local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Font = require("ui/font") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local server_types = { dropbox = _("Dropbox"), webdav = _("WebDAV"), } local indent = "" local SyncService = Menu:extend{ no_title = false, show_parent = nil, is_popout = false, is_borderless = true, title = _("Cloud sync settings"), title_face = Font:getFace("smallinfofontbold"), } function SyncService:init() self.item_table = self:generateItemTable() self.width = Screen:getWidth() self.height = Screen:getHeight() Menu.init(self) end function SyncService:generateItemTable() local item_table = {} -- select and/or add server local added_servers = LuaSettings:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir().."/cloudstorage.lua"):readSetting("cs_servers") or {} for _, server in ipairs(added_servers) do if server.type == "dropbox" or server.type == "webdav" then local item = { text = indent .. server.name, address = server.address, username = server.username, password = server.password, type = server.type, url = server.url, mandatory = server_types[server.type], } item.callback = function() require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ item = item, onConfirm = function(path) server.url = path self.onConfirm(server) self:onClose() end, }:chooseCloudDir() end table.insert(item_table, item) end end if #item_table > 0 then table.insert(item_table, 1, { text = _("Choose cloud service:"), bold = true, }) end table.insert(item_table, { text = _("Add service"), bold = true, callback = function() local cloud_storage = require("apps/cloudstorage/cloudstorage"):new{} local onClose = cloud_storage.onClose cloud_storage.onClose = function(this) onClose(this) self:switchItemTable(nil, self:generateItemTable()) end UIManager:show(cloud_storage) end }) return item_table end function SyncService.getReadablePath(server) local url = util.stringStartsWith(server.url, "/") and server.url:sub(2) or server.url url = util.urlDecode(url) or url url = util.stringEndsWith(url, "/") and url or url .. "/" url = (server.address:sub(-1) == "/" and server.address or server.address .. "/") .. url if url:sub(-2) == "//" then url = url:sub(1, -2) end return url end -- Prepares three files for sync_cb to call to do the actual syncing: -- * local_file (one that is being used) -- * income_file (one that has just been downloaded from Cloud to be merged, then to be deleted) -- * cached_file (the one that was uploaded in the previous round of syncing) -- -- How it works: -- -- If we simply merge the local file with the income file (ignore duplicates), then items that have been deleted locally -- but not remotely (on other devices) will re-emerge in the result file. The same goes for items deleted remotely but -- not locally. To avoid this, we first need to delete them from both the income file and local file. -- -- The problem is how to identify them, and that is when the cached file comes into play. -- The cached file represents what local and remote agreed on previously (was identical to local and remote after being uploaded -- the previous round), by comparing it with local file, items no longer in local file are ones being recently deleted. -- The same applies to income file. Then we can delete them from both local and income files to be ready for merging. (The actual -- deletion and merging procedures happen in sync_cb as users of this service will have different file specifications) -- -- After merging, the income file is no longer needed and is deleted. The local file is uploaded and then a copy of it is saved -- and renamed to replace the old cached file (thus the naming). The cached file stays (in the same folder) till being replaced -- in the next round. function SyncService.sync(server, file_path, sync_cb, is_silent) local file_name = ffiutil.basename(file_path) local income_file_path = file_path .. ".temp" -- file downloaded from server local cached_file_path = file_path .. ".sync" -- file uploaded to server last time local fail_msg = _("Something went wrong when syncing, please check your network connection and try again later.") local show_msg = function(msg) if is_silent then return end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg or fail_msg, timeout = 3, }) end if server.type ~= "dropbox" and server.type ~= "webdav" then show_msg(_("Wrong server type.")) return end local code_response = 412 -- If-Match header failed local etag local api = server.type == "dropbox" and require("apps/cloudstorage/dropboxapi") or require("apps/cloudstorage/webdavapi") while code_response == 412 do os.remove(income_file_path) if server.type == "dropbox" then local url_base = server.url:sub(-1) == "/" and server.url or server.url.."/" code_response, etag = api:downloadFile(url_base..file_name, server.password, income_file_path) elseif server.type == "webdav" then local path = api:getJoinedPath(server.address, server.url) path = api:getJoinedPath(path, file_name) code_response, etag = api:downloadFile(path, server.username, server.password, income_file_path) end if code_response ~= 200 and code_response ~= 404 and not (server.type == "dropbox" and code_response == 409) then show_msg() return end local ok, cb_return = pcall(sync_cb, file_path, cached_file_path, income_file_path) if not ok or not cb_return then show_msg() if not ok then require("logger").err("sync service callback failed:", cb_return) end return end if server.type == "dropbox" then local url_base = server.url == "/" and "" or server.url code_response = api:uploadFile(url_base, server.password, file_path, etag, true) elseif server.type == "webdav" then local path = api:getJoinedPath(server.address, server.url) path = api:getJoinedPath(path, file_name) code_response = api:uploadFile(path, server.username, server.password, file_path, etag) end end os.remove(income_file_path) if type(code_response) == "number" and code_response >= 200 and code_response < 300 then os.remove(cached_file_path) ffiutil.copyFile(file_path, cached_file_path) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Successfully synchronized."), timeout = 2, }) else show_msg() end end return SyncService