---- @string path an absolute path
---- @treturn string filesystem type
function util.getFilesystemType(path)
local mounts = io.open("/proc/mounts", "r")
if not mounts then return nil end
local type
while true do
local line
local mount = {}
line = mounts:read()
if line == nil then
for param in line:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(mount, param) end
if string.match(path, mount[2]) then
type = mount[3]
if mount[2] ~= '/' then
return type
--- Checks if directory is empty.
---- @string path
---- @treturn bool
function util.isEmptyDir(path)
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
-- lfs.dir will crash rather than return nil if directory doesn't exist O_o
local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path)
if not ok then return end
for filename in iter, dir_obj do
if filename ~= '.' and filename ~= '..' then
return false
return true
--- check if the given path is a file
---- @string path
---- @treturn bool
function util.fileExists(path)
local file = io.open(path, "r")
if file ~= nil then
return true
--- Checks if the given path exists. Doesn't care if it's a file or directory.
---- @string path
---- @treturn bool
function util.pathExists(path)
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= nil
--- As `mkdir -p`.
-- Unlike [lfs.mkdir](https://keplerproject.github.io/luafilesystem/manual.html#mkdir)(),
-- does not error if the directory already exists, and creates intermediate directories as needed.
-- @string path the directory to create
-- @treturn bool true on success; nil, err_message on error
function util.makePath(path)
path = path:gsub("/+$", "")
if util.pathExists(path) then return true end
local success, err = util.makePath((util.splitFilePathName(path)))
if not success then
return nil, err.." (creating "..path..")"
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
return lfs.mkdir(path)
--- As `rm`
-- @string path of the file to remove
-- @treturn bool true on success; nil, err_message on error
function util.removeFile(file)
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
if file and lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file" then
return os.remove(file)
elseif file then
return nil, file .. " is not a file"
return nil, "file is nil"
-- Gets total, used and available bytes for the mountpoint that holds a given directory.
-- @string path of the directory
-- @treturn table with total, used and available bytes
function util.diskUsage(dir)
-- safe way of testing df & awk
local function doCommand(d)
local handle = io.popen("df -k " .. d .. " 2>&1 | awk '$3 ~ /[0-9]+/ { print $2,$3,$4 }' 2>&1 || echo ::ERROR::")
if not handle then return end
local output = handle:read("*all")
if not output:find "::ERROR::" then
return output
local err = { total = nil, used = nil, available = nil }
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
if not dir or lfs.attributes(dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then return err end
local usage = doCommand(dir)
if not usage then return err end
local stage, result = {}, {}
for size in usage:gmatch("%w+") do
table.insert(stage, size)
for k, v in pairs({"total", "used", "available"}) do
if stage[k] ~= nil then
-- sizes are in kb, return bytes here
result[v] = stage[k] * 1024
return result
--- Replaces characters that are invalid filenames.
-- Replaces the characters \/:*?"<>|
with an _
-- These characters are problematic on Windows filesystems. On Linux only
-- /
poses a problem.
---- @string str filename
---- @treturn string sanitized filename
local function replaceAllInvalidChars(str)
if str then
return str:gsub('[\\,%/,:,%*,%?,%",%<,%>,%|]','_')
--- Replaces slash with an underscore.
---- @string str
---- @treturn string
local function replaceSlashChar(str)
if str then
return str:gsub('%/','_')
Replaces characters that are invalid in filenames.
Replaces the characters `\/:*?"<>|` with an `_` unless an optional path is provided. These characters are problematic on Windows filesystems. On Linux only the `/` poses a problem.
If an optional path is provided, @{util.getFilesystemType}() will be used to determine whether stricter VFAT restrictions should be applied.
