local Event = require("ui/event") local Device = require("device") local EventListener = require("ui/widget/eventlistener") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local ReaderCoptListener = EventListener:extend{} local CRE_HEADER_DEFAULT_SIZE = 20 function ReaderCoptListener:onReadSettings(config) local view_mode_name = self.document.configurable.view_mode == 0 and "page" or "scroll" -- Let crengine know of the view mode before rendering, as it can -- cause a rendering change (2-pages would become 1-page in -- scroll mode). self.document:setViewMode(view_mode_name) -- ReaderView is the holder of the view_mode state self.view.view_mode = view_mode_name -- crengine top status bar can only show author and title together self.title = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_title", 1) self.clock = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_clock", 1) self.header_auto_refresh = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_auto_refresh", 1) self.page_number = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_page_number", 1) self.page_count = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_page_count", 1) self.reading_percent = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_reading_percent", 0) self.battery = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_battery", 1) self.battery_percent = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_battery_percent", 0) self.chapter_marks = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_chapter_marks", 1) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.title", self.title) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.clock", self.clock) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.pos.page.number", self.page_number) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.pos.page.count", self.page_count) self.document._document:setIntProperty("crengine.page.header.chapter.marks", self.chapter_marks) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.battery", self.battery) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.battery.percent", self.battery_percent) self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.pos.percent", self.reading_percent) -- We will build the top status bar page info string ourselves, -- if we have to display any chunk of it self.page_info_override = self.page_number == 1 or self.page_count == 1 or self.reading_percent == 1 self.document:setPageInfoOverride("") -- an empty string lets crengine display its own page info self:onTimeFormatChanged() -- Enable or disable crengine header status line (note that for crengine, 0=header enabled, 1=header disabled) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetStatusLine", self.document.configurable.status_line)) self.old_battery_level = self.ui.rolling:updateBatteryState() -- Have this ready in case auto-refresh is enabled, now or later self.headerRefresh = function() -- Only draw it if the header is shown... if self.document.configurable.status_line == 0 and self.view.view_mode == "page" then -- ...and something has changed local new_battery_level = self.ui.rolling:updateBatteryState() if self.clock == 1 or (self.battery == 1 and new_battery_level ~= self.old_battery_level) then self.old_battery_level = new_battery_level self:updateHeader() end end self:rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded() -- schedule (or not) next refresh end self:rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded() -- schedule (or not) first refresh end function ReaderCoptListener:onReaderReady() -- custom metadata support for alt status bar and cre synthetic cover for prop_key in pairs(self.document.prop_to_cre_prop) do local orig_prop_value = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting(prop_key) local custom_prop_key = prop_key == "title" and "display_title" or prop_key local custom_prop_value = self.ui.doc_props[custom_prop_key] if custom_prop_value ~= orig_prop_value then self.document:setAltDocumentProp(prop_key, custom_prop_value) end end end function ReaderCoptListener:updatePageInfoOverride(pageno) pageno = pageno or self.ui.view.footer.pageno if not (self.document.configurable.status_line == 0 and self.view.view_mode == "page" and self.page_info_override) then return end -- There are a few cases where we may not be updated on change, at least: -- - when toggling ReaderPageMap's "Use reference page numbers" -- - when changing footer's nb of digits after decimal point -- but we will update on next page turn. Let's not bother. local page_pre = "" local page_number = pageno local page_sep = " / " local page_count = self.ui.document:getPageCount() local page_post = "" local percentage = page_number / page_count local percentage_pre = "" local percentage_post = "" -- Let's use the same setting for nb of digits after decimal point as configured for the footer local percentage_digits = self.ui.view.footer.settings.progress_pct_format local percentage_fmt = "%." .. percentage_digits .. "f%%" -- We want the same output as with ReaderFooter's page_progress() and percentage() -- but here each item (page number, page counte, percentage) is individually toggable, -- so try to get something that make sense when not all are enabled if self.ui.pagemap and self.ui.pagemap:wantsPageLabels() then -- These become strings here page_number = self.ui.pagemap:getCurrentPageLabel(true) page_count = self.ui.pagemap:getLastPageLabel(true) elseif self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then local flow = self.ui.document:getPageFlow(pageno) page_number = tostring(self.