local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local LoginDialog = require("ui/widget/logindialog") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/networkmgr") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Screen = require("device").screen local Event = require("ui/event") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local slt2 = require('slt2') local MyClipping = require("clip") local EvernoteExporter = InputContainer:new{ name = "evernote", login_title = _("Login to Evernote"), notebook_name = _("Koreader Notes"), evernote_domain = nil, notemarks = _("Note: "), clipping_dir = "./clipboard", evernote_token, notebook_guid, } function EvernoteExporter:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("evernote") or {} self.evernote_domain = settings.domain self.evernote_username = settings.username or "" self.evernote_token = settings.token self.notebook_guid = settings.notebook self.html_export = settings.html_export or false self.parser = MyClipping:new{ my_clippings = "/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt", history_dir = "./history", } self.template = slt2.loadfile(self.path.."/note.tpl") self.config = DocSettings:open(self.path) end function EvernoteExporter:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table) table.insert(tab_item_table.plugins, { text = _("Evernote"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() local domain = nil if self.evernote_domain == "sandbox" then domain = "Sandbox" elseif self.evernote_domain == "yinxiang" then domain = "Yinxiang" else domain = "Evernote" end return self.evernote_token and (_("Logout") .. " " .. domain) or _("Login") end, callback_func = function() return self.evernote_token and function() self:logout() end or nil end, sub_item_table_func = function() return not self.evernote_token and { { text = "Evernote", callback = function() self.evernote_domain = nil self:login() end }, { text = "印象笔记", callback = function() self.evernote_domain = "yinxiang" self:login() end } } or nil end, }, { text = _("Export all notes in this book"), enabled_func = function() return self.evernote_token ~= nil or self.html_export ~= false end, callback = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:exportCurrentNotes(self.view) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Exporting may take several seconds..."), timeout = 1, }) end }, { text = _("Export all notes in your library"), enabled_func = function() return self.evernote_token ~= nil or self.html_export ~= false end, callback = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:exportAllNotes() end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Exporting may take several minutes..."), timeout = 1, }) end }, { text = _("Export to local HTML files"), checked_func = function() return self.html_export end, callback = function() self.html_export = not self.html_export end }, } }) end function EvernoteExporter:login() self.login_dialog = LoginDialog:new{ title = self.login_title, username = self.evernote_username or "", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), enabled = true, callback = function() self:closeDialog() end, }, { text = _("Login"), enabled = true, callback = function() local username, password = self:getCredential() self:closeDialog() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:doLogin(username, password) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logging in. Please wait..."), timeout = 1, }) end, }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.8, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.4, } self.login_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.login_dialog) end function EvernoteExporter:closeDialog() self.login_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.login_dialog) end function EvernoteExporter:getCredential() return self.login_dialog:getCredential() end function EvernoteExporter:doLogin(username, password) local EvernoteOAuth = require("EvernoteOAuth") local EvernoteClient = require("EvernoteClient") local oauth = EvernoteOAuth:new{ domain = self.evernote_domain, username = username, password = password, } self.evernote_username = username local ok, token = pcall(oauth.getToken, oauth) -- prompt users to turn on Wifi if network is unreachable if not ok and token and token:find("Network is unreachable") then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return elseif not ok and token then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. token, }) return end local client = EvernoteClient:new{ domain = self.evernote_domain, authToken = token, } local ok, guid = pcall(self.getExportNotebook, self, client) if not ok and guid and guid:find("Transport not open") then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return elseif not ok and guid then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. guid, }) elseif ok and guid then self.evernote_token = token self.notebook_guid = guid UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logged in to Evernote successfully."), }) end self:onSaveSettings() end function EvernoteExporter:logout() self.evernote_token = nil self.notebook_guid = nil self.evernote_domain = nil self:onSaveSettings() end function EvernoteExporter:onSaveSettings() local settings = { domain = self.evernote_domain, username = self.evernote_username, token = self.evernote_token, notebook = self.notebook_guid, html_export = self.html_export, } G_reader_settings:saveSetting("evernote", settings) end function EvernoteExporter:getExportNotebook(client) local name = self.notebook_name return client:findNotebookByTitle(name) or client:createNotebook(name).guid end function EvernoteExporter:exportCurrentNotes(view) local clippings = self.parser:parseCurrentDoc(view) self:exportClippings(clippings) end function EvernoteExporter:updateHistoryClippings(clippings, new_clippings) -- update clippings from history clippings for title, booknotes in pairs(new_clippings) do for chapter_index, chapternotes in ipairs(booknotes) do for note_index, note in ipairs(chapternotes) do if clippings[title] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].page ~= note.page or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].time ~= note.time or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].text ~= note.text or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].note ~= note.note then DEBUG("found new notes in history", booknotes.title) clippings[title] = booknotes end end end end return clippings end function EvernoteExporter:updateMyClippings(clippings, new_clippings) -- only new titles or new notes in My clippings are updated to clippings -- since appending is the only way to modify notes in My Clippings for title, booknotes in pairs(new_clippings) do if clippings[title] == nil or #clippings[title] < #booknotes then DEBUG("found new notes in MyClipping", booknotes.title) clippings[title] = booknotes end end return clippings end function EvernoteExporter:exportAllNotes() local clippings = self.config:readSetting("clippings") or {} clippings = self:updateHistoryClippings(clippings, self.parser:parseHistory()) clippings = self:updateMyClippings(clippings, self.parser:parseMyClippings()) -- remove blank entries for title, booknotes in pairs(clippings) do -- chapter number is zero if #booknotes == 0 then clippings[title] = nil end end --DEBUG("clippings", clippings) self:exportClippings(clippings) self.config:saveSetting("clippings", clippings) self.config:flush() end function EvernoteExporter:exportClippings(clippings) local client = nil local exported_stamp = "html" if not self.html_export then client = require("EvernoteClient"):new{ domain = self.evernote_domain, authToken = self.evernote_token, } exported_stamp = self.notebook_guid end local export_count, error_count = 0, 0 local export_title, error_title for title, booknotes in pairs(clippings) do if type(booknotes.exported) ~= "table" then booknotes.exported = {} end -- check if booknotes are exported in this notebook -- so that booknotes will still be exported after switching user account if booknotes.exported[exported_stamp] ~= true then local ok, err if self.html_export then ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToHTML, self, title, booknotes) else ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToEvernote, self, client, title, booknotes) end -- error reporting if not ok and err and err:find("Transport not open") then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return elseif not ok and err then DEBUG("Error occurs when exporting book:", title, err) error_count = error_count + 1 error_title = title elseif ok then DEBUG("Exported notes in book:", title) export_count = export_count + 1 export_title = title booknotes.exported[exported_stamp] = true end end end local msg = "Nothing was exported." local all_count = export_count + error_count if export_count > 0 and error_count == 0 then if all_count == 1 then msg = _("Exported notes from book:") .. "\n" .. export_title else msg = T( _("Exported notes from book:\n%1\nand %2 others."), export_title, all_count-1 ) end elseif error_count > 0 then if all_count == 1 then msg = _("An error occurred while trying to export notes from book:") .. "\n" .. error_title else msg = T( _("Multiple errors occurred while trying to export notes from book:\n%1\nand %2 others."), error_title, error_count-1 ) end end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg }) end function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToEvernote(client, title, booknotes) local content = slt2.render(self.template, { booknotes = booknotes, notemarks = self.notemarks, }) --DEBUG("content", content) local note_guid = client:findNoteByTitle(title, self.notebook_guid) local resources = {} for _, chapter in ipairs(booknotes) do for _, clipping in ipairs(chapter) do if clipping.image then table.insert(resources, { image = clipping.image }) -- nullify clipping image after passing it to evernote client clipping.image = nil end end end if not note_guid then client:createNote(title, content, resources, {}, self.notebook_guid) else client:updateNote(note_guid, title, content, resources, {}, self.notebook_guid) end end function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToHTML(title, booknotes) local content = slt2.render(self.template, { booknotes = booknotes, notemarks = self.notemarks, }) --DEBUG("content", content) local html = io.open(self.clipping_dir .. "/" .. title .. ".html", "w") if html then html:write(content) html:close() end end return EvernoteExporter