--[[ This module implements calibre metadata searching. --]] local CalibreMetadata = require("metadata") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local Font = require("ui/font") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local socket = require("socket") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template -- cache files local libraries_file = "calibre-libraries.lua" local metadata_file = "calibre-books.lua" -- loads a table from disk local function loadTable(path) local ok, data = pcall(dofile, path) if ok then return data else return nil, data end end -- get root dir for disk scans local function getDefaultRootDir() if Device:isCervantes() or Device:isKobo() then return "/mnt" else return Device.home_dir or lfs.currentdir() end end -- get metadata from calibre libraries local function getAllMetadata(t) local books = {} for path, enabled in pairs(t) do if enabled and CalibreMetadata:init(path, true) then -- calibre BQ driver reports invalid lpath if Device:isCervantes() then local device_name = CalibreMetadata.drive.device_name if device_name and string.match(string.upper(device_name), "BQ") then path = path .. "/Books" end end for _, book in ipairs(CalibreMetadata.books) do local slim_book = {} slim_book.title = book.title slim_book.lpath = book.lpath slim_book.authors = book.authors slim_book.series = book.series slim_book.series_index = book.series_index slim_book.tags = book.tags slim_book.size = book.size slim_book.rootpath = path table.insert(books, #books + 1, slim_book) end CalibreMetadata:clean() end end return books end -- check if a string matches a query local function match(str, query, case_insensitive) if query and case_insensitive then return string.find(string.upper(str), string.upper(query)) elseif query then return string.find(str, query) else return true end end -- get books that exactly match the search tag local function getBooksByTag(t, tag) local result = {} for _, book in ipairs(t) do for __, _tag in ipairs(book.tags) do if tag == _tag then table.insert(result, book) end end end return result end -- get books that exactly match the search series local function getBooksBySeries(t, series) local result = {} for _, book in ipairs(t) do if book.series and type(book.series) ~= "function" then if book.series == series then table.insert(result, book) end end end return result end -- get tags that match the search criteria and their frequency local function searchByTag(t, query, case_insensitive) local freq = {} for _, book in ipairs(t) do for __, tag in ipairs(book.tags) do if match(tag, query, case_insensitive) then freq[tag] = (freq[tag] or 0) + 1 end end end return freq end -- get series that match the search criteria and their frequency local function searchBySeries(t, query, case_insensitive) local freq = {} for _, book in ipairs(t) do if book.series and type(book.series) ~= "function" then if match(book.series, query, case_insensitive) then freq[book.series] = (freq[book.series] or 0) + 1 end end end return freq end -- get book info as one big string with relevant metadata local function getBookInfo(book) -- comma separated elements from a table local function getEntries(t) if not t then return end local id for i, v in ipairs(t) do if v ~= nil then if i == 1 then id = v else id = id .. ", " .. v end end end return id end -- all entries can be empty, except size, which is always filled by calibre. local title = _("Title:") .. " " .. book.title or "-" local authors = _("Author(s):") .. " " .. getEntries(book.authors) or "-" local size = _("Size:") .. " " .. string.format("%4.1fM", book.size/1024/1024) local tags = getEntries(book.tags) if tags then tags = _("Tags:") .. " " .. tags end local series if book.series and type(book.series) ~= "function" then series = _("Series:") .. " " .. book.series end return string.format("%s\n%s\n%s%s%s", title, authors, tags and tags .. "\n" or "", series and series .. "\n" or "", size) end local CalibreSearch = InputContainer:new{ books = {}, libraries = {}, last_scan = {}, search_options = { "cache_metadata", "case_insensitive", "find_by_title", "find_by_authors", "find_by_path", }, user_libraries = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/" .. libraries_file, user_book_cache = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/" .. metadata_file, } function CalibreSearch:ShowSearch() self.search_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Search books"), input = self.search_value, buttons = { { { text = _("Browse series"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText() self.lastsearch = "series" self:close() end, }, { text = _("Browse tags"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText() self.lastsearch = "tags" self:close() end, }, }, { { text = _("Cancel"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.search_dialog) end, }, { -- @translators Search for books in calibre Library, via on-device metadata (as setup by Calibre's 'Send To Device'). text = _("Find books"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText() self.lastsearch = "find" self:close() end, }, }, }, width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.8), height = math.floor(Screen:getHeight() * 0.2), } UIManager:show(self.search_dialog) self.search_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function