local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local BottomContainer = require("ui/widget/container/bottomcontainer") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local LeftContainer = require("ui/widget/container/leftcontainer") local Math = require("optmath") local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup") local RightContainer = require("ui/widget/container/rightcontainer") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local UnderlineContainer = require("ui/widget/container/underlinecontainer") local Utf8Proc = require("ffi/utf8proc") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local filemanagerutil = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Input = Device.input local Screen = Device.screen local T = FFIUtil.template --[[-- Widget that displays a shortcut icon for menu item. --]] local ItemShortCutIcon = WidgetContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = Screen:scaleBySize(22), h = Screen:scaleBySize(22) }, key = nil, bordersize = Size.border.default, radius = 0, style = "square", } function ItemShortCutIcon:init() if not self.key then return end local radius = 0 local background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE if self.style == "rounded_corner" then radius = math.floor(self.width / 2) elseif self.style == "grey_square" then background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY end --- @todo Calculate font size by icon size 01.05 2012 (houqp). local sc_face if self.key:len() > 1 then sc_face = Font:getFace("ffont", 14) else sc_face = Font:getFace("scfont", 22) end self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ padding = 0, bordersize = self.bordersize, radius = radius, background = background, dimen = self.dimen, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = self.dimen, TextWidget:new{ text = self.key, face = sc_face, }, }, } end --[[ Widget that displays an item for menu --]] local MenuItem = InputContainer:new{ text = nil, bidi_wrap_func = nil, show_parent = nil, detail = nil, font = "cfont", font_size = 24, infont = "infont", infont_size = 18, dimen = nil, shortcut = nil, shortcut_style = "square", _underline_container = nil, linesize = Size.line.medium, single_line = false, multilines_show_more_text = false, -- Align text & mandatory baselines (only when single_line=true) align_baselines = false, -- Show a line of dots (also called tab or dot leaders) between text and mandatory with_dots = false, } function MenuItem:init() self.content_width = self.dimen.w - 2 * Size.padding.fullscreen local shortcut_icon_dimen = Geom:new() if self.shortcut then shortcut_icon_dimen.w = math.floor(self.dimen.h * 4/5) shortcut_icon_dimen.h = shortcut_icon_dimen.w self.content_width = self.content_width - shortcut_icon_dimen.w - Size.span.horizontal_default end self.detail = self.text -- we need this table per-instance, so we declare it here if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Select Menu Item", }, HoldSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Hold Menu Item", }, } end local max_item_height = self.dimen.h - 2 * self.linesize -- We want to show at least one line, so cap the provided font sizes local max_font_size = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(max_item_height, 1) if self.font_size > max_font_size then self.font_size = max_font_size end if self.infont_size > max_font_size then self.infont_size = max_font_size end if not self.single_line and not self.multilines_show_more_text then -- For non single line menus (File browser, Bookmarks), if the -- user provided font size is large and would not allow showing -- more than one line in our item height, just switch to single -- line mode. This allows, when truncating, to take the full -- width and cut inside a word to add the ellipsis - while in -- multilines modes, with TextBoxWidget, words are wrapped to -- follow line breaking rules, and the ellipsis might be placed -- way earlier than the full width. local min_font_size_2_lines = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(max_item_height, 2) if self.font_size > min_font_size_2_lines then self.single_line = true end end -- State button and indentation for tree expand/collapse (for TOC) local state_button_width = self.state_size.w or 0 local state_button = self.state or HorizontalSpan:new{ width = state_button_width, } local state_indent = self.state and self.state.indent or "" local state_container = LeftContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = math.floor(self.content_width / 2), h = self.dimen.h}, HorizontalGroup:new{ TextWidget:new{ text = state_indent, face = Font:getFace(self.font, self.font_size), }, state_button, } } -- Font for main text (may have its size decreased to make text fit) self.face = Font:getFace(self.font, self.font_size) -- Font for "mandatory" on the right self.info_face = Font:getFace(self.infont, self.infont_size) -- "mandatory" is the text on the right: file size, page number... -- Padding before mandatory