--[[-- ReaderLink is an abstraction for document-specific link interfaces. ]] local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local LinkBox = require("ui/widget/linkbox") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local T = require("ffi/util").template local ReaderLink = InputContainer:new{ location_stack = {} } function ReaderLink:init() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:initGesListener() end self.ui:registerPostInitCallback(function() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end) end function ReaderLink:onReadSettings(config) -- called when loading new document self.location_stack = {} end function ReaderLink:initGesListener() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight() } } }, Swipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } }, } end end local function isTapToFollowLinksOn() return not G_reader_settings:isFalse("tap_to_follow_links") end local function isSwipeToGoBackEnabled() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("swipe_to_go_back") == true end local function isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("swipe_to_follow_first_link") == true end local function isSwipeToFollowNearestLinkEnabled() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("swipe_to_follow_nearest_link") == true end local function isSwipeToJumpToLatestBookmarkEnabled() return G_reader_settings:readSetting("swipe_to_jump_to_latest_bookmark") == true end function ReaderLink:addToMainMenu(menu_items) -- insert table to main reader menu menu_items.follow_links = { text = _("Links"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Tap to follow links"), checked_func = isTapToFollowLinksOn, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("tap_to_follow_links", not isTapToFollowLinksOn()) end, separator = true, help_text = _([[Tap on links to follow them.]]), }, { text = _("Swipe to go back"), checked_func = isSwipeToGoBackEnabled, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("swipe_to_go_back", not isSwipeToGoBackEnabled()) end, help_text = _([[Swipe to the right to go back to the previous location after you have followed a link. When the location stack is empty, swiping to the right takes you to the previous page.]]), }, { text = _("Swipe to follow first link on page"), checked_func = isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("swipe_to_follow_first_link", not isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled()) if isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled() then G_reader_settings:delSetting("swipe_to_follow_nearest_link") -- can't have both end end, help_text = _([[Swipe to the left to follow the first link in the current page.]]), }, { text = _("Swipe to follow nearest link"), checked_func = isSwipeToFollowNearestLinkEnabled, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("swipe_to_follow_nearest_link", not isSwipeToFollowNearestLinkEnabled()) if isSwipeToFollowNearestLinkEnabled() then G_reader_settings:delSetting("swipe_to_follow_first_link") -- can't have both end end, help_text = _([[Swipe to the left to follow the link nearest to where you started the swipe. This is useful when a small font is used and tapping on small links is tedious.]]), separator = true, }, { text = _("Swipe to jump to latest bookmark"), checked_func = isSwipeToJumpToLatestBookmarkEnabled, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("swipe_to_jump_to_latest_bookmark", not isSwipeToJumpToLatestBookmarkEnabled()) end, help_text = _([[Swipe to the left to go the most recently bookmarked page. This can be useful to quickly swipe back and forth between what you are reading and some reference page (for example notes, a map or a characters list). If any of the other Swipe to follow link options is enabled, this will work only when the current page contains no link.]]), }, } } menu_items.go_to_previous_location = { text = _("Go back to previous location"), enabled_func = function() return #self.location_stack > 0 end, callback = function() self:onGoBackLink() end, hold_callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Clear location history?"), ok_text = _("Clear"), ok_callback = function() self.location_stack = {} end, }) end, } end --- Check if a xpointer to node really points to itself function ReaderLink:isXpointerCoherent(a_xpointer) -- Get screen coordinates of xpointer local doc_margins = self.ui.document._document:getPageMargins() local doc_y, doc_x = self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(a_xpointer) local top_y = self.ui.document:getCurrentPos() -- (strange, but using doc_margins.top is accurate even in scroll mode) local screen_y = doc_y - top_y + doc_margins["top"] local screen_x = doc_x + doc_margins["left"] -- Get again link and a_xpointer from this position local re_link_xpointer, re_a_xpointer = self.ui.document:getLinkFromPosition({x = screen_x, y = screen_y}) -- luacheck: no unused -- We should get the same a_xpointer. If not, crengine has messed up -- and we should not trust this xpointer to get back to this link. if re_a_xpointer ~= a_xpointer then logger.info("not coherent a_xpointer:", a_xpointer) return false end return true end --- Gets link from gesture. -- `Document:getLinkFromPosition()` behaves differently depending on -- document type, so this function provides a wrapper. function ReaderLink:getLinkFromGes(ges) if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) if pos then -- link box in native page local link, lbox = self.ui.document:getLinkFromPosition(pos.page, pos) if link and lbox then return { link = link, lbox = lbox, pos = pos, } end end else local link_xpointer, a_xpointer = self.ui.document:getLinkFromPosition(ges.pos) logger.dbg("getLinkFromPosition link_xpointer:", link_xpointer) logger.dbg("getLinkFromPosition a_xpointer:", a_xpointer) -- On some documents, crengine may sometimes give a wrong a_xpointer -- (in some Wikipedia saved as EPUB, it would point to some other -- element in the same paragraph). If followed then back, we could get -- to a different page. So, we check here how valid it is, and if not, -- we just discard it so that addCurrentLocationToStack() is used. if a_xpointer and not self:isXpointerCoherent(a_xpointer) then a_xpointer = nil end if link_xpointer ~= "" then -- This link's target xpointer is more precise than a classic -- xpointer to top of a page: we can show a marker at its -- y-position in target page return { xpointer = link_xpointer, marker_xpointer = link_xpointer, from_xpointer = a_xpointer, } end end end --- Highlights a linkbox if available and goes to it. function ReaderLink:showLinkBox(link) if link and link.lbox then -- pdfdocument -- screen box that holds the link local sbox = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(link.pos.page, self.ui.document:nativeToPageRectTransform(link.pos.page, link.lbox)) if sbox then UIManager:show(LinkBox:new{ box = sbox, timeout = FOLLOW_LINK_TIMEOUT, callback = function() self:onGotoLink(link.link) end }) return true end elseif link and link.xpointer ~= "" then -- credocument return self:onGotoLink(link) end end function ReaderLink:onSetDimensions(dimen) -- update listening according to new screen dimen if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:initGesListener() end end function ReaderLink:onTap(_, ges) if not isTapToFollowLinksOn() then return end local link = self:getLinkFromGes(ges) if link then return self:showLinkBox(link) end end --- Remember current location so we can go back to it function ReaderLink:addCurrentLocationToStack() if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then table.insert(self.location_stack, self.ui.paging:getBookLocation()) else table.insert(self.location_stack, { xpointer = self.ui.rolling:getBookLocation(), }) end end --- Goes to link. function ReaderLink:onGotoLink(link, neglect_current_location) logger.dbg("onGotoLink:", link) if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then -- internal pdf links have a "page" attribute, while external ones have an "uri" attribute if link.page then -- Internal link logger.dbg("Internal link:", link) if not neglect_current_location then self:addCurrentLocationToStack() end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", link.page + 1)) return true end link = link.uri -- external link else -- For crengine, internal links may look like : -- #_doc_fragment_0_Organisation (link from anchor) -- /body/DocFragment/body/ul[2]/li[5]/text()[3].16 (xpointer from full-text search) -- If the XPointer does not exist (or is a full url), we will jump to page 1 -- Best to check that this link exists in document with the following, -- which accepts both of the above legitimate xpointer as input. if self.ui.document:isXPointerInDocument(link.xpointer) then logger.dbg("Internal link:", link) if not neglect_current_location then if link.from_xpointer then -- We have a more precise xpointer than the xpointer to top of -- current page that addCurrentLocationToStack() would give, and -- we may be able to show a marker when back local saved_location if self.view.view_mode == "scroll" then -- In scroll mode, we still use the top of page as the -- xpointer to go back to, so we get back to the same view. -- We can still show the marker at the link position saved_location = { xpointer = self.ui.rolling:getBookLocation(), marker_xpointer = link.from_xpointer, } else -- In page mode, we use the same for go to and for marker, -- as 'page mode' ensures we get back to the same view. saved_location = { xpointer = link.from_xpointer, marker_xpointer = link.from_xpointer, } end table.insert(self.location_stack, saved_location) else self:addCurrentLocationToStack() end end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoXPointer", link.xpointer, link.marker_xpointer)) return true end end logger.dbg("External link:", link) -- Check if it is a wikipedia link local wiki_lang, wiki_page = link.xpointer:match([[https?://([^%.]