local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage") local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local zstd = require("ffi/zstd") local _ = require("gettext") local N_ = _.ngettext local T = FFIUtil.template -- Database definition local BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION = 20201210 local BOOKINFO_DB_SCHEMA = [[ -- To cache book cover and metadata CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bookinfo ( -- Internal book cache id -- (not to be used to identify a book, it may change) bcid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, -- File location and filename directory TEXT NOT NULL, -- split by dir/name so we can get all files in a directory filename TEXT NOT NULL, -- and can implement pruning of deleted files filesize INTEGER, -- size in bytes at most recent extraction time filemtime INTEGER, -- mtime at most recent extraction time -- Extraction status and result in_progress INTEGER, -- 0 (done), >0 : nb of tries (to avoid retrying failed extractions forever) unsupported TEXT, -- NULL if supported / reason for being unsupported cover_fetched TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = we tried to fetch a cover (but we may not have gotten one) has_meta TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = has metadata (title, authors...) has_cover TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = has cover image (cover_*) cover_sizetag TEXT, -- 'M' (Medium, MosaicMenuItem) / 's' (small, ListMenuItem) -- Other properties that can be set and returned as is (not used here) -- If user doesn't want to see these (wrong metadata, offending cover...) ignore_meta TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = ignore these metadata ignore_cover TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = ignore this cover -- Book info pages INTEGER, -- Metadata (only these are returned by the engines) title TEXT, authors TEXT, series TEXT, series_index REAL, language TEXT, keywords TEXT, description TEXT, -- Cover image cover_w INTEGER, -- blitbuffer width cover_h INTEGER, -- blitbuffer height cover_bb_type INTEGER, -- blitbuffer type (internal) cover_bb_stride INTEGER, -- blitbuffer stride (internal) cover_bb_data BLOB -- blitbuffer data compressed with zstd ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dir_filename ON bookinfo(directory, filename); -- To keep track of CoverBrowser settings CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT ); ]] local BOOKINFO_COLS_SET = { "directory", "filename", "filesize", "filemtime", "in_progress", "unsupported", "cover_fetched", "has_meta", "has_cover", "cover_sizetag", "ignore_meta", "ignore_cover", "pages", "title", "authors", "series", "series_index", "language", "keywords", "description", "cover_w", "cover_h", "cover_bb_type", "cover_bb_stride", "cover_bb_data", } local bookinfo_values_sql = {} -- for "VALUES (?, ?, ?,...)" insert sql part for i=1, #BOOKINFO_COLS_SET do table.insert(bookinfo_values_sql, "?") end -- Build our most often used SQL queries according to columns local BOOKINFO_INSERT_SQL = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bookinfo " .. "(" .. table.concat(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET, ",") .. ") " .. "VALUES (" .. table.concat(bookinfo_values_sql, ",") .. ");" local BOOKINFO_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " .. table.concat(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET, ",") .. " FROM bookinfo " .. "WHERE directory=? AND filename=? AND in_progress=0;" local BOOKINFO_IN_PROGRESS_SQL = "SELECT in_progress, filename, unsupported FROM bookinfo WHERE directory=? AND filename=?;" local BookInfoManager = {} function BookInfoManager:init() self.db_location = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/bookinfo_cache.sqlite3" self.db_created = false self.db_conn = nil self.max_extract_tries = 3 -- don't try more than that to extract info from a same book self.subprocesses_collector = nil self.subprocesses_collect_interval = 10 -- do that every 10 seconds self.subprocesses_pids = {} self.subprocesses_last_added_tv = TimeVal.zero self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_tv = TimeVal:new{ sec = 300, usec = 0 } -- cleanup timeout for stuck subprocesses -- 300 seconds should be more than enough to open and get info from 9-10 books -- Whether to use former blitbuffer:scale() (default to using MuPDF) self.use_legacy_image_scaling = G_reader_settings:isTrue("legacy_image_scaling") -- We will use a temporary directory for crengine cache while indexing self.tmpcr3cache = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/tmpcr3cache" end -- DB management function BookInfoManager:getDbSize() local file_size = lfs.attributes(self.db_location, "size") or 0 return util.getFriendlySize(file_size) end