local text_mandatory_padding = 0 local text_ellipsis_mandatory_padding = 0 local mandatory = self.mandatory_func and self.mandatory_func() or self.mandatory if mandatory then text_mandatory_padding = Size.span.horizontal_default -- Smaller padding when ellipsis for better visual feeling text_ellipsis_mandatory_padding = Size.span.horizontal_small end mandatory = mandatory and ""..mandatory or "" local mandatory_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = mandatory, face = self.info_face, bold = self.bold, fgcolor = self.dim and Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY or nil, } local mandatory_w = mandatory_widget:getWidth() local available_width = self.content_width - state_button_width - text_mandatory_padding - mandatory_w local item_name -- Whether we show text on a single or multiple lines, we don't want it shortened -- because of some \n that would push the following text on another line that would -- overflow and not be displayed, or show a tofu char when displayed by TextWidget: -- get rid of any \n (which could be found in highlighted text in bookmarks). local text = self.text:gsub("\n", " ") -- Wrap text with provided bidi_wrap_func (only provided by FileChooser, -- to correctly display filenames and directories) if self.bidi_wrap_func then text = self.bidi_wrap_func(text) end local dots_widget local dots_left_padding = Size.padding.small local dots_right_padding = Size.padding.small if self.single_line then -- items only in single line -- No font size change: text will be truncated if it overflows item_name = TextWidget:new{ text = text, face = self.face, bold = self.bold, fgcolor = self.dim and Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY or nil, } local w = item_name:getWidth() if w > available_width then -- We give it a little more room if truncated for better visual -- feeling (which might make it no more truncated, but well...) local text_max_width_if_ellipsis = available_width + text_mandatory_padding - text_ellipsis_mandatory_padding item_name:setMaxWidth(text_max_width_if_ellipsis) else if self.with_dots then local dots_width = available_width + text_mandatory_padding - w - dots_left_padding - dots_right_padding if dots_width > 0 then local dots_text, dots_min_width = self:getDotsText(self.info_face) -- Don't show any dots if there would be less than 3 if dots_width >= dots_min_width then dots_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = dots_text, face = self.info_face, -- same as mandatory widget, to keep their baseline adjusted max_width = dots_width, truncate_with_ellipsis = false, } end end end end if self.align_baselines then -- Align baselines of text and mandatory -- The container widgets would additionally center these widgets, -- so make sure they all get a height=self.dimen.h so they don't -- risk being shifted later and becoming misaligned local name_baseline = item_name:getBaseline() local mdtr_baseline = mandatory_widget:getBaseline() local name_height = item_name:getSize().h local mdtr_height = mandatory_widget:getSize().h -- Make all the TextWidgets be self.dimen.h item_name.forced_height = self.dimen.h mandatory_widget.forced_height = self.dimen.h if dots_widget then dots_widget.forced_height = self.dimen.h end -- And adjust their baselines for proper centering and alignment -- (We made sure the font sizes wouldn't exceed self.dimen.h, so we -- get only non-negative pad_top here, and we're moving them down.) local name_missing_pad_top = math.floor( (self.dimen.h - name_height) / 2) local mdtr_missing_pad_top = math.floor( (self.dimen.h - mdtr_height) / 2) name_baseline = name_baseline + name_missing_pad_top mdtr_baseline = mdtr_baseline + mdtr_missing_pad_top local baselines_diff = Math.round(name_baseline - mdtr_baseline) if baselines_diff > 0 then mdtr_baseline = mdtr_baseline + baselines_diff else name_baseline = name_baseline - baselines_diff end item_name.forced_baseline = name_baseline mandatory_widget.forced_baseline = mdtr_baseline if dots_widget then dots_widget.forced_baseline = mdtr_baseline end end elseif self.multilines_show_more_text then -- Multi-lines, with font size decrease if needed to show more of the text. -- It would be costly/slow with use_xtext if we were to try all -- font sizes from self.font_size to min_font_size. -- So, we try to optimize the search of the best font size. logger.dbg("multilines_show_more_text menu item font sizing start") local function make_item_name(font_size) if item_name then item_name:free() end logger.dbg("multilines_show_more_text trying font size", font_size) item_name = TextBoxWidget:new { text = text, face = Font:getFace(self.font, font_size), width = available_width, alignment = "left", bold = self.bold, fgcolor = self.dim and Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY or nil, } -- return true if we fit return item_name:getSize().h <= max_item_height end -- To keep item readable, do not decrease font size by more than 8 points -- relative to the specified font size, being