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(pageno)) page_count = tostring(self.ui.document:getTotalPagesInFlow(flow)) percentage = page_number / page_count if flow == 0 then page_sep = " // " else page_pre = "[" page_post = "]"..tostring(flow) percentage_pre = "[" percentage_post = "]" end end local page_info = "" if self.page_number == 1 or self.page_count == 1 then page_info = page_info .. page_pre if self.page_number == 1 then page_info = page_info .. page_number if self.page_count == 1 then page_info = page_info .. page_sep end end if self.page_count == 1 then page_info = page_info .. page_count end page_info = page_info .. page_post if self.reading_percent == 1 then page_info = page_info .. " " -- (double space as done by crengine's own drawing) end end if self.reading_percent == 1 then page_info = page_info .. percentage_pre .. percentage_fmt:format(percentage*100) .. percentage_post end if self.battery == 1 and self.battery_percent == 1 then -- append battery percentage local batt_pre = "[" local batt_post = "]" local batt_val = nil if Device:hasBattery() then local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local batt_lvl = powerd:getCapacity() if Device:hasAuxBattery() and powerd:isAuxBatteryConnected() then local aux_batt_lvl = powerd:getAuxCapacity() if powerd:isAuxCharging() then batt_pre = "[\u{21AF}" end -- Sum both batteries for the actual text batt_lvl = batt_lvl + aux_batt_lvl else if powerd:isCharging() then batt_pre = "[\u{21AF}" end end batt_val = string.format("%2d%%", batt_lvl) end if batt_val then local battery_info = " " .. batt_pre .. batt_val .. batt_post -- ^--- (double space as done by crengine's own drawing) page_info = page_info .. battery_info end end self.document:setPageInfoOverride(page_info) end function ReaderCoptListener:onPageUpdate(pageno) self:updatePageInfoOverride(pageno) end function ReaderCoptListener:onPosUpdate(pos, pageno) self:updatePageInfoOverride(pageno) end function ReaderCoptListener:onBookMetadataChanged(prop_updated) -- custom metadata support for alt status bar and cre synthetic cover local prop_key = prop_updated and prop_updated.metadata_key_updated if prop_key and self.document.prop_to_cre_prop[prop_key] then self.document:setAltDocumentProp(prop_key, prop_updated.doc_props[prop_key]) self:updateHeader() end end function ReaderCoptListener:onConfigChange(option_name, option_value) -- font_size and line_spacing are historically and sadly shared by both mupdf and cre reader modules, -- but fortunately they can be distinguished by their different ranges if (option_name == "font_size" or option_name == "line_spacing") and option_value < 5 then return end self.document.configurable[option_name] = option_value self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("StartActivityIndicator")) return true end function ReaderCoptListener:onCharging() self:headerRefresh() end ReaderCoptListener.onNotCharging = ReaderCoptListener.onCharging function ReaderCoptListener:onTimeFormatChanged() self.document._document:setIntProperty("window.status.clock.12hours", G_reader_settings:isTrue("twelve_hour_clock") and 1 or 0) end function ReaderCoptListener:shouldHeaderBeRepainted() local top_wg = UIManager:getTopmostVisibleWidget() or {} if top_wg.name == "ReaderUI" then -- We're on display, go ahead return true elseif top_wg.covers_fullscreen or top_wg.covers_header then -- We're hidden behind something that definitely covers us, don't do anything return false else -- There's something on top of us, but we might still be visible, request a ReaderUI repaint, -- UIManager will sort it out. return true end end function ReaderCoptListener:updateHeader() -- Have crengine display accurate time and battery on its next drawing self.document:resetBufferCache() -- be sure next repaint is a redrawing -- Force a refresh if we're not hidden behind another widget if self:shouldHeaderBeRepainted() then UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "ui", Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Device.screen:getWidth(), h = self.document:getHeaderHeight(), } ) end end function ReaderCoptListener:unscheduleHeaderRefresh() if not self.headerRefresh then return end -- not yet set up UIManager:unschedule(self.headerRefresh) logger.dbg("ReaderCoptListener.headerRefresh unscheduled") end function ReaderCoptListener:rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded() if not self.headerRefresh then return end -- not yet set up local unscheduled = UIManager:unschedule(self.headerRefresh) -- unschedule if already scheduled -- Only schedule an update if the header is actually visible if self.header_auto_refresh == 1 and self.document.configurable.status_line == 0 -- top bar enabled and self.view.view_mode == "page" -- not in scroll mode (which would disable the header) and (self.clock == 1 or self.battery == 1) then -- something shown can change in next minute UIManager:scheduleIn(61 - tonumber(os.date("%S")), self.headerRefresh) if not unscheduled then logger.dbg("ReaderCoptListener.headerRefresh scheduled") else logger.dbg("ReaderCoptListener.headerRefresh rescheduled") end elseif unscheduled then logger.dbg("ReaderCoptListener.headerRefresh unscheduled") end end -- Schedule or stop scheduling on these events, as they may change what is shown: ReaderCoptListener.onSetStatusLine = ReaderCoptListener.rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded -- configurable.status_line is set before this event is triggered ReaderCoptListener.onSetViewMode = ReaderCoptListener.rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded -- ReaderView:onSetViewMode(), which sets view.view_mode, is called before -- ReaderCoptListener.onSetViewMode, so we'll get the updated value function ReaderCoptListener:onResume() -- Don't repaint the header until OutOfScreenSaver if screensaver_delay is enabled... local screensaver_delay = G_reader_settings:readSetting("screensaver_delay") if screensaver_delay and screensaver_delay ~= "disable" then self._delayed_screensaver = true return end self:headerRefresh() end