local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local Screen = require("device").screen local CacheItem = require("cacheitem") local Mupdf = require("ffi/mupdf") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Cache = require("cache") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local ImageCache = Cache:new{ max_memsize = 2*1024*1024, -- 2M of image cache current_memsize = 0, cache = {}, -- this will hold the LRU order of the cache cache_order = {} } local ImageCacheItem = CacheItem:new{} function ImageCacheItem:onFree() if self.bb.free then DEBUG("free image blitbuffer", self.bb) self.bb:free() end end --[[ ImageWidget shows an image from a file --]] local ImageWidget = Widget:new{ file = nil, image = nil, invert = nil, dim = nil, hide = nil, -- if width or height is given, image will rescale to the given size width = nil, height = nil, -- if autoscale is true image will be rescaled according to screen dpi autoscale = false, -- when alpha is set to true, alpha values from the image will be honored alpha = false, _bb = nil } function ImageWidget:_loadimage() self._bb = self.image end function ImageWidget:_loadfile() local itype = string.lower(string.match(self.file, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "") if itype == "png" or itype == "jpg" or itype == "jpeg" or itype == "tiff" then local hash = "image|"..self.file.."|"..(self.width or "").."|"..(self.height or "") local cache = ImageCache:check(hash) if cache then -- hit cache self._bb = cache.bb else -- cache this image DEBUG("cache", hash) local cache = ImageCacheItem:new{ bb = Mupdf.renderImageFile(self.file, self.width, self.height), } cache.size = cache.bb.pitch * cache.bb.h * cache.bb:getBpp() / 8 ImageCache:insert(hash, cache) self._bb = cache.bb end else error("Image file type not supported.") end end function ImageWidget:_render() if self.image then self:_loadimage() elseif self.file then self:_loadfile() else error("cannot render image") end local native_w, native_h = self._bb:getWidth(), self._bb:getHeight() local scaled_w, scaled_h = self.width, self.height if self.autoscale then local dpi_scale = Screen:getDPI() / 167 -- rounding off to power of 2 to avoid alias with pow(2, floor(log(x)/log(2)) local scale = math.pow(2, math.max(0, math.floor(math.log(dpi_scale)/0.69))) scaled_w, scaled_h = scale * native_w, scale * native_h end if (scaled_w and scaled_w ~= native_w) or (scaled_h and scaled_h ~= native_h) then self._bb = self._bb:scale(scaled_w or native_w, scaled_h or native_h) end end function ImageWidget:getSize() self:_render() return Geom:new{ w = self._bb:getWidth(), h = self._bb:getHeight() } end function ImageWidget:rotate(degree) self:_render() self._bb:rotate(degree) end function ImageWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) if self.hide then return end -- self:_reader is called in getSize method local size = self:getSize() self.dimen = Geom:new{ x = x, y = y, w = size.w, h = size.h } if self.alpha == true then bb:alphablitFrom(self._bb, x, y, 0, 0, size.w, size.h) else bb:blitFrom(self._bb, x, y, 0, 0, size.w, size.h) end if self.invert then bb:invertRect(x, y, size.w, size.h) end if self.dim then bb:dimRect(x, y, size.w, size.h) end end function ImageWidget:free() if self.image then self.image:free() self.image = nil end end return ImageWidget