local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local DictQuickLookup = require("ui/widget/dictquicklookup") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local JSON = require("json") local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage") local LuaData = require("luadata") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local Trapper = require("ui/trapper") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ffiUtil = require("ffi/util") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local T = require("ffi/util").template -- We'll store the list of available dictionaries as a module local -- so we only have to look for them on the first :init() local available_ifos = nil local lookup_history = nil local function getIfosInDir(path) -- Get all the .ifo under directory path. -- We use the same logic as sdcv to walk directories and ifos files -- (so we get them in the order sdcv queries them) : -- - No sorting, entries are processed in the order the dir_read_name() call -- returns them (inodes linked list) -- - If entry is a directory, Walk in it first and recurse -- Don't walk into "res/" subdirectories, as per Stardict specs, they -- may contain possibly many resource files (image, audio files...) -- that could slow down our walk here. local ifos = {} local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path) if ok then for name in iter, dir_obj do if name ~= "." and name ~= ".." and name ~= "res" then local fullpath = path.."/"..name local attributes = lfs.attributes(fullpath) if attributes ~= nil then if attributes.mode == "directory" then local dirifos = getIfosInDir(fullpath) -- recurse for _, ifo in pairs(dirifos) do table.insert(ifos, ifo) end elseif fullpath:match("%.ifo$") then table.insert(ifos, fullpath) end end end end end return ifos end local ReaderDictionary = InputContainer:new{ data_dir = nil, dict_window_list = {}, disable_lookup_history = G_reader_settings:isTrue("disable_lookup_history"), lookup_msg = _("Searching dictionary for:\n%1"), } -- For a HTML dict, one can specify a specific stylesheet -- in a file named as the .ifo with a .css extension local function readDictionaryCss(path) local f = io.open(path, "r") if not f then return nil end local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end -- For a HTML dict, one can specify a function called on -- the raw returned definition to "fix" the HTML if needed -- (as MuPDF, used for rendering, is quite sensitive to the -- HTML quality) in a file named as the .ifo with a .lua -- extension, containing for example: -- return function(html) -- html = html:gsub("
", "
") -- return html -- end local function getDictionaryFixHtmlFunc(path) if lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file" then local ok, func = pcall(dofile, path) if ok and func then return func else logger.warn("Dict's user provided file failed:", func) end end end function ReaderDictionary:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self.data_dir = os.getenv("STARDICT_DATA_DIR") or DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/data/dict" -- Gather info about available dictionaries if not available_ifos then available_ifos = {} logger.dbg("Getting list of dictionaries") local ifo_files = getIfosInDir(self.data_dir) local dict_ext = self.data_dir.."_ext" if lfs.attributes(dict_ext, "mode") == "directory" then local extifos = getIfosInDir(dict_ext) for _, ifo in pairs(extifos) do table.insert(ifo_files, ifo) end end for _, ifo_file in pairs(ifo_files) do local f = io.open(ifo_file, "r") if f then local content = f:read("*all") f:close() local dictname = content:match("\nbookname=(.-)\n") local is_html = content:find("sametypesequence=h", 1, true) ~= nil -- sdcv won't use dict that don't have a bookname= if dictname then table.insert(available_ifos, { file = ifo_file, name = dictname, is_html = is_html, css = readDictionaryCss(ifo_file:gsub("%.ifo$", ".css")), fix_html_func = getDictionaryFixHtmlFunc(ifo_file:gsub("%.ifo$", ".lua")), }) end end end logger.dbg("found", #available_ifos, "dictionaries") if not G_reader_settings:readSetting("dicts_disabled") then -- Create an empty dict for this setting, so that we can -- access and update it directly through G_reader_settings -- and it will automatically be saved. G_reader_settings:saveSetting("dicts_disabled", {}) end end -- Prepare the -u options to give to sdcv if some dictionaries