--[[-- Widget for taking user input. Example: local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local @{ui.uimanager|UIManager} = require("ui/uimanager") local @{logger} = require("logger") local @{gettext|_} = require("gettext") local sample_input sample_input = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Dialog title"), input = "default value", -- A placeholder text shown in the text box. input_hint = _("Hint text"), -- input_type = nil, -- default for text -- A description shown above the input. description = _("Some more description."), -- text_type = "password", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(sample_input) end, }, { text = _("Save"), -- button with is_enter_default set to true will be -- triggered after user press the enter key from keyboard is_enter_default = true, callback = function() logger.dbg("Got user input as raw text:", sample_input:getInputText()) logger.dbg("Got user input as value:", sample_input:getInputValue()) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(sample_input) sample_input:onShowKeyboard() To get a full screen text editor, use: fullscreen = true, -- No need to provide any height and width. condensed = true, allow_newline = true, cursor_at_end = false, -- and one of these: add_scroll_buttons = true, add_nav_bar = true, To add |Save|Close| buttons, use: save_callback = function(content, closing) -- ...Deal with the edited content... if closing then UIManager:nextTick( -- Stuff to do when InputDialog is closed, if anything. ) end return nil -- sucess, default notification shown return true, success_notif_text return false, error_infomsg_text end To additionally add a Reset button and have |Reset|Save|Close|, use: reset_callback = function() return original_content -- success return original_content, success_notif_text return nil, error_infomsg_text end If you don't need more buttons than these, use these options for consistency between dialogs, and don't provide any buttons. Text used on these buttons and their messages and notifications can be changed by providing alternative text with these additional options: reset_button_text save_button_text close_button_text close_unsaved_confirm_text close_cancel_button_text close_discard_button_text close_save_button_text close_discarded_notif_text If it would take the user more than half a minute to recover from a mistake, a "Cancel" button must be added to the dialog. The cancellation button should be kept on the left and the button executing the action on the right. It is strongly recommended to use a text describing the action to be executed, as demonstrated in the example above. If the resulting phrase would be longer than three words it should just read "OK". ]] local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local ButtonTable = require("ui/widget/buttontable") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local CheckButton = require("ui/widget/checkbutton") local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputText = require("ui/widget/inputtext") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local MovableContainer = require("ui/widget/container/movablecontainer") local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local Screen = Device.screen local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local InputDialog = InputContainer:new{ is_always_active = true, title = "", input = "", input_hint = "", description = nil, buttons = nil, input_type = nil, deny_keyboard_hiding = false, -- don't hide keyboard on tap outside enter_callback = nil, readonly = false, -- don't allow editing, will not show keyboard allow_newline = false, -- allow entering new lines (this disables any enter_callback) cursor_at_end = true, -- starts with cursor at end of text, ready for appending use_available_height = false, -- adjust input box to fill available height on screen fullscreen = false, -- adjust to full screen minus keyboard condensed = false, -- true will prevent adding air and balance between elements add_scroll_buttons = false, -- add scroll Up/Down buttons to first row of buttons add_nav_bar = false, -- append a row of page navigation buttons -- note that the text widget can be scrolled with Swipe North/South even when no button keyboard_hidden = false, -- start with keyboard hidden in full fullscreen mode -- needs add_nav_bar to have a Show keyboard button to get it back scroll_by_pan = false, -- allow scrolling by lines with Pan (= Swipe, but wait a bit at end -- of gesture before releasing) (may conflict with movable) -- If save_callback provided, a Save and a Close buttons will be added to the first row -- if reset_callback provided, a Reset button will be added (before Save) to the first row save_callback = nil, -- Called with the input text content when Save (and true