local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local GestureRange = { ges = nil, -- spatial range limits the gesture emitting position range = nil, -- temproal range limits the gesture emitting rate rate = nil, -- span limits of this gesture scale = nil, } function GestureRange:new(o) local o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function GestureRange:match(gs) if gs.ges ~= self.ges then return false end if self.range then if not self.range:contains(gs.pos) then return false end end if self.rate then local last_time = self.last_time or TimeVal:new{} if gs.time - last_time > TimeVal:new{usec = 1000000 / self.rate} then self.last_time = gs.time else return false end end if self.scale then if self.scale[1] > gs.span or self.scale[2] < gs.span then return false end end if self.direction then if self.direction ~= gs.direction then return false end end return true end return GestureRange