require "unireader" DJVUReader = UniReader:new{} -- open a DJVU file and its settings store -- DJVU does not support password yet function DJVUReader:open(filename) local ok ok, self.doc = pcall(djvu.openDocument, filename, self.cache_document_size) if not ok then return ok, self.doc -- this will be the error message instead end return ok end function DJVUReader:init() self:addAllCommands() self:adjustDjvuReaderCommand() end function DJVUReader:adjustDjvuReaderCommand() self.commands:add(KEY_N, nil, "N", "start highlight mode", function(unireader) unireader:startHighLightMode() unireader:goto(unireader.pageno) end ) self.commands:add(KEY_N, MOD_SHIFT, "N", "display all highlights", function(unireader) unireader:showHighLight() unireader:goto(unireader.pageno) end ) end -----------[ highlight support ]---------- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Given coordinates of four conners and return -- coordinate of upper left conner with with and height -- -- In djvulibre library, some coordinates starts from -- down left conner, i.e. y is upside down. This method -- only transform these coordinates. ---------------------------------------------------- function DJVUReader:_rectCoordTransform(x0, y0, x1, y1) return self.offset_x + x0 * self.globalzoom, self.offset_y + self.cur_full_height - (y1 * self.globalzoom), (x1 - x0) * self.globalzoom, (y1 - y0) * self.globalzoom end -- make sure the whole word can be seen in screen function DJVUReader:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(w) return self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(w) and self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(w) end -- y axel in djvulibre starts from bottom function DJVUReader:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(w) return (w ~= nil) and (self.cur_full_height - (w.y1 * self.globalzoom) >= -self.offset_y) and (self.cur_full_height - (w.y0 * self.globalzoom) <= -self.offset_y + height) end function DJVUReader:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(w) return (w ~= nil) and (w.x0 * self.globalzoom >= -self.offset_x) and (w.x1 * self.globalzoom <= -self.offset_x + width) end -- make sure at least part of the word can be seen in screen function DJVUReader:_isWordInScreenRange(w) return (w ~= nil) and (self.cur_full_height - (w.y0 * self.globalzoom) >= -self.offset_y) and (self.cur_full_height - (w.y1 * self.globalzoom) <= -self.offset_y + height) and (w.x1 * self.globalzoom >= -self.offset_x) and (w.x0 * self.globalzoom <= -self.offset_x + width) end function DJVUReader:toggleTextHighLight(word_list) for _,text_item in ipairs(word_list) do for _,line_item in ipairs(text_item) do -- make sure that line is in screen range if self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(line_item) then local x, y, w, h = self:_rectCoordTransform( line_item.x0, line_item.y0, line_item.x1, line_item.y1) -- slightly enlarge the highlight height -- for better viewing experience x = x y = y - h * 0.1 w = w h = h * 1.2 self.highlight.drawer = self.highlight.drawer or "underscore" if self.highlight.drawer == "underscore" then self.highlight.line_width = self.highlight.line_width or 2 self.highlight.line_color = self.highlight.line_color or 5, y+h-1, w, self.highlight.line_width, self.highlight.line_color) elseif self.highlight.drawer == "marker" then, y, w, h) end end -- EOF if isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange end -- EOF for line_item end -- EOF for text_item end function DJVUReader:_wordIterFromRange(t, l0, w0, l1, w1) local i = l0 local j = w0 - 1 return function() if i <= l1 then -- if in line range, loop through lines if i == l1 then -- in last line if j < w1 then j = j + 1 else -- out of range return nil return nil, nil end else if j < #t[i] then j = j + 1 else -- goto next line i = i + 1 j = 1 end end return i, j