local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Cache = require("cache") local Device = require("device") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Persist = require("persist") local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage") local TileCacheItem = require("document/tilecacheitem") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local Screen = Device.screen local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") -- This ReaderThumbnail module provides a service for generating thumbnails -- of book pages. -- It handles launching via the menu or Dispatcher/Gestures two fullscreen -- widgets related to showing pages and thumbnails that will make use of -- its services: BookMap and PageBrowser. local ReaderThumbnail = WidgetContainer:extend{} function ReaderThumbnail:init() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then -- The BookMap and PageBrowser widgets depend too much on gestures, -- making them work with keys would be hard and very limited, so -- just don't make them available. return end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) -- Use LuaJIT fast buffer.encode()/decode() when serializing BlitBuffer -- for exchange between subprocess and parent. self.codec = Persist.getCodec("luajit") self:setupColor() self.thumbnails_requests = {} self.current_target_size_tag = nil -- Ensure no multiple executions, and nextTick() the scheduleIn() -- so we get a chance to process events in-between refreshes and -- this can be interrupted (otherwise, something scheduleIn(0.1), -- if a screen refresh is then done and taking longer than 0.1s, -- would be executed immediately, without emptying any input event). local schedule_step = 0 self._ensureTileGeneration_action = function(restart) if restart then UIManager:unschedule(self._ensureTileGeneration_action) schedule_step = 0 end if schedule_step == 0 then schedule_step = 1 UIManager:nextTick(self._ensureTileGeneration_action) elseif schedule_step == 1 then schedule_step = 2 UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, self._ensureTileGeneration_action) else schedule_step = 0 self:ensureTileGeneration() end end end function ReaderThumbnail:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.book_map = { text = _("Book map"), callback = function() self:onShowBookMap() end, -- Show the alternative overview mode (which is just a restricted -- variation of the main book map) with long-press (let's avoid -- adding another item in the crowded first menu). hold_callback = function() self:onShowBookMap(true) end, } menu_items.page_browser = { text = _("Page browser"), callback = function() self:onShowPageBrowser() end, } end function ReaderThumbnail:onShowBookMap(overview_mode) local BookMapWidget = require("ui/widget/bookmapwidget") UIManager:show(BookMapWidget:new{ ui = self.ui, overview_mode = overview_mode, }) return true end function ReaderThumbnail:onShowPageBrowser() local PageBrowserWidget = require("ui/widget/pagebrowserwidget") UIManager:show(PageBrowserWidget:new{ ui = self.ui, }) return true end -- This is made a module local so we can keep track of pids -- to collect across multiple Reader instantiations local pids_to_collect = {} function ReaderThumbnail:collectPids() if #pids_to_collect == 0 then return false end for i=#pids_to_collect, 1, -1 do if ffiutil.isSubProcessDone(pids_to_collect[i]) then table.remove(pids_to_collect, i) end end return #pids_to_collect > 0 end function ReaderThumbnail:setupColor() self.bb_type = self.ui.document.render_color and self.ui.document.color_bb_type or Blitbuffer.TYPE_BB8 end function ReaderThumbnail:setupCache() if not self.tile_cache then -- We want to allow browsing at least N pages worth of thumbnails -- without cache trashing. A little more than N pages (because inter -- thumbnail margins) will fit in N * screen size. -- With N=5, this should use from 5 to 15 Mb on a classic eInk device. local N = 5 local max_bytes = math.ceil(N * Screen:getWidth() * Screen:getHeight() * Blitbuffer.TYPE_TO_BPP[self.bb_type] / 8) -- We don't really care about limiting any number of slots, so allow -- for at least 5 pages of 10x10 tiles local avg_itemsize = math.ceil(max_bytes * (1/500)) self.tile_cache = Cache:new{ size = max_bytes, avg_itemsize = avg_itemsize, -- will make slots=500 enable_eviction_cb = true, } end end function ReaderThumbnail:logCacheSize() logger.info(string.format("Thumbnails cache: %d/%d (%s/%s)", self.tile_cache.cache.used_slots(), self.tile_cache.slots, util.getFriendlySize(self.tile_cache.cache.used_size()), util.getFriendlySize(self.tile_cache.size))) end function ReaderThumbnail:resetCache() if self.tile_cache then self.tile_cache:clear() self.tile_cache = nil end end function ReaderThumbnail:removeFromCache(hash_subs, remove_only_non_matching) -- Remove