local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local LoginDialog = require("ui/widget/logindialog") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Screen = require("device").screen local util = require("ffi/util") local Device = require("device") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local slt2 = require('slt2') local MyClipping = require("clip") local realpath = require("ffi/util").realpath local EvernoteExporter = InputContainer:new{ name = "evernote", login_title = _("Login to Evernote"), notebook_name = _("KOReader Notes"), evernote_domain = nil, notemarks = _("Note: "), clipping_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/clipboard", evernote_token = nil, notebook_guid = nil, } function EvernoteExporter:init() self.text_clipping_file = self.clipping_dir .. "/KOReaderClipping.txt" local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("evernote") or {} self.evernote_domain = settings.domain self.evernote_username = settings.username or "" self.evernote_token = settings.token self.notebook_guid = settings.notebook self.html_export = settings.html_export or false if self.html_export then self.txt_export = false else self.txt_export = settings.txt_export or false end self.parser = MyClipping:new{ my_clippings = "/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt", history_dir = "./history", } self.template = slt2.loadfile(self.path.."/note.tpl") self:migrateClippings() self.config = DocSettings:open(util.joinPath(self.clipping_dir, "evernote.sdr")) self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function EvernoteExporter:isDocless() return self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil or self.view == nil end function EvernoteExporter:readyToExport() return self.evernote_token ~= nil or self.html_export ~= false or self.txt_export ~= false end function EvernoteExporter:migrateClippings() local old_dir = util.joinPath(util.realpath(util.joinPath(self.path, "..")), "evernote.sdr") if lfs.attributes(old_dir, "mode") == "directory" then local mv_bin = Device:isAndroid() and "/system/bin/mv" or "/bin/mv" return util.execute(mv_bin, old_dir, self.clipping_dir) == 0 end end function EvernoteExporter:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table) table.insert(tab_item_table.plugins, { text = _("Evernote"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() local domain if self.evernote_domain == "sandbox" then domain = "Sandbox" elseif self.evernote_domain == "yinxiang" then domain = "Yinxiang" else domain = "Evernote" end return self.evernote_token and (_("Logout") .. " " .. domain) or _("Login") end, callback_func = function() return self.evernote_token and function() self:logout() end or nil end, sub_item_table_func = function() return not self.evernote_token and { { text = "Evernote", callback = function() self.evernote_domain = nil self:login() end }, { text = "印象笔记", callback = function() self.evernote_domain = "yinxiang" self:login() end } } or nil end, }, { text = _("Export all notes in this book"), enabled_func = function() return not self:isDocless() and self:readyToExport() and not self.txt_export end, callback = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:exportCurrentNotes(self.view) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Exporting may take several seconds…"), timeout = 1, }) end }, { text = _("Export all notes in your library"), enabled_func = function() return self:readyToExport() end, callback = function() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:exportAllNotes() end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Exporting may take several minutes…"), timeout = 1, }) end }, { text = _("Export to local HTML files"), checked_func = function() return self.html_export end, callback = function() self.html_export = not self.html_export if self.html_export then self.txt_export = false end self:saveSettings() end }, { text = _("Export to local clipping text file"), checked_func = function() return self.txt_export end, callback = function() self.txt_export = not self.txt_export if self.txt_export then self.html_export = false end self:saveSettings() end }, { text = _("Purge history records"), callback = function() self.config:purge() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("History records have been purged.\nAll notes will be exported again next time.\nWould you like to remove the existing KOReaderClipping.txt file to avoid duplication?\nRecords will be appended to KOReaderClipping.txt instead of being overwritten."), ok_text = _("Yes, remove it"), ok_callback = function() os.remove(self.text_clipping_file) end, cancel_text = _("No, keep it"), }) end } } }) end function EvernoteExporter:login() if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() end self.login_dialog = LoginDialog:new{ title = self.login_title, username = self.evernote_username or "", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), enabled = true, callback = function() self:closeDialog() end, }, { text = _("Login"), enabled = true, callback = function() local username, password = self:getCredential() self:closeDialog() UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:doLogin(username, password) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logging in. Please wait…"), timeout = 1, }) end, }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.8, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.4, } self.login_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.login_dialog) end function EvernoteExporter:closeDialog() self.login_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.login_dialog) end function EvernoteExporter:getCredential() return self.login_dialog:getCredential() end function EvernoteExporter:doLogin(username, password) local EvernoteOAuth = require("EvernoteOAuth") local EvernoteClient = require("EvernoteClient") local oauth = EvernoteOAuth:new{ domain = self.evernote_domain, username = username, password = password, } self.evernote_username = username local ok, token = pcall(oauth.getToken, oauth) -- prompt users to turn on Wifi if network is unreachable if not ok and token then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. token, }) return end local client = EvernoteClient:new{ domain = self.evernote_domain, authToken = token, } local guid ok, guid = pcall(self.getExportNotebook, self, client) if not ok and guid and guid:find("Transport not open") then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return elseif not ok and guid then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. guid, }) elseif ok and guid then self.evernote_token = token self.notebook_guid = guid UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logged in to Evernote."), }) end self:saveSettings() end function EvernoteExporter:logout() self.evernote_token = nil self.notebook_guid = nil self.evernote_domain = nil