+).wikipedia.org/wiki/([^/]+)]]) if wiki_lang and wiki_page then logger.dbg("Wikipedia link:", wiki_lang, wiki_page) -- Ask for user confirmation before launching lookup (on a -- wikipedia page saved as epub, full of wikipedia links, it's -- too easy to click on links when wanting to change page...) -- But first check if this wikipedia article has been saved as EPUB local epub_filename = util.replaceInvalidChars(wiki_page:gsub("_", " ")) .. "."..string.upper(wiki_lang)..".epub" local epub_fullpath -- either in current book directory local last_file = G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastfile") if last_file then local current_book_dir = last_file:match("(.*)/") local epub_path = current_book_dir .. "/" .. epub_filename if util.pathExists(epub_path) then epub_fullpath = epub_path end end -- or in wikipedia save directory if not epub_fullpath then local dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_save_dir") if not dir then dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir") end if not dir then dir = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil").getDefaultDir() end if dir then local epub_path = dir .. "/" .. epub_filename if util.pathExists(epub_path) then epub_fullpath = epub_path end end end if epub_fullpath then local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Would you like to read this Wikipedia %1 article?\n\n%2\n\nThis article has previously been saved as EPUB. You may wish to read the saved EPUB instead."), wiki_lang:upper(), wiki_page:gsub("_", " "), epub_fullpath), choice1_text = _("Read online"), choice1_callback = function() UIManager:nextTick(function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWikipedia", wiki_page, false, true, wiki_lang)) end) end, choice2_text = _("Read EPUB"), choice2_callback = function() -- close current ReaderUI, and create a new one UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") local reader = ReaderUI:_getRunningInstance() if reader then reader:onClose() end ReaderUI:showReader(epub_fullpath) end) end, }) else UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Would you like to read this Wikipedia %1 article?\n\n%2\n"), wiki_lang:upper(), wiki_page:gsub("_", " ")), ok_callback = function() UIManager:nextTick(function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWikipedia", wiki_page, false, true, wiki_lang)) end) end }) end else local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Invalid or external link:\n%1"), link.xpointer), -- no timeout to allow user to type that link in his web browser }) end -- don't propagate, user will notice and tap elsewhere if he wants to change page return true end --- Goes back to previous location. function ReaderLink:onGoBackLink() local saved_location = table.remove(self.location_stack) if saved_location then logger.dbg("GoBack: restoring:", saved_location) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new('RestoreBookLocation', saved_location)) return true end end function ReaderLink:onSwipe(arg, ges) if ges.direction == "east" then if isSwipeToGoBackEnabled() then if #self.location_stack > 0 then -- Remember if location stack is going to be empty, so we -- can stop the propagation of next swipe back: so the user -- knows it is empty and that next swipe back will get him -- to previous page (and not to previous location) self.swipe_back_resist = #self.location_stack == 1 return self:onGoBackLink() elseif self.swipe_back_resist then self.swipe_back_resist = false -- Make that gesture don't do anything, and show a Notification -- so the user knows why UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Location history is empty"), timeout = 2, }) return true end end elseif ges.direction == "west" then local ret = false if isSwipeToFollowFirstLinkEnabled() then ret = self:onGoToPageLink(ges, true) elseif isSwipeToFollowNearestLinkEnabled() then ret = self:onGoToPageLink(ges) end -- If no link found, or no follow link option enabled, -- jump to latest bookmark (if enabled) if not ret and isSwipeToJumpToLatestBookmarkEnabled() then ret = self:onGoToLatestBookmark(ges) end return ret end end --- Goes to link nearest to the gesture (or first link in page) function ReaderLink:onGoToPageLink(ges, use_page_first_link) local