local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local CheckButton = require("ui/widget/checkbutton") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DropBox = require("apps/cloudstorage/dropbox") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local Ftp = require("apps/cloudstorage/ftp") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local PathChooser = require("ui/widget/pathchooser") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WebDav = require("apps/cloudstorage/webdav") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local N_ = _.ngettext local T = require("ffi/util").template local CloudStorage = Menu:extend{ no_title = false, show_parent = nil, is_popout = false, is_borderless = true, title = _("Cloud storage"), } local server_types = { dropbox = _("Dropbox"), ftp = _("FTP"), webdav = _("WebDAV"), } function CloudStorage:init() --- @todo: Probably a good candidate for the new readSetting API self.cs_settings = self:readSettings() self.show_parent = self if self.item then self.item_table = self:genItemTable(self.item) self.choose_folder_mode = true else self.item_table = self:genItemTableFromRoot() end self.title_bar_left_icon = "plus" self.onLeftButtonTap = function() -- add new cloud storage self:selectCloudType() end Menu.init(self) if self.item then self.item_table[1].callback() end end function CloudStorage:genItemTableFromRoot() local item_table = {} local added_servers = self.cs_settings:readSetting("cs_servers") or {} for _, server in ipairs(added_servers) do table.insert(item_table, { text = server.name, mandatory = server_types[server.type], address = server.address, username = server.username, password = server.password, type = server.type, editable = true, url = server.url, sync_source_folder = server.sync_source_folder, sync_dest_folder = server.sync_dest_folder, callback = function() self.type = server.type self.password = server.password self.address = server.address self.username = server.username self:openCloudServer(server.url) end, }) end return item_table end function CloudStorage:genItemTable(item) local item_table = {} local added_servers = self.cs_settings:readSetting("cs_servers") or {} for _, server in ipairs(added_servers) do if server.name == item.text and server.password == item.password and server.type == item.type then table.insert(item_table, { text = server.name, address = server.address, username = server.username, password = server.password, type = server.type, url = server.url, callback = function() self.type = server.type self.password = server.password self.address = server.address self.username = server.username self:openCloudServer(server.url) end, }) end end return item_table end function CloudStorage:selectCloudType() local buttons = {} for server_type, name in FFIUtil.orderedPairs(server_types) do table.insert(buttons, { { text = name, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.cloud_dialog) self:configCloud(server_type) end, }, }) end self.cloud_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ title = _("Add new cloud storage"), title_align = "center", buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.cloud_dialog) return true end function CloudStorage:generateDropBoxAccessToken() if self.username or self.address == nil or self.address == "" then -- short-lived token has been generated already in this session -- or we have long-lived token in self.password return true else local token = DropBox:getAccessToken(self.password, self.address) if token then self.password = token -- short-lived token self.username = true -- flag return true end end end function CloudStorage:openCloudServer(url) local tbl, e if self.type == "dropbox" then if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:openCloudServer(url) end) then return end if self:generateDropBoxAccessToken() then tbl, e = DropBox:run(url, self.password, self.choose_folder_mode) end elseif self.type == "ftp" then if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenConnected(function() self:openCloudServer(url) end) then return end tbl, e = Ftp:run(self.address, self.username, self.password, url) elseif self.type == "webdav" then if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenConnected(function() self:openCloudServer(url) end) then return end tbl, e = WebDav:run(self.address, self.username, self.password, url, self.choose_folder_mode) end if tbl then self:switchItemTable(url, tbl) if self.type == "dropbox" or self.type == "webdav" then self.onLeftButtonTap = function() self:showPlusMenu(url) end else self:setTitleBarLeftIcon("home") self.onLeftButtonTap = function() self:init() end end return true else logger.err("CloudStorage:", e) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Cannot fetch list of folder contents\nPlease check your configuration or network connection."), timeout = 3, }) table.remove(self.paths) return false end end function CloudStorage:onMenuSelect(item) if item.callback then if item.url ~= nil then table.insert(self.paths, { url = item.url, }) end item.callback() elseif item.type == "file" then self:downloadFile(item) elseif item.type == "other" then return true else table.insert(self.paths, { url = item.url, }) if not self:openCloudServer(item.url) then table.remove(self.paths) end end return true end function CloudStorage:downloadFile(item) local function startDownloadFile(unit_item, address, username, password, path_dir, callback_close) UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() if self.type == "dropbox" then DropBox:downloadFile(unit_item, password, path_dir, callback_close) elseif self.type == "ftp" then Ftp:downloadFile(unit_item, address, username, password, path_dir, callback_close) elseif self.type == "webdav" then WebDav:downloadFile(unit_item, address, username, password, path_dir, callback_close) end end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading. This might take a moment."), timeout = 1, }) end local function createTitle(filename_orig, filename, path) -- title for ButtonDialog return T(_("Filename:\n%1\n\nDownload filename:\n%2\n\nDownload folder:\n%3"), filename_orig, filename, BD.dirpath(path)) end local cs_settings = self:readSettings() local download_dir = cs_settings:readSetting("download_dir") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastdir") local filename_orig = item.text local filename = filename_orig local buttons = { { { text = _("Choose folder"), callback = function() require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ onConfirm = function(path) self.cs_settings:saveSetting("download_dir", path) self.cs_settings:flush() download_dir = path self.download_dialog:setTitle(createTitle(filename_orig, filename, download_dir)) end, }:chooseDir(download_dir) end, }, { text = _("Change filename"), callback = function() local input_dialog input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter filename"), input = filename, input_hint = filename_orig, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Set filename"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() filename = input_dialog:getInputValue() if filename == "" then filename = filename_orig end UIManager:close(input_dialog) self.download_dialog:setTitle(createTitle(filename_orig, filename, download_dir)) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, }, }, { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.download_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Download"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.download_dialog) local path_dir = (download_dir ~= "/" and download_dir or "") .. '/' .. filename local callback_close = function() self:onClose() end if lfs.attributes(path_dir) then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("File already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?"), ok_callback = function() startDownloadFile(item, self.address, self.username, self.password, path_dir, callback_close) end }) else startDownloadFile(item, self.address, self.username, self.password, path_dir, callback_close) end end, }, }, } self.download_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ title = createTitle(filename_orig, filename, download_dir), buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.download_dialog) end function CloudStorage:updateSyncFolder(item, source, dest) local cs_settings = self:readSettings() local cs_servers = cs_settings:readSetting("cs_servers") or {} for _, server in ipairs(cs_servers) do if server.name == item.text and server.password == item.password and server.type == item.type then if source then server.sync_source_folder = source end if dest then server.sync_dest_folder = dest end break end end cs_settings:saveSetting("cs_servers", cs_servers) cs_settings:flush() end function CloudStorage:onMenuHold(item) if item.type == "folder_long_press" then local title = T(_("Choose this folder?\n\n%1"), BD.dirpath(item.url)) local onConfirm = self.onConfirm local button_dialog button_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ title = title, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(button_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Choose"), callback = function() if onConfirm then onConfirm(item.url) end UIManager:close(button_dialog) UIManager:close(self) end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(button_dialog) end if item.editable then local cs_server_dialog local buttons = { { { text = _("Info"), callback = function() UIManager:close(cs_server_dialog) self:infoServer(item) end }, { text = _("Edit"), callback = function() UIManager:close(cs_server_dialog) self:editCloudServer(item) end }, { text = _("Delete"), callback = function() UIManager:close(cs_server_dialog) self:deleteCloudServer(item) end }, }, } if item.type == "dropbox" then table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Synchronize now"), enabled = item.sync_source_folder ~= nil and item.sync_dest_folder ~= nil, callback = function() UIManager:close(cs_server_dialog) self:synchronizeCloud(item) end }, { text = _("Synchronize settings"), callback = function() UIManager:close(cs_server_dialog) self:synchronizeSettings(item) end }, }) end cs_server_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = buttons } UIManager:show(cs_server_dialog) return true end end function CloudStorage:synchronizeCloud(item) if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:synchronizeCloud(item) end) then return end self.password = item.password self.address = item.address local Trapper = require("ui/trapper") Trapper:wrap(function() Trapper:setPausedText("Download paused.