are disabled self:updateSdcvDictNamesOptions() if not lookup_history then lookup_history = LuaData:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/lookup_history.lua", { name = "LookupHistory" }) end end function ReaderDictionary:updateSdcvDictNamesOptions() self.enabled_dict_names = nil -- We cannot tell sdcv which dictionaries to ignore, but we -- can tell it which dictionaries to use, by using multiple -- -u options. -- (The order of the -u does not matter, and we can not use -- them for ordering queries and results) local dicts_disabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("dicts_disabled") if not next(dicts_disabled) then return end for _, ifo in pairs(available_ifos) do if not dicts_disabled[ifo.file] then if not self.enabled_dict_names then self.enabled_dict_names = {} end table.insert(self.enabled_dict_names, ifo.name) end end end function ReaderDictionary:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.dictionary_lookup = { text = _("Dictionary lookup"), callback = function() self:onShowDictionaryLookup() end, } menu_items.dictionary_lookup_history = { text = _("Dictionary lookup history"), enabled_func = function() return lookup_history:has("lookup_history") end, callback = function() local lookup_history_table = lookup_history:readSetting("lookup_history") local kv_pairs = {} local previous_title for i = #lookup_history_table, 1, -1 do local value = lookup_history_table[i] if value.book_title ~= previous_title then table.insert(kv_pairs, { value.book_title..":", "" }) end previous_title = value.book_title table.insert(kv_pairs, { os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", value.time), value.word, callback = function() self:onLookupWord(value.word) end }) end UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Dictionary lookup history"), kv_pairs = kv_pairs, }) end, } menu_items.dictionary_settings = { text = _("Dictionary settings"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() local nb_available, nb_enabled, nb_disabled = self:getNumberOfDictionaries() local nb_str = nb_available if nb_disabled > 0 then nb_str = nb_enabled .. "/" .. nb_available end return T(_("Installed dictionaries (%1)"), nb_str) end, enabled_func = function() return self:getNumberOfDictionaries() > 0 end, sub_item_table = self:genDictionariesMenu(), }, { text = _("Info on dictionary order"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_([[ If you'd like to change the order in which dictionaries are queried (and their results displayed), you can: - move all dictionary directories out of %1. - move them back there, one by one, in the order you want them to be used.]]), self.data_dir) }) end, }, { text = _("Download dictionaries"), sub_item_table = self:_genDownloadDictionariesMenu() }, { text = _("Enable fuzzy search"), checked_func = function() return not self.disable_fuzzy_search == true end, callback = function() self.disable_fuzzy_search = not self.disable_fuzzy_search end, hold_callback = function() self:makeDisableFuzzyDefault(self.disable_fuzzy_search) end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Enable dictionary lookup history"), checked_func = function() return not self.disable_lookup_history end, callback = function() self.disable_lookup_history = not self.disable_lookup_history G_reader_settings:saveSetting("disable_lookup_history", self.disable_lookup_history) end, }, { text = _("Clean dictionary lookup history"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Clean dictionary lookup history?"), ok_text = _("Clean"), ok_callback = function() -- empty data table to replace current one lookup_history:reset{} end, }) end, separator = true, }, { -- setting used by dictquicklookup text = _("Large window"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("dict_largewindow") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("dict_largewindow") end, }, { -- setting used by dictquicklookup text = _("Justify text"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("dict_justify") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrTrue("dict_justify") end, } } } end function ReaderDictionary:onLookupWord(word, box, highlight, link) logger.dbg("dict lookup word:", word, box) -- escape quotes and other funny characters in word word = self:cleanSelection(word) logger.dbg("dict stripped word:", word) self.highlight = highlight -- Wrapped through Trapper, as we may be