CalibreSearch:close() if self.search_value then self.search_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.search_dialog) if string.len(self.search_value) > 0 or self.lastsearch ~= "find" then self:find(self.lastsearch) end end end function CalibreSearch:onMenuHold(item) if not item.info or item.info:len() <= 0 then return end local thumbnail local doc = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(item.path) if doc then if doc.loadDocument then -- CreDocument doc:loadDocument(false) -- load only metadata end thumbnail = doc:getCoverPageImage() doc:close() end local thumbwidth = math.min(240, Screen:getWidth()/3) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = item.info, image = thumbnail, image_width = thumbwidth, image_height = thumbwidth/2*3 }) end function CalibreSearch:bookCatalog(t, option) local catalog = {} local series, subseries if option and option == "series" then series = true end for _, book in ipairs(t) do local entry = {} entry.info = getBookInfo(book) entry.path = book.rootpath .. "/" .. book.lpath if series then local major, minor = string.format("%05.2f", book.series_index):match("([^.]+).([^.]+)") if minor ~= "00" then subseries = true end entry.text = string.format("%s.%s | %s - %s", major, minor, book.title, book.authors[1]) else entry.text = string.format("%s - %s", book.title, book.authors[1]) end entry.callback = function() local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:showReader(book.rootpath .. "/" .. book.lpath) self.search_menu:onClose() end table.insert(catalog, entry) end if series and not subseries then for index, entry in ipairs(catalog) do catalog[index].text = entry.text:gsub(".00", "", 1) end end return catalog end -- find books, series or tags function CalibreSearch:find(option) for _, opt in pairs(self.search_options) do self[opt] = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("calibre_search_"..opt) end if #self.libraries == 0 then local libs, err = loadTable(self.user_libraries) if not libs then logger.warn("no calibre libraries", err) self:prompt(_("No calibre libraries")) return else self.libraries = libs end end if #self.books == 0 then self.books = self:getMetadata() end -- this shouldn't happen unless the user disabled all libraries or they are empty. if #self.books == 0 then logger.warn("no metadata to search, aborting") self:prompt(_("No metadata found")) return end -- measure time elapsed searching local start = socket.gettime() if option == "find" then local books = self:findBooks(self.books, self.search_value) local result = self:bookCatalog(books) self:showresults(result) else self:browse(option,1) end local elapsed = socket.gettime() - start logger.info(string.format("search done in %f milliseconds (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", elapsed * 1000, option == "find" and "books" or option, "case sensitive: " .. tostring(not self.case_insensitive), "title: " .. tostring(self.find_by_title), "authors: " .. tostring(self.find_by_authors), "path: " .. tostring(self.find_by_path))) end -- find books with current search options function CalibreSearch:findBooks(t, query) -- handle case sensitivity local function bookMatch(s, p) if not s or not p then return false end if self.case_insensitive then return string.match(string.upper(s), string.upper(p)) else return string.match(s, p) end end -- handle other search preferences local function bookSearch(book, pattern) if self.find_by_title and bookMatch(book.title, pattern) then return true end if self.find_by_authors then for _, author in ipairs(book.authors) do if bookMatch(author, pattern) then return true end end end if self.find_by_path and bookMatch(book.lpath, pattern) then return true end return false end -- performs a book search local results = {} for i, book in ipairs(t) do if bookSearch(book, query) then table.insert(results, #results + 1, book) end end return results end -- browse tags or series function CalibreSearch:browse(option, run, chosen) local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), } self.search_menu = Menu:new{ width = Screen:getWidth()-15, height = Screen:getHeight()-15, show_parent = menu_container, onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold, cface = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"), _manager = self, } table.insert(menu_container, self.search_menu) self.search_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(menu_container) end if run == 1 then local menu_entries = {} local search_value if self.search_value ~= "" then search_value = self.search_value end local name, source if option == "tags" then name = _("Browse by tags") source = searchByTag(self.books, search_value, self.case_insensitive) elseif option == "series" then name = _("Browse by series") source = searchBySeries(self.books, search_value, self.case_insensitive) end for k, v in pairs(source) do local entry = {} entry.text = string.format("%s (%d)", k, v) entry.callback = function() self:browse(option, 2, k) end table.insert(menu_entries, entry) end table.sort(menu_entries, function(v1,v2) return v1.text < v2.text end) self.search_menu:switchItemTable(name, menu_entries) UIManager:show(menu_container) else local results if option == "tags" then results = getBooksByTag(self.books, chosen) elseif