local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local LoginDialog = require("ui/widget/logindialog") local OPDSParser = require("ui/opdsparser") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local CacheItem = require("cacheitem") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Screen = require("device").screen local url = require('socket.url') local util = require("ffi/util") local Cache = require("cache") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local socket = require('socket') local http = require('socket.http') local https = require('ssl.https') local ltn12 = require('ltn12') local mime = require('mime') local CatalogCacheItem = CacheItem:new{ size = 1024, -- fixed size for catalog item } -- cache catalog parsed from feed xml local CatalogCache = Cache:new{ max_memsize = 20*1024, -- keep only 20 cache items current_memsize = 0, cache = {}, cache_order = {}, } local OPDSBrowser = Menu:extend{ opds_servers = {}, calibre_name = _("Local calibre catalog"), catalog_type = "application/atom%+xml", search_type = "application/opensearchdescription%+xml", acquisition_rel = "^http://opds%-spec%.org/acquisition", image_rel = "http://opds-spec.org/image", thumbnail_rel = "http://opds-spec.org/image/thumbnail", formats = { ["application/epub+zip"] = "EPUB", ["application/fb2+zip"] = "FB2", ["application/pdf"] = "PDF", ["text/plain"] = "TXT", ["application/x-mobipocket-ebook"] = "MOBI", ["application/x-mobi8-ebook"] = "AZW3", }, width = Screen:getWidth(), height = Screen:getHeight(), no_title = false, parent = nil, } function OPDSBrowser:init() self.item_table = self:genItemTableFromRoot(self.opds_servers) Menu.init(self) -- call parent's init() end function OPDSBrowser:addServerFromInput(fields) DEBUG("input catalog", fields) local servers = G_reader_settings:readSetting("opds_servers") or {} table.insert(servers, { title = fields[1], url = (fields[2]:match("^%a+://") and fields[2] or "http://" .. fields[2]), }) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("opds_servers", servers) self:init() end function OPDSBrowser:editCalibreFromInput(fields) DEBUG("input calibre server", fields) local calibre = G_reader_settings:readSetting("calibre_opds") or {} if fields[1] then calibre.host = fields[1] end if tonumber(fields[2]) then calibre.port = fields[2] end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("calibre_opds", calibre) self:init() end function OPDSBrowser:addNewCatalog() self.add_server_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Add OPDS catalog"), fields = { { text = "", hint = _("Catalog name"), }, { text = "", hint = _("Catalog URL"), }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) end }, { text = _("Add"), callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) self:addServerFromInput(MultiInputDialog:getFields()) end }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.95, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, } self.add_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.add_server_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:editCalibreServer() local calibre = G_reader_settings:readSetting("calibre_opds") or {} self.add_server_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit local calibre host and port"), fields = { { -- TODO: get IP address of current device text = calibre.host or "", hint = _("calibre host"), }, { text = calibre.port and tostring(calibre.port) or "8080", hint = _("calibre port"), }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) end }, { text = _("Apply"), callback = function() self.add_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.add_server_dialog) self:editCalibreFromInput(MultiInputDialog:getFields()) end }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.95, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, } self.add_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.add_server_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:genItemTableFromRoot() local item_table = {} for _, server in ipairs(self.opds_servers) do table.insert(item_table, { text = server.title, content = server.subtitle, url = server.url, }) end local added_servers = G_reader_settings:readSetting("opds_servers") or {} for _, server in ipairs(added_servers) do table.insert(item_table, { text = server.title, content = server.subtitle, url = server.url, deletable = true, editable = true, }) end local calibre_opds = G_reader_settings:readSetting("calibre_opds") or {} if not calibre_opds.host or not calibre_opds.port then table.insert(item_table, { text = self.calibre_name, callback = function() self:editCalibreServer() end, deletable = false, }) else table.insert(item_table, { text = self.calibre_name, url = string.format("http://%s:%d/opds", calibre_opds.host, calibre_opds.port), editable = true, deletable = false, }) end table.insert(item_table, { text = _("Add new OPDS catalog"), callback = function() self:addNewCatalog() end, }) return item_table end function OPDSBrowser:getBasicAuthentication(host) local authentications = G_reader_settings:readSetting("www-auth") or {} return authentications[host] end function OPDSBrowser:setBasicAuthentication(host, username, password) local authentications = G_reader_settings:readSetting("www-auth") or {} authentications[host] = { username = username, password = password, } G_reader_settings:saveSetting("www-auth", authentications) end function OPDSBrowser:getAuthorizationHeader(host) local auth = self:getBasicAuthentication(host) if auth then local authorization = auth.username .. ':' .. auth.password return { Authorization = "Basic " .. mime.b64(authorization), } end