using Trapper:dismissablePopen() in it Trapper:wrap(function() self:stardictLookup(word, self.enabled_dict_names, not self.disable_fuzzy_search, box, link) end) return true end function ReaderDictionary:onHtmlDictionaryLinkTapped(dictionary, link) if not link.uri then return end -- The protocol is either "bword" or there is no protocol, only the word. -- https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/3588#issuecomment-357088125 local url_prefix = "bword://" local word if link.uri:sub(1,url_prefix:len()) == url_prefix then word = link.uri:sub(url_prefix:len() + 1) elseif link.uri:find("://") then return else word = link.uri end if word == "" then return end local link_box = Geom:new{ x = link.x0, y = link.y0, w = math.abs(link.x1 - link.x0), h = math.abs(link.y1 - link.y0), } -- Only the first dictionary window stores the highlight, this way the highlight -- is only removed when there are no more dictionary windows open. self.highlight = nil -- Wrapped through Trapper, as we may be using Trapper:dismissablePopen() in it Trapper:wrap(function() self:stardictLookup(word, {dictionary}, false, link_box, nil) end) end --- Gets number of available, enabled, and disabled dictionaries -- @treturn int nb_available -- @treturn int nb_enabled -- @treturn int nb_disabled function ReaderDictionary:getNumberOfDictionaries() local nb_available = #available_ifos local nb_enabled = 0 local nb_disabled = 0 local dicts_disabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("dicts_disabled") for _, ifo in pairs(available_ifos) do if dicts_disabled[ifo.file] then nb_disabled = nb_disabled + 1 else nb_enabled = nb_enabled + 1 end end return nb_available, nb_enabled, nb_disabled end function ReaderDictionary:_genDownloadDictionariesMenu() local downloadable_dicts = require("ui/data/dictionaries") local languages = {} for i = 1, #downloadable_dicts do local dict = downloadable_dicts[i] local dict_lang_in = dict.lang_in local dict_lang_out = dict.lang_out if not languages[dict_lang_in] then languages[dict_lang_in] = {} end table.insert(languages[dict_lang_in], dict) if not languages[dict_lang_out] then languages[dict_lang_out] = {} end table.insert(languages[dict_lang_out], dict) end -- remove duplicates for lang_key,lang in pairs(languages) do local hash = {} local res = {} for k,v in ipairs(lang) do if not hash[v.name] then res[#res+1] = v hash[v.name] = true end end languages[lang_key] = res end local menu_items = {} for lang_key, available_langs in ffiUtil.orderedPairs(languages) do table.insert(menu_items, { keep_menu_open = true, text = lang_key, callback = function() self:showDownload(available_langs) end }) end return menu_items end function ReaderDictionary:genDictionariesMenu() local items = {} for _, ifo in pairs(available_ifos) do table.insert(items, { text = ifo.name, callback = function() local dicts_disabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("dicts_disabled") if dicts_disabled[ifo.file] then dicts_disabled[ifo.file] = nil else dicts_disabled[ifo.file] = true end -- Update the -u options to give to sdcv self:updateSdcvDictNamesOptions() end, checked_func = function() local dicts_disabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("dicts_disabled") return not dicts_disabled[ifo.file] end }) end return items end local function dictDirsEmpty(dict_dirs) for _, dict_dir in ipairs(dict_dirs) do if not util.isEmptyDir(dict_dir) then return false end end return true end local function getAvailableIfoByName(dictionary_name) for _, ifo in ipairs(available_ifos) do if ifo.name == dictionary_name then return ifo end end return nil end local function tidyMarkup(results) local cdata_tag = "" local format_escape = "&[29Ib%+]{(.-)}" for _, result in ipairs(results) do local ifo = getAvailableIfoByName(result.dict) if ifo and ifo.is_html then result.is_html = ifo.is_html result.css = ifo.css if ifo.fix_html_func then local ok, fixed_definition = pcall(ifo.fix_html_func, result.definition) if ok then result.definition = fixed_definition else logger.warn("Dict's user provided funcion failed:", fixed_definition) end end else local def = result.definition -- preserve the