function BookInfoManager:createDB() local db_conn = SQ3.open(self.db_location) -- Make it WAL, if possible if Device:canUseWAL() then db_conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") else db_conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=TRUNCATE;") end -- Less error cases to check if we do it that way -- Create it (noop if already there) db_conn:exec(BOOKINFO_DB_SCHEMA) -- Check version local db_version = tonumber(db_conn:rowexec("PRAGMA user_version;")) if db_version < BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION then logger.warn("BookInfo cache DB schema updated from version", db_version, "to version", BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION) logger.warn("Deleting existing", self.db_location, "to recreate it") -- We'll try to preserve settings, though self:loadSettings(db_conn) db_conn:close() os.remove(self.db_location) -- Re-create it db_conn = SQ3.open(self.db_location) db_conn:exec(BOOKINFO_DB_SCHEMA) -- Restore non-deprecated settings for k, v in pairs(self.settings) do if k ~= "version" then self:saveSetting(k, v, db_conn, true) end end self:loadSettings(db_conn) -- Update version db_conn:exec(string.format("PRAGMA user_version=%d;", BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION)) -- Say hi! UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text =_("Book info cache database updated."), timeout = 3 }) end db_conn:close() self.db_created = true end function BookInfoManager:openDbConnection() if self.db_conn then return end if not self.db_created then self:createDB() end self.db_conn = SQ3.open(self.db_location) self.db_conn:set_busy_timeout(5000) -- 5 seconds -- Prepare our most often used SQL statements self.set_stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(BOOKINFO_INSERT_SQL) self.get_stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(BOOKINFO_SELECT_SQL) self.in_progress_stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(BOOKINFO_IN_PROGRESS_SQL) end function BookInfoManager:closeDbConnection() if self.db_conn then self.db_conn:close() self.db_conn = nil end end function BookInfoManager:deleteDb() self:closeDbConnection() os.remove(self.db_location) self.db_created = false end function BookInfoManager:compactDb() -- Reduce db size (note: "when VACUUMing a database, as much as twice the -- size of the original database file is required in free disk space") -- By default, sqlite will use a temporary file in /tmp/ . On Kobo, /tmp/ -- is 16 Mb, and this will crash if DB is > 16Mb. For now, it's safer to -- use memory for temp files (which will also cause a crash when DB size -- is bigger than available memory...) local prev_size = self:getDbSize() self:openDbConnection() self.db_conn:exec("PRAGMA temp_store = 2;") -- use memory for temp files -- self.db_conn:exec("VACUUM") -- Catch possible "memory or disk is full" error local ok, errmsg = pcall(self.db_conn.exec, self.db_conn, "VACUUM;") -- this may take some time self:closeDbConnection() if not ok then return T(_("Failed compacting database: %1"), errmsg) end local cur_size = self:getDbSize() return T(_("Cache database size reduced from %1 to %2."), prev_size, cur_size) end -- Settings management, stored in 'config' table function BookInfoManager:loadSettings(db_conn) if lfs.attributes(self.db_location, "mode") ~= "file" then -- no db, empty config self.settings = {} return end self.settings = {} local my_db_conn if db_conn then my_db_conn = db_conn else self:openDbConnection() my_db_conn = self.db_conn end local res = my_db_conn:exec("SELECT key, value FROM config;") if res then local keys = res[1] local values = res[2] for i, key in ipairs(keys) do self.settings[key] = values[i] end end end function BookInfoManager:getSetting(key) if not self.settings then self:loadSettings() end return self.settings[key] end function BookInfoManager:saveSetting(key, value, db_conn, skip_reload) if not value or value == false or value == "" then if lfs.attributes(self.db_location, "mode") ~= "file" then -- If no db created, no need to save (and create db) an empty value return end end local my_db_conn if db_conn then my_db_conn = db_conn else self:openDbConnection() my_db_conn = self.db_conn end local query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config (key, value) VALUES (?, ?);" local stmt = my_db_conn:prepare(query) if value == false then -- convert false to NULL value = nil elseif value == true then -- convert true to "Y" value = "Y" end stmt:bind(key, value) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup -- Optionally, reload settings, so we may get (or not if it failed) what we just saved if not skip_reload then self:loadSettings() end end -- Bookinfo management function BookInfoManager:getBookInfo(filepath, get_cover) local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(filepath) -- CoverBrowser