from cache all tiles matching any hash from hash_subs. -- IF only_non_matching=true, keep those matching and remove all others. if not self.tile_cache then return end if type(hash_subs) ~= "table" then hash_subs = { hash_subs } end local nb_removed, size_removed = 0, 0 local to_remove = {} for thash, tile in self.tile_cache.cache:pairs() do local remove = remove_only_non_matching for _, h in ipairs(hash_subs) do if thash:find(h, 1, true) then -- plain text match (no pattern needed) remove = not remove break end end if remove then to_remove[thash] = true nb_removed = nb_removed + 1 size_removed = size_removed + tile.size end end for thash, _ in pairs(to_remove) do self.tile_cache.cache:delete(thash) logger.dbg("removed cached thumbnail", thash) end return nb_removed, size_removed end function ReaderThumbnail:resetCachedPagesForBookmarks(...) -- Multiple bookmarks may be provided local start_page, end_page for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local bm = select(i, ...) if self.ui.rolling then -- Look at all properties that may be xpointers for _, k in ipairs({"page", "pos0", "pos1"}) do if bm[k] and type(bm[k]) == "string" then local p = self.ui.document:getPageFromXPointer(bm[k]) if not start_page or p < start_page then start_page = p end if not end_page or p > end_page then end_page = p end end end else if bm.page and type(bm.page) == "number" then local bm_page0 = (bm.pos0 and bm.pos0.page) or bm.page local bm_page1 = (bm.pos1 and bm.pos1.page) or bm.page for p = bm_page0, bm_page1 do if not start_page or p < start_page then start_page = p end if not end_page or p > end_page then end_page = p end end end end end if start_page and end_page then local hash_subs_to_remove = {} for p=start_page, end_page do table.insert(hash_subs_to_remove, string.format("p%d-", p)) end self:removeFromCache(hash_subs_to_remove) end end function ReaderThumbnail:tidyCache() if self.current_target_size_tag then -- Remove all thumbnails generated for an older target size self:removeFromCache("-"..self.current_target_size_tag, true) end end function ReaderThumbnail:cancelPageThumbnailRequests(batch_id) if batch_id then self.thumbnails_requests[batch_id] = nil else self.thumbnails_requests = {} end if self.req_in_progress and (not batch_id or self.req_in_progress.batch_id == batch_id) then -- Kill any reference to the module cancelling it self.req_in_progress.when_generated_callback = nil end end function ReaderThumbnail:getPageThumbnail(page, width, height, batch_id, when_generated_callback) self:setupCache() self.current_target_size_tag = string.format("w%d_h%d", width, height) if self.ui.rolling and Screen.night_mode and self.ui.document.configurable.nightmode_images == 1 then -- We'll get a different bb in this case: it needs its own cache hash self.current_target_size_tag = self.current_target_size_tag .. "_nm" end local hash = string.format("p%d-%s", page, self.current_target_size_tag) local tile = self.tile_cache and self.tile_cache:check(hash) if tile then -- Cached: call callback and we're done. when_generated_callback(tile, batch_id, false) return false -- not delayed end if not self.thumbnails_requests[batch_id] then self.thumbnails_requests[batch_id] = {} end table.insert(self.thumbnails_requests[batch_id], { batch_id = batch_id, hash = hash, page = page, width = width, height = height, when_generated_callback = when_generated_callback, }) -- Start tile generation, avoid multiple ones self._ensureTileGeneration_action(true) return true -- delayed end function ReaderThumbnail:ensureTileGeneration() if not self._standby_prevented then self._standby_prevented = true UIManager:preventStandby() end local has_pids_still_to_collect = self:collectPids() local still_in_progress = false if self.req_in_progress then local pid_still_to_collect still_in_progress, pid_still_to_collect = self:checkTileGeneration(self.req_in_progress) if pid_still_to_collect then has_pids_still_to_collect = true end end if not still_in_progress then self.req_in_progress = nil while true do local req_id, requests = next(self.thumbnails_requests) if not req_id then -- no more requests break end local req = table.remove(requests, 1) if #requests == 0 then self.thumbnails_requests[req_id] = nil end if req.when_generated_callback then -- not cancelled since queued -- It might have been generated and cached by a previous batch local tile = self.tile_cache and self.tile_cache:check(req.hash) if tile then req.when_generated_callback(tile, req.batch_id, true) else if self:startTileGeneration(req) then self.req_in_progress = req break else -- Failure starting it: let requester know in case it cares, and forget it req.when_generated_callback(nil, req.batch_id, true) end end end end end if self.req_in_progress or