tag for line break def = def:gsub("<[bB][rR] ?/?>", "\n") -- parse CDATA text in XML if def:find(cdata_tag) then def = def:gsub(cdata_tag, "%1") -- ignore format strings while def:find(format_escape) do def = def:gsub(format_escape, "%1") end end -- convert any htmlentities (>, "...) def = util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(def) -- ignore all markup tags def = def:gsub("%b<>", "") -- strip all leading empty lines/spaces def = def:gsub("^%s+", "") result.definition = def end end return results end function ReaderDictionary:cleanSelection(text) -- Will be used by ReaderWikipedia too if not text then return "" end -- crengine does now a much better job at finding word boundaries, but -- some cleanup is still needed for selection we get from other engines -- (example: pdf selection "qu’autrefois," will be cleaned to "autrefois") -- -- Trim any space at start or end text = text:gsub("^%s+", "") text = text:gsub("%s+$", "") -- Replace extended quote (included in the general puncturation range) -- with plain ascii quote (for french words like "aujourd’hui") text = text:gsub("\xE2\x80\x99", "'") -- U+2019 (right single quotation mark) -- Strip punctuation characters around selection text = util.stripePunctuations(text) -- Strip some common english grammatical construct text = text:gsub("'s$", '') -- english possessive -- Strip some common french grammatical constructs text = text:gsub("^[LSDMNTlsdmnt]'", '') -- french l' s' t'... text = text:gsub("^[Qq][Uu]'", '') -- french qu' -- Replace no-break space with regular space text = text:gsub("\xC2\xA0", ' ') -- U+00A0 no-break space -- There may be a need to remove some (all?) diacritical marks -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_character#Unicode_ranges -- see discussion at https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/1649 -- Commented for now, will have to be checked by people who read -- languages and texts that use them. -- text = text:gsub("\204[\128-\191]", '') -- U+0300 to U+033F -- text = text:gsub("\205[\128-\175]", '') -- U+0340 to U+036F -- Trim any space now at start or end after above changes text = text:gsub("^%s+", "") text = text:gsub("%s+$", "") return text end function ReaderDictionary:showLookupInfo(word) local text = T(self.lookup_msg, word) self.lookup_progress_msg = InfoMessage:new{text=text} UIManager:show(self.lookup_progress_msg) UIManager:forceRePaint() end function ReaderDictionary:dismissLookupInfo() if self.lookup_progress_msg then UIManager:close(self.lookup_progress_msg) -- UIManager:forceRePaint() end self.lookup_progress_msg = nil end function ReaderDictionary:onShowDictionaryLookup() self.dictionary_lookup_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter a word to look up"), input = "", input_type = "text", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.dictionary_lookup_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Search dictionary"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.dictionary_lookup_dialog) self:onLookupWord(self.dictionary_lookup_dialog:getInputText()) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(self.dictionary_lookup_dialog) self.dictionary_lookup_dialog:onShowKeyboard() return true end function ReaderDictionary:startSdcv(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search) local final_results = {} local seen_results = {} -- Allow for two sdcv calls : one in the classic data/dict, and -- another one in data/dict_ext if it exists -- We could put in data/dict_ext dictionaries with a great number of words -- but poor definitions as a fall back. If these were in data/dict, -- they would prevent fuzzy searches in other dictories with better -- definitions, and masks such results. This way, we can get both. local dict_dirs = {self.data_dir} local dict_ext = self.data_dir.."_ext" if lfs.attributes(dict_ext, "mode") == "directory" then table.insert(dict_dirs, dict_ext) end -- early exit if no dictionaries if dictDirsEmpty(dict_dirs) then final_results = { { dict = "", word = word, definition = _([[No dictionaries installed. Please search for "Dictionary support" in the KOReader Wiki to get more information about installing new dictionaries.]]), } } return final_results end local lookup_cancelled = false for _, dict_dir in ipairs(dict_dirs) do if lookup_cancelled then break -- don't do any more lookup on additional dict_dirs end local args = {"./sdcv", "--utf8-input", "--utf8-output", "--json-output", "--non-interactive", "--data-dir", dict_dir, word} if not fuzzy_search then table.insert(args, "--exact-search") end if dict_names then for _, opt in pairs(dict_names) do table.insert(args, "-u") table.insert(args, opt) end