may be used by PathChooser, which will not filter out -- files with unknown book extension. If not a supported extension, -- returns a bookinfo like-object enough for a correct display and -- to not trigger extraction, so we don't clutter DB with such files. local is_directory = lfs.attributes(filepath, "mode") == "directory" if is_directory or not DocumentRegistry:hasProvider(filepath) then return { directory = directory, filename = filename, --[[ filesize = lfs.attributes(filepath, "size"), filemtime = lfs.attributes(filepath, "modification"), --]] in_progress = 0, cover_fetched = "Y", has_meta = nil, has_cover = nil, ignore_meta = "Y", ignore_cover = "Y", -- for CoverMenu to *not* extend the onHold dialog: _is_directory = is_directory, -- for ListMenu to show the filename *with* suffix: _no_provider = true } end self:openDbConnection() local row = self.get_stmt:bind(directory, filename):step() -- NOTE: We do not reset right now because we'll be querying a BLOB, -- so we need the data it points to to still be there ;). if not row then -- filepath not in db self.get_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query return nil end local bookinfo = {} for num, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do if col == "pages" then -- See http://scilua.org/ljsqlite3.html "SQLite Type Mappings" bookinfo[col] = tonumber(row[num]) -- convert cdata to lua number else bookinfo[col] = row[num] -- as is end -- specific processing for cover columns if col == "cover_w" then if not get_cover then -- don't bother making a blitbuffer break end bookinfo["cover_bb"] = nil if bookinfo["has_cover"] then bookinfo["cover_w"] = tonumber(row[num]) bookinfo["cover_h"] = tonumber(row[num+1]) local bbtype = tonumber(row[num+2]) local bbstride = tonumber(row[num+3]) -- This is a blob_mt table! Essentially, a (ptr, size) tuple. local cover_blob = row[num+4] -- The pointer returned by SQLite is only valid until the next step/reset/finalize! -- (which means its memory management is entirely in the hands of SQLite) local cover_data, cover_size = zstd.zstd_uncompress_ctx(cover_blob[1], cover_blob[2]) -- Double-check that the size of the uncompressed BB is as expected... local expected_cover_size = bbstride * bookinfo["cover_h"] assert(cover_size == expected_cover_size, "Uncompressed a " .. tonumber(cover_size) .. "b BB instead of the expected " .. tonumber(expected_cover_size) .. "b") -- That one, on the other hand, is on the heap, so we can use it without making a copy. local cover_bb = Blitbuffer.new(bookinfo["cover_w"], bookinfo["cover_h"], bbtype, cover_data, bbstride, bookinfo["cover_w"]) -- Mark its data pointer as safe to free() on GC cover_bb:setAllocated(1) bookinfo["cover_bb"] = cover_bb end break end end self.get_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query return bookinfo end function BookInfoManager:extractBookInfo(filepath, cover_specs) -- This will be run in a subprocess -- We use a temporary directory for cre cache (that will not affect parent process), -- so we don't fill the main cache with books we're not actually reading if not self.cre_cache_overriden then -- We need to init engine (if no crengine book has yet been opened), -- so it does not reset our temporary cache dir when we first open -- a crengine book for extraction. require("document/credocument"):engineInit() local cre = require "libs/libkoreader-cre" -- If we wanted to disallow caching completely: -- cre.initCache("", 1024*1024*32) -- empty path = no cache -- But it's best to use a cache for quicker and less memory -- usage when opening big books: local default_cre_storage_size_factor = 20 -- note: keep in sync with the one in credocument.lua cre.initCache(self.tmpcr3cache, 0, -- 0 = previous book caches are removed when opening a book true, G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_storage_size_factor") or default_cre_storage_size_factor) self.cre_cache_overriden = true end local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(filepath) -- Initialize the new row that we will INSERT local dbrow = { } -- Actually no need to initialize with nil values: -- for dummy, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do -- dbrow[col] = nil -- end dbrow.directory = directory dbrow.filename = filename -- To be able to catch a BAD book we have already tried to process but -- that made us crash, and that we would try to re-process again, we first -- insert a nearly empty row with in_progress = 1 (incremented if previously set) -- (This will also flag a book being processed when the user changed paged and -- kill the previous page background process, but well...) local tried_enough = false local prev_tries = 0 -- Get nb of previous tries if record already there self:openDbConnection() self.in_progress_stmt:bind(directory, filename) local