---- @string str
---- @string path
---- @int limit
---- @treturn string safe filename
function util.getSafeFilename(str, path, limit, limit_ext)
local filename, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(str)
local replaceFunc = replaceAllInvalidChars
local safe_filename
-- VFAT supports a maximum of 255 UCS-2 characters, although it's probably treated as UTF-16 by Windows
-- default to a slightly lower limit just in case
limit = limit or 240
limit_ext = limit_ext or 10
if path then
local file_system = util.getFilesystemType(path)
if file_system ~= "vfat" and file_system ~= "fuse.fsp" then
replaceFunc = replaceSlashChar
if suffix:len() > limit_ext then
-- probably not an actual file extension, or at least not one we'd be
-- dealing with, so strip the whole string
filename = str
suffix = nil
filename = util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml(filename)
filename = filename:sub(1, limit)
-- the limit might result in broken UTF-8, which we don't want in the result
filename = util.fixUtf8(filename, "")
if suffix and suffix ~= "" then
safe_filename = replaceFunc(filename) .. "." .. replaceFunc(suffix)
safe_filename = replaceFunc(filename)
return safe_filename
--- Splits a file into its directory path and file name.
--- If the given path has a trailing /, returns the entire path as the directory
--- path and "" as the file name.
---- @string file
---- @treturn string path, filename
function util.splitFilePathName(file)
if file == nil or file == "" then return "", "" end
if string.find(file, "/") == nil then return "", file end
return string.gsub(file, "(.*/)(.*)", "%1"), string.gsub(file, ".*/", "")
--- Splits a file name into its pure file name and suffix
---- @string file
---- @treturn string path, extension
function util.splitFileNameSuffix(file)
if file == nil or file == "" then return "", "" end
if string.find(file, "%.") == nil then return file, "" end
return string.gsub(file, "(.*)%.(.*)", "%1"), string.gsub(file, ".*%.", "")
--- Gets file extension
---- @string filename
---- @treturn string extension
function util.getFileNameSuffix(file)
local _, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(file)
return suffix
--- Companion helper function that returns the script's language,
--- based on the filme extension.
---- @string filename
---- @treturn string (lowercase) (or nil if not Device:canExecuteScript(file))
function util.getScriptType(file)
local file_ext = string.lower(util.getFileNameSuffix(file))
if file_ext == "sh" then
return "shell"
elseif file_ext == "py" then
return "python"
--- Gets human friendly size as string
---- @int size (bytes)
---- @bool right_align (by padding with spaces on the left)
---- @treturn string
function util.getFriendlySize(size, right_align)
local frac_format = right_align and "%6.1f" or "%.1f"
local deci_format = right_align and "%6d" or "%d"
size = tonumber(size)
if not size or type(size) ~= "number" then return end
if size > 1024*1024*1024 then
-- @translators This is an abbreviation for the gigabyte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 GB"), string.format(frac_format, size/1024/1024/1024))
if size > 1024*1024 then
-- @translators This is an abbreviation for the megabyte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 MB"), string.format(frac_format, size/1024/1024))
if size > 1024 then
-- @translators This is an abbreviation for the kilobyte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 KB"), string.format(frac_format, size/1024))
-- @translators This is an abbreviation for the byte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 B"), string.format(deci_format, size))
--- Gets formatted size as string (1273334 => "1,273,334")
---- @int size (bytes)
---- @treturn string
function util.getFormattedSize(size)
local s = tostring(size)
s = s:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,")
s = s:reverse():gsub("^,", "")
return s
Replaces invalid UTF-8 characters with a replacement string.
Based on with \n
text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*br%s*/?>%s*", "\n") --
text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*p%s*>%s*", "\n") --
text = text:gsub("%s*%s*p%s*>%s*", "\n") --
text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*p%s*/>%s*", "\n") -- standalone -- Remove all HTML tags text = text:gsub("<[^>]*>", "") -- Convert HTML entities text = util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text) -- Trim spaces and new lines at start and end text = text:gsub("^[\n%s]*", "") text = text:gsub("[\n%s]*$", "") return text end --- Convert HTML to plain text if text seems to be HTML -- Detection of HTML is simple and may raise false positives -- or negatives, but seems quite good at guessing content type -- of text found in EPUB's