() then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Tip:\nLong press on this menu entry to configure HTTP proxy."), }) end end, hold_input = { title = _("Enter proxy address"), type = "text", hint = proxy() or "", callback = function(input) if input ~= "" then self:setHTTPProxy(input) end end, } } end function NetworkMgr:getPowersaveMenuTable() return { text = _("Disable Wi-Fi connection when inactive"), help_text = _([[This will automatically turn Wi-Fi off after a generous period of network inactivity, without disrupting workflows that require a network connection, so you can just keep reading without worrying about battery drain.]]), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("auto_disable_wifi") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("auto_disable_wifi") -- NOTE: Well, not exactly, but the activity check wouldn't be (un)scheduled until the next Network(Dis)Connected event... UIManager:askForRestart() end, } end function NetworkMgr:getRestoreMenuTable() return { text = _("Restore Wi-Fi connection on resume"), help_text = _([[This will attempt to automatically and silently re-connect to Wi-Fi on startup or on resume if Wi-Fi used to be enabled the last time you used KOReader.]]), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("auto_restore_wifi") end, enabled_func = function() return Device:hasWifiManager() end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("auto_restore_wifi") end, } end function NetworkMgr:getInfoMenuTable() return { text = _("Network info"), keep_menu_open = true, enabled_func = function() return self:isNetworkInfoAvailable() end, callback = function() UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("ShowNetworkInfo")) end } end function NetworkMgr:getBeforeWifiActionMenuTable() local wifi_enable_action_setting = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wifi_enable_action") or "prompt" local wifi_enable_actions = { turn_on = {_("turn on"), _("Turn on")}, prompt = {_("prompt"), _("Prompt")}, } local action_table = function(wifi_enable_action) return { text = wifi_enable_actions[wifi_enable_action][2], checked_func = function() return wifi_enable_action_setting == wifi_enable_action end, callback = function() wifi_enable_action_setting = wifi_enable_action G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wifi_enable_action", wifi_enable_action) end, } end return { text_func = function() return T(_("Action when Wi-Fi is off: %1"), wifi_enable_actions[wifi_enable_action_setting][1] ) end, sub_item_table = { action_table("turn_on"), action_table("prompt"), } } end function NetworkMgr:getAfterWifiActionMenuTable() local wifi_disable_action_setting = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wifi_disable_action") or "prompt" local wifi_disable_actions = { leave_on = {_("leave on"), _("Leave on")}, turn_off = {_("turn off"), _("Turn off")}, prompt = {_("prompt"), _("Prompt")}, } local action_table = function(wifi_disable_action) return { text = wifi_disable_actions[wifi_disable_action][2], checked_func = function() return wifi_disable_action_setting == wifi_disable_action end, callback = function() wifi_disable_action_setting = wifi_disable_action G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wifi_disable_action", wifi_disable_action) end, } end return { text_func = function() return T(_("Action when done with Wi-Fi: %1"), wifi_disable_actions[wifi_disable_action_setting][1] ) end, sub_item_table = { action_table("leave_on"), action_table("turn_off"), action_table("prompt"), } } end function NetworkMgr:getDismissScanMenuTable() return { text = _("Dismiss Wi-Fi scan popup after connection"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("auto_dismiss_wifi_scan") end, enabled_func = function() return Device:hasWifiManager() and not Device:isEmulator() end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrTrue("auto_dismiss_wifi_scan") end, } end function NetworkMgr:getMenuTable(common_settings) if Device:hasWifiToggle() then common_settings.network_wifi = self:getWifiMenuTable() end common_settings.network_proxy = self:getProxyMenuTable() common_settings.network_info = self:getInfoMenuTable() -- Allow auto_disable_wifi on devices where the net sysfs entry is exposed. if self:getNetworkInterfaceName() then common_settings.network_powersave = self:getPowersaveMenuTable() end if Device:hasWifiManager() or Device:isEmulator() then common_settings.network_restore = self:getRestoreMenuTable() common_settings.network_dismiss_scan = self:getDismissScanMenuTable() common_settings.network_before_wifi_action = self:getBeforeWifiActionMenuTable() common_settings.network_after_wifi_action = self:getAfterWifiActionMenuTable() end end function NetworkMgr:reconnectOrShowNetworkMenu(complete_callback) local info = InfoMessage:new{text = _("Scanning for networks…")} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:nextTick(function() local network_list, err = self:getNetworkList() UIManager:close(info) if network_list == nil then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = err}) return end -- NOTE: Fairly hackish workaround for #4387, -- rescan if the first scan appeared to yield an empty list. --- @fixme This *might* be an issue better handled in lj-wpaclient... if #network_list == 0 then logger.warn("Initial Wi-Fi scan yielded no results, rescanning") network_list, err = self:getNetworkList() if network_list == nil then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = err}) return end end table.sort(network_list, function(l, r) return l.signal_quality > r.signal_quality end) local success = false if self.wifi_toggle_long_press then self.wifi_toggle_long_press = nil else local ssid -- We need to do two passes, as we may have *both* an already connected network (from the global wpa config), -- *and* preferred networks, and if the prferred networks have a better signal quality, -- they'll be sorted *earlier*, which would cause us to try to associate to a different AP than -- what wpa_supplicant is already trying to do... for dummy, network in ipairs(network_list) do if network.connected then -- On platforms where we use wpa_supplicant (if we're calling this, we are), -- the invocation will check its global config, and if an AP configured there is reachable, -- it'll already have connected to it on its own. success = true ssid = network.ssid break end end -- Next, look for our own prferred networks... local err_msg = _("Connection failed") if not success then for dummy, network in ipairs(network_list) do if network.password then -- If we hit a preferred network and we're not already connected, -- attempt to connect to said preferred network.... success, err_msg = self:authenticateNetwork(network) if success then ssid = network.ssid break end end end end if success then self:obtainIP() if complete_callback then complete_callback() end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Connected to network %1"), BD.wrap(ssid)), timeout = 3, }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = err_msg, timeout = 3, }) end end if not success then -- NOTE: Also supports a disconnect_callback, should we use it for something? -- Tearing down Wi-Fi completely when tapping "disconnect" would feel a bit harsh, though... UIManager:show(require("ui/widget/networksetting"):new{ network_list = network_list, connect_callback = complete_callback, }) end end) end function NetworkMgr:saveNetwork(setting) if not self.nw_settings then self:readNWSettings() end self.nw_settings:saveSetting(setting.ssid, { ssid = setting.ssid, password = setting.password, psk = setting.psk, flags = setting.flags, }) self.nw_settings:flush() end function NetworkMgr:deleteNetwork(setting) if not self.nw_settings then self:readNWSettings() end self.nw_settings:delSetting(setting.ssid) self.nw_settings:flush() end function NetworkMgr:getAllSavedNetworks() if not self.nw_settings then self:readNWSettings() end return self.nw_settings end function NetworkMgr:setWirelessBackend(name, options) require("ui/network/"..name).init(self, options) end -- set network proxy if global variable G_defaults:readSetting("NETWORK_PROXY") is defined if G_defaults:readSetting("NETWORK_PROXY") then NetworkMgr:setHTTPProxy(G_defaults:readSetting("NETWORK_PROXY")) end Device:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) NetworkMgr:init() return NetworkMgr