local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LuaData = require("luadata") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local logger = require("logger") local default_gesture = { tap_right_bottom_corner = "nothing", tap_left_bottom_corner = Device:hasFrontlight() and "toggle_frontlight" or "nothing", short_diagonal_swipe = "full_refresh", multiswipe = "nothing", -- otherwise registerGesture() won't pick up on multiswipes multiswipe_west_east = "previous_location", multiswipe_east_south_west_north = "full_refresh", } local ReaderGesture = InputContainer:new{} local custom_multiswipes_path = DataStorage:getSettingsDir().."/multiswipes.lua" local custom_multiswipes = LuaData:open(custom_multiswipes_path, { name = "MultiSwipes" }) local custom_multiswipes_table = custom_multiswipes:readSetting("multiswipes") local default_multiswipes = { "west east", "east west", "north south", "south north", "north west", "north east", "south west", "south east", "east north", "west north", "east south", "west south", "east south west north", } local multiswipes = {} local multiswipes_info_text = _([[ Multiswipes allow you to perform complex gestures built up out of multiple straight swipes.]]) function ReaderGesture:init() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end self.multiswipes_enabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("multiswipes_enabled") self.is_docless = self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil self.ges_mode = self.is_docless and "gesture_fm" or "gesture_reader" local gm = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) if gm == nil then G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, {}) end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self:initGesture() end function ReaderGesture:initGesture() local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) for gesture, action in pairs(default_gesture) do if not gesture_manager[gesture] then gesture_manager[gesture] = action end end for gesture, action in pairs(gesture_manager) do self:setupGesture(gesture, action) end G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) end function ReaderGesture:genMultiswipeSubmenu() return { text = _("Multiswipe"), sub_item_table = self:buildMultiswipeMenu(), enabled_func = function() return self.multiswipes_enabled end, separator = true, } end function ReaderGesture:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.gesture = { text = _("Gesture manager"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Enable multiswipes"), checked_func = function() return self.multiswipes_enabled end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("multiswipes_enabled", not self.multiswipes_enabled) self.multiswipes_enabled = G_reader_settings:isTrue("multiswipes_enabled") end, help_text = multiswipes_info_text, }, { text = _("Multiswipe recorder"), enabled_func = function() return self.multiswipes_enabled end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local multiswipe_recorder multiswipe_recorder = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Multiswipe recorder"), input_hint = _("Make a multiswipe gesture"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(multiswipe_recorder) end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local recorded_multiswipe = multiswipe_recorder._raw_multiswipe if not recorded_multiswipe then return end logger.dbg("Multiswipe recorder detected:", recorded_multiswipe) for k, multiswipe in pairs(multiswipes) do if recorded_multiswipe == multiswipe then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Recorded multiswipe already exists."), show_icon = false, timeout = 5, }) return end end custom_multiswipes:addTableItem("multiswipes", recorded_multiswipe) -- TODO implement some nicer method in TouchMenu than this ugly hack for updating the menu touchmenu_instance.item_table[3] = self:genMultiswipeSubmenu() UIManager:close(multiswipe_recorder) end, }, } }, } multiswipe_recorder.ges_events.Multiswipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "multiswipe", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), }, doc = "Multiswipe in gesture creator" } } function multiswipe_recorder:onMultiswipe(arg, ges) multiswipe_recorder._raw_multiswipe = ges.multiswipe_directions multiswipe_recorder:setInputText(ReaderGesture:friendlyMultiswipeName(multiswipe_recorder._raw_multiswipe)) end UIManager:show(multiswipe_recorder) end, help_text = _("The number of possible multiswipe gestures is theoretically infinite. With the multiswipe recorder you can easily record your own."), }, -- NB If this changes from position 3, also update the position of this menu in multigesture recorder callback self:genMultiswipeSubmenu(), { text = _("Tap bottom left corner"), sub_item_table = self:buildMenu("tap_left_bottom_corner", default_gesture["tap_left_bottom_corner"]), }, { text = _("Tap bottom right corner"), sub_item_table = self:buildMenu("tap_right_bottom_corner", default_gesture["tap_right_bottom_corner"]), }, { text = _("Short diagonal swipe"), sub_item_table = self:buildMenu("short_diagonal_swipe", default_gesture["short_diagonal_swipe"]), }, }, } end function ReaderGesture:buildMenu(ges, default) local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) local menu = { {_("Nothing"), "nothing", true }, {_("Back 10 pages"), "page_jmp_back_10", not self.is_docless}, {_("Previous page"), "page_jmp_back_1", not self.is_docless}, {_("Forward 10 pages"), "page_jmp_fwd_10", not self.is_docless}, {_("Next page"), "page_jmp_fwd_1", not self.is_docless}, {_("Skim"), "skim", not