self:saveSettings() end function EvernoteExporter:saveSettings() local settings = { domain = self.evernote_domain, username = self.evernote_username, token = self.evernote_token, notebook = self.notebook_guid, html_export = self.html_export, txt_export = self.txt_export, } G_reader_settings:saveSetting("evernote", settings) end function EvernoteExporter:getExportNotebook(client) local name = self.notebook_name return client:findNotebookByTitle(name) or client:createNotebook(name).guid end function EvernoteExporter:exportCurrentNotes(view) local clippings = self.parser:parseCurrentDoc(view) self:exportClippings(clippings) end function EvernoteExporter:updateHistoryClippings(clippings, new_clippings) -- update clippings from history clippings for title, booknotes in pairs(new_clippings) do for chapter_index, chapternotes in ipairs(booknotes) do for note_index, note in ipairs(chapternotes) do if clippings[title] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].page ~= note.page or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].time ~= note.time or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].text ~= note.text or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].note ~= note.note then DEBUG("found new notes in history", booknotes.title) clippings[title] = booknotes end end end end return clippings end function EvernoteExporter:updateMyClippings(clippings, new_clippings) -- only new titles or new notes in My clippings are updated to clippings -- since appending is the only way to modify notes in My Clippings for title, booknotes in pairs(new_clippings) do if clippings[title] == nil or #clippings[title] < #booknotes then DEBUG("found new notes in MyClipping", booknotes.title) clippings[title] = booknotes end end return clippings end function EvernoteExporter:exportAllNotes() -- Flush highlights of current document. if not self:isDocless() then self.ui:saveSettings() end local clippings = self.config:readSetting("clippings") or {} clippings = self:updateHistoryClippings(clippings, self.parser:parseHistory()) clippings = self:updateMyClippings(clippings, self.parser:parseMyClippings()) -- remove blank entries for title, booknotes in pairs(clippings) do -- chapter number is zero if #booknotes == 0 then clippings[title] = nil end end --DEBUG("clippings", clippings) self:exportClippings(clippings) self.config:saveSetting("clippings", clippings) self.config:flush() end function EvernoteExporter:exportClippings(clippings) local client = nil local exported_stamp if not self.html_export and not self.txt_export then client = require("EvernoteClient"):new{ domain = self.evernote_domain, authToken = self.evernote_token, } exported_stamp = self.notebook_guid elseif self.html_export then exported_stamp= "html" elseif self.txt_export then exported_stamp = "txt" else assert("an exported_stamp is expected for a new export type") end local export_count, error_count = 0, 0 local export_title, error_title for title, booknotes in pairs(clippings) do if type(booknotes.exported) ~= "table" then booknotes.exported = {} end -- check if booknotes are exported in this notebook -- so that booknotes will still be exported after switching user account if booknotes.exported[exported_stamp] ~= true then local ok, err if self.html_export then ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToHTML, self, title, booknotes) elseif self.txt_export then ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToTXT, self, title, booknotes) else ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToEvernote, self, client, title, booknotes) end -- error reporting if not ok and err and err:find("Transport not open") then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() return elseif not ok and err then DEBUG("Error occurs when exporting book:", title, err) error_count = error_count + 1 error_title = title elseif ok then DEBUG("Exported notes in book:", title) export_count = export_count + 1 export_title = title booknotes.exported[exported_stamp] = true end end end local msg = "Nothing was exported." local all_count = export_count + error_count if export_count > 0 and error_count == 0 then if all_count == 1 then msg = _("Exported notes from book:") .. "\n" .. export_title else msg = T( _("Exported notes from book:\n%1\nand %2 others."), export_title, all_count-1 ) end elseif error_count > 0 then if all_count == 1 then msg = _("An error occurred while trying to export notes from book:") .. "\n" .. error_title else msg = T( _("Multiple errors occurred while trying to export notes from book:\n%1\nand %2 others."), error_title, error_count-1 ) end end if (self.html_export or self.txt_export) and export_count > 0 then msg = msg .. T(_("\nNotes can be found in %1/."), realpath(self.clipping_dir)) end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg }) end function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToEvernote(client, title, booknotes) local content = slt2.render(self.template, { booknotes = booknotes, notemarks = self.notemarks, }) --DEBUG("content", content) local note_guid = client:findNoteByTitle(title, self.notebook_guid) local resources = {} for _, chapter in ipairs(booknotes) do for _, clipping in ipairs(chapter) do if clipping.image then table.insert(resources, { image = clipping.image }) -- nullify clipping image after passing it to evernote client clipping.image = nil end end end if not note_guid then client:createNote(title, content, resources, {}, self.notebook_guid) else client:updateNote(note_guid, title, content, resources, {}, self.notebook_guid) end end function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToHTML(title, booknotes) local content = slt2.render(self.template, { booknotes = booknotes, notemarks = self.notemarks, }) --DEBUG("content", content) local html = io.open(self.clipping_dir .. "/" .. title .. ".html", "w") if html then html:write(content) html:close() end end function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToTXT(title, booknotes) -- Use wide_space to avoid crengine to treat it specially. local wide_space = "\227\128\128" local file_modification = lfs.attributes(self.text_clipping_file, "modification") or 0 local file = io.open(self.text_clipping_file, "a") if file then file:write(title .. "\n" .. wide_space .. "\n") for _ignore1, chapter in ipairs(booknotes) do if chapter.title then file:write(wide_space .. chapter.title .. "\n" .. wide_space .. "\n") end for _ignore2, clipping in ipairs(chapter) do -- If this clipping has already been exported, we ignore it. if clipping.time >= file_modification then file:write(wide_space .. wide_space .. T(_("-- Page: %1, added on %2\n"), clipping.page, os.date("%c", clipping.time))) if clipping.text then file:write(clipping.text) end if clipping.image then file:write(_("")) end file:write("\n-=-=-=-=-=-\n") end end end file:write("\n") file:close() end end return EvernoteExporter