--[[-- Generic device abstraction. This module defines stubs for common methods. --]] local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local ffiUtil = require("ffi/util") local T = ffiUtil.template local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end local function isCommand(s) return os.execute("command -v "..s.." >/dev/null") == 0 end local Device = { screen_saver_mode = false, screen_saver_lock = false, is_cover_closed = false, model = nil, powerd = nil, screen = nil, input = nil, home_dir = nil, -- For Kobo, wait at least 15 seconds before calling suspend script. Otherwise, suspend might -- fail and the battery will be drained while we are in screensaver mode suspend_wait_timeout = 15, -- hardware feature tests: (these are functions!) hasBattery = yes, hasAuxBattery = no, hasKeyboard = no, hasKeys = no, hasDPad = no, hasExitOptions = yes, hasFewKeys = no, hasWifiToggle = yes, hasWifiManager = no, isDefaultFullscreen = yes, isHapticFeedbackEnabled = no, isTouchDevice = no, hasFrontlight = no, hasNaturalLight = no, -- FL warmth implementation specific to NTX boards (Kobo, Cervantes) hasNaturalLightMixer = no, -- Same, but only found on newer boards hasNaturalLightApi = no, hasClipboard = yes, -- generic internal clipboard on all devices hasEinkScreen = yes, hasExternalSD = no, -- or other storage volume that cannot be accessed using the File Manager canHWDither = no, canHWInvert = no, canDoSwipeAnimation = no, canModifyFBInfo = no, -- some NTX boards do wonky things with the rotate flag after a FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO ioctl canUseCBB = yes, -- The C BB maintains a 1:1 feature parity with the Lua BB, except that is has NO support for BB4, and limited support for BBRGB24 hasColorScreen = no, hasBGRFrameBuffer = no, canImportFiles = no, canShareText = no, hasGSensor = no, isGSensorLocked = no, canToggleMassStorage = no, canToggleChargingLED = no, canUseWAL = yes, -- requires mmap'ed I/O on the target FS canRestart = yes, canSuspend = no, canStandby = no, canPowerSaveWhileCharging = no, total_standby_time = 0, -- total time spent in standby last_standby_time = 0, total_suspend_time = 0, -- total time spent in suspend last_suspend_time = 0, canReboot = no, canPowerOff = no, canAssociateFileExtensions = no, -- Start and stop text input mode (e.g. open soft keyboard, etc) startTextInput = function() end, stopTextInput = function() end, -- use these only as a last resort. We should abstract the functionality -- and have device dependent implementations in the corresponting -- device//device.lua file -- (these are functions!) isAndroid = no, isCervantes = no, isKindle = no, isKobo = no, isPocketBook = no, isRemarkable = no, isSonyPRSTUX = no, isSDL = no, isEmulator = no, isDesktop = no, -- some devices have part of their screen covered by the bezel viewport = nil, -- enforce portrait orientation of display when FB defaults to landscape isAlwaysPortrait = no, -- On some devices (eg newer pocketbook) we can force HW rotation on the fly (before each update) -- The value here is table of 4 elements mapping the sensible linux constants to whatever -- nonsense the device actually has. Canonically it should return { 0, 1, 2, 3 } if the device -- matches FB_ROTATE_* constants. -- See https://github.com/koreader/koreader-base/blob/master/ffi/framebuffer.lua for full template -- of the table expected. usingForcedRotation = function() return nil end, -- needs full screen refresh when resumed from screensaver? needsScreenRefreshAfterResume = yes, -- set to yes on devices that support over-the-air incremental updates. hasOTAUpdates = no, -- For devices that have non-blocking OTA updates, this function will return true if the download is currently running. hasOTARunning = no, -- set to yes on devices that have a non-blocking isWifiOn implementation -- (c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/pull/5211#issuecomment-521304139) hasFastWifiStatusQuery = no, -- set to yes on devices with system fonts hasSystemFonts = no, canOpenLink = no, openLink = no, canExternalDictLookup = no, } function Device:extend(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end -- Inverts PageTurn button mappings -- NOTE: For ref. on Kobo, stored by Nickel in the [Reading] section as invertPageTurnButtons=true function Device:invertButtons() if self:hasKeys() and self.input and self.input.event_map then for key, value in pairs(self.input.event_map) do if value == "LPgFwd" then self.input.event_map[key] = "LPgBack" elseif value == "LPgBack" then self.input.event_map[key] = "LPgFwd" elseif value == "RPgFwd" then self.input.event_map[key] = "RPgBack" elseif value == "RPgBack" then