as 2nd arg -- if closing, false if non-closing Save). -- Should return nil or true on success, false on failure. -- (This save_callback can do some syntax check before saving) reset_callback = nil, -- Called with no arg, should return the original content on success, -- nil on failure. -- Both these callbacks can return a string as a 2nd return value. -- This string is then shown: -- - on success: as the notification text instead of the default one -- - on failure: in an InfoMessage close_callback = nil, -- Called when closing (if discarded or saved, after save_callback if saved) edited_callback = nil, -- Called on each text modification -- For use by TextEditor plugin: view_pos_callback = nil, -- Called with no arg to get initial top_line_num/charpos, -- called with (top_line_num, charpos) to give back position on close. -- Set to false if movable gestures conflicts with subwidgets gestures is_movable = true, width = nil, text_width = nil, text_height = nil, title_face = Font:getFace("x_smalltfont"), description_face = Font:getFace("x_smallinfofont"), input_face = Font:getFace("x_smallinfofont"), title_padding = Size.padding.default, title_margin = Size.margin.title, desc_padding = Size.padding.default, -- Use the same as title for their desc_margin = Size.margin.title, -- texts to be visually aligned input_padding = Size.padding.default, input_margin = Size.margin.default, button_padding = Size.padding.default, border_size = Size.border.window, -- See TextBoxWidget for details about these options alignment = "left", justified = false, lang = nil, para_direction_rtl = nil, auto_para_direction = false, alignment_strict = false, -- for internal use _text_modified = false, -- previous known modified status _top_line_num = nil, _charpos = nil, _buttons_edit_callback = nil, _buttons_scroll_callback = nil, _buttons_backup_done = false, _buttons_backup = nil, } function InputDialog:init() self.screen_width = Screen:getWidth() self.screen_height = Screen:getHeight() if self.fullscreen then self.is_movable = false self.border_size = 0 self.width = self.screen_width - 2*self.border_size self.covers_fullscreen = true -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() else self.width = self.width or math.floor(math.min(self.screen_width, self.screen_height) * 0.8) end if self.condensed then self.text_width = self.width - 2*(self.border_size + self.input_padding + self.input_margin) else self.text_width = self.text_width or math.floor(self.width * 0.9) end if self.readonly then -- hide keyboard if we can't edit self.keyboard_hidden = true end if self.fullscreen or self.add_nav_bar then self.deny_keyboard_hiding = true end -- Title & description self.title_widget = FrameContainer:new{ padding = self.title_padding, margin = self.title_margin, bordersize = 0, TextWidget:new{ text = self.title, face = self.title_face, max_width = self.width, } } self.title_bar = LineWidget:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = Size.line.thick, } } if self.description then self.description_widget = FrameContainer:new{ padding = self.desc_padding, margin = self.desc_margin, bordersize = 0, TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.description, face = self.description_face, width = self.width - 2*self.desc_padding - 2*self.desc_margin, } } else self.description_widget = VerticalSpan:new{ width = 0 } end -- Vertical spaces added before and after InputText -- (these will be adjusted later to center the input text if needed) local vspan_before_input_text = VerticalSpan:new{ width = 0 } local vspan_after_input_text = VerticalSpan:new{ width = 0 } -- We add the same vertical space used under description after the input widget -- (can be disabled by setting condensed=true) if not self.condensed then local desc_pad_height = self.desc_margin + self.desc_padding if self.description then vspan_before_input_text.width = 0 -- already provided by description_widget vspan_after_input_text.width = desc_pad_height else vspan_before_input_text.width = desc_pad_height vspan_after_input_text.width = desc_pad_height end end -- Buttons -- In case of re-init(), keep backup of original buttons and restore them self:_backupRestoreButtons() -- If requested, add predefined buttons alongside provided ones if self.save_callback then -- If save_callback provided, adds (Reset) / Save / Close buttons self:_addSaveCloseButtons() end if self.add_nav_bar then -- Home / End / Up / Down buttons self:_addScrollButtons(true) elseif self.add_scroll_buttons then -- Up / Down buttons self:_addScrollButtons(false) end -- Buttons Table self.button_table = ButtonTable:new{ width = self.width - 2*self.button_padding, button_font_face = "cfont", button_font_size = 20, buttons = self.buttons, zero_sep = true, show_parent = self, } local