DocSettings = {} function DocSettings:getHistoryPath(fullpath) local i = #fullpath - 1 -- search for last slash while i > 0 do if fullpath:sub(i,i) == "/" then break end i = i - 1 end -- construct path to configuration file in history dir local filename = fullpath:sub(i+1, -1) local basename = fullpath:sub(1, i) return "./history/["..basename:gsub("/","#").."] "..filename..".lua" end function DocSettings:open(docfile) local conf_path = nil if docfile == ".reader" then -- we handle reader setting as special case conf_path = "settings.reader.lua" else conf_path = self:getHistoryPath(docfile) end -- construct settings obj local new = { file = conf_path, data = {} } local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, new.file) if not ok then -- try legacy conf path, for backward compatibility. this also -- takes care of reader legacy setting ok, stored = pcall(dofile, docfile..".kpdfview.lua") end if ok then = stored end return setmetatable(new, { __index = DocSettings}) end function DocSettings:readSetting(key) return[key] end function DocSettings:saveSetting(key, value)[key] = value end function DocSettings:delSetting(key)[key] = nil end function dump(data) local out = {} DocSettings:_serialize(data, out, 0) return table.concat(out) end function DEBUG(...) local line = "" for i,v in ipairs({...}) do if type(v) == "table" then line = line .. " " .. dump(v) else line = line .. " " .. tostring(v) end end print("#"..line) end -- simple serialization function, won't do uservalues, functions, loops function DocSettings:_serialize(what, outt, indent) if type(what) == "table" then local didrun = false table.insert(outt, "{") for k, v in pairs(what) do if didrun then table.insert(outt, ",") end table.insert(outt, "\n") table.insert(outt, string.rep("\t", indent+1)) table.insert(outt, "[") self:_serialize(k, outt, indent+1) table.insert(outt, "] = ") self:_serialize(v, outt, indent+1) didrun = true end if didrun then table.insert(outt, "\n") table.insert(outt, string.rep("\t", indent)) end table.insert(outt, "}") elseif type(what) == "string" then table.insert(outt, string.format("%q", what)) elseif type(what) == "number" or type(what) == "boolean" then table.insert(outt, tostring(what)) end end function DocSettings:flush() -- write a serialized version of the data table if not self.file then return end local f_out =, "w") if f_out ~= nil then local out = {"-- we can read Lua syntax here!\nreturn "} self:_serialize(, out, 0) table.insert(out, "\n") f_out:write(table.concat(out)) f_out:close() end end function DocSettings:close() self:flush() end