self.input.event_map[key] = "RPgFwd" end end -- NOTE: We currently leave self.input.rotation_map alone, -- which will definitely yield fairly stupid mappings in Landscape... end end function Device:init() if not self.screen then error("screen/framebuffer must be implemented") end -- opt-out of CBB if the device is broken with it if not self.canUseCBB() then local bb = require("ffi/blitbuffer") bb.has_cblitbuffer = false bb:enableCBB(false) end if self.hasMultitouch == nil then -- default to assuming multitouch when dealing with a touch device self.hasMultitouch = self.isTouchDevice end self.screen.isColorScreen = self.hasColorScreen self.screen.isColorEnabled = function() if G_reader_settings:has("color_rendering") then return G_reader_settings:isTrue("color_rendering") else return self.screen.isColorScreen() end end self.screen.isBGRFrameBuffer = self.hasBGRFrameBuffer if G_reader_settings:has("low_pan_rate") then self.screen.low_pan_rate = G_reader_settings:readSetting("low_pan_rate") else self.screen.low_pan_rate = self.hasEinkScreen() end logger.info("initializing for device", self.model) logger.info("framebuffer resolution:", self.screen:getRawSize()) if not self.input then self.input = require("device/input"):new{device = self} end if not self.powerd then self.powerd = require("device/generic/powerd"):new{device = self} end -- NOTE: This needs to run *after* implementation-specific event hooks, -- especially if those require swapping/mirroring... -- (e.g., Device implementations should setup their own hooks *before* calling this via Generic.init(self)). if self.viewport then logger.dbg("setting a viewport:", self.viewport) self.screen:setViewport(self.viewport) if self.viewport.x ~= 0 or self.viewport.y ~= 0 then self.input:registerEventAdjustHook( self.input.adjustTouchTranslate, {x = 0 - self.viewport.x, y = 0 - self.viewport.y} ) end end -- Handle button mappings shenanigans if self:hasKeys() then if G_reader_settings:isTrue("input_invert_page_turn_keys") then self:invertButtons() end end if self:hasGSensor() then -- Setup our standard gyro event handler (EV_MSC:MSC_GYRO) if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("input_ignore_gsensor") then self.input.handleGyroEv = self.input.handleMiscGyroEv end -- Honor the gyro lock if G_reader_settings:isTrue("input_lock_gsensor") then self:lockGSensor(true) end end -- Screen:getSize is used throughout the code, and that code usually expects getting a real Geom object... -- But as implementations come from base, they just return a Geom-like table... self.screen.getSize = function() local rect = self.screen.getRawSize(self.screen) return Geom:new{ x = rect.x, y = rect.y, w = rect.w, h = rect.h } end end function Device:setScreenDPI(dpi_override) -- Passing a nil resets to defaults and clears the override flag self.screen:setDPI(dpi_override) self.input.gesture_detector:init() end function Device:getDeviceScreenDPI() return self.display_dpi end function Device:getPowerDevice() return self.powerd end function Device:rescheduleSuspend() local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:unschedule(self.suspend) UIManager:scheduleIn(self.suspend_wait_timeout, self.suspend, self) end -- Only used on platforms where we handle suspend ourselves. function Device:onPowerEvent(ev) local Screensaver = require("ui/screensaver") if self.screen_saver_mode then if ev == "Power" or ev == "Resume" then if self.is_cover_closed then -- don't let power key press wake up device when the cover is in closed state. self:rescheduleSuspend() else logger.dbg("Resuming...") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:unschedule(self.suspend) if self:hasWifiManager() then local network_manager = require("ui/network/manager") if network_manager.wifi_was_on and G_reader_settings:isTrue("auto_restore_wifi") then network_manager:restoreWifiAsync() network_manager:scheduleConnectivityCheck() end end self:resume() local widget_was_closed = Screensaver:close() if widget_was_closed and self:needsScreenRefreshAfterResume() then UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self.screen:refreshFull() end) end self.powerd:afterResume() end elseif ev == "Suspend" then -- Already in screen saver mode, no need to update UI/state before -- suspending the hardware. This usually happens when sleep cover -- is closed after the device was sent to suspend state. logger.dbg("Already in screen saver mode, going back to suspend...") -- Much like the real suspend codepath below, in case we got here via screen_saver_lock, -- make sure we murder WiFi again (because restore WiFi on resume could have kicked in). if self:hasWifiToggle() then local network_manager = require("ui/network/manager") if