not smaller than 12 absolute points. local min_font_size = math.max(12, self.font_size - 8) -- First, try with specified font size: short text might fit if not make_item_name(self.font_size) then -- It doesn't, try with min font size: very long text might not fit if not make_item_name(min_font_size) then -- Does not fit with min font size: keep widget with min_font_size, but -- impose a max height to show only the first lines up to where it fits item_name:free() item_name.height = max_item_height item_name.height_adjust = true item_name.height_overflow_show_ellipsis = true item_name:init() else -- Text fits with min font size: try to find some larger -- font size in between that make text fit, with some -- binary search to limit the number of checks. local bad_font_size = self.font_size local good_font_size = min_font_size local item_name_is_good = true while true do local test_font_size = math.floor((good_font_size + bad_font_size) / 2) if test_font_size == good_font_size then -- +1 would be bad_font_size if not item_name_is_good then make_item_name(good_font_size) end break end if make_item_name(test_font_size) then good_font_size = test_font_size item_name_is_good = true else bad_font_size = test_font_size item_name_is_good = false end end end end else -- Multi-lines, with fixed user provided font size item_name = TextBoxWidget:new { text = text, face = self.face, width = available_width, height = max_item_height, height_adjust = true, height_overflow_show_ellipsis = true, alignment = "left", bold = self.bold, fgcolor = self.dim and Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY or nil, } end local text_container = LeftContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = self.content_width, h = self.dimen.h}, HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.state_size.w, }, item_name, } } if dots_widget then mandatory_widget = HorizontalGroup:new{ dots_widget, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = dots_right_padding }, mandatory_widget, } end local mandatory_container = RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = self.content_width, h = self.dimen.h}, mandatory_widget, } self._underline_container = UnderlineContainer:new{ color = self.line_color, linesize = self.linesize, vertical_align = "center", padding = 0, dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.content_width, h = self.dimen.h }, HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", OverlapGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = self.content_width, h = self.dimen.h}, state_container, text_container, mandatory_container, }, } } local hgroup = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.items_padding or Size.padding.fullscreen }, } if self.shortcut then table.insert(hgroup, ItemShortCutIcon:new{ dimen = shortcut_icon_dimen, key = self.shortcut, style = self.shortcut_style, }) table.insert(hgroup, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.horizontal_default }) end table.insert(hgroup, self._underline_container) table.insert(hgroup, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Size.padding.fullscreen }) self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, padding = 0, hgroup, } end local _dots_cached_info function MenuItem:getDotsText(face) local screen_w = Screen:getWidth() if not _dots_cached_info or _dots_cached_info.screen_width ~= screen_w or _dots_cached_info.face ~= face then local unit = "." local tmp = TextWidget:new{ text = unit, face = face, } local unit_w = tmp:getSize().w tmp:free() -- (We assume/expect no kerning will happen between consecutive units) local nb_units = math.ceil(screen_w / unit_w) local min_width = unit_w * 3 -- have it not shown if smaller than this local text = unit:rep(nb_units) _dots_cached_info = { text = text, min_width = min_width, screen_width = screen_w, face = face, } end return _dots_cached_info.text, _dots_cached_info.min_width end function MenuItem:onFocus(initial_focus) if Device:isTouchDevice() then -- Devices which are Keys capable will get this onFocus called by -- updateItems(), which will toggle the underline color of first item. -- If the device is also Touch capable, let's not show the initial -- underline for a prettier display (it will be shown only when keys -- are used). if not initial_focus or self.menu.did_focus_with_keys then self._underline_container.