--[[ This file contains settings related to key codes Copyright (C) 2011 Hans-Werner Hilse This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . This file is based on include/keydefs.h from "launchpad" application, which is Copyright (C) 2010 Andy M. aka h1uke h1ukeguy @ gmail.com and was licensed under the GPLv2 ]]-- KEY_1 = 2 KEY_2 = 3 KEY_3 = 4 KEY_4 = 5 KEY_5 = 6 KEY_6 = 7 KEY_7 = 8 KEY_8 = 9 KEY_9 = 10 KEY_0 = 11 KEY_Q = 16 KEY_W = 17 KEY_E = 18 KEY_R = 19 KEY_T = 20 KEY_Y = 21 KEY_U = 22 KEY_I = 23 KEY_O = 24 KEY_P = 25 KEY_A = 30 KEY_S = 31 KEY_D = 32 KEY_F = 33 KEY_G = 34 KEY_H = 35 KEY_J = 36 KEY_K = 37 KEY_L = 38 KEY_DEL = 14 KEY_Z = 44 KEY_X = 45 KEY_C = 46 KEY_V = 47 KEY_B = 48 KEY_N = 49 KEY_M = 50 KEY_DOT = 52 KEY_SLASH = 53 KEY_ENTER = 28 KEY_SHIFT = 42 KEY_ALT = 56 KEY_SPACE = 57 KEY_AA = 90 KEY_SYM = 94 KEY_VPLUS = 115 KEY_VMINUS = 114 KEY_HOME = 98 KEY_PGBCK = 109 KEY_PGFWD = 124 KEY_MENU = 139 KEY_BACK = 91 KEY_FW_LEFT = 105 KEY_FW_RIGHT = 106 KEY_FW_UP = 122 KEY_FW_DOWN = 123 KEY_FW_PRESS = 92 -- constants from EV_KEY = 1 -- event values EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS = 1 EVENT_VALUE_KEY_REPEAT = 2 EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE = 0 function set_k3_keycodes() KEY_AA = 190 KEY_SYM = 126 KEY_HOME = 102 KEY_BACK = 158 KEY_PGFWD = 191 KEY_LPGBCK = 193 KEY_LPGFWD = 104 KEY_VPLUS = 115 KEY_VMINUS = 114 KEY_FW_UP = 103 KEY_FW_DOWN = 108 KEY_FW_PRESS = 194 end function set_emu_keycodes() KEY_PGFWD = 117 KEY_PGBCK = 112 KEY_BACK = 22 -- backspace KEY_MENU = 67 -- F1 KEY_FW_UP = 111 KEY_FW_DOWN = 116 KEY_FW_LEFT = 113 KEY_FW_RIGHT = 114 KEY_FW_PRESS = 36 -- enter for now KEY_A = 38 KEY_S = 39 KEY_D = 40 KEY_SHIFT = 50 KEY_VPLUS = 95 -- F11 KEY_VMINUS = 96 -- F12 end