self.is_docless}, {_("Back to previous location"), "previous_location", not self.is_docless, true}, {_("Folder up"), "folder_up", self.is_docless, true}, {_("Table of contents"), "toc", not self.is_docless}, {_("Bookmarks"), "bookmarks", not self.is_docless}, {_("Reading progress"), "reading_progress", ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress ~= nil, true}, {_("History"), "history", true}, {_("Open previous document"), "open_previous_document", true, true}, {_("Full screen refresh"), "full_refresh", true}, {_("Night mode"), "night_mode", true}, {_("Suspend"), "suspend", true}, {_("Toggle frontlight"), "toggle_frontlight", Device:hasFrontlight()}, {_("Toggle accelerometer"), "toggle_gsensor", Device:canToggleGSensor()}, {_("Toggle rotation"), "toggle_rotation", not self.is_docless, true}, {_("Zoom to fit content width"), "zoom_contentwidth", not self.is_docless}, {_("Zoom to fit content height"), "zoom_contentheight", not self.is_docless}, {_("Zoom to fit page width"), "zoom_pagewidth", not self.is_docless}, {_("Zoom to fit page height"), "zoom_pageheight", not self.is_docless}, {_("Zoom to fit column"), "zoom_column", not self.is_docless}, {_("Zoom to fit content"), "zoom_content", not self.is_docless}, {_("Zoom to fit page"), "zoom_page", not self.is_docless}, } local return_menu = {} -- add default action to the top of the submenu for __, entry in pairs(menu) do if entry[2] == default then local menu_entry_default = T(_("%1 (default)"), entry[1]) table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(menu_entry_default, entry[2], ges, true)) if not gesture_manager[ges] then gesture_manager[ges] = default G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) end break end end -- another elements for _, entry in pairs(menu) do if not entry[3] and gesture_manager[ges] == entry[2] then gesture_manager[ges] = "nothing" G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) end if entry[2] ~= default and entry[3] then local sep = entry[2] == "nothing" or entry[4] == true table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(entry[1], entry[2], ges, sep)) end end return return_menu end function ReaderGesture:buildMultiswipeMenu() local menu = {} multiswipes = {} for k, v in pairs(default_multiswipes) do table.insert(multiswipes, v) end if custom_multiswipes_table then for k, v in pairs(custom_multiswipes_table) do table.insert(multiswipes, v) end end for i=1, #multiswipes do local multiswipe = multiswipes[i] local friendly_multiswipe_name = self:friendlyMultiswipeName(multiswipe) local safe_multiswipe_name = "multiswipe_"..self:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe) local default_action = default_gesture[safe_multiswipe_name] and default_gesture[safe_multiswipe_name] or "nothing" table.insert(menu, { text = friendly_multiswipe_name, sub_item_table = self:buildMenu(safe_multiswipe_name, default_action), hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if i > #default_multiswipes then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Remove custom multiswipe %1?"), friendly_multiswipe_name), ok_text = _("Remove"), ok_callback = function() -- multiswipes are a combined table, first defaults, then custom -- so the right index is minus #defalt_multiswipes custom_multiswipes:removeTableItem("multiswipes", i-#default_multiswipes) touchmenu_instance.item_table = self:buildMultiswipeMenu() touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end end, }) end return menu end function ReaderGesture:createSubMenu(text, action, ges, separator) local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) return { text = text, checked_func = function() return gesture_manager[ges] == action end, callback = function() gesture_manager[ges] = action G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) self:setupGesture(ges, action) end, separator = separator or false, } end local multiswipe_to_arrow = { east = "↦", west = "↤", north = "↥", south = "↧", } function ReaderGesture:friendlyMultiswipeName(multiswipe) for k, v in pairs(multiswipe_to_arrow) do multiswipe = multiswipe:gsub(k, v) end return multiswipe end function ReaderGesture:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe) return multiswipe:gsub(" ", "_") end function ReaderGesture:setupGesture(ges, action) local ges_type local zone local overrides local direction, distance if ges == "multiswipe" then ges_type = "multiswipe" zone = { ratio_x = 0.0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, } direction = { northeast = true, northwest = true, southeast = true, southwest = true, east = true, west = true, north = true, south = true, } elseif ges == "tap_right_bottom_corner" then ges_type = "tap" zone = { ratio_x = 0.9, ratio_y = 0.9, ratio_w = 0.1, ratio_h = 0.1, } if self.is_docless then overrides = { 'filemanager_tap' } else overrides = { 'readerfooter_tap', } end elseif ges == "tap_left_bottom_corner" then ges_type = "tap" zone = { ratio_x = 0.0, ratio_y = 0.9, ratio_w = 0.1, ratio_h = 0.1, } if self.is_docless then overrides = { 'filemanager_tap' } else overrides = { 'readerfooter_tap', 'filemanager_tap' } end elseif ges == "short_diagonal_swipe" then ges_type = "swipe" zone = { ratio_x = 0.0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, } direction = {northeast = true, northwest = true, southeast = true, southwest = true} distance = "short" if self.is_docless then overrides = { 'filemanager_tap' } else overrides = { 'rolling_swipe', 'paging_swipe' } end else return end self:registerGesture(ges, action, ges_type, zone, overrides, direction, distance) end function ReaderGesture:registerGesture(ges, action, ges_type, zone, overrides, direction, distance) self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = ges, ges = ges_type, screen_zone = zone, handler = function(gest) if distance == "short" and gest.distance > Screen:scaleBySize(300) then return end if direction and not direction[gest.direction] then return end if ges == "multiswipe" then if self.multiswipes_enabled == nil then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("You have just performed a multiswipe gesture for the first time.") .."