end function OPDSBrowser:fetchFeed(feed_url) local request, sink = {}, {} local parsed = url.parse(feed_url) request['url'] = feed_url request['method'] = 'GET' request['sink'] = ltn12.sink.table(sink) request['headers'] = self:getAuthorizationHeader(parsed.host) DEBUG("request", request) http.TIMEOUT, https.TIMEOUT = 10, 10 local httpRequest = parsed.scheme == 'http' and http.request or https.request local code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, httpRequest(request)) -- raise error message when network is unavailable if headers == nil then error(code) end --DEBUG("response", code, headers, status) if code == 401 and status and status:find("Unauthorized") then self._coroutine = coroutine.running() or self._coroutine self:fetchWithLogin(parsed.host, function() return self:fetchFeed(feed_url) end) if coroutine.running() then local result = coroutine.yield() return result end else local xml = table.concat(sink) if xml ~= "" then --DEBUG("xml", xml) return xml end end end function OPDSBrowser:fetchWithLogin(host, callback) self.login_dialog = LoginDialog:new{ title = _("Login to OPDS server"), username = "", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), enabled = true, callback = function() self:closeDialog() end, }, { text = _("Login"), enabled = true, callback = function() local username, password = self:getCredential() self:setBasicAuthentication(host, username, password) self:closeDialog() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() local res = callback() if res then coroutine.resume(self._coroutine, res) end end) end, }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.8, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.4, } self.login_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.login_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:closeDialog() self.login_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.login_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:getCredential() return self.login_dialog:getCredential() end function OPDSBrowser:parseFeed(feed_url) local feed local hash = "opds|catalog|" .. feed_url local cache = CatalogCache:check(hash) if cache then feed = cache.feed else DEBUG("cache", hash) feed = self:fetchFeed(feed_url) if feed then CatalogCache:insert(hash, CatalogCacheItem:new{ feed = feed }) end end if feed then return OPDSParser:parse(feed) end end function OPDSBrowser:getCatalog(feed_url) local ok, catalog = pcall(self.parseFeed, self, feed_url) -- prompt users to turn on Wifi if network is unreachable if not ok and catalog and catalog:find("Network is unreachable") then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return elseif not ok and catalog then DEBUG("cannot get catalog info from", feed_url, catalog) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = util.template( _("Cannot get catalog info from %1"), (feed_url or "") ), }) return end if ok and catalog then DEBUG("catalog", catalog) return catalog end end function OPDSBrowser:genItemTableFromURL(item_url) local catalog = self:getCatalog(item_url) return self:genItemTableFromCatalog(catalog, item_url) end function OPDSBrowser:genItemTableFromCatalog(catalog, item_url) local item_table = {} if catalog then local feed = catalog.feed or catalog local function build_href(href) --DEBUG("building href", item_url, href) return url.absolute(item_url, href) end local hrefs = {} if feed.link then for _, link in ipairs(feed.link) do if link.type ~= nil then if link.type:find(self.catalog_type) or link.type:find(self.search_type) then if link.rel and link.href then hrefs[link.rel] = build_href(link.href) end end end end end item_table.hrefs = hrefs if feed.entry then for _, entry in ipairs(feed.entry) do local item = {} item.acquisitions = {} if entry.link then for _, link in ipairs(entry.link) do if link.type:find(self.catalog_type) and (not link.rel or link.rel == "subsection" or link.rel == "http://opds-spec.org/sort/popular" or link.rel == "http://opds-spec.org/sort/new") then item.url = build_href(link.href) end if link.rel and link.rel:match(self.acquisition_rel) then table.insert(item.acquisitions, { type = link.type, --DEBUG("building acquisition url", link); href = build_href(link.href), }) end if link.rel == self.thumbnail_rel then item.thumbnail = build_href(link.href) end if link.rel == self.image_rel then item.image = build_href(link.href) end end end local title = "Unknown" if type(entry.title) == "string" then title = entry.title elseif type(entry.title) == "table" then if type(entry.title.type) == "string" and entry.title.div ~= "" then title = entry.title.div end end if title == "Unknown" then DEBUG("Cannot handle title", entry.title) end local author = "Unknown Author" if type(entry.author) == "table" and entry.author.name then author = entry.author.name end item.text = title item.title = title item.author = author item.id = entry.id item.content = entry.content item.updated = entry.updated table.insert(item_table, item) end end end return item_table end function OPDSBrowser:updateCatalog(item_table_url) local menu_table = self:genItemTableFromURL(item_table_url) if #menu_table > 0 then --DEBUG("menu table", menu_table) self:swithItemTable(nil, menu_table) if self.page_num <= 1 then self:onNext() end return true end end function OPDSBrowser:appendCatalog(item_table_url) local new_table = self:genItemTableFromURL(item_table_url) for _, item in ipairs(new_table) do table.insert(self.item_table, item) end self.item_table.hrefs = new_table.hrefs self:swithItemTable(nil, self.item_table, -1) return true end function OPDSBrowser:downloadFile(item, format, remote_url) -- download