network_manager:isWifiOn() then network_manager:releaseIP() network_manager:turnOffWifi() end end self:rescheduleSuspend() end -- else we were not in screensaver mode elseif ev == "Power" or ev == "Suspend" then self.powerd:beforeSuspend() local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") logger.dbg("Suspending...") -- Add the current state of the SleepCover flag... logger.dbg("Sleep cover is", self.is_cover_closed and "closed" or "open") Screensaver:setup() Screensaver:show() -- NOTE: show() will return well before the refresh ioctl is even *sent*: -- the only thing it's done is *enqueued* the refresh in UIManager's stack. -- Which is why the actual suspension needs to be delayed by suspend_wait_timeout, -- otherwise, we'd potentially suspend (or attempt to) too soon. -- On platforms where suspension is done via a sysfs knob, that'd translate to a failed suspend, -- and on platforms where we defer to a system tool, it'd probably suspend too early! -- c.f., #6676 if self:needsScreenRefreshAfterResume() then self.screen:refreshFull() end -- NOTE: In the same vein as above, this is delayed to make sure we update the screen first. -- (This, unfortunately, means we can't just move this to Device:_beforeSuspend :/). UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() -- NOTE: This side of the check needs to be laxer, some platforms can handle Wi-Fi without WifiManager ;). if self:hasWifiToggle() then local network_manager = require("ui/network/manager") -- NOTE: wifi_was_on does not necessarily mean that Wi-Fi is *currently* on! It means *we* enabled it. -- This is critical on Kobos (c.f., #3936), where it might still be on from KSM or Nickel, -- without us being aware of it (i.e., wifi_was_on still unset or false), -- because suspend will at best fail, and at worst deadlock the system if Wi-Fi is on, -- regardless of who enabled it! if network_manager:isWifiOn() then network_manager:releaseIP() network_manager:turnOffWifi() end end -- Only actually schedule suspension if we're still supposed to go to sleep, -- because the Wi-Fi stuff above may have blocked for a significant amount of time... if self.screen_saver_mode then self:rescheduleSuspend() end end) end end function Device:showLightDialog() local FrontLightWidget = require("ui/widget/frontlightwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:show(FrontLightWidget:new{}) end function Device:info() return self.model end function Device:install() local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Update is ready. Install it now?"), ok_text = _("Install"), ok_callback = function() local save_quit = function() self:saveSettings() UIManager:quit(85) end UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Exit", save_quit)) end, }) end -- Hardware specific method to track opened/closed books (nil on book close) function Device:notifyBookState(title, document) end -- Hardware specific method for UI to signal allowed/disallowed standby. -- The device is allowed to enter standby only from within waitForEvents, -- and only if allowed state is true at the time of waitForEvents() invocation. function Device:setAutoStandby(isAllowed) end -- Hardware specific method to set OS-level file associations to launch koreader. Expects boolean map. function Device:associateFileExtensions(exts) logger.dbg("Device:associateFileExtensions():", util.tableSize(exts), "entries, OS handler missing") end -- Hardware specific method to handle usb plug in event function Device:usbPlugIn() end -- Hardware specific method to handle usb plug out event function Device:usbPlugOut() end -- Hardware specific method to suspend the device function Device:suspend() end -- Hardware specific method to resume the device function Device:resume() end -- NOTE: These two should ideally run in the background, and only trip the action after a small delay, -- to give us time to quit first. -- e.g., os.execute("sleep 1 && shutdown -r now &") -- Hardware specific method to power off the device function Device:powerOff() end -- Hardware specific method to reboot the device function Device:reboot() end -- Hardware specific method to initialize network manager module function Device:initNetworkManager() end function Device:supportsScreensaver() return false end -- Device specific method to set datetime function Device:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) end -- Device specific method if any setting needs being saved function Device:saveSettings() end function Device:isAlwaysFullscreen() return true end function Device:toggleFullscreen() end -- Simulates suspend/resume function Device:simulateSuspend() end function Device:simulateResume() end -- Put device into standby, input