local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local dump = require("dump") local DocSettings = {} local history_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/history/" function DocSettings:getSidecarDir(doc_path) return doc_path:match("(.*)%.")..".sdr" end function DocSettings:getHistoryPath(fullpath) return history_dir .. "[" .. fullpath:gsub("(.*/)([^/]+)","%1] %2"):gsub("/","#") .. ".lua" end function DocSettings:getPathFromHistory(hist_name) -- 1. select everything included in brackets local s = string.match(hist_name,"%b[]") -- 2. crop the bracket-sign from both sides -- 3. and finally replace decorative signs '#' to dir-char '/' return string.gsub(string.sub(s,2,-3),"#","/") end function DocSettings:getNameFromHistory(hist_name) -- at first, search for path length local s = string.len(string.match(hist_name,"%b[]")) -- and return the rest of string without 4 last characters (".lua") return string.sub(hist_name, s+2, -5) end function DocSettings:open(docfile) local history_path = nil local sidecar_path = nil if docfile == ".reader" then -- we handle reader setting as special case history_path = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/settings.reader.lua" else history_path = self:getHistoryPath(docfile) local sidecar = self:getSidecarDir(docfile) if lfs.attributes(sidecar, "mode") ~= "directory" then lfs.mkdir(sidecar) end sidecar_path = sidecar.."/"..docfile:match(".*%/(.*)")..".lua" end -- construct settings obj local new = { history_file = history_path, sidecar_file = sidecar_path, data = {} } local ok, stored = pcall(dofile, new.history_file or "") if not ok then ok, stored = pcall(dofile, new.sidecar_file or "") if not ok then -- try legacy conf path, for backward compatibility. this also -- takes care of reader legacy setting ok, stored = pcall(dofile, docfile..".kpdfview.lua") end end if ok and stored then new.data = stored end return setmetatable(new, { __index = DocSettings}) end function DocSettings:readSetting(key) return self.data[key] end function DocSettings:saveSetting(key, value) self.data[key] = value end function DocSettings:delSetting(key) self.data[key] = nil end function DocSettings:flush() -- write serialized version of the data table into -- i) history directory in root directory of koreader -- ii) sidecar directory in the same directory of the document if not self.history_file and not self.sidecar_file then return end local serials = {} if self.history_file then pcall(table.insert, serials, io.open(self.history_file, "w")) end if self.sidecar_file then pcall(table.insert, serials, io.open(self.sidecar_file, "w")) end os.setlocale('C', 'numeric') local s_out = dump(self.data) for _, f_out in ipairs(serials) do if f_out ~= nil then f_out:write("-- we can read Lua syntax here!\nreturn ") f_out:write(s_out) f_out:write("\n") f_out:close() end end end function DocSettings:close() self:flush() end function DocSettings:clear() if self.history_file then os.remove(self.history_file) end if self.sidecar_file then os.remove(self.sidecar_file) end end return DocSettings