has_pids_still_to_collect or next(self.thumbnails_requests) then self._ensureTileGeneration_action() else if self._standby_prevented then self._standby_prevented = false UIManager:allowStandby() end end end function ReaderThumbnail:startTileGeneration(request) local pid, parent_read_fd = ffiutil.runInSubProcess(function(pid, child_write_fd) -- Get page image as if drawn on the screen local bb = self:_getPageImage(request.page) -- Scale it to fit in the requested size local scale_factor = math.min(request.width / bb:getWidth(), request.height / bb:getHeight()) local target_w = math.floor(bb:getWidth() * scale_factor) local target_h = math.floor(bb:getHeight() * scale_factor) -- local time = require("ui/time") -- local start_time = time.now() local tile = TileCacheItem:new{ bb = RenderImage:scaleBlitBuffer(bb, target_w, target_h, true), pageno = request.page, } tile.size = tonumber(tile.bb.stride) * tile.bb.h -- logger.info("tile size", tile.bb.w, tile.bb.h, "=>", tile.size) -- logger.info(string.format(" scaling took %.3f seconds, %d bpp", time.to_s(time.since(start_time)), tile.bb:getBpp())) -- bb:free() -- no need to spend time freeing, we're dying soon anyway! ffiutil.writeToFD(child_write_fd, self.codec.serialize(tile:totable()), true) end, true) -- with_pipe = true if pid then -- Store these in the request object itself request.pid = pid request.parent_read_fd = parent_read_fd return true end logger.warn("PageBrowserWidget thumbnail start failure:", parent_read_fd) return false end function ReaderThumbnail:checkTileGeneration(request) local pid, parent_read_fd = request.pid, request.parent_read_fd local stuff_to_read = ffiutil.getNonBlockingReadSize(parent_read_fd) ~= 0 local subprocess_done = ffiutil.isSubProcessDone(pid) logger.dbg("subprocess_done:", subprocess_done, " stuff_to_read:", stuff_to_read) if stuff_to_read then -- local time = require("ui/time") -- local start_time = time.now() local result, err = self.codec.deserialize(ffiutil.readAllFromFD(parent_read_fd)) if result then local tile = TileCacheItem:new{} tile:fromtable(result) if self.tile_cache then self.tile_cache:insert(request.hash, tile) end if request.when_generated_callback then -- not cancelled request.when_generated_callback(tile, request.batch_id, true) end else logger.warn("PageBrowserWidget thumbnail deserialize() failed:", err) if request.when_generated_callback then -- not cancelled request.when_generated_callback(nil, request.batch_id, true) end end -- logger.info(string.format(" parsing result from subprocess took %.3f seconds", time.to_s(time.since(start_time)))) if not subprocess_done then table.insert(pids_to_collect, pid) return false, true end return false elseif subprocess_done then -- subprocess_done: process exited with no output ffiutil.readAllFromFD(parent_read_fd) -- close our fd return false end logger.dbg("process not yet done, will check again soon") return true end function ReaderThumbnail:_getPageImage(page) -- This is run in a subprocess: we can tweak all document settings -- to get an adequate image of the page. -- No need to worry about the final state of things: this subprocess -- will die just after drawing the page, and all will be forgotten, -- without impact on the parent process. -- Be sure to limit our impact on the disk-saved book state self.ui.saveSettings = function() end -- Be sure nothing is flushed self.ui.statistics = nil -- Don't update statistics for pages we visit -- By default, our target page size is the current screen size local target_w, target_h = Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight() -- This was all mostly chosen by experimenting. -- Be sure to call the innermost methods enough to get what we want, and -- not upper event handlers that may trigger other unneeded events and stuff. -- Especially, be sure to not trigger any paint on the screen buffer, or -- any processing of input events. -- No need to worry about UIManager:scheduleIn() or :nextTick(), as -- we will die before the callback gets a chance to be run. -- Common to ReaderRolling and ReaderPaging self.ui.view.footer_visible = false -- We want no footer on page image if self.ui.view.highlight.lighten_factor < 0.3 then self.ui.view.highlight.lighten_factor = 0.3 -- make lighten highlight a bit darker end self.ui.highlight.select_mode = false -- Remove any select mode icon if self.ui.rolling then -- CRE documents: pages all have the aspect ratio of our screen (alt top status bar -- will be croped out after drawing), we will show them just as rendered. self.ui.rolling.rendering_state = nil -- Remove any partial rerendering icon if self.ui.view.view_mode == "scroll" then -- Get out of scroll mode, and be sure we'll be in one-page mode as that -- is what is shown in scroll mode (needs to do the following