to user selected directory or last opened dir local lastdir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastdir") local download_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("download_dir") or lastdir local local_path = download_dir .. "/" .. item.author .. ' - ' .. item.title .. "." .. string.lower(format) DEBUG("downloading file", local_path, "from", remote_url) local parsed = url.parse(remote_url) http.TIMEOUT, https.TIMEOUT = 10, 10 local httpRequest = parsed.scheme == 'http' and http.request or https.request local r, c, h = httpRequest{ url = remote_url, headers = self:getAuthorizationHeader(parsed.host), sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.open(local_path, "w")), } if c == 200 then DEBUG("file downloaded to", local_path) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("File saved to:\n") .. local_path, timeout = 3, }) else DEBUG("response", {r, c, h}) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Could not save file to:\n") .. local_path, timeout = 3, }) end end function OPDSBrowser:showDownloads(item) local acquisitions = item.acquisitions local downloadsperline = 2 local lines = math.ceil(#acquisitions/downloadsperline) local buttons = {} for i = 1, lines do local line = {} for j = 1, downloadsperline do local button = {} local index = (i-1)*downloadsperline + j local acquisition = acquisitions[index] if acquisition then local format = self.formats[acquisition.type] if format then button.text = format button.callback = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self:downloadFile(item, format, acquisition.href) end) UIManager:close(self.download_dialog) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading may take several minutes…"), timeout = 3, }) end table.insert(line, button) end end end table.insert(buttons, line) end -- set download directory button table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Set download directory"), callback = function() require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ title = _("Choose download directory"), onConfirm = function(path) DEBUG("set download directory to", path) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("download_dir", path) end, }:chooseDir() end, } }) self.download_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = buttons } UIManager:show(self.download_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:onMenuSelect(item) -- add catalog if item.callback then item.callback() -- acquisition elseif item.acquisitions and #item.acquisitions > 0 then DEBUG("downloads available", item) self:showDownloads(item) -- navigation else table.insert(self.paths, { url = item.url, }) if not self:updateCatalog(item.url) then table.remove(self.paths) end end return true end function OPDSBrowser:editServerFromInput(item, fields) DEBUG("input catalog", fields) local servers = {} for _, server in ipairs(G_reader_settings:readSetting("opds_servers") or {}) do if server.title == item.text or server.url == item.url then server.title = fields[1] server.url = (fields[2]:match("^%a+://") and fields[2] or "http://" .. fields[2]) end table.insert(servers, server) end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("opds_servers", servers) self:init() end function OPDSBrowser:editOPDSServer(item) DEBUG("edit", item) self.edit_server_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Edit OPDS catalog"), fields = { { text = item.text or "", hint = _("Catalog Name"), }, { text = item.url or "", hint = _("Catalog URL"), }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.edit_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.edit_server_dialog) end }, { text = _("Apply"), callback = function() self.edit_server_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.edit_server_dialog) self:editServerFromInput(item, MultiInputDialog:getFields()) end }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.95, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, } self.edit_server_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.edit_server_dialog) end function OPDSBrowser:deleteOPDSServer(item) DEBUG("delete", item) local servers = {} for _, server in ipairs(G_reader_settings:readSetting("opds_servers") or {}) do if server.title ~= item.text or server.url ~= item.url then table.insert(servers, server) end end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("opds_servers", servers) self:init() end function OPDSBrowser:onMenuHold(item) if item.deletable or item.editable then self.opds_server_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ buttons = { { { text = _("Edit"), enabled = item.editable, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.opds_server_dialog) if item.text ~= self.calibre_name then self:editOPDSServer(item) else self:editCalibreServer(item) end end }, { text = _("Delete"), enabled = item.deletable, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.opds_server_dialog) self:deleteOPDSServer(item) end }, }, } } UIManager:show(self.opds_server_dialog) return true end end function OPDSBrowser:onReturn() DEBUG("return to last page catalog") if #self.paths > 0 then table.remove(self.paths) local path = self.paths[#self.paths] if path then -- return to last path self:updateCatalog(path.url) else -- return to root path, we simply reinit opdsbrowser self:init() end end return true end function OPDSBrowser:onNext() DEBUG("fetch next page catalog") local hrefs = self.item_table.hrefs local page_num = self.page_num while page_num == self.page_num and hrefs and hrefs.next do self:appendCatalog(hrefs.next) end return true end return OPDSBrowser