require "rendertext" require "keys" require "graphics" InputBox = { -- Class vars: h = 100, input_slot_w = nil, input_start_x = 145, input_start_y = nil, input_cur_x = nil, -- points to the start of next input pos input_bg = 0, input_string = "", shiftmode = false, altmode = false, cursor = nil, -- font for displaying input content -- we have to use mono here for better distance controlling face = freetype.newBuiltinFace("mono", 25), fhash = "m25", fheight = 25, fwidth = 15, } function InputBox:refreshText() -- clear previous painted text, self.input_start_y-19, self.input_slot_w, self.fheight, self.input_bg) -- paint new text renderUtf8Text(, self.input_start_x, self.input_start_y, self.face, self.fhash, self.input_string, 0) end function InputBox:addChar(char) self.cursor:clear() -- draw new text local cur_index = (self.cursor.x_pos + 3 - self.input_start_x) / self.fwidth self.input_string = self.input_string:sub(0,cur_index)..char.. self.input_string:sub(cur_index+1) self:refreshText() self.input_cur_x = self.input_cur_x + self.fwidth -- draw new cursor self.cursor:moveHorizontal(self.fwidth) self.cursor:draw() fb:refresh(1, self.input_start_x-5, self.input_start_y-25, self.input_slot_w, self.h-25) end function InputBox:delChar() if self.input_start_x == self.input_cur_x then return end local cur_index = (self.cursor.x_pos + 3 - self.input_start_x) / self.fwidth if cur_index == 0 then return end self.cursor:clear() -- draw new text self.input_string = self.input_string:sub(0,cur_index-1).. self.input_string:sub(cur_index+1, -1) self:refreshText() self.input_cur_x = self.input_cur_x - self.fwidth -- draw new cursor self.cursor:moveHorizontal(-self.fwidth) self.cursor:draw() fb:refresh(1, self.input_start_x-5, self.input_start_y-25, self.input_slot_w, self.h-25) end function InputBox:clearText() self.cursor:clear() self.input_string = "" self:refreshText() self.cursor.x_pos = self.input_start_x - 3 self.cursor:draw() fb:refresh(1, self.input_start_x-5, self.input_start_y-25, self.input_slot_w, self.h-25) end function InputBox:drawBox(ypos, w, h, title) -- draw input border, ypos, w, h, 5) -- draw input slot, ypos + 10, w - 130, h - 20, self.input_bg) -- draw input title renderUtf8Text(, 35, self.input_start_y, self.face, self.fhash, title, true) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- InputBox:input() -- -- @title: input prompt for the box -- @d_text: default to nil (used to set default text in input slot) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function InputBox:input(ypos, height, title, d_text) -- do some initilization self.h = height self.input_start_y = ypos + 35 self.input_cur_x = self.input_start_x self.input_slot_w = - 170 self.cursor = Cursor:new { x_pos = self.input_start_x - 3, y_pos = ypos + 13, h = 30, } -- draw box and content w = - 40 h = height - 45 self:drawBox(ypos, w, h, title) if d_text then self.input_string = d_text self.input_cur_x = self.input_cur_x + (self.fwidth * d_text:len()) self.cursor.x_pos = self.cursor.x_pos + (self.fwidth * d_text:len()) self:refreshText() end self.cursor:draw() fb:refresh(1, 20, ypos, w, h) while true do local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then --local secs, usecs = util.gettime() if ev.code == KEY_FW_UP then elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_DOWN then elseif ev.code == KEY_A then self:addChar("a") elseif ev.code == KEY_B then self:addChar("b") elseif ev.code == KEY_C then self:addChar("c") elseif ev.code == KEY_D then self:addChar("d") elseif ev.code == KEY_E then self:addChar("e") elseif ev.code == KEY_F then self:addChar("f") elseif ev.code == KEY_G then self:addChar("g") elseif ev.code == KEY_H then self:addChar("h") elseif ev.code == KEY_I then self:addChar("i") elseif ev.code == KEY_J then self:addChar("j") elseif ev.code == KEY_K then self:addChar("k") elseif ev.code == KEY_L then self:addChar("l") elseif ev.code == KEY_M then self:addChar("m") elseif ev.code == KEY_N then self:addChar("n") elseif ev.code == KEY_O then self:addChar("o") elseif ev.code == KEY_P then self:addChar("p") elseif ev.code == KEY_Q then self:addChar("q") elseif ev.code == KEY_R then self:addChar("r") elseif ev.code == KEY_S then self:addChar("s") elseif ev.code == KEY_T then self:addChar("t") elseif ev.code == KEY_U then self:addChar("u") elseif ev.code == KEY_V then self:addChar("v") elseif ev.code == KEY_W then self:addChar("w") elseif ev.code == KEY_X then self:addChar("x") elseif ev.code == KEY_Y then self:addChar("y") elseif ev.code == KEY_Z then self:addChar("z") elseif ev.code == KEY_1 then self:addChar("1") elseif ev.code == KEY_2 then self:addChar("2") elseif ev.code == KEY_3 then self:addChar("3") elseif ev.code == KEY_4 then self:addChar("4") elseif ev.code == KEY_5 then self:addChar("5") elseif ev.code == KEY_6 then self:addChar("6") elseif ev.code == KEY_7 then self:addChar("7") elseif ev.code == KEY_8 then self:addChar("8") elseif ev.code == KEY_9 then self:addChar("9") elseif ev.code == KEY_0 then self:addChar("0") elseif ev.code == KEY_SPACE then self:addChar(" ") elseif ev.code == KEY_PGFWD then elseif ev.code == KEY_PGBCK then elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_LEFT then if (self.cursor.x_pos + 3) > self.input_start_x then self.cursor:moveHorizontalAndDraw(-self.fwidth) fb:refresh(1, self.input_start_x-5, ypos, self.input_slot_w, h) end elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_RIGHT then if (self.cursor.x_pos + 3) < self.input_cur_x then self.cursor:moveHorizontalAndDraw(self.fwidth) fb:refresh(1,self.input_start_x-5, ypos, self.input_slot_w, h) end elseif ev.code == KEY_ENTER or ev.code == KEY_FW_PRESS then if self.input_string == "" then self.input_string = nil end break elseif ev.code == KEY_DEL then if Keys.shiftmode then self:clearText() else self:delChar() end elseif ev.code == KEY_BACK or ev.code == KEY_HOME then self.input_string = nil break end --local nsecs, nusecs = util.gettime() --local dur = (nsecs - secs) * 1000000 + nusecs - usecs --print("E: T="..ev.type.." V="..ev.value.." C="..ev.code.." DUR="..dur) end -- if end -- while local return_str = self.input_string self.input_string = "" return return_str end