devices (buttons, touchscreen ...) stay enabled function Device:standby(max_duration) end --[[-- Device specific method for performing haptic feedback. @string type Type of haptic feedback. See . --]] function Device:performHapticFeedback(type) end -- Device specific method for toggling input events function Device:setIgnoreInput(enable) return true end -- Device agnostic method for toggling the GSensor -- (can be reimplemented if need be, but you really, really should try not to. c.f., Kobo, Kindle & PocketBook) function Device:toggleGSensor(toggle) if not self:hasGSensor() then return end if self.input then self.input:toggleGyroEvents(toggle) end end -- Whether or not the GSensor should be locked to the current orientation (i.e. Portrait <-> Inverted Portrait or Landscape <-> Inverted Landscape only) function Device:lockGSensor(toggle) if not self:hasGSensor() then return end if toggle == true then -- Lock GSensor to current roientation self.isGSensorLocked = yes elseif toggle == false then -- Unlock GSensor self.isGSensorLocked = no else -- Toggle it if self:isGSensorLocked() then self.isGSensorLocked = no else self.isGSensorLocked = yes end end end -- Device specific method for toggling the charging LED function Device:toggleChargingLED(toggle) end -- Device specific method for setting the charging LED to the right state function Device:setupChargingLED() end -- Device specific method for enabling a specific amount of CPU cores -- (Should only be implemented on embedded platforms where we can afford to control that without screwing with the system). function Device:enableCPUCores(amount) end -- NOTE: For this to work, all three must be implemented, and getKeyRepeat must be run on init (c.f., Kobo)! -- Device specific method to get the current key repeat setup function Device:getKeyRepeat() end -- Device specific method to disable key repeat function Device:disableKeyRepeat() end -- Device specific method to restore key repeat function Device:restoreKeyRepeat() end --[[ prepare for application shutdown --]] function Device:exit() self.screen:close() require("ffi/input"):closeAll() end function Device:retrieveNetworkInfo() -- NOTE: This sed monstrosity is tailored for the busybox implementation of ifconfig local std_out = io.popen("ifconfig | " .. "sed -n " .. "-e 's/ \\+$//g' " .. "-e 's/ \\+/ /g' " .. "-e 's/ \\?inet6\\? addr: \\?\\([^ ]\\+\\) .*$/IP: \\1/p' " .. "-e 's/Link encap:Ethernet[[:blank:]]*HWaddr \\(.*\\)/\\1/p'", "r") if std_out then local result = std_out:read("*all") std_out:close() std_out = io.popen('2>/dev/null iwconfig | grep ESSID | cut -d\\" -f2') if std_out then local ssid = std_out:read("*l") std_out:close() result = result .. "SSID: " .. ssid .. "\n" end -- iproute2 tools may not always be available, fall back to net-tools if necessary if isCommand("ip") then std_out = io.popen([[ip r | grep default | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3]], "r") else std_out = io.popen([[route -n | awk '$4 == "UG" {print $2}' | tail -n 1]], "r") end local default_gw if std_out then default_gw = std_out:read("*l") std_out:close() if default_gw == "" then default_gw = nil end end if default_gw then result = result .. T(_("Default gateway: %1"), default_gw) .. "\n" -- NOTE: No -w flag available in the old busybox build used on Legacy Kindles (K4 included)... local pingok if self:isKindle() and self:hasDPad() then pingok = os.execute("ping -q -c1 " .. default_gw .. " > /dev/null") else pingok = os.execute("ping -q -c1 -w2 " .. default_gw .. " > /dev/null") end if pingok == 0 then result = result .. _("Gateway ping successful") else result = result .. _("Gateway ping FAILED") end else result = result .. _("No default gateway to ping") end return result end end function Device:setTime(hour, min) return false end -- Return an integer value to indicate the brightness of the environment. The value should be in -- range [0, 4]. -- 0: dark. -- 1: dim, frontlight is needed. -- 2: neutral, turning frontlight on or off does not impact the reading experience. -- 3: bright, frontlight is not needed. -- 4: dazzling. function Device:ambientBrightnessLevel() return 0 end --- Returns true if the file is a script we allow running --- Basically a helper method to check a specific list of file extensions for executable scripts ---- @string filename ---- @treturn boolean function Device:canExecuteScript(file) local file_ext = string.lower(util.getFileNameSuffix(file)) if file_ext == "sh" or file_ext == "py" then return true end end function Device:isValidPath(path) return util.pathExists(path) end -- Device specific method to check if the startup script has been updated function Device:isStartupScriptUpToDate() return