require "ui/widget/base" --[[ WidgetContainer is a container for another Widget --]] WidgetContainer = Widget:new() function WidgetContainer:getSize() if self.dimen then -- fixed size return self.dimen elseif self[1] then -- return size of first child widget return self[1]:getSize() else return Geom:new{ w = 0, h = 0 } end end --[[ delete all child widgets --]] function WidgetContainer:clear() while table.remove(self) do end end function WidgetContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) -- default to pass request to first child widget if self[1] then return self[1]:paintTo(bb, x, y) end end function WidgetContainer:propagateEvent(event) -- propagate to children for _, widget in ipairs(self) do if widget:handleEvent(event) then -- stop propagating when an event handler returns true return true end end return false end --[[ Containers will pass events to children or react on them themselves --]] function WidgetContainer:handleEvent(event) if not self:propagateEvent(event) then -- call our own standard event handler return Widget.handleEvent(self, event) else return true end end function WidgetContainer:free() for _, widget in ipairs(self) do if then widget:free() end end end --[[ BottomContainer contains its content (1 widget) at the bottom of its own dimensions --]] BottomContainer = WidgetContainer:new() function BottomContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local contentSize = self[1]:getSize() if contentSize.w > self.dimen.w or contentSize.h > self.dimen.h then -- throw error? paint to scrap buffer and blit partially? -- for now, we ignore this end self[1]:paintTo(bb, x + (self.dimen.w - contentSize.w)/2, y + (self.dimen.h - contentSize.h)) end --[[ CenterContainer centers its content (1 widget) within its own dimensions --]] CenterContainer = WidgetContainer:new() function CenterContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local contentSize = self[1]:getSize() if contentSize.w > self.dimen.w or contentSize.h > self.dimen.h then -- throw error? paint to scrap buffer and blit partially? -- for now, we ignore this end local x_pos = x local y_pos = y if self.ignore ~= "height" then y_pos = y + (self.dimen.h - contentSize.h)/2 end if self.ignore ~= "width" then x_pos = x + (self.dimen.w - contentSize.w)/2 end self[1]:paintTo(bb, x_pos, y_pos) end --[[ LeftContainer aligns its content (1 widget) at the left of its own dimensions --]] LeftContainer = WidgetContainer:new() function LeftContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local contentSize = self[1]:getSize() if contentSize.w > self.dimen.w or contentSize.h > self.dimen.h then -- throw error? paint to scrap buffer and blit partially? -- for now, we ignore this end self[1]:paintTo(bb, x , y + (self.dimen.h - contentSize.h)/2) end --[[ RightContainer aligns its content (1 widget) at the right of its own dimensions --]] RightContainer = WidgetContainer:new() function RightContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local contentSize = self[1]:getSize() if contentSize.w > self.dimen.w or contentSize.h > self.dimen.h then -- throw error? paint to scrap buffer and blit partially? -- for now, we ignore this end self[1]:paintTo(bb, x + (self.dimen.w - contentSize.w), y + (self.dimen.h - contentSize.h)/2) end --[[ A FrameContainer is some graphics content (1 widget) that is surrounded by a frame --]] FrameContainer = WidgetContainer:new{ background = nil, color = 15, margin = 0, radius = 0, bordersize = 2, padding = 5, width = nil, height = nil, invert = false, } function FrameContainer:getSize() local content_size = self[1]:getSize() return Geom:new{ w = content_size.w + ( self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding ) * 2, h = content_size.h + ( self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding ) * 2 } end function FrameContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local my_size = self:getSize() local container_width = self.width or my_size.w local container_height = self.height or my_size.h --@TODO get rid of margin here? 13.03 2013 (houqp) if self.background then bb:paintRoundedRect(x, y, container_width, container_height, self.background, self.radius) end if self.bordersize > 0 then bb:paintBorder(x + self.margin, y + self.margin, container_width - self.margin * 2, container_height - self.margin * 2, self.bordersize, self.color, self.radius) end if self[1] then self[1]:paintTo(bb, x + self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding, y + self.margin + self.bordersize + self.padding) end if self.invert then bb:invertRect(x, y, container_width, container_height) end end --[[ an UnderlineContainer is a WidgetContainer that is able to paint a line under its child node --]] UnderlineContainer = WidgetContainer:new{ linesize = 2, padding = 1, color = 0, vertical_align = "top", } function UnderlineContainer:getSize() if self.dimen then return { w = self.dimen.w, h = self.dimen.h } else return self:getContentSize() end end function UnderlineContainer:getContentSize() local contentSize = self[1]:getSize() return { w = contentSize.w, h = contentSize.h + self.linesize + self.padding } end function UnderlineContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) local container_size = self:getSize() local content_size = self:getContentSize() local p_y = y if self.vertical_align == "center" then p_y = (container_size.h - content_size.h) / 2 + y elseif self.vertical_align == "bottom" then p_y = (container_size.h - content_size.h) + y end self[1]:paintTo(bb, x, p_y) bb:paintRect(x, y + container_size.h - self.linesize, container_size.w, self.linesize, self.color) end --[[ an InputContainer is an WidgetContainer that handles input events an example for a key_event is this: PanBy20 = { { "Shift", }, seqtext = "Shift+Cursor", doc = "pan by 20px", event = "Pan", args = 20, is_inactive = true, }, PanNormal = { { }, seqtext = "Cursor", doc = "pan by 10 px", event = "Pan", args = 10, }, Quit = { {"Home"} }, it is suggested to reference configurable sequences from another table and store that table as configuration setting --]] InputContainer = WidgetContainer:new{ vertical_align = "top", } function InputContainer:_init() -- we need to do deep copy here local new_key_events = {} if self.key_events then for k,v in pairs(self.key_events) do new_key_events[k] = v end end self.key_events = new_key_events local new_ges_events = {} if self.ges_events then for k,v in pairs(self.ges_events) do new_ges_events[k] = v end end self.ges_events = new_ges_events if not self.dimen then self.dimen = Geom:new{} end end function InputContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) self.dimen.x = x self.dimen.y = y if self[1] then if self.vertical_align == "center" then local content_size = self[1]:getSize() self[1]:paintTo(bb, x, y + (self.dimen.h - content_size.h)/2) else self[1]:paintTo(bb, x, y) end end end --[[ the following handler handles keypresses and checks if they lead to a command. if this is the case, we retransmit another event within ourselves --]] function InputContainer:onKeyPress(key) for name, seq in pairs(self.key_events) do if not seq.is_inactive then for _, oneseq in ipairs(seq) do if key:match(oneseq) then local eventname = seq.event or name return self:handleEvent(Event:new(eventname, seq.args, key)) end end end end end function InputContainer:onGesture(ev) for name, gsseq in pairs(self.ges_events) do for _, gs_range in ipairs(gsseq) do --DEBUG("gs_range", gs_range) if gs_range:match(ev) then local eventname = gsseq.event or name return self:handleEvent(Event:new(eventname, gsseq.args, ev)) end end end end