buttons_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.button_table:getSize().h, }, self.button_table, } -- Remember provided text_height if any (to restore it on keyboard height change) if self.orig_text_height == nil then if self.text_height then self.orig_text_height = self.text_height else self.orig_text_height = false end end -- InputText if not self.text_height or self.fullscreen then -- We need to find the best height to avoid screen overflow -- Create a dummy input widget to get some metrics local input_widget = InputText:new{ text = self.fullscreen and "-" or self.input, input_type = self.input_type, face = self.input_face, width = self.text_width, padding = self.input_padding, margin = self.input_margin, lang = self.lang, -- these might influence height para_direction_rtl = self.para_direction_rtl, auto_para_direction = self.auto_para_direction, for_measurement_only = true, -- flag it as a dummy, so it won't trigger any bogus repaint/refresh... } local text_height = input_widget:getTextHeight() local line_height = input_widget:getLineHeight() local input_pad_height = input_widget:getSize().h - text_height local keyboard_height = 0 if not self.keyboard_hidden then keyboard_height = input_widget:getKeyboardDimen().h end input_widget:onCloseWidget() -- free() textboxwidget and keyboard -- Find out available height local available_height = self.screen_height - 2*self.border_size - self.title_widget:getSize().h - self.title_bar:getSize().h - self.description_widget:getSize().h - vspan_before_input_text:getSize().h - input_pad_height - vspan_after_input_text:getSize().h - buttons_container:getSize().h - keyboard_height if self.fullscreen or self.use_available_height or text_height > available_height then -- Don't leave unusable space in the text widget, as the user could think -- it's an empty line: move that space in pads after and below (for centering) self.text_height = math.floor(available_height / line_height) * line_height local pad_height = available_height - self.text_height local pad_before = math.ceil(pad_height / 2) local pad_after = pad_height - pad_before vspan_before_input_text.width = vspan_before_input_text.width + pad_before vspan_after_input_text.width = vspan_after_input_text.width + pad_after if text_height > available_height then self.cursor_at_end = false -- stay at start if overflowed end else -- Don't leave unusable space in the text widget self.text_height = text_height end end if self.view_pos_callback then -- Get initial cursor and top line num from callback -- (will work in case of re-init as these are saved by onClose() self._top_line_num, self._charpos = self.view_pos_callback() end self._input_widget = InputText:new{ text = self.input, hint = self.input_hint, face = self.input_face, alignment = self.alignment, justified = self.justified, lang = self.lang, para_direction_rtl = self.para_direction_rtl, auto_para_direction = self.auto_para_direction, alignment_strict = self.alignment_strict, width = self.text_width, height = self.text_height or nil, padding = self.input_padding, margin = self.input_margin, input_type = self.input_type, text_type = self.text_type, enter_callback = self.enter_callback or function() for _,btn_row in ipairs(self.buttons) do for _,btn in ipairs(btn_row) do if btn.is_enter_default then btn.callback() return end end end end, edit_callback = self._buttons_edit_callback, -- nil if no Save/Close buttons scroll_callback = self._buttons_scroll_callback, -- nil if no Nav or Scroll buttons scroll = true, scroll_by_pan = self.scroll_by_pan, cursor_at_end = self.cursor_at_end, readonly = self.readonly, parent = self, is_text_edited = self._text_modified, top_line_num = self._top_line_num, charpos = self._charpos, } if self.allow_newline then -- remove any enter_callback self._input_widget.enter_callback = nil end if Device:hasDPad() then --little hack to piggyback on the layout of the button_table to handle the new InputText table.insert(self.button_table.layout, 1, {self._input_widget}) end -- Complementary setup for some of our added buttons if self.save_callback then local save_button = self.button_table:getButtonById("save") if self.readonly then save_button:setText(_("Read only"), save_button.width) elseif not self._input_widget:isTextEditable() then save_button:setText(_("Not editable"), save_button.width) end end -- Combine all self.vgroup = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", self.title_widget, self.title_bar, self.description_widget, vspan_before_input_text, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self._input_widget:getSize().h, }, self._input_widget, }, -- added widgets may be inserted here vspan_after_input_text, buttons_container, } -- Final widget self.dialog_frame = FrameContainer:new{ radius = self.fullscreen and 0 or Size.radius.window, padding = 0, margin = 0, bordersize = self.border_size, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, self.vgroup, } local frame = self.dialog_frame if self.is_movable then self.movable = MovableContainer:new{ -- (UIManager expects this as 'self.movable') self.dialog_frame, } frame = self.movable end local keyboard_height = self.keyboard_hidden and 0 or self._input_widget:getKeyboardDimen().h self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.screen_width, h = self.screen_height - keyboard_height, }, ignore_if_over = "height", frame } if Device:isTouchDevice() then -- is used to hide the keyboard with a tap outside of inputbox self.ges_events = { Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self[1].dimen, -- screen above the keyboard }, }, } end if self._added_widgets then for _, widget in ipairs(self._added_widgets) do self:addWidget(widget, true) end end end function InputDialog:addWidget(widget, re_init) if not re_init then -- backup widget for re-init widget = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = widget:getSize().h, }, widget, } if not self._added_widgets then self._added_widgets = {} end table.insert(self._added_widgets, widget) end -- insert widget before the bottom buttons and their previous vspan table.insert(self.vgroup, #self.vgroup-1, widget) end function InputDialog:onTap() if self.deny_keyboard_hiding then return end if self._input_widget.onCloseKeyboard then self._input_widget:onCloseKeyboard() end end function InputDialog:getInputText() return self._input_widget:getText() end function InputDialog:getInputValue() local text = self:getInputText() if self.input_type == "number" then return tonumber(text) else return text end end function InputDialog:setInputText(text, edited_state) self._input_widget:setText(text) if edited_state ~= nil and self._buttons_edit_callback then self._buttons_edit_callback(edited_state) end end function InputDialog:isTextEditable() return self._input_widget:isTextEditable() end function InputDialog:isTextEdited() return self._input_widget:isTextEdited() end function InputDialog:onShow() UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.dialog_frame.dimen end) end function InputDialog:onCloseWidget() self:onClose() UIManager:setDirty(nil, self.fullscreen and "full" or function() return "ui", self.dialog_frame.dimen end) end function InputDialog:onShowKeyboard(ignore_first_hold_release) if not self.readonly and not self.keyboard_hidden then self._input_widget:onShowKeyboard(ignore_first_hold_release) end end function InputDialog:toggleKeyboard(force_hide) if force_hide and self.keyboard_hidden then return end self.keyboard_hidden = not self.keyboard_hidden self.input = self:getInputText() -- re-init with up-to-date text self:onClose() -- will close keyboard and save view position self:free() self:init() if not self.keyboard_hidden then self:onShowKeyboard() end end function InputDialog:onKeyboardHeightChanged() self.input = self:getInputText() -- re-init with up-to-date text self:onClose() -- will close keyboard and save view position self._input_widget:onCloseWidget() -- proper cleanup of InputText and its keyboard if self._added_widgets then -- prevent these externally added widgets from being freed as :init() will re-add them for i = 1, #self._added_widgets do table.remove(self.vgroup, #self.vgroup-2) end end self:free() -- Restore original text_height (or reset it if none to force recomputing it) self.text_height = self.orig_text_height or nil self:init() if not self.keyboard_hidden then self:onShowKeyboard() end -- Our position on screen has probably changed, so have the full screen refreshed UIManager:setDirty("all", "flashui") end function InputDialog:onClose() -- Remember current view & position in case of re-init self._top_line_num = self._input_widget.top_line_num self._charpos = self._input_widget.charpos if self.view_pos_callback then -- Give back top line num and cursor position self.view_pos_callback(self._top_line_num, self._charpos) end self._input_widget:onCloseKeyboard() end function InputDialog:refreshButtons() -- Using what ought to be enough: -- return "ui", self.button_table.dimen -- causes 2 non-intersecting refreshes (because if our buttons -- change, the text widget did) that may sometimes cause -- the button_table to become white. -- Safer to refresh the whole widget so the refreshes can -- be merged into one. UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.dialog_frame.dimen end) end function InputDialog:_backupRestoreButtons() -- In case of re-init(), keep backup of original buttons and restore them if self._buttons_backup_done then -- Move backup and override current, and re-create backup from original, -- to avoid duplicating the copy code) self.buttons = self._buttons_backup -- restore (we may restore 