local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local Device = require("device") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local Size = require("ui/size") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Screen = Device.screen local ButtonTable = FocusManager:extend{ width = nil, buttons = { { {text="OK", enabled=true, callback=nil}, {text="Cancel", enabled=false, callback=nil}, }, }, sep_width = Size.line.medium, padding = Size.padding.default, zero_sep = false, } function ButtonTable:init() self.width = self.width or math.floor(math.min(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) * 0.9) self.buttons_layout = {} self.button_by_id = {} self.container = VerticalGroup:new{ width = self.width } table.insert(self, self.container) if self.zero_sep then -- If we're asked to add a first line, don't add a vspan before: caller -- must do its own padding before. -- Things look better when the first line is gray like the others. self:addHorizontalSep(false, true, true) else self:addHorizontalSep(false, false, true) end local row_cnt = #self.buttons for i = 1, row_cnt do local buttons_layout_line = {} local horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{} local row = self.buttons[i] local column_cnt = #row local sizer_space = self.sep_width * (column_cnt - 1) + 2 for j = 1, column_cnt do local btn_entry = row[j] local button = Button:new{ text = btn_entry.text, text_func = btn_entry.text_func, icon = btn_entry.icon, icon_width = btn_entry.icon_width, icon_height = btn_entry.icon_height, align = btn_entry.align, enabled = btn_entry.enabled, callback = function() if self.show_parent and self.show_parent.movable then self.show_parent.movable:resetEventState() end btn_entry.callback() end, hold_callback = btn_entry.hold_callback, allow_hold_when_disabled = btn_entry.allow_hold_when_disabled, vsync = btn_entry.vsync, width = math.ceil((self.width - sizer_space)/column_cnt), max_width = math.ceil((self.width - sizer_space)/column_cnt - 2*self.sep_width - 2*self.padding), bordersize = 0, margin = 0, padding = Size.padding.buttontable, -- a bit taller than standalone buttons, for easier tap padding_h = 0, -- allow text to take more of the horizontal space text_font_face = btn_entry.font_face, text_font_size = btn_entry.font_size, text_font_bold = btn_entry.font_bold, show_parent = self.show_parent, } if btn_entry.id then self.button_by_id[btn_entry.id] = button end local button_dim = button:getSize() local vertical_sep = LineWidget:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY, dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.sep_width, h = button_dim.h, } } buttons_layout_line[j] = button table.insert(horizontal_group, button) if j < column_cnt then table.insert(horizontal_group, vertical_sep) end end -- end for each button table.insert(self.container, horizontal_group) if i < row_cnt then self:addHorizontalSep(true, true, true) end if column_cnt > 0 then -- Only add lines that are not separator to the focusmanager table.insert(self.buttons_layout, buttons_layout_line) end end -- end for each button line self:addHorizontalSep(true, false, false) if Device:hasDPad() then self.layout = self.buttons_layout self:refocusWidget() else self.key_events = {} -- deregister all key press event listeners end end function ButtonTable:addHorizontalSep(vspan_before, add_line, vspan_after, black_line) if vspan_before then table.insert(self.container, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_default }) end if add_line then table.insert(self.container, LineWidget:new{ background = black_line and Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK or Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY, dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.sep_width, } }) end if vspan_after then table.insert(self.container, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_default }) end end function ButtonTable:getButtonById(id) return self.button_by_id[id] -- nil if not found end return ButtonTable