local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local ButtonProgressWidget = require("ui/widget/buttonprogresswidget") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local Font = require("ui/font") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local Math = require("optmath") local NaturalLight = require("ui/widget/naturallightwidget") local ProgressWidget = require("ui/widget/progresswidget") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local time = require("ui/time") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local Screen = Device.screen local FrontLightWidget = FocusManager:extend{ name = "FrontLightWidget", width = nil, height = nil, -- This should stay active during natural light configuration is_always_active = true, rate = Screen.low_pan_rate and 3 or 30, -- Widget update rate. last_time = 0, -- Tracks last update time to prevent update spamming. } function FrontLightWidget:init() -- Layout constants self.medium_font_face = Font:getFace("ffont") self.screen_width = Screen:getWidth() self.screen_height = Screen:getHeight() self.span = Math.round(self.screen_height * 0.01) self.width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.95) -- State constants self.powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() -- Frontlight self.fl = {} self.fl.min = self.powerd.fl_min self.fl.max = self.powerd.fl_max self.fl.cur = self.powerd:frontlightIntensity() local fl_steps = self.fl.max - self.fl.min + 1 self.fl.stride = math.ceil(fl_steps / 25) self.fl.steps = math.ceil(fl_steps / self.fl.stride) if (self.fl.steps - 1) * self.fl.stride < self.fl.max - self.fl.min then self.fl.steps = self.fl.steps + 1 end self.fl.steps = math.min(self.fl.steps, fl_steps) -- Warmth self.has_nl = Device:hasNaturalLight() self.has_nl_mixer = Device:hasNaturalLightMixer() self.has_nl_api = Device:hasNaturalLightApi() if self.has_nl then self.nl = {} self.nl.min = self.powerd.fl_warmth_min self.nl.max = self.powerd.fl_warmth_max self.nl.cur = self.powerd:toNativeWarmth(self.powerd:frontlightWarmth()) local nl_steps = self.nl.max - self.nl.min + 1 self.nl.stride = math.ceil(nl_steps / 25) self.nl.steps = math.ceil(nl_steps / self.nl.stride) if (self.nl.steps - 1) * self.nl.stride < self.nl.max - self.nl.min then self.nl.steps = self.nl.steps + 1 end self.nl.steps = math.min(self.nl.steps, nl_steps) end -- Input if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.Close = { {Device.input.group.Back}, doc = "close frontlight" } end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapProgress = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = self.screen_width, h = self.screen_height, } }, }, PanProgress = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = self.screen_width, h = self.screen_height, } }, }, } end -- Widget layout self:layout() end function FrontLightWidget:layout() self.layout = {} local main_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = math.floor(self.screen_height * 0.2), }, } -- Frontlight -- Bigger spans, as ProgressWidget appears to be ever so slightly smaller than ButtonProgressWidget ;). local fl_padding_span = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Math.round(self.span * 1.5) } local fl_group_above = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local fl_group_below = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local main_group = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local ticks = {} for i = 1, self.fl.steps - 2 do table.insert(ticks, i * self.fl.stride) end self.fl_progress = ProgressWidget:new{ width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.9), height = Size.item.height_big, percentage = self.fl.cur / self.fl.max, ticks = ticks, tick_width = Screen:scaleBySize(0.5), last = self.fl.max, } local fl_header = TextWidget:new{ text = _("Brightness"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, max_width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.95), } self.fl_minus = Button:new{ text = "−", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = self.fl.cur ~= self.fl.min, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setBrightness(self.fl.cur - 1) end, } self.fl_plus = Button:new{ text = "+", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = self.fl.cur ~= self.fl.max, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setBrightness(self.fl.cur + 1) end, } self.fl_level = TextWidget:new{ text = tostring(self.fl.cur), face = self.medium_font_face, max_width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.95 - 1.275 * self.fl_minus.width - 1.275 * self.fl_plus.width), } local fl_level_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.fl_level.max_width, h = self.fl_level:getSize().h }, self.fl_level, } local fl_min = Button:new{ text = C_("Extrema", "Min"), margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = true, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setBrightness(self.fl.min + 1) end, -- min is 1 (We use 0 to mean "toggle") } local fl_max = Button:new{ text = C_("Extrema", "Max"), margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = true, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setBrightness(self.fl.max) end, } local fl_toggle = Button:new{ text = _("Toggle"), margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = true, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setBrightness(self.fl.min) end, } local fl_spacer = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = math.floor((self.screen_width * 0.95 - 1.2 * self.fl_minus.width - 1.2 * self.fl_plus.width - 1.2 * fl_toggle.width) / 2), } local fl_buttons_above = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", self.fl_minus, fl_level_container, self.fl_plus, } self.layout[1] = {self.fl_minus, self.fl_plus} local fl_buttons_below = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", fl_min, fl_spacer, fl_toggle, fl_spacer, fl_max, } self.layout[2] = {fl_min, fl_toggle, fl_max} if self.has_nl then -- Only insert a "Brightness" caption if we also add the full set of warmth widgets below, -- otherwise, it's implied by the title bar ;). table.insert(main_group, fl_header) end table.insert(fl_group_above, fl_buttons_above) table.insert(fl_group_below, fl_buttons_below) table.insert(main_group, fl_padding_span) table.insert(main_group, fl_group_above) table.insert(main_group, fl_padding_span) table.insert(main_group, self.fl_progress) table.insert(main_group, fl_padding_span) table.insert(main_group, fl_group_below) table.insert(main_group, fl_padding_span) -- Warmth if self.has_nl then -- Smaller spans, as ButtonProgressWidget appears to be ever so slightly taller than ProgressWidget ;). local nl_padding_span = VerticalSpan:new{ width = self.span } local nl_group_above = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } local nl_group_below = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center" } self.nl_progress = ButtonProgressWidget:new{ width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.9), font_size = 20, -- match Button's default padding = 0, thin_grey_style = false, num_buttons = self.nl.steps - 1, -- no button for step 0 position = math.floor(self.nl.cur / self.nl.stride), default_position = math.floor(self.nl.cur / self.nl.stride), callback = function(i) self:setWarmth(Math.round(i * self.nl.stride), false) end, show_parent = self, enabled = true, } -- We want a wider gap between the two sets of widgets local nl_span = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_large * 4 } local nl_header = TextWidget:new{ text = _("Warmth"), face = self.medium_font_face, bold = true, max_width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.95), } self.nl_minus = Button:new{ text = "−", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = self.nl.cur ~= self.nl.min, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setWarmth(self.nl.cur - 1, true) end, } self.nl_plus = Button:new{ text = "+", margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = self.nl.cur ~= self.nl.max, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setWarmth(self.nl.cur + 1, true) end, } self.nl_level = TextWidget:new{ text = tostring(self.nl.cur), face = self.medium_font_face, max_width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.95 - 1.275 * self.nl_minus.width - 1.275 * self.nl_plus.width), } local nl_level_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.nl_level.max_width, h = self.nl_level:getSize().h }, self.nl_level, } local nl_min = Button:new{ text = C_("Extrema", "Min"), margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = true, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setWarmth(self.nl.min, true) end, } local nl_max = Button:new{ text = C_("Extrema", "Max"), margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, enabled = true, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() self:setWarmth(self.nl.max, true) end, } local nl_spacer = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = math.floor((self.screen_width * 0.95 - 1.2 * self.nl_minus.width - 1.2 * self.nl_plus.width) / 2), } local nl_buttons_above = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", self.nl_minus, nl_level_container, self.nl_plus, } self.layout[3] = {self.nl_minus, self.nl_plus} local nl_buttons_below = HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", nl_min, nl_spacer, nl_max, } self.layout[4] = {nl_min, nl_max} table.insert(main_group, nl_span) table.insert(main_group, nl_header) table.insert(nl_group_above, nl_buttons_above) table.insert(nl_group_below, nl_buttons_below) table.insert(main_group, nl_padding_span) table.insert(main_group, nl_group_above) table.insert(main_group, nl_padding_span) table.insert(main_group, self.nl_progress) table.insert(main_group, nl_padding_span) table.insert(main_group, nl_group_below) table.insert(main_group, nl_padding_span) -- Aura One R/G/B widget if not self.has_nl_mixer and not self.has_nl_api then local nl_setup = Button:new{ text = _("Configure"), margin = Size.margin.small, radius = 0, width = math.floor(self.screen_width * 0.2), show_parent = self, callback = function() UIManager:show(NaturalLight:new{fl_widget = self}) end, } table.insert(main_group, nl_setup) self.layout[5] = {nl_setup} end end table.insert(main_container, main_group) -- Reset container height to what it actually contains main_container.dimen.h = main_group:getSize().h -- Common local title_bar = TitleBar:new{ title = _("Frontlight"), width = self.width, align = "left", with_bottom_line = true, bottom_v_padding = 0, close_callback = function() self:onClose() end, show_parent = self, } local inner_frame = FrameContainer:new{ padding = Size.padding.button, margin = Size.margin.small, bordersize = 0, main_container, } local center_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = inner_frame:getSize().h, }, inner_frame, } self.frame = FrameContainer:new{ radius = Size.radius.window, bordersize = Size.border.window, padding = 0, margin = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", title_bar, center_container, } } self[1] = WidgetContainer:new{ align = "center", dimen = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = self.screen_width, h = self.screen_height, }, FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, self.frame, }, } end function FrontLightWidget:update() self:refocusWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.frame.dimen end) return true end function FrontLightWidget:updateBrightnessWidgets() self.fl_progress:setPercentage(self.fl.cur / self.fl.max) self.fl_level:setText(tostring(self.fl.cur)) if self.fl.cur == self.fl.min then self.fl_minus:disable() else self.fl_minus:enable() end if self.fl.cur == self.fl.max then self.fl_plus:disable() else self.fl_plus:enable() end end function FrontLightWidget:refreshBrightnessWidgets() self:updateBrightnessWidgets() self:update() end function FrontLightWidget:setBrightness(intensity) -- Let fl.min through, as that's what we use for the Toggle button ;). if intensity ~= self.fl.min and intensity == self.fl.cur then return end -- Set brightness self:setFrontLightIntensity(intensity) -- Update the progress bar self:updateBrightnessWidgets() -- Refresh widget self:update() end function FrontLightWidget:setWarmth(warmth, update_position) if warmth == self.nl.cur then return end -- Set warmth self.powerd:setWarmth(self.powerd:fromNativeWarmth(warmth)) -- Retrieve the value PowerD actually set, in case there were rounding shenanigans and we blew the range... self.nl.cur = self.powerd:toNativeWarmth(self.powerd:frontlightWarmth()) -- If we were not called by ButtonProgressWidget's callback, we'll have to update its progress bar ourselves. if update_position then self.nl_progress:setPosition(math.floor(self.nl.cur / self.nl.stride), self.nl_progress.default_position) end self.nl_level:setText(tostring(self.nl.cur)) if self.nl.cur == self.nl.min then self.nl_minus:disable() else self.nl_minus:enable() end if self.nl.cur == self.nl.max then self.nl_plus:disable() else self.nl_plus:enable() end -- Refresh widget self:update() end function FrontLightWidget:setFrontLightIntensity(intensity) self.fl.cur = intensity -- min (which is always 0) means toggle if self.fl.cur == self.fl.min then self.powerd:toggleFrontlight() else self.powerd:setIntensity(self.fl.cur) end -- Retrieve the real level set by PowerD (will be different from `intensity` on toggle) self.fl.cur = self.powerd:frontlightIntensity() end function FrontLightWidget:onCloseWidget() UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return "flashui", self.frame.dimen end) end function FrontLightWidget:onShow() -- NOTE: Keep this one as UI, it'll get coalesced... UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.frame.dimen end) return true end function FrontLightWidget:onAnyKeyPressed() UIManager:close(self) return true end function FrontLightWidget:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end function FrontLightWidget:onTapProgress(arg, ges_ev) -- The throttling has a tendency to wreak a bit of a havoc, -- so, if the widget hasn't been repainted yet, go away. if not self.fl_progress.dimen or not self.frame.dimen then return true end if ges_ev.pos:intersectWith(self.fl_progress.dimen) then -- Unschedule any pending updates. UIManager:unschedule(self.refreshBrightnessWidgets) local perc = self.fl_progress:getPercentageFromPosition(ges_ev.pos) if not perc then return true end local num = Math.round(perc * self.fl.max) -- Always set the frontlight intensity. self:setFrontLightIntensity(num) -- But limit the widget update frequency on E Ink. if Screen.low_pan_rate then local current_time = time.now() local last_time = self.last_time or 0 if current_time - last_time > time.s(1 / self.rate) then self.last_time = current_time else -- Schedule a final update after we stop panning. UIManager:scheduleIn(0.075, self.refreshBrightnessWidgets, self) return true end end self:refreshBrightnessWidgets() elseif not ges_ev.pos:intersectWith(self.frame.dimen) and ges_ev.ges == "tap" then -- Close when tapping outside. self:onClose() end -- Otherwise, do nothing (it's easy to miss a button). return true end FrontLightWidget.onPanProgress = FrontLightWidget.onTapProgress return FrontLightWidget