\n\n".. multiswipes_info_text, ok_text = _("Enable"), ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("multiswipes_enabled", true) self.multiswipes_enabled = true end, cancel_text = _("Disable"), cancel_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("multiswipes_enabled", false) self.multiswipes_enabled = false end, }) else return self:multiswipeAction(gest.multiswipe_directions) end end return self:gestureAction(action) end, overrides = overrides, }, }) end function ReaderGesture:gestureAction(action) if action == "reading_progress" and ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress then UIManager:show(ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress()) elseif action == "toc" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowToc")) elseif action == "night_mode" then local night_mode = G_reader_settings:readSetting("night_mode") or false Screen:toggleNightMode() UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") G_reader_settings:saveSetting("night_mode", not night_mode) elseif action == "full_refresh" then if self.view then -- update footer (time & battery) self.view.footer:updateFooter() end UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") elseif action == "bookmarks" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowBookmark")) elseif action == "history" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowHist")) elseif action == "page_jmp_fwd_10" then self:pageUpdate(10) elseif action == "page_jmp_fwd_1" then self:pageUpdate(1) elseif action == "page_jmp_back_10" then self:pageUpdate(-10) elseif action == "page_jmp_back_1" then self:pageUpdate(-1) elseif action == "skim" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowSkimtoDialog")) elseif action == "previous_location" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GoBackLink")) elseif action == "folder_up" then self.ui.file_chooser:changeToPath(string.format("%s/..", self.ui.file_chooser.path)) elseif action == "open_previous_document" then -- FileManager if self.ui.menu.openLastDoc and G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastfile") ~= nil then self.ui.menu:openLastDoc() -- ReaderUI elseif self.ui.switchDocument and self.ui.menu then self.ui:switchDocument(self.ui.menu:getPreviousFile()) end elseif action == "toggle_frontlight" then Device:getPowerDevice():toggleFrontlight() self:onShowFLOnOff() elseif action == "toggle_gsensor" then G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("input_ignore_gsensor") Device:toggleGSensor() self:onGSensorToggle() elseif action == "toggle_rotation" then if Screen:getScreenMode() == "portrait" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetScreenMode", "landscape")) else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetScreenMode", "portrait")) end elseif action == "suspend" then UIManager:suspend() elseif action == "zoom_contentwidth" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "contentwidth")) elseif action == "zoom_contentheight" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "contentheight")) elseif action == "zoom_pagewidth" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "pagewidth")) elseif action == "zoom_pageheight" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "pageheight")) elseif action == "zoom_column" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "column")) elseif action == "zoom_content" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "content")) elseif action == "zoom_page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "page")) end return true end function ReaderGesture:multiswipeAction(multiswipe_directions) local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) local multiswipe_gesture_name = "multiswipe_"..self:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe_directions) for gesture, action in pairs(gesture_manager) do if gesture == multiswipe_gesture_name then return self:gestureAction(action) end end end function ReaderGesture:pageUpdate(page) local curr_page if self.document.info.has_pages then curr_page = self.ui.paging.current_page else curr_page = self.document:getCurrentPage() end if curr_page and page then curr_page = curr_page + page self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", curr_page)) end end function ReaderGesture:onShowFLOnOff() local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local new_text if powerd.is_fl_on then new_text = _("Frontlight is on.") else new_text = _("Frontlight is off.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = new_text, timeout = 1.0, }) return true end function ReaderGesture:onGSensorToggle() local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local new_text if G_reader_settings:isTrue("input_ignore_gsensor") then new_text = _("Accelerometer rotation events will now be ignored.") else new_text = _("Accelerometer rotation events will now be honored.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = new_text, timeout = 1.0, }) return true end return ReaderGesture