true end function Device:getDefaultCoverPath() return DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cover.jpg" end --- Unpack an archive. -- Extract the contents of an archive, detecting its format by -- filename extension. Inspired by luarocks archive_unpack() -- @param archive string: Filename of archive. -- @param extract_to string: Destination directory. -- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false and an error message on failure. function Device:unpackArchive(archive, extract_to) require("dbg").dassert(type(archive) == "string") local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ok if archive:match("%.tar%.bz2$") or archive:match("%.tar%.gz$") or archive:match("%.tar%.lz$") or archive:match("%.tgz$") then ok = self:untar(archive, extract_to) else return false, T(_("Couldn't extract archive:\n\n%1\n\nUnrecognized filename extension."), BD.filepath(archive)) end if not ok then return false, T(_("Extracting archive failed:\n\n%1"), BD.filepath(archive)) end return true end function Device:untar(archive, extract_to) return os.execute(("./tar xf %q -C %q"):format(archive, extract_to)) end -- Set device event handlers common to all devices function Device:_setEventHandlers(UIManager) if self:canReboot() then UIManager.event_handlers.Reboot = function(message_text) local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = message_text or _("Are you sure you want to reboot the device?"), ok_text = _("Reboot"), ok_callback = function() local Event = require("ui/event") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Reboot")) UIManager:nextTick(UIManager.reboot_action) end, }) end else UIManager.event_handlers.Reboot = function() end end if self:canPowerOff() then UIManager.event_handlers.PowerOff = function(message_text) local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = message_text or _("Are you sure you want to power off the device?"), ok_text = _("Power off"), ok_callback = function() local Event = require("ui/event") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("PowerOff")) UIManager:nextTick(UIManager.poweroff_action) end, }) end else UIManager.event_handlers.PowerOff = function() end end if self:canRestart() then UIManager.event_handlers.Restart = function(message_text) local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = message_text or _("This will take effect on next restart."), ok_text = _("Restart now"), ok_callback = function() local Event = require("ui/event") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Restart")) end, cancel_text = _("Restart later"), }) end else UIManager.event_handlers.Restart = function(message_text) local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = message_text or _("This will take effect on next restart."), }) end end self:setEventHandlers(UIManager) end -- Devices can add additional event handlers by overwriting this method. function Device:setEventHandlers(UIManager) -- These will be most probably overwritten in the device specific `setEventHandlers` UIManager.event_handlers.Suspend = function() self:_beforeSuspend(false) end UIManager.event_handlers.Resume = function() self:_afterResume(false) end end -- The common operations that should be performed before suspending the device. function Device:_beforeSuspend(inhibit) local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:flushSettings() UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Suspend")) if inhibit ~= false then -- Block input events unrelated to power management self.input:inhibitInput(true) -- Disable key repeat to avoid useless chatter (especially where Sleep Covers are concerned...) self:disableKeyRepeat() end end -- The common operations that should be performed after resuming the device. function Device:_afterResume(inhibit) if inhibit ~= false then -- Restore key repeat self:restoreKeyRepeat() -- Restore full input handling self.input:inhibitInput(false) end local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Resume")) end -- The common operations that should be performed when the device is plugged to a power source. function Device:_beforeCharging() -- Leave the kernel some time to figure it out ;o). local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self:setupChargingLED() end) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Charging")) end -- The common operations that should be performed when the device is unplugged from a power source. function Device:_afterNotCharging() -- Leave the kernel some time to figure it out ;o). local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self:setupChargingLED() end) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("NotCharging")) end return Device