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK self.menu.did_focus_with_keys = true end else self._underline_container.color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK end return true end function MenuItem:onUnfocus() self._underline_container.color = self.line_color return true end function MenuItem:onShowItemDetail() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = self.detail, }) return true end function MenuItem:getGesPosition(ges) local dimen = self[1].dimen return { x = (ges.pos.x - dimen.x) / dimen.w, y = (ges.pos.y - dimen.y) / dimen.h, } end function MenuItem:onTapSelect(arg, ges) -- Abort if the menu hasn't been painted yet. if not self[1].dimen then return end local pos = self:getGesPosition(ges) if G_reader_settings:isFalse("flash_ui") then logger.dbg("creating coroutine for menu select") local co = coroutine.create(function() self.menu:onMenuSelect(self.table, pos) end) coroutine.resume(co) else -- c.f., ui/widget/iconbutton for the canonical documentation about the flash_ui code flow -- Highlight -- self[1].invert = true UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, "fast", self[1].dimen) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:yieldToEPDC() -- Unhighlight -- self[1].invert = false UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui", self[1].dimen) -- Callback -- logger.dbg("creating coroutine for menu select") local co = coroutine.create(function() self.menu:onMenuSelect(self.table, pos) end) coroutine.resume(co) UIManager:forceRePaint() end return true end function MenuItem:onHoldSelect(arg, ges) if not self[1].dimen then return end local pos = self:getGesPosition(ges) if G_reader_settings:isFalse("flash_ui") then self.menu:onMenuHold(self.table, pos) else -- c.f., ui/widget/iconbutton for the canonical documentation about the flash_ui code flow -- Highlight -- self[1].invert = true UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, "fast", self[1].dimen) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:yieldToEPDC() -- Unhighlight -- self[1].invert = false UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui", self[1].dimen) -- Callback -- self.menu:onMenuHold(self.table, pos) UIManager:forceRePaint() end return true end --[[ Widget that displays menu --]] local Menu = FocusManager:new{ show_parent = nil, title = "No Title", -- default width and height width = nil, -- height will be calculated according to item number if not given height = nil, header_padding = Size.padding.default, dimen = nil, item_table = nil, -- NOT mandatory (will be empty) item_shortcuts = { "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "Del", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ".", "Sym", }, item_table_stack = nil, is_enable_shortcut = true, item_dimen = nil, page = 1, item_group = nil, page_info = nil, page_return = nil, items_per_page_default = 14, items_per_page = nil, items_font_size = nil, items_mandatory_font_size = nil, multilines_show_more_text = nil, -- Global settings or default values will be used if not provided -- set this to true to not paint as popup menu is_borderless = false, -- if you want to embed the menu widget into another widget, set -- this to false is_popout = true, -- set icon to add title bar left button title_bar_left_icon = nil, -- set this to true to add close button has_close_button = true, -- close_callback is a function, which is executed when menu is closed -- it is usually set by the widget which creates the menu close_callback = nil, linesize = Size.line.medium, line_color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, } function Menu:_recalculateDimen() self.perpage = self.items_per_page or G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_per_page") or self.items_per_page_default self.span_width = 0 local height_dim local bottom_height = 0 local top_height = 0 if self.page_return_arrow and self.page_info_text then bottom_height = math.max(self.page_return_arrow:getSize().h, self.page_info_text:getSize().h) + 2 * Size.padding.button end if self.title_bar and not self.no_title then top_height = self.title_bar:getHeight() + self.header_padding end height_dim = self.inner_dimen.h - bottom_height - top_height local item_height = math.floor(height_dim / self.perpage) self.span_width = math.floor((height_dim - (self.perpage * item_height)) / 2 - 1) self.item_dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.inner_dimen.w, h = item_height, } self.page_num = math.ceil(#self.item_table / self.perpage) -- fix current page if out of range if self.page_num > 0 and self.page > self.page_num then self.page = self.page_num end end function Menu:init() self.show_parent = self.show_parent or self self.item_table = self.item_table or {} self.item_table_stack = {} self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.height or Screen:getHeight() } if self.dimen.h > Screen:getHeight() or self.dimen.h == nil then self.dimen.h = Screen:getHeight() end self.border_size = self.is_borderless and 0 or Size.border.window self.inner_dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.dimen.w - 2 * self.border_size, h = self.dimen.h - 2 * self.border_size, } self.page = 1 self.paths = {} -- per instance table to trace navigation path ----------------------------------- -- start to set up widget layout -- ----------------------------------- self.title_bar = TitleBar:new{ width = self.dimen.w, fullscreen = "true", align = "center", with_bottom_line = self.with_bottom_line, bottom_line_color = self.bottom_line_color, bottom_line_h_padding = self.bottom_line_h_padding, title = self.title, title_face = self.title_face, title_multilines = self.title_multilines, title_shrink_font_to_fit = self.title_shrink_font_to_fit, subtitle = self.show_path and BD.directory(filemanagerutil.abbreviate(self.path)), subtitle_truncate_left = self.show_path, subtitle_fullwidth = self.show_path, left_icon = self.title_bar_left_icon, left_icon_tap_callback = function() self:onLeftButtonTap() end, left_icon_hold_callback = function() self:onLeftButtonHold() end, close_callback = self.has_close_button and function() self:onClose() end, show_parent = self.show_parent or self, } -- group for items self.item_group = VerticalGroup:new{} -- group for page info local chevron_left = "chevron.left" local chevron_right = "chevron.right" local chevron_first = "chevron.first" local chevron_last = "chevron.last" if BD.mirroredUILayout() then chevron_left, chevron_right = chevron_right, chevron_left chevron_first, chevron_last = chevron_last, chevron_first end self.page_info_left_chev = self.page_info_left_chev or Button:new{ icon = chevron_left, callback = function() self:onPrevPage() end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self.show_parent, } self.page_info_right_chev = self.page_info_right_chev or Button:new{ icon = chevron_right, callback = function() self:onNextPage() end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self.show_parent, } self.page_info_first_chev = self.page_info_first_chev or Button:new{ icon = chevron_first, callback = function() self:onFirstPage() end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self.show_parent, } self.page_info_last_chev = self.page_info_last_chev or Button:new{ icon = chevron_last, callback = function() self:onLastPage() end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self.show_parent, } self.page_info_spacer = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Screen:scaleBySize(32), } self.page_info_left_chev:hide() self.page_info_right_chev:hide() self.page_info_first_chev:hide() self.page_info_last_chev:hide() local title_goto, type_goto, hint_func local buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.page_info_text:closeInputDialog() end, }, { text = _("Go to page"), is_enter_default = not self.goto_letter, callback = function() local page = tonumber(self.page_info_text.input_dialog:getInputText()) if page and page >= 1 and page <= self.page_num then self:onGotoPage(page) self.page_info_text:closeInputDialog() end end, }, }, } if self.goto_letter then title_goto = _("Enter letter or page number") type_goto = "string" hint_func = function() -- @translators First group is the standard range for alphabetic searches, second group is a page number range return T(_("(a - z) or (1 - %1)"), self.page_num) end table.insert(buttons, 1, { { text = _("File search"), callback = function() self.page_info_text:closeInputDialog() UIManager:sendEvent(Event:new("ShowFileSearch", self.page_info_text.input_dialog:getInputText())) end, }, { text = _("Go to letter"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local search_string = self.page_info_text.input_dialog:getInputText() if search_string == "" then return end search_string = Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(search_string, "?")) for k, v in ipairs(self.item_table) do local filename = Utf8Proc.lowercase(util.fixUtf8(FFIUtil.basename(v.path), "?")) local i, _ = filename:find(search_string) if i == 1 and not v.is_go_up then self:onGotoPage(math.ceil(k / self.perpage)) break end end self.page_info_text:closeInputDialog() end, }, }) else title_goto = _("Enter page number") type_goto = "number" hint_func = function() return string.format("(1 - %s)", self.page_num) end end self.page_info_text = self.page_info_text or Button:new{ text = "", hold_input = { title = title_goto, type = type_goto, hint_func = hint_func, buttons = buttons, }, call_hold_input_on_tap = true, bordersize = 0, text_font_face = "cfont", text_font_size = 20, text_font_bold = false, } self.page_info = HorizontalGroup:new{ self.page_info_first_chev, self.page_info_spacer, self.page_info_left_chev, self.page_info_spacer, self.page_info_text, self.page_info_spacer, self.page_info_right_chev, self.page_info_spacer, self.page_info_last_chev, } -- return button self.page_return_arrow = self.page_return_arrow or Button:new{ icon = "back.top", callback = function() if self.onReturn then self:onReturn() end end, hold_callback = function() if self.onHoldReturn then self:onHoldReturn() end end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self.show_parent, readonly = self.return_arrow_propagation, } self.page_return_arrow:hide() self.return_button = HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.horizontal_small, }, self.page_return_arrow, } local header = self.no_title and VerticalSpan:new{ width = 0 } or self.title_bar local body = self.item_group local footer = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = self.inner_dimen:copy(), self.page_info, } local page_return = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = self.inner_dimen:copy(), WidgetContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = Screen:getWidth(), h = self.page_return_arrow:getSize().h, }, self.return_button, } } self:_recalculateDimen() self.vertical_span = HorizontalGroup:new{ VerticalSpan:new{ width = self.span_width } } self.content_group = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", header, self.vertical_span, body, } local content = OverlapGroup:new{ -- This unique allow_mirroring=false looks like it's enough -- to have this complex Menu, and all widgets based on it, -- be mirrored correctly with RTL languages allow_mirroring = false, dimen = self.inner_dimen:copy(), self.content_group, page_return, footer, } self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, bordersize = self.border_size, padding = 0, margin = 0, radius = self.is_popout and math.floor(self.dimen.w / 20) or 0, content } ------------------------------------------ -- start to set up input event callback -- ------------------------------------------ if Device:isTouchDevice() then -- watch for outer region if it's a self contained widget if self.is_popout then self.ges_events.TapCloseAllMenus = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } } end -- delegate swipe gesture to GestureManager in filemanager if not self.filemanager then self.ges_events.Swipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = self.dimen, } } end self.ges_events.Close = self.on_close_ges end if not Device:hasKeyboard() then -- remove menu item shortcut for K4 self.is_enable_shortcut = false end if Device:hasKeys() then -- set up keyboard events self.key_events.Close = { {"Back"}, doc = "close menu" } if Device:hasFewKeys() then self.key_events.Close = { {"Left"}, doc = "close menu" } end self.key_events.NextPage = { {Input.group.PgFwd}, doc = "goto next page of the menu" } self.key_events.PrevPage = { {Input.group.PgBack}, doc = "goto previous page of the menu" } end if Device:hasDPad() then -- we won't catch presses to "Right", leave that to MenuItem. self.key_events.FocusRight = nil -- shortcut icon is not needed for touch device if self.is_enable_shortcut then self.key_events.SelectByShortCut = { {self.item_shortcuts} } end self.key_events.Select = { {"Press"}, doc = "select current menu item" } self.key_events.Right = { {"Right"}, doc = "hold menu item" } end if #self.item_table > 0 then -- if the table is not yet initialized, this call -- must be done manually: self.page = math.ceil((self.item_table.current or 1) / self.perpage) end if self.path_items then self:refreshPath() else self:updateItems() end end function Menu:onShowingReader() -- Clear the dither flag to prevent it from infecting the queue and re-inserting a full-screen refresh... self.dithered = nil end Menu.onSetupShowReader = Menu.onShowingReader function Menu:onCloseWidget() --- @fixme -- we cannot refresh regionally using the dimen field -- because some menus without menu title use VerticalGroup to include -- a text widget which is not calculated into the dimen. -- For example, it's a dirty hack to use two menus (one being this menu and -- the other touch menu) in the filemanager in order to capture tap gesture to popup -- the filemanager menu. -- NOTE: For the same reason, don't make it flash, -- because that'll trigger when we close the FM and open a book... -- Don't do anything if we're in the process of tearing down FM or RD, or if we don't actually have a live instance of 'em... local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") local reader_ui = ReaderUI:_getRunningInstance() if (FileManager.instance and not FileManager.instance.tearing_down) or (reader_ui and not reader_ui.tearing_down) then UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui") end end function Menu:updatePageInfo(select_number) if self.item_group[1] then if Device:hasDPad() then -- reset focus manager accordingly self.selected = { x = 1, y = select_number } end -- update page information self.page_info_text:setText(FFIUtil.template(_("Page %1 of %2"), self.page, self.page_num)) if self.page_num > 1 then self.page_info_text:enable() else self.page_info_text:disableWithoutDimming() end self.page_info_left_chev:show() self.page_info_right_chev:show() self.page_info_first_chev:show() self.page_info_last_chev:show() self.page_return_arrow:showHide(self.onReturn ~= nil) self.page_info_left_chev:enableDisable(self.page > 1) self.page_info_right_chev:enableDisable(self.page < self.page_num) self.page_info_first_chev:enableDisable(self.page > 1) self.page_info_last_chev:enableDisable(self.page < self.page_num) self.page_return_arrow:enableDisable(#self.paths > 0) else self.page_info_text:setText(_("No items")) self.page_info_text:disableWithoutDimming() self.page_info_left_chev:hide() self.page_info_right_chev:hide() self.page_info_first_chev:hide() self.page_info_last_chev:hide() self.page_return_arrow:showHide(self.onReturn ~= nil) end end function Menu:updateItems(select_number) local old_dimen = self.dimen and self.dimen:copy() -- self.layout must be updated for focusmanager