selected_link = nil if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) if not pos then return end local links = self.ui.document:getPageLinks(pos.page) if not links or #links == 0 then return end -- DEBUG("PDF Page links : ", links) -- We may get multiple links: internal ones (with "page" key) -- that we're interested in, but also external links (no "page", but -- a "uri" key) that we don't care about. -- [2] = { -- ["y1"] = 107.88977050781, -- ["x1"] = 176.60360717773, -- ["y0"] = 97.944396972656, -- ["x0"] = 97, -- ["page"] = 347 -- }, local pos_x, pos_y = pos.x, pos.y local shortest_dist = nil local first_y0 = nil for _, link in ipairs(links) do if link["page"] then if use_page_first_link then -- Links may not be in the order they are in the page, so let's -- find the one with the smallest y0. if first_y0 == nil or link["y0"] < first_y0 then selected_link = link first_y0 = link["y0"] end else local start_dist = math.pow(link.x0 - pos_x, 2) + math.pow(link.y0 - pos_y, 2) local end_dist = math.pow(link.x1 - pos_x, 2) + math.pow(link.y1 - pos_y, 2) local min_dist = math.min(start_dist, end_dist) if shortest_dist == nil or min_dist < shortest_dist then -- onGotoLink()'s GotoPage event needs the link -- itself, and will use its "page" value selected_link = link shortest_dist = min_dist end end end end else local links = self.ui.document:getPageLinks() if not links or #links == 0 then return end -- DEBUG("CRE Page links : ", links) -- We may get multiple links: internal ones (they have a "section" key) -- that we're interested in, but also external links (no "section", but -- a "uri" key) that we don't care about. -- [1] = { -- ["end_x"] = 825, -- ["uri"] = "", -- ["end_y"] = 333511, -- ["start_x"] = 90, -- ["start_y"] = 333511 -- }, -- [2] = { -- ["end_x"] = 366, -- ["section"] = "#_doc_fragment_19_ftn_fn6", -- ["end_y"] = 1201, -- ["start_x"] = 352, -- ["start_y"] = 1201 -- ["a_xpointer"] = "/body/DocFragment/body/div/p[12]/sup[3]/a[3].0", -- }, -- Note: with some documents and some links, crengine may give wrong -- coordinates, and our code below may miss or give the wrong first -- or nearest link... local pos_x, pos_y = ges.pos.x, ges.pos.y local shortest_dist = nil local first_start_y = nil for _, link in ipairs(links) do if link["section"] then if use_page_first_link then -- links may not be in the order they are in the page, so let's -- find the one with the smallest start_y. if first_start_y == nil or link["start_y"] < first_start_y then selected_link = link first_start_y = link["start_y"] end else local start_dist = math.pow(link.start_x - pos_x, 2) + math.pow(link.start_y - pos_y, 2) local end_dist = math.pow(link.end_x - pos_x, 2) + math.pow(link.end_y - pos_y, 2) local min_dist = math.min(start_dist, end_dist) if shortest_dist == nil or min_dist < shortest_dist then selected_link = link shortest_dist = min_dist end end end end -- cre.cpp getPageLinks() does highlight found links : -- sel.add( new ldomXRange(*links[i]) ); // highlight -- and we'll find them highlighted when back from link. -- So let's clear them now. self.ui.document:clearSelection() -- (Comment out previous line to visually see which links on the -- page are not coherent: those not highlighted) if selected_link then logger.dbg("original selected_link", selected_link) -- Make it a link as expected by onGotoLink selected_link = { xpointer = selected_link["section"], marker_xpointer = selected_link["section"], from_xpointer = selected_link["a_xpointer"], } logger.dbg("selected_link", selected_link) -- Check from_xpointer is coherent, and unset it if not if selected_link.from_xpointer and not self:isXpointerCoherent(selected_link.from_xpointer) then selected_link.from_xpointer = nil end end end if selected_link then return self:onGotoLink(selected_link) end end function ReaderLink:onGoToLatestBookmark(ges) local latest_bookmark = self.ui.bookmark:getLatestBookmark() if latest_bookmark then if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then -- self:onGotoLink() needs something with a page attribute. -- we need to substract 1 to bookmark page, as links start from 0 -- and onGotoLink will add 1 - we need a fake_link (with a single -- page attribute) so we don't touch the bookmark itself local fake_link = {} fake_link.page = latest_bookmark.page - 1 return self:onGotoLink(fake_link) else -- Make it a link as expected by onGotoLink local link if latest_bookmark.pos0 then -- text highlighted, precise xpointer link = { xpointer = latest_bookmark.pos0, marker_xpointer = latest_bookmark.pos0, } else -- page bookmarked, 'page' is a xpointer to top of page link = { xpointer = latest_bookmark.page, } end return self:onGotoLink(link) end end end return ReaderLink