\nDo you want to continue or abort downloading files?") if self:generateDropBoxAccessToken() then local ok, downloaded_files, failed_files = pcall(self.downloadListFiles, self, item) if ok and downloaded_files then if not failed_files then failed_files = 0 end local text if downloaded_files == 0 and failed_files == 0 then text = _("No files to download from Dropbox.") else text = T(N_("Successfully downloaded 1 file from Dropbox to local storage.", "Successfully downloaded %1 files from Dropbox to local storage.", downloaded_files), downloaded_files) if failed_files > 0 then text = text .. "\n" .. T(N_("Failed to download 1 file.", "Failed to download %1 files.", failed_files), failed_files) end end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = text, timeout = 3, }) else Trapper:reset() -- close any last widget not cleaned if error UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("No files to download from Dropbox.\nPlease check your configuration and connection."), timeout = 3, }) end end end) end function CloudStorage:downloadListFiles(item) local local_files = {} local path = item.sync_dest_folder local UI = require("ui/trapper") UI:info(_("Retrieving files…")) local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path) if ok then for f in iter, dir_obj do local filename = path .."/" .. f local attributes = lfs.attributes(filename) if attributes.mode == "file" then local_files[f] = attributes.size end end end local remote_files = DropBox:showFiles(item.sync_source_folder, self.password) if #remote_files == 0 then UI:clear() return false end local files_to_download = 0 for i, file in ipairs(remote_files) do if not local_files[file.text] or local_files[file.text] ~= file.size then files_to_download = files_to_download + 1 remote_files[i].download = true end end if files_to_download == 0 then UI:clear() return 0 end local response, go_on local proccessed_files = 0 local success_files = 0 local unsuccess_files = 0 for _, file in ipairs(remote_files) do if file.download then proccessed_files = proccessed_files + 1 print(file.url) local text = string.format("Downloading file (%d/%d):\n%s", proccessed_files, files_to_download, file.text) go_on = UI:info(text) if not go_on then break end response = DropBox:downloadFileNoUI(file.url, self.password, item.sync_dest_folder .. "/" .. file.text) if response then success_files = success_files + 1 else unsuccess_files = unsuccess_files + 1 end end end UI:clear() return success_files, unsuccess_files end function CloudStorage:synchronizeSettings(item) local syn_dialog local dropbox_sync_folder = item.sync_source_folder or "not set" local local_sync_folder = item.sync_dest_folder or "not set" syn_dialog = ButtonDialog:new { title = T(_("Dropbox folder:\n%1\nLocal folder:\n%2"), BD.dirpath(dropbox_sync_folder), BD.dirpath(local_sync_folder)), title_align = "center", buttons = { { { text = _("Choose Dropbox folder"), callback = function() UIManager:close(syn_dialog) require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ item = item, onConfirm = function(path) self:updateSyncFolder(item, path) item.sync_source_folder = path self:synchronizeSettings(item) end, }:chooseCloudDir() end, }, }, { { text = _("Choose local folder"), callback = function() UIManager:close(syn_dialog) require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ onConfirm = function(path) self:updateSyncFolder(item, nil, path) item.sync_dest_folder = path self:synchronizeSettings(item) end, }:chooseDir() end, }, }, { { text = _("Close"), callback = function() UIManager:close(syn_dialog) end, }, }, } } UIManager:show(syn_dialog) end function CloudStorage:showPlusMenu(url) local button_dialog button_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = { { { text = _("Upload file"), callback = function() UIManager:close(button_dialog) self:uploadFile(url) end, }, }, { { text = _("New folder"), callback = function() UIManager:close(button_dialog) self:createFolder(url) end, }, }, {}, { { text = _("Return to cloud storage list"), callback = function() UIManager:close(button_dialog) self:init() end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(button_dialog) end function CloudStorage:uploadFile(url) local path_chooser path_chooser = PathChooser:new{ select_directory = false, path = self.last_path, onConfirm = function(file_path) self.last_path = file_path:match("(.