self.layout = {} self.item_group:clear() self.page_info:resetLayout() self.return_button:resetLayout() self.vertical_span:clear() self.content_group:resetLayout() self:_recalculateDimen() -- default to select the first item if not select_number then select_number = 1 end local font_size = self.items_font_size or G_reader_settings:readSetting("items_font_size") or Menu.getItemFontSize(self.perpage) local infont_size = self.items_mandatory_font_size or (font_size - 4) local multilines_show_more_text = self.multilines_show_more_text if multilines_show_more_text == nil then multilines_show_more_text = G_reader_settings:isTrue("items_multilines_show_more_text") end for c = 1, math.min(self.perpage, #self.item_table) do -- calculate index in item_table local i = (self.page - 1) * self.perpage + c if i <= #self.item_table then local item_shortcut = nil local shortcut_style = "square" if self.is_enable_shortcut then -- give different shortcut_style to keys in different -- lines of keyboard if c >= 11 and c <= 20 then --shortcut_style = "rounded_corner" shortcut_style = "grey_square" end item_shortcut = self.item_shortcuts[c] end local item_tmp = MenuItem:new{ show_parent = self.show_parent, state = self.item_table[i].state, state_size = self.state_size or {}, text = Menu.getMenuText(self.item_table[i]), bidi_wrap_func = self.item_table[i].bidi_wrap_func, mandatory = self.item_table[i].mandatory, mandatory_func = self.item_table[i].mandatory_func, bold = self.item_table.current == i or self.item_table[i].bold == true, dim = self.item_table[i].dim, font = "smallinfofont", font_size = font_size, infont = "infont", infont_size = infont_size, dimen = self.item_dimen:new(), shortcut = item_shortcut, shortcut_style = shortcut_style, table = self.item_table[i], menu = self, linesize = self.linesize, single_line = self.single_line, multilines_show_more_text = multilines_show_more_text, align_baselines = self.align_baselines, with_dots = self.with_dots, line_color = self.line_color, items_padding = self.items_padding, } table.insert(self.item_group, item_tmp) -- this is for focus manager table.insert(self.layout, {item_tmp}) end -- if i <= self.items end -- for c=1, self.perpage self:updatePageInfo(select_number) if self.show_path then self.title_bar:setSubTitle(BD.directory(filemanagerutil.abbreviate(self.path))) end UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() local refresh_dimen = old_dimen and old_dimen:combine(self.dimen) or self.dimen return "ui", refresh_dimen end) end --[[ the itemnumber paramter determines menu page number after switching item table 1. itemnumber >= 0 the page number is calculated with items per page 2. itemnumber == nil the page number is 1 3. itemnumber is negative number the page number is not changed, used when item_table is appended with new entries alternatively, itemmatch may be provided as a {key = value} table, and the page number will be the page containing the first item for which item.key = value --]] function Menu:switchItemTable(new_title, new_item_table, itemnumber, itemmatch) if self.title_bar and new_title then self.title_bar:setTitle(new_title) end if itemnumber == nil then self.page = 1 elseif itemnumber >= 0 then self.page = math.ceil(itemnumber / self.perpage) end if type(itemmatch) == "table" then local key, value = next(itemmatch) for num, item in ipairs(new_item_table) do if item[key] == value then self.page = math.floor((num-1) / self.perpage) + 1 break end end end -- make sure current page is in right page range local max_pages = math.ceil(#new_item_table / self.perpage) if self.page > max_pages then self.page = max_pages end self.item_table = new_item_table self:updateItems() end function Menu:onScreenResize(dimen) --- @todo Investigate: could this cause minor memory leaks? self:init() return false end function Menu:onSelectByShortCut(_, keyevent) for k,v in ipairs(self.item_shortcuts) do if k > self.perpage then break elseif v == keyevent.key then if self.item_table[(self.page-1)*self.perpage + k] then self:onMenuSelect(self.item_table[(self.page-1)*self.perpage + k]) end break end end return true end function Menu:onShowGotoDialog() if self.page_info_text and self.page_info_text.hold_input then self.page_info_text:onInput(self.page_info_text.hold_input) end return true end function Menu:onWrapFirst() if self.page > 1 then self.page = self.page - 1 local end_position = self.perpage if self.page == self.page_num then end_position = #self.item_table % self.perpage end self:updateItems(end_position) end return false end function Menu:onWrapLast() if self.page < self.page_num then self:onNextPage() end return false end --[[ override this function to process the item selected in a different manner ]]-- function Menu:onMenuSelect(item) if item.sub_item_table == nil then if item.select_enabled == false then return true end if item.select_enabled_func then if not item.select_enabled_func() then return true end end self:onMenuChoice(item) if self.close_callback then