end end -- EOF closure end function DJVUReader:_toggleWordHighLight(t, l, w) x, y, w, h = self:_rectCoordTransform(t[l][w].x0, t[l].y0, t[l][w].x1, t[l].y1) -- slightly enlarge the highlight range for better viewing experience x = x - w * 0.05 y = y - h * 0.05 w = w * 1.1 h = h * 1.1, y, w, h) end function DJVUReader:_toggleTextHighLight(t, l0, w0, l1, w1) --print("# toggle range", l0, w0, l1, w1) -- make sure (l0, w0) is smaller than (l1, w1) if l0 > l1 then l0, l1 = l1, l0 w0, w1 = w1, w0 elseif l0 == l1 and w0 > w1 then w0, w1 = w1, w0 end for _l, _w in self:_wordIterFromRange(t, l0, w0, l1, w1) do if self:_isWordInScreenRange(t[_l][_w]) then -- blitbuffer module will take care of the out of screen range part. self:_toggleWordHighLight(t, _l, _w) end end end -- remember to clear cursor before calling this function DJVUReader:drawCursorAfterWord(t, l, w) self.cursor:setHeight((t[l].y1 - t[l].y0) * self.globalzoom) self.cursor:moveTo( self.offset_x + t[l][w].x1 * self.globalzoom, self.offset_y + self.cur_full_height - (t[l].y1 * self.globalzoom)) self.cursor:draw() end function DJVUReader:drawCursorBeforeWord(t, l, w) self.cursor:setHeight((t[l].y1 - t[l].y0) * self.globalzoom) self.cursor:moveTo( self.offset_x + t[l][w].x0 * self.globalzoom - self.cursor.w, self.offset_y + self.cur_full_height - t[l].y1 * self.globalzoom) self.cursor:draw() end function DJVUReader:startHighLightMode() local t = self.doc:getPageText(self.pageno) local function _findFirstWordInView(t) for i=1, #t, 1 do if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[i][1]) then return i, 1 end end return nil end local function _prevWord(t, cur_l, cur_w) if cur_l == 1 then if cur_w == 1 then -- already the first word return 1, 1 else -- in first line, but not first word return cur_l, cur_w -1 end end if cur_w <= 1 then -- first word in current line, goto previous line return cur_l - 1, #t[cur_l-1] else return cur_l, cur_w - 1 end end local function _nextWord(t, cur_l, cur_w) if cur_l == #t then if cur_w == #(t[cur_l]) then -- already the last word return cur_l, cur_w else -- in last line, but not last word return cur_l, cur_w + 1 end end if cur_w < #t[cur_l] then return cur_l, cur_w + 1 else -- last word in current line, move to next line return cur_l + 1, 1 end end local function _wordInNextLine(t, cur_l, cur_w) if cur_l == #t then -- already in last line, return the last word return cur_l, #(t[cur_l]) else return cur_l + 1, math.min(cur_w, #t[cur_l+1]) end end local function _wordInPrevLine(t, cur_l, cur_w) if cur_l == 1 then -- already in first line, return the first word return 1, 1 else return cur_l - 1, math.min(cur_w, #t[cur_l-1]) end end local function _isMovingForward(l, w) return l.cur > l.start or (l.cur == l.start and w.cur > w.start) end local l = {} local w = {} l.start, w.start = _findFirstWordInView(t) if not l.start then print("# no text in current view!") return end l.cur, w.cur = l.start, w.start, = l.cur, w.cur local is_meet_start = false local is_meet_end = false local running = true self.cursor = Cursor:new { x_pos = t[l.cur][w.cur].x1*self.globalzoom, y_pos = self.offset_y + (self.cur_full_height - (t[l.cur][w.cur].y1 * self.globalzoom)), h = (t[l.cur][w.cur].y1 - t[l.cur][w.cur].y0) * self.globalzoom, line_width_factor = 4, } self.cursor:draw() fb:refresh(1) -- first use cursor to place start pos for highlight while running do local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then if ev.code == KEY_FW_LEFT then if w.cur == 1 then w.cur = 0 = 0 else if w.cur == 0 then -- already at the left end of current line, -- goto previous line (_prevWord does not understand -- zero w.cur) w.cur = 1 end, = _prevWord(t, l.cur, w.cur) end self.cursor:clear() if ~= 0 and not self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(t[][]) and self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(t[][]) then -- word is in previous view local pageno = self:prevView() self:goto(pageno) end -- update cursor if w.cur == 0 then -- meet line left end, must be handled as special case if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[l.cur][1]) then self:drawCursorBeforeWord(t, l.cur, 1) end else if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][]) then self:drawCursorAfterWord(t,, end end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_RIGHT then if w.cur == 0 then w.cur = 1 = 1 else, = _nextWord(t, l.cur, w.cur) if == 1 then -- Must be come from the right end of previous line, -- so goto the left end of current line. w.cur = 0 = 0 end end self.cursor:clear() local tmp_w = if w.cur == 0 then tmp_w = 1 end if not self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(t[][tmp_w]) and self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(t[][tmp_w]) then local pageno = self:nextView() self:goto(pageno) end if w.cur == 0 then -- meet line left end, must be handled as special case if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][1]) then self:drawCursorBeforeWord(t,, 1) end else if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][]) then self:drawCursorAfterWord(t,, end end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_UP then if w.cur == 0 then -- goto left end of last line = math.max(l.cur - 1, 1) elseif l.cur == 1 and w.cur == 1 then -- already first word, to the left end of first line = 0 else, = _wordInPrevLine(t, l.cur, w.cur) end self.cursor:clear() local tmp_w = if w.cur == 0 then tmp_w = 1 end if not self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(t[][tmp_w]) and self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(t[][tmp_w]) then -- goto next view of current page local pageno = self:prevView() self:goto(pageno) end if == 0 then if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][1]) then self:drawCursorBeforeWord(t,, 1) end else if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][]) then self:drawCursorAfterWord(t,, end end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_DOWN then if w.cur == 0 then -- on the left end of current line, -- goto left end of next line = math.min(l.cur + 1, #t) else, = _wordInNextLine(t, l.cur, w.cur) end self.cursor:clear() local tmp_w = if w.cur == 0 then tmp_w = 1 end if not self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(t[][tmp_w]) and self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(t[][tmp_w]) then -- goto next view of current page local pageno = self:nextView() self:goto(pageno) end if w.cur == 0 then if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][1]) then self:drawCursorBeforeWord(t,, 1) end else if self:_isEntireWordInScreenRange(t[][]) then self:drawCursorAfterWord(t,, end end elseif ev.code == KEY_DEL then if self.highlight[self.pageno] then for k, text_item in ipairs(self.highlight[self.pageno]) do for _, line_item in ipairs(text_item) do if t[l.cur][w.cur].y0 >= line_item.y0 and t[l.cur][w.cur].y1 <= line_item.y1 and t[l.cur][w.cur].x0 >= line_item.x0 and t[l.cur][w.cur].x1 <= line_item.x1 then self.highlight[self.pageno][k] = nil end end -- EOF for line_item end -- EOF for text_item end -- EOF if not highlight table if #self.highlight[self.pageno] == 0 then self.highlight[self.pageno] = nil end return elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_PRESS then if w.cur == 0 then w.cur = 1 l.cur, w.cur = _prevWord(t, l.cur, w.cur) end, = l.cur, w.cur l.start, w.start = l.cur, w.cur running = false self.cursor:clear() elseif ev.code == KEY_BACK then running = false return end -- EOF if key event l.cur, w.cur =, fb:refresh(1) end end -- EOF while --print("start", l.cur, w.cur, l.start, w.start) -- two helper functions for highlight local function _togglePrevWordHighLight(t, l, w), = _prevWord(t, l.cur, w.cur) if