'nil') end if self.buttons then -- (re-)create backup self._buttons_backup = {} -- deep copy, except for the buttons themselves for i, row in ipairs(self.buttons) do if row then local row_copy = {} self._buttons_backup[i] = row_copy for j, b in ipairs(row) do row_copy[j] = b end end end end self._buttons_backup_done = true end function InputDialog:_addSaveCloseButtons() if not self.buttons then self.buttons = {{}} end -- Add them to the end of first row local row = self.buttons[1] local button = function(id) -- shortcut for more readable code return self.button_table:getButtonById(id) end -- Callback to enable/disable Reset/Save buttons, for feedback when text modified self._buttons_edit_callback = function(edited) if self._text_modified and not edited then self._text_modified = false button("save"):disable() if button("reset") then button("reset"):disable() end self:refreshButtons() elseif edited and not self._text_modified then self._text_modified = true button("save"):enable() if button("reset") then button("reset"):enable() end self:refreshButtons() end if self.edited_callback then self.edited_callback() end end if self.reset_callback then -- if reset_callback provided, add button to restore -- test to some previous state table.insert(row, { text = self.reset_button_text or _("Reset"), id = "reset", enabled = self._text_modified, callback = function() -- Wrapped via Trapper, to allow reset_callback to use Trapper -- to show progress or ask questions while getting original content require("ui/trapper"):wrap(function() local content, msg = self.reset_callback() if content then self:setInputText(content) self._buttons_edit_callback(false) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = msg or _("Text reset"), }) else -- nil content, assume failure and show msg if msg ~= false then -- false allows for no InfoMessage UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg or _("Resetting failed."), }) end end end) end, }) end table.insert(row, { text = self.save_button_text or _("Save"), id = "save", enabled = self._text_modified, callback = function() -- Wrapped via Trapper, to allow save_callback to use Trapper -- to show progress or ask questions while saving require("ui/trapper"):wrap(function() if self._text_modified then local success, msg = self.save_callback(self:getInputText()) if success == false then if msg ~= false then -- false allows for no InfoMessage UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg or _("Saving failed."), }) end else -- nil or true self._buttons_edit_callback(false) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = msg or _("Saved"), }) end end end) end, }) table.insert(row, { text = self.close_button_text or _("Close"), id = "close", callback = function() if self._text_modified then UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new{ text = self.close_unsaved_confirm_text or _("You have unsaved changes."), cancel_text = self.close_cancel_button_text or _("Cancel"), choice1_text = self.close_discard_button_text or _("Discard"), choice1_callback = function() if self.close_callback then self.close_callback() end UIManager:close(self) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = self.close_discarded_notif_text or _("Changes discarded"), }) end, choice2_text = self.close_save_button_text or _("Save"), choice2_callback = function() -- Wrapped via Trapper, to allow save_callback to use Trapper -- to show progress or ask questions while saving require("ui/trapper"):wrap(function() local success, msg = self.save_callback(self:getInputText(), true) if success == false then if msg ~= false then -- false allows for no InfoMessage UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg or _("Saving failed."), }) end else -- nil or true if self.close_callback then self.close_callback() end UIManager:close(self) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = msg or _("Saved"), }) end end) end, }) else -- Not modified, exit without any message if self.close_callback then self.close_callback() end UIManager:close(self) end end, }) end function InputDialog:_addScrollButtons(nav_bar) local row if nav_bar then -- Add Home / End / Up / Down buttons as a last row if not self.buttons then self.buttons = {} end row = {} -- Empty additional buttons row table.insert(self.buttons, row) else -- Add the Up / Down buttons to the first row if not self.buttons then self.buttons = {{}} end row = self.buttons[1] end if nav_bar then -- Add the Home & End buttons -- Also add Keyboard hide/show button if we can if self.fullscreen and not self.readonly then table.insert(row, { text = self.keyboard_hidden and "↑⌨" or "↓⌨", id = "keyboard", callback = function() self:toggleKeyboard() end, }) end if self.fullscreen then -- Add a button to search for a string in the edited text