local Device = require("device") local with_frontlight = (Device:isKindle() or Device:isKobo()) and Device:hasFrontlight() if not (with_frontlight or Device:isSDL()) then return { disabled = true, } end local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local ImageWidget = require("ui/widget/imagewidget") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local tap_touch_zone_ratio = { x = 0, y = 15/16, w = 1/10, h = 1/16, } local swipe_touch_zone_ratio = { x = 0, y = 1/8, w = 1/10, h = 7/8, } local KoboLight = WidgetContainer:new{ name = 'kobolight', gestureScale = nil, -- initialized in self:resetLayout() } function KoboLight:init() local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local scale = (powerd.fl_max - powerd.fl_min) / 2 / 10.6 self.steps = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1.1, 1.6, 2.2, 2.9, 3.7, 4.6, 5.6, 6.7, 7.9, 9.2, 10.6, } for i = 1, #self.steps, 1 do self.steps[i] = math.ceil(self.steps[i] * scale) end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function KoboLight:onReaderReady() self:setupTouchZones() self:resetLayout() end function KoboLight:disabled() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("disable_kobolight") end function KoboLight:setupTouchZones() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end if self:disabled() then return end local swipe_zone = { ratio_x = swipe_touch_zone_ratio.x, ratio_y = swipe_touch_zone_ratio.y, ratio_w = swipe_touch_zone_ratio.w, ratio_h = swipe_touch_zone_ratio.h, } self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = "plugin_kobolight_tap", ges = "tap", screen_zone = { ratio_x = tap_touch_zone_ratio.x, ratio_y = tap_touch_zone_ratio.y, ratio_w = tap_touch_zone_ratio.w, ratio_h = tap_touch_zone_ratio.h, }, handler = function() return self:onTap() end, overrides = { 'readerfooter_tap' }, }, { id = "plugin_kobolight_swipe", ges = "swipe", screen_zone = swipe_zone, handler = function(ges) return self:onSwipe(nil, ges) end, overrides = { 'paging_swipe', 'rolling_swipe', }, }, { -- dummy zone to disable reader panning id = "plugin_kobolight_pan", ges = "pan", screen_zone = swipe_zone, handler = function(ges) return true end, overrides = { 'paging_pan', 'rolling_pan', }, }, { -- dummy zone to disable reader panning id = "plugin_kobolight_pan_release", ges = "pan_release", screen_zone = swipe_zone, handler = function(ges) return true end, overrides = { 'paging_pan_release', }, }, }) end function KoboLight:resetLayout() local new_screen_height = Screen:getHeight() self.gestureScale = new_screen_height * swipe_touch_zone_ratio.h * 0.8 end function KoboLight:onShowIntensity() local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() if powerd.fl_intensity ~= nil then UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = T(_("Frontlight intensity is set to %1."), powerd.fl_intensity), timeout = 1.0, }) end return true end function KoboLight:onShowOnOff() local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local new_text if powerd.is_fl_on then new_text = _("Frontlight is on.") else new_text = _("Frontlight is off.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = new_text, timeout = 1.0, }) return true end function KoboLight:onTap() Device:getPowerDevice():toggleFrontlight() self:onShowOnOff() return true end function KoboLight:onSwipe(_, ges) local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() if powerd.fl_intensity == nil then return false end local step = math.ceil(#self.steps * ges.distance / self.gestureScale) local delta_int = self.steps[step] or self.steps[#self.steps] local new_intensity if ges.direction == "north" then new_intensity = powerd.fl_intensity + delta_int elseif ges.direction == "south" then new_intensity = powerd.fl_intensity - delta_int else return false -- don't consume swipe event if it's not matched end -- when new_intensity <=0, toggle light off if new_intensity <=0 then if powerd.is_fl_on then powerd:toggleFrontlight() end self:onShowOnOff() else -- general case powerd:setIntensity(new_intensity) self:onShowIntensity() end return true end function KoboLight:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.frontlight_gesture_controller = { text = _("Frontlight gesture controller"), callback = function() local image = ImageWidget:new{ file = self.path .. "/demo.png", height = Screen:getHeight(), width = Screen:getWidth(), scale_factor = 0, } UIManager:show(image) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Frontlight gesture controller can:\n- Turn on or off frontlight by tapping bottom left of the screen.\n- Change frontlight intensity by swiping up or down on the left of the screen.\n\nDo you want to %1 it?"), self:disabled() and _("enable") or _("disable")), ok_text = self:disabled() and _("Enable") or _("Disable"), ok_callback = function() UIManager:close(image) UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("You have %1 the frontlight gesture controller. It will take effect on next restart."), self:disabled() and _("enabled") or _("disabled")) }) G_reader_settings:flipTrue("disable_kobolight") end, cancel_text = _("Close"), cancel_callback = function() UIManager:close(image) UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") end, }) UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") end, } end return KoboLight