l.cur == 1 and w.cur == 1 then is_meet_start = true -- left end of first line must be handled as special case = 0 end if ~= 0 and not self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(t[][]) then -- word out of left and right sides of current view should -- not trigger pan by page if self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(t[][]) then -- word is in previous view local pageno = self:prevView() self:goto(pageno) end local l0 = l.start local w0 = w.start local l1 = l.cur local w1 = w.cur if _isMovingForward(l, w) then l0, w0 = _nextWord(t, l0, w0) l1, w1 =, end self:_toggleTextHighLight(t, l0, w0, l1, w1) else self:_toggleWordHighLight(t, l.cur, w.cur) end l.cur, w.cur =, return l, w, (is_meet_start or false) end local function _toggleNextWordHighLight(t, l, w) if w.cur == 0 then = 1 else, = _nextWord(t, l.cur, w.cur) end if == #t and == #t[#t] then is_meet_end = true end if not self:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(t[][]) then if self:_isEntireWordInScreenWidthRange(t[][]) then local pageno = self:nextView() self:goto(pageno) end local tmp_l = l.start local tmp_w = w.start if _isMovingForward(l, w) then tmp_l, tmp_w = _nextWord(t, tmp_l, tmp_w) end self:_toggleTextHighLight(t, tmp_l, tmp_w,, else self:_toggleWordHighLight(t,, end l.cur, w.cur =, return l, w, (is_meet_end or false) end -- go into highlight mode running = true while running do local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then if ev.code == KEY_FW_LEFT then is_meet_end = false if not is_meet_start then l, w, is_meet_start = _togglePrevWordHighLight(t, l, w) end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_RIGHT then is_meet_start = false if not is_meet_end then l, w, is_meet_end = _toggleNextWordHighLight(t, l, w) end -- EOF if is not is_meet_end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_UP then is_meet_end = false if not is_meet_start then if l.cur == 1 then -- handle left end of first line as special case tmp_l = 1 tmp_w = 0 else tmp_l, tmp_w = _wordInPrevLine(t, l.cur, w.cur) end while not (tmp_l == l.cur and tmp_w == w.cur) do l, w, is_meet_start = _togglePrevWordHighLight(t, l, w) end end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_DOWN then is_meet_start = false if not is_meet_end then if w.cur == 0 then -- handle left end of first line as special case tmp_l = math.min(tmp_l + 1, #t) tmp_w = 1 else tmp_l, tmp_w = _wordInNextLine(t,, end while not (tmp_l == l.cur and tmp_w == w.cur) do l, w, is_meet_end = _toggleNextWordHighLight(t, l, w) end end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_PRESS then local l0, w0, l1, w1 -- find start and end of highlight text if _isMovingForward(l, w) then l0, w0 = _nextWord(t, l.start, w.start) l1, w1 = l.cur, w.cur else l0, w0 = _nextWord(t, l.cur, w.cur) l1, w1 = l.start, w.start end -- remove selection area self:_toggleTextHighLight(t, l0, w0, l1, w1) -- put text into highlight table of current page local hl_item = {} local s = "" local prev_l = l0 local prev_w = w0 local l_item = { x0 = t[l0][w0].x0, y0 = t[l0].y0, y1 = t[l0].y1, } for _l,_w in self:_wordIterFromRange(t, l0, w0, l1, w1) do local word_item = t[_l][_w] if _l > prev_l then -- in next line, add previous line to highlight item l_item.x1 = t[prev_l][prev_w].x1 table.insert(hl_item, l_item) -- re initialize l_item for new line l_item = { x0 = word_item.x0, y0 = t[_l].y0, y1 = t[_l].y1, } end s = s .. word_item.word .. " " prev_l, prev_w = _l, _w end -- insert last line of text in line item l_item.x1 = t[prev_l][prev_w].x1 table.insert(hl_item, l_item) hl_item.text = s if not self.highlight[self.pageno] then self.highlight[self.pageno] = {} end table.insert(self.highlight[self.pageno], hl_item) running = false elseif ev.code == KEY_BACK then running = false end -- EOF if key event fb:refresh(1) end end -- EOF while end