--[[-- Plugin for managing user patches @module koplugin.patchmanagement --]]-- local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") if lfs.attributes(DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/patches", "mode") ~= "directory" then return { disabled = true } end local Device = require("device") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local TextViewer = require("ui/widget/textviewer") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local sort = require("sort") local userPatch = require("userpatch") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local PatchManagement = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "patch_management", } function PatchManagement:init() self.patch_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/patches" self.disable_ext = ".disabled" self.patches = nil self:getAvailablePatches() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function PatchManagement:getAvailablePatches() self.patches = {} for priority = tonumber(userPatch.early_once), tonumber(userPatch.on_exit) do self.patches[priority] = {} end for entry in lfs.dir(self.patch_dir) do local mode = lfs.attributes(self.patch_dir .. "/" .. entry, "mode") if mode == "file" then for priority = tonumber(userPatch.early_once), tonumber(userPatch.on_exit) do if entry:match("^" .. priority .. "%d*%-") and entry:find(".lua", 1, true) then -- only lua files, starting with "%d+%-" table.insert(self.patches[priority], entry) break end end end end for priority = tonumber(userPatch.early_once), tonumber(userPatch.on_exit) do table.sort(self.patches[priority], sort.natsort_cmp()) end end function PatchManagement:getSubMenu(priority) if self.patches == nil then return {} end local function getExecutionStatus(patch_name) return userPatch.execution_status[patch_name] == false and " ⚠" or "" end local sub_menu = {} for i, patch in ipairs(self.patches[priority]) do local ext = ".lua" -- strip anything after ".lua" in patch_name local patch_name = patch patch_name = patch_name:sub(1, patch_name:find(ext, 1, true) + ext:len() - 1) table.insert(sub_menu, { text = patch_name .. getExecutionStatus(patch_name), checked_func = function() return patch:find("%.lua$") ~= nil end, callback = function() local extension_pos = patch:find(ext, 1, true) if extension_pos then local is_patch_enabled = extension_pos == patch:len() - (ext:len() - 1) if is_patch_enabled then -- patch name ends with ".lua" local disabled_name = patch .. self.disable_ext os.rename(self.patch_dir .. "/" .. patch, self.patch_dir .. "/" .. disabled_name) patch = disabled_name else -- patch name name contains ".lua" local enabled_name = patch:sub(1, extension_pos + ext:len() - 1) os.rename(self.patch_dir .. "/" .. patch, self.patch_dir .. "/" .. enabled_name) patch = enabled_name end end UIManager:askForRestart( _("Patches changed. Current set of patches will be applied on next restart.")) end, hold_callback = function() local patch_fullpath = self.patch_dir .. "/" .. patch if self.ui.texteditor then local function done_callback() UIManager:askForRestart( _("Patches might have changed. Current set of patches will be applied on next restart.")) end self.ui.texteditor:quickEditFile(patch_fullpath, done_callback, false) else -- fallback to show only the first lines local file = io.open(patch_fullpath, "rb") if not file then return "" end local patch_content = file:read("*all") file:close() local textviewer textviewer = TextViewer:new{ title = patch, text = patch_content, } UIManager:show(textviewer) end end, }) end return sub_menu end local about_text = _([[Patch management allows enabling, disabling or editing user provided patches. The runlevel and priority of a patch can not be modified here. This has to be done manually by renaming the patch prefix. For more information about user patches, see https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/User-patches Patches are an advanced feature, so be careful what you do!]]) function PatchManagement:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.patch_management = { text = _("Patch management"), enabled_func = function() if self.patches == nil then return false end for i = tonumber(userPatch.early_once), tonumber(userPatch.on_exit) do if #self.patches[i] > 0 then return true -- we have at least one patch in the patches folder end end return false end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("About patch management"), callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = about_text, width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.9), }) end, separator = true, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Patches executed:"), enabled = false, }, } } local sub_menu_text = {} sub_menu_text[tonumber(userPatch.early_once)] = _("On startup, only after update") sub_menu_text[tonumber(userPatch.early)] = _("On startup") sub_menu_text[tonumber(userPatch.late)] = _("After setup") sub_menu_text[tonumber(userPatch.before_exit)] = _("Before exit") sub_menu_text[tonumber(userPatch.on_exit)] = _("On exit") for i = tonumber(userPatch.early_once), tonumber(userPatch.on_exit) do if sub_menu_text[i] then table.insert(menu_items.patch_management.sub_item_table, { text = sub_menu_text[i], enabled_func = function() return #self.patches[i] > 0 end, sub_item_table = self:getSubMenu(i) }) end end end return PatchManagement