cur_in_progress = self.in_progress_stmt:step() self.in_progress_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query if cur_in_progress then prev_tries = tonumber(cur_in_progress[1]) end -- Increment it and check if we have already tried enough if prev_tries < self.max_extract_tries then if prev_tries > 0 then logger.dbg("Seen", prev_tries, "previous attempts at info extraction", filepath , ", trying again") end dbrow.in_progress = prev_tries + 1 -- extraction not yet successful else logger.info("Seen", prev_tries, "previous attempts at info extraction", filepath, ", too many, ignoring it.") tried_enough = true dbrow.in_progress = 0 -- row will exist, we'll never be called again dbrow.unsupported = _("too many interruptions or crashes") -- but caller will now it failed dbrow.cover_fetched = 'Y' -- so we don't try again if we're called later with cover_specs end -- Insert the temporary "in progress" record (or the definitive "unsupported" record) for num, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do self.set_stmt:bind1(num, dbrow[col]) end self.set_stmt:step() -- commited self.set_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query if tried_enough then return -- Last insert done for this book, we're giving up end -- Update this on each extraction attempt. Might be useful to reset the counter in case file gets updated. local file_attr = lfs.attributes(filepath) dbrow.filesize = file_attr.size dbrow.filemtime = file_attr.modification -- Proceed with extracting info local document = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(filepath) local loaded = true if document then local pages if document.loadDocument then -- needed for crengine if not document:loadDocument(false) then -- load only metadata -- failed loading, calling other methods would segfault loaded = false end -- For CreDocument, we would need to call document:render() -- to get nb of pages, but the nb obtained by simply calling -- here document:getPageCount() is wrong, often 2 to 3 times -- the nb of pages we see when opening the document (may be -- some other cre settings should be applied before calling -- render() ?) else -- for all others than crengine, we seem to get an accurate nb of pages pages = document:getPageCount() end if loaded then dbrow.pages = pages local props = document:getProps() if next(props) then -- there's at least one item dbrow.has_meta = 'Y' end if props.title and props.title ~= "" then dbrow.title = props.title end if props.authors and props.authors ~= "" then dbrow.authors = props.authors end if props.series and props.series ~= "" then -- NOTE: If there's a series index in there, split it off to series_index, and only store the name in series. -- This property is currently only set by: -- * DjVu, for which I couldn't find a real standard for metadata fields -- (we currently use Series for this field, c.f., https://exiftool.org/TagNames/DjVu.html). -- * CRe, which could offer us a split getSeriesName & getSeriesNumber... -- except getSeriesNumber does an atoi, so it'd murder decimal values. -- So, instead, parse how it formats the whole thing as a string ;). if string.find(props.series, "#") then dbrow.series, dbrow.series_index = props.series:match("(.*) #(%d+%.?%d-)$") if dbrow.series_index then -- We're inserting via a bind method, so make sure we feed it a Lua number, because it's a REAL in the db. dbrow.series_index = tonumber(dbrow.series_index) else -- If the index pattern didn't match (e.g., nothing after the octothorp, or a string), -- restore the full thing as the series name. dbrow.series = props.series end else dbrow.series = props.series end end if props.language and props.language ~= "" then dbrow.language = props.language end if props.keywords and props.keywords ~= "" then dbrow.keywords = props.keywords end if props.description and props.description ~= "" then dbrow.description = props.description end if cover_specs then local spec_sizetag = cover_specs.sizetag local spec_max_cover_w = cover_specs.max_cover_w local spec_max_cover_h = cover_specs.max_cover_h dbrow.cover_fetched = 'Y' -- we had a try at getting a cover local cover_bb = document:getCoverPageImage() if cover_bb then dbrow.has_cover = 'Y' dbrow.cover_sizetag = spec_sizetag -- we should scale down the cover to our max size local cbb_w, cbb_h = cover_bb:getWidth(), cover_bb:getHeight() local scale_factor = 1 if cbb_w > spec_max_cover_w or cbb_h > spec_max_cover_h then -- scale down if bigger than what we will display scale_factor = math.min(spec_max_cover_w / cbb_w, spec_max_cover_h / cbb_h) cbb_w = math.min(math.floor(cbb_w * scale_factor)+1, spec_max_cover_w) cbb_h = math.min(math.floor(cbb_h * scale_factor)+1, spec_max_cover_h) cover_bb = RenderImage:scaleBlitBuffer(cover_bb, cbb_w, cbb_h, true) end