end local results_str = nil if Device:isAndroid() then local A = require("android") results_str = A.stdout(unpack(args)) else local cmd = util.shell_escape(args) -- cmd = "sleep 7 ; " .. cmd -- uncomment to simulate long lookup time if self.lookup_progress_msg then -- Some sdcv lookups, when using fuzzy search with many dictionaries -- and a really bad selected text, can take up to 10 seconds. -- It is nice to be able to cancel it when noticing wrong text was selected. -- As we have a lookup_progress_msg (that can be used to catch a tap -- and trigger cancellation), and because sdcv starts outputing its -- output only at the end when it has done its work, we can -- use Trapper:dismissablePopen() to cancel it as long as we are waiting -- for output. -- We must ensure we will have some output to be readable (if no -- definition found, sdcv will output some message on stderr, and -- let stdout empty) by appending an "echo": cmd = cmd .. "; echo" local completed completed, results_str = Trapper:dismissablePopen(cmd, self.lookup_progress_msg) lookup_cancelled = not completed else -- Fuzzy search disabled, usual option for people who don't want -- a "Looking up..." InfoMessage and usually fast: do a classic -- blocking io.popen() local std_out = io.popen(cmd, "r") if std_out then results_str = std_out:read("*all") std_out:close() end end end if results_str and results_str ~= "\n" then -- \n is when lookup was cancelled local ok, results = pcall(JSON.decode, results_str) if ok and results then -- we may get duplicates (sdcv may do multiple queries, -- in fixed mode then in fuzzy mode), we have to remove them local h for _,r in ipairs(results) do h = r.dict .. r.word .. r.definition if seen_results[h] == nil then table.insert(final_results, r) seen_results[h] = true end end else logger.warn("JSON data cannot be decoded", results) end end end if #final_results == 0 then -- dummy results final_results = { { dict = "", word = word, definition = lookup_cancelled and _("Dictionary lookup canceled.") or _("No definition found."), } } end return final_results end function ReaderDictionary:stardictLookup(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search, box, link) if word == "" then return end if not self.disable_lookup_history then local book_title = self.ui.doc_settings and self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("doc_props").title or _("Dictionary lookup") if book_title == "" then -- no or empty metadata title if self.ui.document and self.ui.document.file then local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(self.ui.document.file) -- luacheck: no unused book_title = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename) end end lookup_history:addTableItem("lookup_history", { book_title = book_title, time = os.time(), word = word, }) end if fuzzy_search then self:showLookupInfo(word) end local results = self:startSdcv(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search) self:showDict(word, tidyMarkup(results), box, link) end function ReaderDictionary:showDict(word, results, box, link) self:dismissLookupInfo() if results and results[1] then logger.dbg("showing quick lookup window", word, results) self.dict_window = DictQuickLookup:new{ window_list = self.dict_window_list, ui = self.ui, highlight = self.highlight, dialog = self.dialog, -- original lookup word word = word, -- selected link, if any selected_link = link, results = results, dictionary = self.default_dictionary, width = Screen:getWidth() - Screen:scaleBySize(80), word_box = box, -- differentiate between dict and wiki is_wiki = self.is_wiki, wiki_languages = self.wiki_languages, refresh_callback = function() if self.view then -- update info in footer (time, battery, etc) self.view.footer:updateFooter() end end, html_dictionary_link_tapped_callback = function(dictionary, html_link) self:onHtmlDictionaryLinkTapped(dictionary, html_link) end, } table.insert(self.dict_window_list, self.dict_window) UIManager:show(self.dict_window) end end function ReaderDictionary:showDownload(downloadable_dicts) local kv_pairs = {} table.insert(kv_pairs, {_("Tap dictionary name to download"), ""}) table.insert(kv_pairs, "----------------------------") for dummy, dict in ipairs(downloadable_dicts) do table.insert(kv_pairs, {dict.name, "", callback = function() if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return end