option == "series" then results = getBooksBySeries(self.books, chosen) end if results then local catalog = self:bookCatalog(results, option) self:showresults(catalog, chosen) end end end -- show search results function CalibreSearch:showresults(t, title) if not title then title = _("Search Results") end local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), } self.search_menu = Menu:new{ width = Screen:getWidth()-15, height = Screen:getHeight()-15, show_parent = menu_container, onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold, cface = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"), _manager = self, } table.insert(menu_container, self.search_menu) self.search_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(menu_container) end table.sort(t, function(v1,v2) return v1.text < v2.text end) self.search_menu:switchItemTable(title, t) UIManager:show(menu_container) end -- prompt the user for a library scan function CalibreSearch:prompt(message) local rootdir = getDefaultRootDir() local warning = T(_("Scanning libraries can take time. All storage media under %1 will be analyzed"), rootdir) if message then message = message .. "\n\n" .. warning end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = message or warning, ok_text = _("Scan") .. " " .. rootdir, ok_callback = function() self.libraries = {} local count, paths = self:scan(rootdir) -- append current wireless dir if it wasn't found on the scan -- this will happen if it is in a nested dir. local inbox_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("inbox_dir") if inbox_dir and not self.libraries[inbox_dir] then if CalibreMetadata:getDeviceInfo(inbox_dir, "date_last_connected") then self.libraries[inbox_dir] = true count = count + 1 paths = paths .. "\n" .. count .. ": " .. inbox_dir end end -- append libraries in different volumes local ok, sd_path = Device:hasExternalSD() if ok then local sd_count, sd_paths = self:scan(sd_path) count = count + sd_count paths = paths .. "\n" .. _("SD card") .. ": " .. sd_paths end util.dumpTable(self.libraries, self.user_libraries) self:invalidateCache() self.books = self:getMetadata() local info_text if count == 0 then info_text = _("No calibre libraries were found") else info_text = T(_("Found %1 calibre libraries with %2 books:%3"), count, #self.books, paths) end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = info_text }) end, }) end function CalibreSearch:scan(rootdir) self.last_scan = {} self:findCalibre(rootdir) local paths = "" for i, dir in ipairs(self.last_scan) do self.libraries[dir.path] = true paths = paths .. "\n" .. i .. ": " .. dir.path end return #self.last_scan, paths end -- find all calibre libraries under a given root dir function CalibreSearch:findCalibre(root) -- protect lfs.dir which will raise error on no-permission directory local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, root) local contains_metadata = false if ok then for entity in iter, dir_obj do -- nested libraries aren't allowed if not contains_metadata then if entity ~= "." and entity ~= ".." then local path = root .. "/" .. entity local mode = lfs.attributes(path, "mode") if mode == "file" then if entity == "metadata.calibre" or entity == ".metadata.calibre" then local library = {} library.path = root contains_metadata = true table.insert(self.last_scan, #self.last_scan + 1, library) end elseif mode == "directory" then self:findCalibre(path) end end end end end end -- invalidate current cache function CalibreSearch:invalidateCache() util.removeFile(self.user_book_cache) self.books = {} end -- get metadata from cache or calibre files function CalibreSearch:getMetadata() local start = socket.gettime() local template = "metadata: %d books imported from %s in %f milliseconds" -- try to load metadata from cache if self.cache_metadata then local function cacheIsNewer(timestamp) if not timestamp then return false end local Y, M, D, h, m, s = timestamp:match("(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)") local date = os.time({year = Y, month = M, day = D, hour = h, min = m, sec = s}) return lfs.attributes(self.user_book_cache, "modification") > date end local cache, err = loadTable(self.user_book_cache) if not cache then logger.warn("invalid cache:", err) else local is_newer = true for path, enabled in pairs(self.libraries) do if enabled and not cacheIsNewer(CalibreMetadata:getDeviceInfo(path, "date_last_connected")) then is_newer = false break end end if is_newer then local elapsed = socket.gettime() - start logger.info(string.format(template, #cache, "cache", elapsed * 1000)) return cache else logger.warn("cache is older than metadata, ignoring it") end end end -- try to load metadata from calibre files and dump it to cache file, if enabled. local books = getAllMetadata(self.libraries) if self.cache_metadata then local dump = {} local function removeNull(t) for _, key in ipairs({"series", "series_index"}) do if type(t[key]) == "function" then t[key] = nil end end return t end for index, book in ipairs(books) do table.insert(dump, index, removeNull(book)) end util.dumpTable(dump, self.user_book_cache) end local elapsed = socket.gettime() - start logger.info(string.format(template, #books, "calibre", elapsed * 1000)) return books end return CalibreSearch