dbrow.cover_w = cover_bb.w dbrow.cover_h = cover_bb.h dbrow.cover_bb_type = cover_bb:getType() dbrow.cover_bb_stride = tonumber(cover_bb.stride) local cover_size = cover_bb.stride * cover_bb.h local cover_zst_ptr, cover_zst_size = zstd.zstd_compress(cover_bb.data, cover_size) dbrow.cover_bb_data = SQ3.blob(cover_zst_ptr, cover_zst_size) -- cast to blob for sqlite logger.dbg("cover for", filename, "scaled by", scale_factor, "=>", cover_bb.w, "x", cover_bb.h, ", compressed from", tonumber(cover_size), "to", tonumber(cover_zst_size)) -- We're done with the uncompressed bb now, and the compressed one has been managed by SQLite ;) cover_bb:free() end end end document:close() else loaded = false end if not loaded then dbrow.unsupported = _("not readable by engine") dbrow.cover_fetched = 'Y' -- so we don't try again if we're called later if cover_specs end dbrow.in_progress = 0 -- extraction completed (successful or definitive failure) for num, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do self.set_stmt:bind1(num, dbrow[col]) end self.set_stmt:step() self.set_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query return loaded end function BookInfoManager:setBookInfoProperties(filepath, props) -- If we need to set column=NULL, use props[column] = false (as -- props[column] = nil would make column disappear from props) local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(filepath) self:openDbConnection() -- Let's do multiple one-column UPDATE (easier than building -- a multiple columns UPDATE) local base_query = "UPDATE bookinfo SET %s=? WHERE directory=? AND filename=?;" for k, v in pairs(props) do local this_prop_query = string.format(base_query, k) -- add column name to query local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(this_prop_query) if v == false then -- convert false to nil (NULL) v = nil end stmt:bind(v, directory, filename) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup end end function BookInfoManager:deleteBookInfo(filepath) local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(filepath) self:openDbConnection() local query = "DELETE FROM bookinfo WHERE directory=? AND filename=?;" local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(query) stmt:bind(directory, filename) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup end function BookInfoManager:removeNonExistantEntries() self:openDbConnection() local res = self.db_conn:exec("SELECT bcid, directory || filename FROM bookinfo;") if not res then return _("Cache is empty. Nothing to prune.") end local bcids = res[1] local filepaths = res[2] local bcids_to_remove = {} for i, filepath in ipairs(filepaths) do if lfs.attributes(filepath, "mode") ~= "file" then table.insert(bcids_to_remove, tonumber(bcids[i])) end end local query = "DELETE FROM bookinfo WHERE bcid=?;" local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(query) for i=1, #bcids_to_remove do stmt:bind(bcids_to_remove[i]) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup end return T(_("Removed %1 / %2 entries from cache."), #bcids_to_remove, #bcids) end -- Background extraction management function BookInfoManager:collectSubprocesses() -- We need to regularly watch if a sub-process has terminated by -- calling waitpid() so this process does not become a zombie hanging -- around till we exit. if #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 then local i = 1 while i <= #self.subprocesses_pids do -- clean in-place local pid = self.subprocesses_pids[i] if FFIUtil.isSubProcessDone(pid) then table.remove(self.subprocesses_pids, i) -- Prevent has been issued for each bg task spawn, we must allow for each death too. UIManager:allowStandby() else i = i + 1 end end if #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 then -- still some pids around, we'll need to collect again self.subprocesses_collector = UIManager:scheduleIn( self.subprocesses_collect_interval, function() self:collectSubprocesses() end ) -- If we're still waiting for some subprocess, and none have -- been submitted for some time, it's that one is stuck (and that -- the user has not left FileManager or changed page - that would -- have caused a terminateBackgroundJobs() - if we're here, it's -- that user has left reader in FileBrower and went away) if TimeVal:now() > self.subprocesses_last_added_tv + self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_tv then logger.warn("Some subprocesses were running for too long, killing them") self:terminateBackgroundJobs() -- we'll collect them next time we're run end else self.subprocesses_collector = nil if self.delayed_cleanup then self.delayed_cleanup = false -- No more subprocesses = no more crengine indexing, we can remove our -- temporary cache directory self:cleanUp() end end end end function