self:downloadDictionaryPrep(dict) end}) local lang if dict.lang_in == dict.lang_out then lang = string.format(" %s", dict.lang_in) else lang = string.format(" %s–%s", dict.lang_in, dict.lang_out) end table.insert(kv_pairs, {lang, ""}) table.insert(kv_pairs, {" ".._("License"), dict.license}) table.insert(kv_pairs, {" ".._("Entries"), dict.entries}) table.insert(kv_pairs, "----------------------------") end self.download_window = KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Download dictionaries"), kv_pairs = kv_pairs, } UIManager:show(self.download_window) end function ReaderDictionary:downloadDictionaryPrep(dict, size) local dummy, filename = util.splitFilePathName(dict.url) local download_location = string.format("%s/%s", self.data_dir, filename) local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") if lfs.attributes(download_location) then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("File already exists. Overwrite?"), ok_text = _("Overwrite"), ok_callback = function() self:downloadDictionary(dict, download_location) end, }) else self:downloadDictionary(dict, download_location) end end function ReaderDictionary:downloadDictionary(dict, download_location, continue) continue = continue or false local socket = require("socket") local http = socket.http local https = require("ssl.https") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local url = socket.url local parsed = url.parse(dict.url) local httpRequest = parsed.scheme == "http" and http.request or https.request if not continue then local file_size --local r, c, h = httpRequest { local dummy, headers, dummy = socket.skip(1, httpRequest{ method = "HEAD", url = dict.url, --redirect = true, }) --logger.dbg(status) --logger.dbg(headers) --logger.dbg(code) file_size = headers and headers["content-length"] UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Dictionary filesize is %1 (%2 bytes). Continue with download?"), util.getFriendlySize(file_size), util.getFormattedSize(file_size)), ok_text = _("Download"), ok_callback = function() -- call ourselves with continue = true self:downloadDictionary(dict, download_location, true) end, }) return else UIManager:nextTick(function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading…"), timeout = 3, }) end) end local dummy, c, dummy = httpRequest{ url = dict.url, sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.open(download_location, "w")), } if c == 200 then logger.dbg("file downloaded to", download_location) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Could not save file to:\n") .. download_location, --timeout = 3, }) return false end local ok, error = util.unpackArchive(download_location, self.data_dir) if ok then available_ifos = false self:init() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Dictionary downloaded:\n") .. dict.name, }) return true else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Dictionary failed to download:\n") .. string.format("%s\n%s", dict.name, error), }) return false end end function ReaderDictionary:onUpdateDefaultDict(dict) logger.dbg("make default dictionary:", dict) self.default_dictionary = dict UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("%1 is now the default dictionary for this document."), dict), timeout = 2, }) return true end function ReaderDictionary:onReadSettings(config) self.default_dictionary = config:readSetting("default_dictionary") self.disable_fuzzy_search = config:readSetting("disable_fuzzy_search") if self.disable_fuzzy_search == nil then self.disable_fuzzy_search = G_reader_settings:isTrue("disable_fuzzy_search") end end function ReaderDictionary:onSaveSettings() logger.dbg("save default dictionary", self.default_dictionary) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("default_dictionary", self.default_dictionary) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("disable_fuzzy_search", self.disable_fuzzy_search) end function ReaderDictionary:makeDisableFuzzyDefault(disable_fuzzy_search) logger.dbg("disable fuzzy search", self.disable_fuzzy_search) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T( disable_fuzzy_search and _("Disable fuzzy search by default?") or _("Enable fuzzy search by default?") ), ok_text = T( disable_fuzzy_search and _("Disable") or _("Enable") ), ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("disable_fuzzy_search", disable_fuzzy_search) end, }) end return ReaderDictionary