in that -- order to avoid rendering hash change) self.ui.rolling:onSetVisiblePages(1) self.ui.view:onSetViewMode("page") end if self.ui.document.configurable.font_gamma < 30 then -- Increase font gamma (if not already increased), self.ui.document:setGammaIndex(30) -- as downscaling will make text grayer end self.ui.document:setImageScaling(false) -- No need for smooth scaling as all will be downscaled -- (We keep "nighmode_images" as it was set: we may get and cache a different bb whether nightmode is on or off) self.ui.view.state.page = page -- Be on requested page self.ui.document:gotoPage(page) -- Current xpointer needs to be updated for some of what follows self.ui.bookmark:onPageUpdate(page) -- Update dogear state for this page self.ui.pagemap:onPageUpdate(page) -- Update pagemap labels for this page end if self.ui.paging then -- With PDF/DJVU/Pics, we will show the native page (no reflow, no crop, no zoom -- to columns...). This makes thumbnail generation faster, and will allow the user -- to get an overview of the book native pages to better decide which option will -- be best to use for the book. -- We also want to get a thumbnail with the aspect ratio of the native page -- (so we don't get a native landscape page smallish and centered with blank above -- and below in a portrait thumbnail, if the screen is in portrait mode). self.ui.view.hinting = false -- Disable hinting self.ui.view.page_scroll = false -- Get out of scroll mode self.ui.view.flipping_visible = false -- No page flipping icon self.ui.document.configurable.text_wrap = false -- Get out of reflow mode self.ui.document.configurable.trim_page = 3 -- Page crop: none -- self.ui.document.configurable.trim_page = 1 -- Page crop: auto (very slower) self.ui.document.configurable.auto_straighten = 0 -- No auto straighten -- We can let dewatermark if the user has enabled it, it helps -- limiting annoying eInk refreshes of light gray areas -- self.ui.document.configurable.page_opt = 0 -- No dewatermark -- We won't touch the contrast (to try making text less gray), as it applies on -- images that could get too dark. -- Get native page dimensions, and update our target bb dimensions so it gets the -- same aspect ratio (we don't use native dimensions as is, as they may get huge) local dimen = self.ui.document:getPageDimensions(page, 1, 0) local scale_factor = math.min(target_w / dimen.w, target_h / dimen.h) target_w = math.floor(dimen.w * scale_factor) target_h = math.floor(dimen.h * scale_factor) dimen = Geom:new{ w=target_w, h=target_h } -- logger.info("getPageImage", page, dimen, "=>", target_w, target_h, scale_factor) -- This seems to do it all well: -- local Event = require("ui/event") -- self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", dimen)) -- self.ui.view.dogear[1].dimen.w = dimen.w -- (hack... its code uses the Screen width) -- self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("PageUpdate", page)) -- self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "page")) -- Trying to do as little as needed, knowing the internals: self.ui.view:onSetDimensions(dimen) self.ui.view:onBBoxUpdate(nil) -- drop any bbox, draw native page self.ui.view.state.page = page self.ui.view.state.zoom = scale_factor self.ui.view.state.rotation = 0 self.ui.view:recalculate() self.ui.view.dogear[1].dimen.w = dimen.w -- (hack... its code uses the Screen width) self.ui.bookmark:onPageUpdate(page) -- Update dogear state for this page end -- Draw the page on a new BB with the targetted size local bb = Blitbuffer.new(target_w, target_h, self.bb_type) self.ui.view:paintTo(bb, 0, 0) if self.ui.rolling then -- Crop out the top alt status bar if enabled local header_height = self.ui.document:getHeaderHeight() if header_height > 0 then bb = bb:viewport(0, header_height, bb.w, bb.h - header_height) end end return bb end function ReaderThumbnail:onCloseDocument() self:cancelPageThumbnailRequests() if self.tile_cache then self:logCacheSize() self.tile_cache:clear() self.tile_cache = nil end if self._standby_prevented then self._standby_prevented = false UIManager:allowStandby() end end function ReaderThumbnail:onColorRenderingUpdate() self:setupColor() self:resetCache() end -- CRE: emitted after a re-rendering ReaderThumbnail.onDocumentRerendered = ReaderThumbnail.resetCache ReaderThumbnail.onDocumentPartiallyRerendered = ReaderThumbnail.resetCache -- Emitted When adding/removing/updating bookmarks and highlights ReaderThumbnail.onBookmarkAdded = ReaderThumbnail.resetCachedPagesForBookmarks ReaderThumbnail.onBookmarkRemoved = ReaderThumbnail.resetCachedPagesForBookmarks ReaderThumbnail.onBookmarkUpdated = ReaderThumbnail.resetCachedPagesForBookmarks ReaderThumbnail.onBookmarkEdited = ReaderThumbnail.resetCachedPagesForBookmarks return ReaderThumbnail