function ReaderCoptListener:onOutOfScreenSaver() if not self._delayed_screensaver then return end self._delayed_screensaver = nil self:headerRefresh() end -- Unschedule on these events ReaderCoptListener.onCloseDocument = ReaderCoptListener.unscheduleHeaderRefresh ReaderCoptListener.onSuspend = ReaderCoptListener.unscheduleHeaderRefresh function ReaderCoptListener:setAndSave(setting, property, value) self.document._document:setIntProperty(property, value) G_reader_settings:saveSetting(setting, value) self.page_info_override = self.page_number == 1 or self.page_count == 1 or self.reading_percent == 1 if self.page_info_override then self:updatePageInfoOverride() else self.document:setPageInfoOverride("") -- Don't forget to restore CRE default behaviour. end -- Have crengine redraw it (even if hidden by the menu at this time) self.ui.rolling:updateBatteryState() self:updateHeader() -- And see if we should auto-refresh self:rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded() end local about_text = _([[ In CRE documents, an alternative status bar can be displayed at the top of the screen, with or without the regular bottom status bar. Enabling this alt status bar, per document or by default, can be done in the bottom menu. The alternative status bar can be configured here.]]) function ReaderCoptListener:getAltStatusBarMenu() return { text = _("Alt status bar"), separator = true, sub_item_table = { { text = _("About alt status bar"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = about_text, }) end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Auto refresh"), checked_func = function() return self.header_auto_refresh == 1 end, callback = function() self.header_auto_refresh = self.header_auto_refresh == 0 and 1 or 0 G_reader_settings:saveSetting("cre_header_auto_refresh", self.header_auto_refresh) self:rescheduleHeaderRefreshIfNeeded() end, separator = true }, { text = _("Book author and title"), checked_func = function() return self.title == 1 end, callback = function() self.title = self.title == 0 and 1 or 0 self:setAndSave("cre_header_title", "window.status.title", self.title) end, }, { text = _("Current time"), checked_func = function() return self.clock == 1 end, callback = function() self.clock = self.clock == 0 and 1 or 0 self:setAndSave("cre_header_clock", "window.status.clock", self.clock) end, }, { text = _("Current page"), checked_func = function() return self.page_number == 1 end, callback = function() self.page_number = self.page_number == 0 and 1 or 0 self:setAndSave("cre_header_page_number", "window.status.pos.page.number", self.page_number) end, }, { text = _("Total pages"), checked_func = function() return self.page_count == 1 end, callback = function() self.page_count = self.page_count == 0 and 1 or 0 self:setAndSave("cre_header_page_count", "window.status.pos.page.count", self.page_count) end, }, { text = _("Progress percentage"), checked_func = function() return self.reading_percent == 1 end, callback = function() self.reading_percent = self.reading_percent == 0 and 1 or 0 self:setAndSave("cre_header_reading_percent", "window.status.pos.percent", self.reading_percent) end, }, { text = _("Chapter marks"), checked_func = function() return self.chapter_marks == 1 end, callback = function() self.chapter_marks = self.chapter_marks == 0 and 1 or 0 self:setAndSave("cre_header_chapter_marks", "crengine.page.header.chapter.marks", self.chapter_marks) end, }, { text_func = function() local status = _("Battery status") if self.battery == 1 then if self.battery_percent == 1 then status = _("Battery status: percentage") else status = _("Battery status: icon") end end return status end, checked_func = function() return self.battery == 1 end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Battery icon"), checked_func = function() return self.battery == 1 and self.battery_percent == 0 end, callback = function() if self.battery == 0 then -- self.battery_percent don't care self.battery = 1 self.battery_percent = 0 elseif self.battery == 1 and self.battery_percent == 1 then self.battery = 1 self.battery_percent = 0 else self.battery = 0 self.battery_percent = 0 end self:setAndSave("cre_header_battery", "window.status.battery", self.battery) self:setAndSave("cre_header_battery_percent", "window.status.battery.percent", self.battery_percent) end, }, { text = _("Battery percentage"), checked_func = function() return self.battery == 1 and self.battery_percent == 1 end, callback = function() if self.battery == 0 then -- self.battery_percent don't care self.battery = 1 self.battery_percent = 1 elseif self.battery == 1 and self.battery_percent == 0 then self.battery_percent = 1 else self.battery = 0 self.battery_percent = 0 end self:setAndSave("cre_header_battery", "window.status.battery", self.battery) self:setAndSave("cre_header_battery_percent", "window.status.battery.percent", self.battery_percent) end, }, }, separator = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Font size: %1"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_status_font_size", CRE_HEADER_DEFAULT_SIZE)) end, callback = function() local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local start_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_status_font_size", CRE_HEADER_DEFAULT_SIZE) local size_spinner = SpinWidget:new{ value = start_size, value_min = 8, value_max = 36, default_value = 14, keep_shown_on_apply = true, title_text = _("Size of top status bar"), ok_text = _("Set size"), callback = function(spin) self:setAndSave("cre_header_status_font_size", "crengine.page.header.font.size", spin.value) -- This will probably needs a re-rendering, so make sure it happens now. self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) end } UIManager:show(size_spinner) end, }, }, } end return ReaderCoptListener