table.insert(row, { text = _("Find"), callback = function() local keyboard_hidden_state = not self.keyboard_hidden self:toggleKeyboard(true) -- hide text editor keyboard local input_dialog input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter text to search for"), stop_events_propagation = true, -- avoid interactions with upper InputDialog input = self.search_value, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.keyboard_hidden = keyboard_hidden_state self:toggleKeyboard() end, }, { text = _("Find first"), callback = function() self.search_value = input_dialog:getInputText() if self.search_value ~= "" then UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.keyboard_hidden = keyboard_hidden_state self:toggleKeyboard() local msg local char_pos = self._input_widget:searchString(self.search_value, self.case_sensitive, 1) if char_pos > 0 then self._input_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(char_pos) msg = T(_("Found in line %1."), self._input_widget:getLineNums()) else msg = _("Not found.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = msg, }) end end, }, { text = _("Find next"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() self.search_value = input_dialog:getInputText() if self.search_value ~= "" then UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.keyboard_hidden = keyboard_hidden_state self:toggleKeyboard() local msg local char_pos = self._input_widget:searchString(self.search_value, self.case_sensitive) if char_pos > 0 then self._input_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(char_pos) msg = T(_("Found in line %1."), self._input_widget:getLineNums()) else msg = _("Not found.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = msg, }) end end, }, }, }, } self.check_button_case = CheckButton:new{ text = _("Case sensitive"), checked = self.case_sensitive, parent = input_dialog, callback = function() self.case_sensitive = self.check_button_case.checked end, } input_dialog:addWidget(self.check_button_case) UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, }) -- Add a button to go to the line by its number in the file table.insert(row, { text = _("Go"), callback = function() local keyboard_hidden_state = not self.keyboard_hidden self:toggleKeyboard(true) -- hide text editor keyboard local cur_line_num, last_line_num = self._input_widget:getLineNums() local input_dialog input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter line number"), -- @translators %1 is the current line number, %2 is the last line number input_hint = T(_("%1 (1 - %2)"), cur_line_num, last_line_num), input_type = "number", stop_events_propagation = true, -- avoid interactions with upper InputDialog buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.keyboard_hidden = keyboard_hidden_state self:toggleKeyboard() end, }, { text = _("Go to line"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local new_line_num = tonumber(input_dialog:getInputText()) if new_line_num and new_line_num >= 1 and new_line_num <= last_line_num then UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.keyboard_hidden = keyboard_hidden_state self:toggleKeyboard() self._input_widget:moveCursorToCharPos(self._input_widget:getLineCharPos(new_line_num)) end end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, }) end table.insert(row, { text = "⇱", id = "top", vsync = true, callback = function() self._input_widget:scrollToTop() end, }) table.insert(row, { text = "⇲", id = "bottom", vsync = true, callback = function() self._input_widget:scrollToBottom() end, }) end -- Add the Up & Down buttons table.insert(row, { text = "△", id = "up", callback = function() self._input_widget:scrollUp() end, }) table.insert(row, { text = "▽", id = "down", callback = function() self._input_widget:scrollDown() end, }) -- Callback to enable/disable buttons, for at-top/at-bottom feedback local prev_at_top = false -- Buttons were created enabled local prev_at_bottom = false local button = function(id) -- shortcut for more readable code return self.button_table:getButtonById(id) end self._buttons_scroll_callback = function(low, high) local changed = false if prev_at_top and low > 0 then button("up"):enable() if button("top") then button("top"):enable() end prev_at_top = false changed = true elseif not prev_at_top and low <= 0 then button("up"):disable() if button("top") then button("top"):disable() end prev_at_top = true changed = true end if prev_at_bottom and high < 1 then button("down"):enable() if button("bottom") then button("bottom"):enable() end prev_at_bottom = false changed = true elseif not prev_at_bottom and high >= 1 then button("down"):disable() if button("bottom") then button("bottom"):disable() end prev_at_bottom = true changed = true end if changed then self:refreshButtons() end end end return InputDialog