require "widget" require "font" -- some definitions for developers MSG_AUX = 1 MSG_WARN = 2 MSG_ERROR = 3 MSG_CONFIRM = 4 MSG_BUG = 5 InfoMessage = { InfoMethod = { --[[ The items define how to inform user about various types of events, the values should be 0..3: the lowest bit is responcible for showing popup windows, while the 2nd bit allows using TTS-voice messages. The current default values {1,1,1,1,1} correspond to previous kpdfviewer-settings when every message is shown in popup window. ]] 1, -- auxiliary messages = 0 or 2 (nothing or TTS) 1, -- warnings = 1 or 2 (popup or TTS) 1, -- errors = 1 or 3 (popup or popup & TTS) 1, -- confirmations (must not be silent!) = 1 or 3 (popup or popup & TTS) 1, -- bugs (must not be silent!) = 1 or 3 (popup or popup & TTS) }, -- images for various message types Images = { "resources/info-aux.png", "resources/info-warn.png", "resources/info-error.png", "resources/info-confirm.png", "resources/info-bug.png", }, ImageFile = "resources/info-warn.png", -- TTS-related parameters TTSspeed = nil, SoundVolume = nil, --[[ as Kindle3-volume has nonlinear scale, one need to define the 'VolumeLevels'-values TODO: test whether VolumeLevels are different for other sound-equipped Kindle models (K2, KDX) by running self.VolumeLevels = self:getVolumeLevels() ]] VolumeLevels = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77} } function InfoMessage:show(text,refresh_mode) Debug("# InfoMessage ", text, refresh_mode) local dialog = CenterContainer:new({ dimen = { w = G_width, h = G_height }, FrameContainer:new({ margin = 2, background = 0, HorizontalGroup:new({ align = "center", ImageWidget:new({ file = self.ImageFile }), Widget:new({ dimen = { w = 10, h = 0 } }), TextWidget:new({ text = text, face = Font:getFace("infofont", 30) }) }) }) }) dialog:paintTo(, 0, 0) dialog:free() if refresh_mode ~= nil then fb:refresh(refresh_mode) end end function showInfoMsgWithDelay(text, msec, refresh_mode) if not refresh_mode then refresh_mode = 0 end Screen:saveCurrentBB() InfoMessage:show(text) fb:refresh(refresh_mode) -- util.usleep(msec*1000) -- eat the first key release event local ev = input.waitForEvent() adjustKeyEvents(ev) repeat ok = pcall( function() ev = input.waitForEvent(msec*1000) adjustKeyEvents(ev) end) until not ok or ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS Screen:restoreFromSavedBB() fb:refresh(refresh_mode) end --[[ Unified function to inform user about smth. It is generally intended to replace showInfoMsgWithDelay() & InfoMessage:show(). Since the former function is used in Lua-code more often than the latter, I kept here the same sequence of parameters as used in showInfoMsgWithDelay() + added two not obligatory parameters (see description below). Thus, this trick allows multiple text replaces thoughout the whole Lua-code: 'showInfoMsgWithDelay(' to 'InfoMessage:inform(' Yet, it would be much better to accompany such replaces by adding the 'message_importance' and, if needed, by 'alternative_voice_message' that is not so restricted in length as 'text' But replacing InfoMessage:show(...) by InfoMessage:inform(...) MUST be accompanied by adding the 2nd parameter -- either msec=nil or msec=0. Adding new parameters -- 'message_importance' & 'alternative_voice_message' -- is also appreciated. Brief description of the function parameters -- text : is the text message for visual and (if 'alternative_voice_message' isn't defined) voice notification -- msec : parameter to define visual notification method nil: display the message immediately without slowing it down on the emulator DINFO_TIMEOUT_FAST: display the message and return immediately on Kindle, but after a delay on the emulator DINFO_TIMEOUT_SLOW: display the message and return after a delay msec<0: the delay is auto-calculated from the text length -- message_importance : parameter separating various messages on MSG_AUX - not obligatory messages that might be readily avoided MSG_WARN - warnings (important messages) MSG_ERROR - errors MSG_CONFIRM - confirmations MSG_BUG - bugs -- alternative_voice_message: not obligatory parameter that allows to send longer messages to TTS-engine if not defined, the default 'text' will be TTS-voiced ]] function InfoMessage:inform(text, msec, refresh_mode, message_importance, alternative_voice_message) -- temporary test for 'message_importance'; it might be further removed as soon -- as every message will be properly marked by 'importance' if not message_importance then message_importance = 5 end local popup, voice = InfoMessage:getMethodForEvent(message_importance) if voice then alternative_voice_message = alternative_voice_message or text say(alternative_voice_message) -- here one may set pause -- it might be useful only if one sound message -- is directly followed by another, otherwise it's just wasting of time. --[[ if msec and msec ~=0 then -- pause = 0.5sec + 40ms/character * string.len() / normalized_voice_speed util.usleep(500000 + 40*alternative_voice_message:len*10000/self.TTSspeed) end ]] end if not popup then return end -- to avoid drawing popup window self.ImageFile = self.Images[message_importance] -- select proper image for window if util.isEmulated()==1 and msec == 0 then msec = 300 end if not msec or msec == 0 then InfoMessage:show(text, refresh_mode) else if msec < 0 then msec = 500 + string.len(text) * 50 end showInfoMsgWithDelay(text, msec, refresh_mode) end end function InfoMessage:getMethodForEvent(event) local popup, voice = true, true if self.InfoMethod[event] %2 == 0 then popup = false end if self.InfoMethod[event] < 2 then voice = false end return popup, voice end -- GUI-methods for user to choose the way to inform about various events -- function InfoMessage:chooseMethodForEvent(event) local popup, voice = self:getMethodForEvent(event) local items_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Event notifications", item_array = {"Avoid any notifications", "Show popup window", "Use TTS-voice", "Popup window and TTS-voice", }, current_entry = (popup and 1 or 0) + (voice and 1 or 0) * 2, } local item_no = items_menu:choose(0, if item_no then self.InfoMethod[event] = item_no - 1 -- just to illustrate the way how the selected method works; might be removed -- self:inform("Event = "..event..", Method = "..self.InfoMethod[event], -1500, 1, event, -- "You have chosen the method number "..self.InfoMethod[event].." for the event item number "..event) end end function InfoMessage:chooseEventForMethod(event) event = event or 0 local item_no = 0 local event_list = { "Messages (e.g. 'Scanning folder...')", "Warnings (e.g. 'Already first jump!')", "Errors (e.g. 'Zip contains improper content!')", "Confirmations (e.g. 'Press Y to confirm deleting')", "Bugs", } while item_no ~= event and item_no < #event_list do item_no = item_no + 1 end local event_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Select the event type", item_array = event_list, current_entry = item_no - 1, } item_no = event_menu:choose(0, G_height) return item_no end function InfoMessage:chooseNotificatonMethods() local event = 1 -- default: auxiliary messages while event do event = self:chooseEventForMethod(event) if event then self:chooseMethodForEvent(event) end end end ---------------- audio-related functions ---------------- function InfoMessage:incrTTSspeed(direction) -- either +1 or -1 -- make sure new TTS-speed is within reasonable range self.TTSspeed = math.max(self.TTSspeed + direction * 20, 40) -- min = 40% self.TTSspeed = math.min(self.TTSspeed, 200) -- max = 200% -- set new value & give an example for more convenient tuning os.execute('lipc-set-prop com.lab126.tts TtsISpeed '..self.TTSspeed) say("The current voice speed is "..self.TTSspeed.." percent.") end function InfoMessage:getTTSspeed() if util.isEmulated() == 1 then return 0 end local tmp = io.popen('lipc-get-prop com.lab126.tts TtsISpeed', "r") local speed = tmp:read("*number") tmp:close() return speed or 100 -- nominal TTS-speed end function InfoMessage:incrSoundVolume(direction) -- either +1 or -1 -- make sure that new volume is within reasonable range self.SoundVolume = math.max(self.SoundVolume + direction, 1) self.SoundVolume = math.min(self.SoundVolume, #self.VolumeLevels) -- set new value & give an example for more convenient tuning os.execute('lipc-set-prop Volume '..(self.SoundVolume-1)) -- that is not exactly the volume percents, but more conventional values, -- than abstract units returned by 'lipc-get-prop Volume' local percents = math.floor(100*self.VolumeLevels[self.SoundVolume]/self.VolumeLevels[#self.VolumeLevels]) say("The current sound volume is "..percents.." percent.") end function InfoMessage:getSoundVolume() if util.isEmulated() == 1 then return 0 end local tmp = io.popen('lipc-get-prop Volume', "r") local volume = tmp:read("*number") tmp:close() local i = 1 while self.VolumeLevels[i] < volume and i < #self.VolumeLevels do i = i + 1 end return i or 16 -- maximum volume end --[[ -- to determine self.VolumeLevels in various Kindle-models function InfoMessage:getVolumeLevels() local levels, v, i = {}, 0, 0 while i < 16 do -- proper K3-range 0..15 might be different for other models os.execute('lipc-set-prop Volume '..i) v = self:getSoundVolume() table.insert(levels, v) i = i + 1 end return levels end ]] function say(text) if util.isEmulated() == 1 then os.execute("espeak \""..text.."\"") else os.execute("say \""..text.."\"") end end function InfoMessage:initInfoMessageSettings() self.InfoMethod = G_reader_settings:readSetting("info_message_methods") or self.InfoMethod self.TTSspeed = G_reader_settings:readSetting("tts_speed") or self:getTTSspeed() self.SoundVolume = G_reader_settings:readSetting("sound_volume") or self:getSoundVolume() end function InfoMessage:saveInfoMessageSettings() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("info_message_methods", self.InfoMethod) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("sound_volume", self.SoundVolume-1) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("tts_speed", self.TTSspeed) end