--[[-- A pure Lua implementation of a gettext subset. Example: local _ = require("gettext") -- @{gettext.gettext|gettext}() local C_ = _.pgettext -- @{pgettext}() local N_ = _.ngettext -- @{ngettext}() local NC_ = _.npgettext -- @{npgettext}() local T = require("ffi/util").template -- @{ffi.util.template}() -- The most common use case with regular @{gettext.gettext|gettext}(). local simple_string = _("item") -- A more complex example. The correct plural form will be automatically -- selected by @{ngettext}() based on the number. local numbered_string = T(N_("1 item", "%1 items", num_items), num_items) It's required to pass along the number twice, because @{ngettext}() doesn't do anything with placeholders. See @{ffi.util.template}() for more information about the template function. --]] local isAndroid, android = pcall(require, "android") local logger = require("logger") local GetText = { context = {}, translation = {}, current_lang = "C", dirname = "l10n", textdomain = "koreader", plural_default = "n != 1", } local GetText_mt = { __index = {} } -- wrapUntranslated() will be overriden by bidi.lua when UI language is RTL, -- to wrap untranslated english strings as LTR-isolated segments. -- It should do nothing when the UI language is LTR. GetText.wrapUntranslated_nowrap = function(text) return text end GetText.wrapUntranslated = GetText.wrapUntranslated_nowrap -- Note: this won't be possible if we switch from our Lua GetText to -- GetText through FFI (but hopefully, RTL languages will be fully -- translated by then). --[[-- Returns a translation. @function gettext @string msgid @treturn string translation @usage local _ = require("gettext") local translation = _("A meaningful message.") --]] function GetText_mt.__call(gettext, msgid) return gettext.translation[msgid] and gettext.translation[msgid][0] or gettext.translation[msgid] or gettext.wrapUntranslated(msgid) end local function c_escape(what_full, what) if what == "\n" then return "" elseif what == "a" then return "\a" elseif what == "b" then return "\b" elseif what == "f" then return "\f" elseif what == "n" then return "\n" elseif what == "r" then return "\r" elseif what == "t" then return "\t" elseif what == "v" then return "\v" elseif what == "0" then return "\0" -- shouldn't happen, though else return what_full end end --- Converts C logical operators to Lua. local function logicalCtoLua(logical_str) logical_str = logical_str:gsub("&&", "and") logical_str = logical_str:gsub("!=", "~=") logical_str = logical_str:gsub("||", "or") return logical_str end --- Default getPlural function. local function getDefaultPlural(n) if n ~= 1 then return 1 else return 0 end end --- Generates a proper Lua function out of logical gettext math tests. local function getPluralFunc(pl_tests, nplurals, plural_default) -- the return function() stuff is a bit of loadstring trickery local plural_func_str = "return function(n) if " if #pl_tests > 1 then for i = 1, #pl_tests do local pl_test = pl_tests[i] pl_test = logicalCtoLua(pl_test) if i > 1 and tonumber(pl_test) == nil then pl_test = " elseif "..pl_test end if tonumber(pl_test) ~= nil then -- no condition, just a number pl_test = " else return "..pl_test end pl_test = pl_test:gsub("?", " then return") -- append to plural function plural_func_str = plural_func_str..pl_test end plural_func_str = plural_func_str.." end end" else local pl_test = pl_tests[1] -- Ensure JIT compiled function if we're dealing with one of the many simpler languages. -- After all, loadstring won't be. -- Potential workaround: write to file and use require. if pl_test == plural_default then return getDefaultPlural end -- language with no plural forms if tonumber(pl_test) ~= nil then plural_func_str = "return function(n) return "..pl_test.." end" else pl_test = logicalCtoLua(pl_test) plural_func_str = "return function(n) if "..pl_test.." then return 1 else return 0 end end" end end logger.dbg("gettext: plural function", plural_func_str) return loadstring(plural_func_str)() end local function addTranslation(msgctxt, msgid, msgstr, n) -- translated string local unescaped_string = string.gsub(msgstr, "(\\(.))", c_escape) if msgctxt and msgctxt ~= "" then if not GetText.context[msgctxt] then GetText.context[msgctxt] = {} end if n then if not GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid] then GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid] = {} end GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid][n] = unescaped_string ~= "" and unescaped_string or nil else GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid] = unescaped_string ~= "" and unescaped_string or nil end else if n then if not GetText.translation[msgid] then GetText.translation[msgid] = {} end GetText.translation[msgid][n] = unescaped_string ~= "" and unescaped_string or nil else GetText.translation[msgid] = unescaped_string ~= "" and unescaped_string or nil end end end -- for PO file syntax, see -- https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html -- we only implement a sane subset for now function GetText_mt.__index.changeLang(new_lang) GetText.context = {} GetText.translation = {} GetText.current_lang = "C" -- the "C" locale disables localization altogether -- can be various things such as `en_US` or `en_US:en` if new_lang == "C" or new_lang == nil or new_lang == "" or new_lang:match("^en_US") == "en_US" then return end -- strip encoding suffix in locale like "zh_CN.utf8" new_lang = new_lang:sub(1, new_lang:find(".%.")) local file = GetText.dirname .. "/" .. new_lang .. "/" .. GetText.textdomain .. ".po" local po = io.open(file, "r") if not po then logger.dbg("cannot open translation file:", file) return false end local data = {} local fuzzy = false local headers local what = nil while true do local line = po:read("*l") if line == nil or line == "" then if data.msgid and data.msgid_plural and data["msgstr[0]"] then for k, v in pairs(data) do local n = tonumber(k:match("msgstr%[([0-9]+)%]")) local msgstr = v if n and msgstr then addTranslation(data.msgctxt, data.msgid, msgstr, n) end end elseif data.msgid and data.msgstr and data.msgstr ~= "" then -- header if not headers and data.msgid == "" then headers = data.msgstr local plural_forms = data.msgstr:match("Plural%-Forms: (.*)") local nplurals = plural_forms:match("nplurals=([0-9]+);") or 2 local plurals = plural_forms:match("plural=%((.*)%);") -- Hardcoded workaround for Hebrew which has 4 plural forms. if plurals == "n == 1) ? 0 : ((n == 2) ? 1 : ((n > 10 && n % 10 == 0) ? 2 : 3)" then plurals = "n == 1 ? 0 : (n == 2) ? 1 : (n > 10 && n % 10 == 0) ? 2 : 3" end -- Hardcoded workaround for Latvian. if plurals == "n % 10 == 0 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 19) ? 0 : ((n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 1 : 2" then plurals = "n % 10 == 0 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 19 ? 0 : (n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 1 : 2" end -- Hardcoded workaround for Romanian which has 3 plural forms. if plurals == "n == 1) ? 0 : ((n == 0 || n != 1 && n % 100 >= 1 && n % 100 <= 19) ? 1 : 2" then plurals = "n == 1 ? 0 : (n == 0 || n != 1 && n % 100 >= 1 && n % 100 <= 19) ? 1 : 2" end if not plurals then -- Some languages (e.g., Arabic) may not use parentheses. -- However, the following more inclusive match is more likely -- to accidentally include junk and seldom relevant. -- We might also be dealing with a language without plurals. -- That would look like `plural=0`. plurals = plural_forms:match("plural=(.*);") end if plurals:find("[^n!=%%<>&:%(%)|?0-9 ]") then -- we don't trust this input, go with default instead plurals = GetText.plural_default end local pl_tests = {} for pl_test in plurals:gmatch("[^:]+") do table.insert(pl_tests, pl_test) end GetText.getPlural = getPluralFunc(pl_tests, nplurals, GetText.plural_default) if not GetText.getPlural then GetText.getPlural = getDefaultPlural end end addTranslation(data.msgctxt, data.msgid, data.msgstr) end -- stop at EOF: if line == nil then break end data = {} what = nil else -- comment if not line:match("^#") then -- new data item (msgid, msgstr, ... local w, s = line:match("^%s*([%a_%[%]0-9]+)%s+\"(.*)\"%s*$") if w then what = w else -- string continuation s = line:match("^%s*\"(.*)\"%s*$") end if what and s and not fuzzy then -- unescape \n or msgid won't match s = s:gsub("\\n", "\n") -- unescape " or msgid won't match s = s:gsub('\\"', '"') -- unescape \\ or msgid won't match s = s:gsub("\\\\", "\\") data[what] = (data[what] or "") .. s else -- Don't save this fuzzy string and unset fuzzy for the next one. fuzzy = false end elseif line:match("#, fuzzy") then fuzzy = true end end end po:close() GetText.current_lang = new_lang end GetText_mt.