*)/") if self.last_path == "" then self.last_path = "/" end if lfs.attributes(file_path, "size") > 157286400 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("File size must be less than 150 MB."), }) else local callback_close = function() self:openCloudServer(url) end UIManager:nextTick(function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Uploading…"), timeout = 1, }) end) local url_base = url ~= "/" and url or "" UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() if self.type == "dropbox" then DropBox:uploadFile(url_base, self.password, file_path, callback_close) elseif self.type == "webdav" then WebDav:uploadFile(url_base, self.address, self.username, self.password, file_path, callback_close) end end) end end } UIManager:show(path_chooser) end function CloudStorage:createFolder(url) local input_dialog, check_button_enter_folder input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("New folder"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Create"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local folder_name = input_dialog:getInputText() if folder_name == "" then return end UIManager:close(input_dialog) local url_base = url ~= "/" and url or "" local callback_close = function() if check_button_enter_folder.checked then table.insert(self.paths, { url = url, }) url = url_base .. "/" .. folder_name end self:openCloudServer(url) end if self.type == "dropbox" then DropBox:createFolder(url_base, self.password, folder_name, callback_close) elseif self.type == "webdav" then WebDav:createFolder(url_base, self.address, self.username, self.password, folder_name, callback_close) end end, }, } }, } check_button_enter_folder = CheckButton:new{ text = _("Enter folder after creation"), checked = false, parent = input_dialog, } input_dialog:addWidget(check_button_enter_folder) UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function CloudStorage:configCloud(type) local callbackAdd = function(fields) local cs_settings = self:readSettings() local cs_servers = cs_settings:readSetting("cs_servers") or {} if type == "dropbox" then table.insert(cs_servers,{ name = fields[1], password = fields[2], address = fields[3], url = fields[4], type = "dropbox", }) elseif type == "ftp" then table.insert(cs_servers,{ name = fields[1], address = fields[2], username = fields[3], password = fields[4], url = fields[5], type = "ftp", }) elseif type == "webdav" then table.insert(cs_servers,{ name = fields[1], address = fields[2], username = fields[3], password = fields[4], url = fields[5], type = "webdav", }) end cs_settings:saveSetting("cs_servers", cs_servers) cs_settings:flush() self:init() end if type == "dropbox" then DropBox:config(nil, callbackAdd) end if type == "ftp" then Ftp:config(nil, callbackAdd) end if type == "webdav" then WebDav:config(nil, callbackAdd) end end function CloudStorage:editCloudServer(item) local callbackEdit = function(updated_config, fields) local cs_settings = self:readSettings() local cs_servers = cs_settings:readSetting("cs_servers") or {} if item.type == "dropbox" then for i, server in ipairs(cs_servers) do if server.name == updated_config.text and server.password == updated_config.password then server.name = fields[1] server.password = fields[2] server.address = fields[3] server.url = fields[4] cs_servers[i] = server break end end elseif item.type == "ftp" then for i, server in ipairs(cs_servers) do if server.name == updated_config.text and server.address == updated_config.address then server.name = fields[1] server.address = fields[2] server.username = fields[3] server.password = fields[4] server.url = fields[5] cs_servers[i] = server break end end elseif item.type == "webdav" then for i, server in ipairs(cs_servers) do if server.name == updated_config.text and server.address == updated_config.address then server.name = fields[1] server.address = fields[2] server.username = fields[3] server.password = fields[4] server.url = fields[5] cs_servers[i] = server break end end end cs_settings:saveSetting("cs_servers", cs_servers) cs_settings:flush() self:init() end if item.type == "dropbox" then DropBox:config(item, callbackEdit) elseif item.type == "ftp" then Ftp:config(item, callbackEdit) elseif item.type == "webdav" then WebDav:config(item, callbackEdit) end end function CloudStorage:deleteCloudServer(item) local cs_settings = self:readSettings() local cs_servers = cs_settings:readSetting("cs_servers") or {} for i, server in ipairs(cs_servers) do if server.name == item.text and server.password == item.password and server.type == item.type then table.remove(cs_servers, i) break end end cs_settings:saveSetting("cs_servers", cs_servers) cs_settings:flush() self:init() end function CloudStorage:infoServer(item) if item.type == "dropbox" then if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:infoServer(item) end) then return end self.password = item.password self.address = item.address if self:generateDropBoxAccessToken() then DropBox:info(self.password) self.username = nil end elseif item.type == "ftp" then Ftp:info(item) elseif item.type == "webdav" then WebDav:info(item) end end function CloudStorage:readSettings() self.cs_settings = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir().."/cloudstorage.lua") return self.cs_settings end function CloudStorage:onReturn() if #self.paths > 0 then table.remove(self.paths) local path = self.paths[#self.paths] if path then -- return to last path self:openCloudServer(path.url) else -- return to root path self:init() end end return true end function CloudStorage:onHoldReturn() if #self.paths > 1 then local path = self.paths[1] if path then for i = #self.paths, 2, -1 do table.remove(self.paths) end self:openCloudServer(path.url) end end return true end return CloudStorage