glyphcache_max_memsize = 256*1024 -- 256kB glyphcache glyphcache_current_memsize = 0 glyphcache = {} glyphcache_max_age = 4 function glyphCacheClaim(size) if(size > glyphcache_max_memsize) then error("too much memory claimed") return false end while glyphcache_current_memsize + size > glyphcache_max_memsize do for k, _ in pairs(glyphcache) do if glyphcache[k].age > 0 then glyphcache[k].age = glyphcache[k].age - 1 else glyphcache_current_memsize = glyphcache_current_memsize - glyphcache[k].size glyphcache[k] glyphcache[k] = nil break -- leave loop and check again if we have enough free space now end end end glyphcache_current_memsize = glyphcache_current_memsize + size return true end function getGlyph(face, charcode) local hash = glyphCacheHash(face.hash, charcode) if glyphcache[hash] == nil then local glyph = face.ftface:renderGlyph(charcode) local size = * / 2 + 32 glyphCacheClaim(size); glyphcache[hash] = { age = glyphcache_max_age, size = size, glyph = glyph } else glyphcache[hash].age = glyphcache_max_age end return glyphcache[hash].glyph end function glyphCacheHash(face, charcode) return face..'_'..charcode; end function clearGlyphCache() glyphcache = {} glyphcache_current_memsize = 0 end function sizeUtf8Text(x, width, face, text, kerning) if not text then Debug("sizeUtf8Text called without text"); return end -- may still need more adaptive pen placement when kerning, -- see: local pen_x = 0 local pen_y_top = 0 local pen_y_bottom = 0 local prevcharcode = 0 for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do if pen_x < (width - x) then local charcode = util.utf8charcode(uchar) local glyph = getGlyph(face, charcode) if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then pen_x = pen_x + face.ftface:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode) end pen_x = pen_x + pen_y_top = math.max(pen_y_top, glyph.t) pen_y_bottom = math.max(pen_y_bottom, - glyph.t) --Debug("ax:"" t:"..glyph.t.." r:"..glyph.r.." h:"" w:"" yt:"..pen_y_top.." yb:"..pen_y_bottom) prevcharcode = charcode end -- if pen_x < (width -x) end -- for uchar return { x = pen_x, y_top = pen_y_top, y_bottom = pen_y_bottom} end function renderUtf8Text(buffer, x, y, face, text, kerning) if not text then Debug("renderUtf8Text called without text"); return 0 end -- may still need more adaptive pen placement when kerning, -- see: local pen_x = 0 local prevcharcode = 0 buffer_width = buffer:getWidth() for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do if pen_x < buffer_width then local charcode = util.utf8charcode(uchar) local glyph = getGlyph(face, charcode) if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then pen_x = pen_x + face.ftface:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode) end buffer:addblitFrom(, x + pen_x + glyph.l, y - glyph.t, 0, 0,, pen_x = pen_x + prevcharcode = charcode end -- if pen_x < buffer_width end -- for uchar return pen_x end -- render UTF8 text restricted by width 'w' function renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, x, y, face, text, kerning, w) if not text then Debug("renderUtf8Text called without text"); return nil end local prevcharcode, pen_x, rest = 0, 0, "" for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do if pen_x < w then local charcode = util.utf8charcode(uchar) local glyph = getGlyph(face, charcode) if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then pen_x = pen_x + face.ftface:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode) end buffer:addblitFrom(, x + pen_x + glyph.l, y - glyph.t, 0, 0,, pen_x = pen_x + prevcharcode = charcode else -- accumulating the rest of text here rest = rest .. uchar end end return { left = rest, x = pen_x, y = y } end function SplitString(text) local words = {} local word = "" for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do if uchar == "/" or uchar == " " or uchar == "-" or uchar == "_" or uchar == "." then words[#words+1] = word .. uchar word = "" else word = word .. uchar end end -- add the rest of string as the last word words[#words+1] = word return words end function renderUtf8Multiline(buffer, x, y, face, text, kerning, w, line_spacing) local words = SplitString(text) -- test whether it is inside of reasonable values 1.0 < line_spacing < 5.0 or given in pixels (>5) -- default value is 1.75 ; getGlyph(face, 65).t = height of char 'A' local gl = getGlyph(face, 65) if line_spacing<1 then line_spacing=gl.t -- single = minimum elseif line_spacing < 5 then line_spacing=math.ceil(gl.t * line_spacing) -- if line_spacing>5 then it seems to be defined in pixels elseif line_spacing>=5 then line_spacing=line_spacing -- and, just for a case, default value else line_spacing = math.ceil(gl.t * 1.75) end -- NuPogodi, 17.07.2012: minor modification to solve issue #214 local lx, render = x for i = 1, #words do if sizeUtf8Text(lx, buffer:getWidth(), face, words[i], kerning).x < (w - lx + x) then lx = lx + renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, words[i], kerning, w - lx + x).x else -- shift down if it's not the first word in the current line if lx > x then y = y + line_spacing end lx = x -- move lx to the line start and draw next word until the last char render = renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, words[i], kerning, while render.left ~= "" do y = y + line_spacing render = renderUtf8TextWidth(buffer, lx, y, face, render.left, kerning, end lx = lx + render.x end -- if end --for return { x = x, y = y } end