BookInfoManager:terminateBackgroundJobs() logger.dbg("terminating", #self.subprocesses_pids, "subprocesses") for i=1, #self.subprocesses_pids do FFIUtil.terminateSubProcess(self.subprocesses_pids[i]) end end function BookInfoManager:isExtractingInBackground() return #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 end function BookInfoManager:extractInBackground(files) if #files == 0 then return end -- Terminate any previous extraction background task that would be still running self:terminateBackgroundJobs() -- Close current handle on sqlite, so it's not shared by both processes -- (both processes will re-open one when needed) BookInfoManager:closeDbConnection() -- Define task that will be run in subprocess local task = function() logger.dbg(" BG extraction started") for idx = 1, #files do local filepath = files[idx].filepath local cover_specs = files[idx].cover_specs logger.dbg(" BG extracting:", filepath) self:extractBookInfo(filepath, cover_specs) end logger.dbg(" BG extraction done") end self.cleanup_needed = true -- so we will remove temporary cache directory created by subprocess -- Run task in sub-process, and remember its pid local task_pid = FFIUtil.runInSubProcess(task) if not task_pid then logger.warn("Failed lauching background extraction sub-process (fork failed)") return false -- let caller know it failed end -- No straight control flow exists for background task completion here, so we bump prevent -- counter on each task, and undo that inside collectSubprocesses() zombie reaper. UIManager:preventStandby() table.insert(self.subprocesses_pids, task_pid) self.subprocesses_last_added_tv = TimeVal:now() -- We need to collect terminated jobs pids (so they do not stay "zombies" -- and fill linux processes table) -- We set a single scheduled action for that if not self.subprocesses_collector then -- there's not one already scheduled self.subprocesses_collector = UIManager:scheduleIn( self.subprocesses_collect_interval, function() self:collectSubprocesses() end ) end return true end function BookInfoManager:cleanUp() if #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 then -- Some background extraction may still use our tmpcr3cache, -- cleanup will be dealt with by BookInfoManager:collectSubprocesses() self.delayed_cleanup = true return end if self.cleanup_needed then logger.dbg("Removing directory", self.tmpcr3cache) FFIUtil.purgeDir(self.tmpcr3cache) self.cleanup_needed = false end end local function findFilesInDir(path, recursive) local dirs = {path} local files = {} while #dirs ~= 0 do local new_dirs = {} -- handle each dir for __, d in pairs(dirs) do -- handle files in d for f in lfs.dir(d) do local fullpath = d.."/"..f local attributes = lfs.attributes(fullpath) -- Don't traverse hidden folders if we're not showing them if recursive and attributes.mode == "directory" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." and (G_reader_settings:isTrue("show_hidden") or not util.stringStartsWith(f, ".")) then table.insert(new_dirs, fullpath) -- Always ignore macOS resource forks, too. elseif attributes.mode == "file" and not util.stringStartsWith(f, "._") and DocumentRegistry:hasProvider(fullpath) then table.insert(files, fullpath) end end end dirs = new_dirs end return files end -- Batch extraction function BookInfoManager:extractBooksInDirectory(path, cover_specs) local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local TopContainer = require("ui/widget/container/topcontainer") local Trapper = require("ui/trapper") local Screen = require("device").screen local go_on = Trapper:confirm(_([[ This will extract metadata and cover images from books in the current directory. Once extraction has started, you can abort at any moment by tapping on the screen. Cover images will be saved with the adequate size for the current display mode. If you later change display mode, they may need to be extracted again. This extraction may take time and use some battery power: you may wish to keep your device plugged in.]] ), _("Cancel"), _("Continue")) if not go_on then return end local recursive = Trapper:confirm(_([[ Also extract book information from books in subdirectories?]] ), -- @translators Extract book information only for books in this directory. _("Here only"), -- @translators Extract book information for books in this directory as well as in subdirectories. _("Here and under")) local refresh_existing = Trapper:confirm(_([[ Do you want to refresh metadata and covers that have already been extracted?]] ), _("Don't refresh"), _("Refresh")) local prune = Trapper:confirm(_([[ If you have removed many books, or have renamed some directories, it is good to remove them from the cache database. Do you want to prune the cache of removed books?]] ), _("Don't prune"), _("Prune")) Trapper:clear() local confirm_abort = function() return Trapper:confirm(_("Do