self.close_callback() end else -- save menu title for later resume self.item_table.title = self.title table.insert(self.item_table_stack, self.item_table) self:switchItemTable(item.text, item.sub_item_table) end return true end --[[ default to call item callback override this function to handle the choice --]] function Menu:onMenuChoice(item) if item.callback then item.callback() end return true end --[[ override this function to process the item hold in a different manner ]]-- function Menu:onMenuHold(item) return true end function Menu:onNextPage() if self.onNext and self.page == self.page_num - 1 then self:onNext() end if self.page < self.page_num then self.page = self.page + 1 self:updateItems() elseif self.page == self.page_num then -- on the last page, we check if we're on the last item local end_position = #self.item_table % self.perpage if end_position == 0 then end_position = self.perpage end if end_position ~= self.selected.y then self:updateItems(end_position) end self.page = 1 self:updateItems() end return true end function Menu:onPrevPage() if self.page > 1 then self.page = self.page - 1 elseif self.page == 1 then self.page = self.page_num end self:updateItems() return true end function Menu:onFirstPage() self.page = 1 self:updateItems() return true end function Menu:onLastPage() self.page = self.page_num self:updateItems() return true end function Menu:onGotoPage(page) self.page = page self:updateItems() return true end function Menu:onSelect() local item = self.item_table[(self.page-1)*self.perpage+self.selected.y] if item then self:onMenuSelect(item) end return true end function Menu:onRight() local item = self.item_table[(self.page-1)*self.perpage+self.selected.y] if item then self:onMenuHold(item) end return true end function Menu:onClose() local table_length = #self.item_table_stack if table_length == 0 then self:onCloseAllMenus() else -- back to parent menu local parent_item_table = table.remove(self.item_table_stack, table_length) self:switchItemTable(parent_item_table.title, parent_item_table) end return true end function Menu:onCloseAllMenus() UIManager:close(self) if self.close_callback then self.close_callback() end return true end function Menu:onTapCloseAllMenus(arg, ges_ev) if ges_ev.pos:notIntersectWith(self.dimen) then self:onCloseAllMenus() return true end end function Menu:onSwipe(arg, ges_ev) local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges_ev.direction) if direction == "west" then self:onNextPage() elseif direction == "east" then self:onPrevPage() elseif direction == "south" then if self.has_close_button and not self.no_title then -- If there is a close button displayed (so, this Menu can be -- closed), allow easier closing with swipe up/down self:onClose() end -- If there is no close button, it's a top level Menu and swipe -- up/down may hide/show top menu elseif direction == "north" then -- no use for now do end -- luacheck: ignore 541 else -- diagonal swipe -- trigger full refresh UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") end end function Menu:setTitleBarLeftIcon(icon) self.title_bar:setLeftIcon(icon) end function Menu:onLeftButtonTap() -- to be overriden and implemented by the caller end function Menu:onLeftButtonHold() -- to be overriden and implemented by the caller end --- Adds > to touch menu items with a submenu local arrow_left = "◂" -- U+25C2 BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE local arrow_right = "▸" -- U+25B8 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE local sub_item_format -- Adjust arrow direction and position for menu with sub items -- according to possible user choices if BD.mirroredUILayout() then if BD.rtlUIText() then -- normal case with RTL language sub_item_format = "%s " .. BD.rtl(arrow_left) else -- user reverted text direction, so LTR sub_item_format = BD.ltr(arrow_left) .. " %s" end else if BD.rtlUIText() then -- user reverted text direction, so RTL sub_item_format = BD.rtl(arrow_right) .. " %s" else -- normal case with LTR language sub_item_format = "%s " .. BD.ltr(arrow_right) end end function Menu.getItemFontSize(perpage) -- Get adjusted font size for the given nb of items per page: -- item font size between 14 and 24 for better matching return math.floor(24 - ((perpage - 6) / 18) * 10) end function Menu.getItemMandatoryFontSize(perpage) -- Get adjusted font size for the given nb of items per page: -- "mandatory" font size between 12 and 18 for better matching return math.floor(18 - (perpage - 6) / 3) end function Menu.getMenuText(item) local text if item.text_func then text = item.text_func() else text = item.text end if item.sub_item_table ~= nil or item.sub_item_table_func then text = string.format(sub_item_format, text) end return text end function Menu.itemTableFromTouchMenu(t) local item_t = {} for k, v in FFIUtil.orderedPairs(t) do local item = { text = k } if v.callback then item.callback = v.callback else item.sub_item_table = v end table.insert(item_t, item) end return item_t end return Menu