__index.getPlural = getDefaultPlural --[[-- Returns a plural form. Many languages have more forms than just singular and plural. This function abstracts the complexity away. The translation can contain as many pluralizations as it requires. See [gettext plural forms](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Plural-forms.html) and [translating plural forms](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Translating-plural-forms.html) for more information. It's required to pass along the number twice, because @{ngettext}() doesn't do anything with placeholders. See @{ffi.util.template}() for more information about the template function. @function ngettext @string msgid @string msgid_plural @int n @treturn string translation @usage local _ = require("gettext") local N_ = _.ngettext local T = require("ffi/util").template local items_string = T(N_("1 item", "%1 items", num_items), num_items) --]] function GetText_mt.__index.ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n) local plural = GetText.getPlural(n) if plural == 0 then return GetText.translation[msgid] and GetText.translation[msgid][plural] or GetText.wrapUntranslated(msgid) else return GetText.translation[msgid] and GetText.translation[msgid][plural] or GetText.wrapUntranslated(msgid_plural) end end --[[-- Returns a context-disambiguated plural form. This is the logical combination between @{ngettext}() and @{pgettext}(). Please refer there for more information. @function npgettext @string msgctxt @string msgid @string msgid_plural @int n @treturn string translation @usage local _ = require("gettext") local NC_ = _.npgettext local T = require("ffi/util").template local statistics_items_string = T(NC_("Statistics", "1 item", "%1 items", num_items), num_items) local books_items_string = T(NC_("Books", "1 item", "%1 items", num_items), num_items) --]] function GetText_mt.__index.npgettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n) local plural = GetText.getPlural(n) if plural == 0 then return GetText.context[msgctxt] and GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid] and GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid][plural] or GetText.wrapUntranslated(msgid) else return GetText.context[msgctxt] and GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid] and GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid][plural] or GetText.wrapUntranslated(msgid_plural) end end --[[-- Returns a context-disambiguated translation. The same string might occur multiple times, but require a different translation based on context. An example within KOReader is **Pages** meaning *page styles* (within the context of style tweaks) and **Pages** meaning *number of pages*. We generally don't apply context unless a conflict is known. This is only likely to occur with short strings, of which of course there are many. See [gettext contexts](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Contexts.html) for more information. @function pgettext @string msgctxt @string msgid @treturn string translation @usage local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local copy_file = C_("File", "Copy") local copy_text = C_("Text", "Copy") --]] function GetText_mt.__index.pgettext(msgctxt, msgid) return GetText.context[msgctxt] and GetText.context[msgctxt][msgid] or GetText.wrapUntranslated(msgid) end setmetatable(GetText, GetText_mt) if os.getenv("LANGUAGE") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LANGUAGE")) elseif os.getenv("LC_ALL") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LC_ALL")) elseif os.getenv("LC_MESSAGES") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LC_MESSAGES")) elseif os.getenv("LANG") then GetText.changeLang(os.getenv("LANG")) end if isAndroid then local ffi = require("ffi") local buf = ffi.new("char[?]", 16) android.lib.AConfiguration_getLanguage(android.app.config, buf) local lang = ffi.string(buf) android.lib.AConfiguration_getCountry(android.app.config, buf) local country = ffi.string(buf) if lang and country then GetText.changeLang(lang.."_"..country) end end return GetText