you want to abort extraction?"), _("Don't abort"), _("Abort")) end -- Cancel any background job, before we launch new ones self:terminateBackgroundJobs() local info, completed if prune then local summary while true do info = InfoMessage:new{text = _("Pruning cache of removed books…")} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() completed, summary = Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess(function() return self:removeNonExistantEntries() end, info) if not completed then if confirm_abort() then return end else UIManager:close(info) info = InfoMessage:new{text = summary} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() FFIUtil.sleep(2) -- Let the user see that break end end UIManager:close(info) end local files while true do info = InfoMessage:new{text = _("Looking for books to index…")} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() completed, files = Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess(function() local filepaths = findFilesInDir(path, recursive) table.sort(filepaths) return filepaths end, info) if not completed then if confirm_abort() then return end elseif not files or #files == 0 then UIManager:close(info) info = InfoMessage:new{text = _("No books were found.")} UIManager:show(info) return else break end end UIManager:close(info) if refresh_existing then info = InfoMessage:new{text = T(N_("Found 1 book to index.", "Found %1 books to index.", #files), #files)} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() FFIUtil.sleep(2) -- Let the user see that else local all_files = files while true do info = InfoMessage:new{text = T(_("Found %1 books.\nLooking for those not already present in the cache database…"), #all_files)} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() FFIUtil.sleep(2) -- Let the user see that completed, files = Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess(function() files = {} for _, filepath in pairs(all_files) do local bookinfo = self:getBookInfo(filepath) local to_extract = not bookinfo if bookinfo and cover_specs and not bookinfo.ignore_cover then if bookinfo.cover_fetched then if bookinfo.has_cover and cover_specs.sizetag ~= bookinfo.cover_sizetag then if bookinfo.cover_sizetag ~= "M" then -- keep the bigger "M" to_extract = true end end else to_extract = true end end if to_extract then table.insert(files, filepath) end end return files end, info) if not completed then if confirm_abort() then return end elseif not files or #files == 0 then UIManager:close(info) info = InfoMessage:new{text = _("No books were found that need to be indexed.")} UIManager:show(info) return else break end end UIManager:close(info) info = InfoMessage:new{text = T(N_("Found 1 book to index.", "Found %1 books to index."), #files)} UIManager:show(info) UIManager:forceRePaint() FFIUtil.sleep(2) -- Let the user see that end UIManager:close(info) local nb_files = #files local nb_done = 0 local nb_success = 0 local i = 1 -- We use a little hack to InfoMessage for a consistent height and -- fast refresh to avoid flicking info = InfoMessage:new{text = "dummy"} UIManager:show(info) -- but not yet painted local info_max_seen_height = 0 local success while i <= nb_files do local filepath = files[i] local filename = FFIUtil.basename(filepath) local orig_moved_offset = info.movable:getMovedOffset() info:free() info.text = T(_("Indexing %1 / %2…\n\n%3"), i, nb_files, BD.filename(filename)) info:init() local text_widget = table.remove(info.movable[1][1], 3) local text_widget_size = text_widget:getSize() if text_widget_size.h > info_max_seen_height then info_max_seen_height = text_widget_size.h end table.insert(info.movable[1][1], TopContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = text_widget_size.w, h = info_max_seen_height, }, text_widget }) info.movable[1][1]._size = nil -- reset HorizontalGroup size info.movable:setMovedOffset(orig_moved_offset) info:paintTo(Screen.bb, 0,0) local d = info.movable[1].dimen Screen.refreshUI(Screen, d.x, d.y, d.w, d.h) completed, success = Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess(function() return self:extractBookInfo(filepath, cover_specs) end, info) if not completed then if confirm_abort() then break end -- Recreate the infomessage that was dismissed info = InfoMessage:new{text = "dummy"} info.movable:setMovedOffset(orig_moved_offset) UIManager:show(info) -- but not yet painted -- don't increment i, re-process the one we interrupted else nb_done = nb_done + 1 if success then nb_success = nb_success + 1 end i = i + 1 end end UIManager:close(info) info = InfoMessage:new{text = T(_("Processed %1 / %2 books."), nb_done, nb_files) .. "\n" .. T(N_("One extracted successfully.", "%1 extracted successfully.", nb_success), nb_success)} UIManager:show(info) end BookInfoManager:init() return BookInfoManager