local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local BottomContainer = require("ui/widget/container/bottomcontainer") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local CloseButton = require("ui/widget/closebutton") local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage") local LeftContainer = require("ui/widget/container/leftcontainer") local Math = require("optmath") local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local Input = Device.input local Screen = Device.screen local _ = require("gettext") local CalendarTitle = VerticalGroup:new{ calendar_view = nil, title = "", tface = Font:getFace("tfont"), align = "left", } function CalendarTitle:init() self.close_button = CloseButton:new{ window = self } local btn_width = self.close_button:getSize().w self.text_w = TextWidget:new{ text = self.title, max_width = self.width - btn_width, face = self.tface, } table.insert(self, OverlapGroup:new{ dimen = { w = self.width }, self.text_w, self.close_button, }) table.insert(self, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.span.vertical_large }) end function CalendarTitle:setTitle(title) self.text_w:setText(title) end function CalendarTitle:onClose() self.calendar_view:onClose() return true end local HistogramWidget = Widget:new{ width = nil, height = nil, color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, nb_items = nil, ratios = nil, -- table of 1...nb_items items, each with (0 <= value <= 1) } function HistogramWidget:init() self.dimen = Geom:new{w = self.width, h = self.height} local item_width = math.floor(self.width / self.nb_items) local nb_item_width_add1 = self.width - self.nb_items * item_width local nb_item_width_add1_mod = math.floor(self.nb_items/nb_item_width_add1) self.item_widths = {} for n = 1, self.nb_items do local w = item_width if nb_item_width_add1 > 0 and n % nb_item_width_add1_mod == 0 then w = w + 1 nb_item_width_add1 = nb_item_width_add1 - 1 end table.insert(self.item_widths, w) end if BD.mirroredUILayout() then self.do_mirror = true end end function HistogramWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) local i_x = 0 for n = 1, self.nb_items do if self.do_mirror then n = self.nb_items - n + 1 end local i_w = self.item_widths[n] local ratio = self.ratios and self.ratios[n] or 0 local i_h = Math.round(ratio * self.height) if i_h == 0 and ratio > 0 then -- show at least 1px i_h = 1 end local i_y = self.height - i_h if i_h > 0 then bb:paintRect(x + i_x, y + i_y, i_w, i_h, self.color) end i_x = i_x + i_w end end local CalendarDay = InputContainer:new{ daynum = nil, ratio_per_hour = nil, filler = false, width = nil, height = nil, border = 0, is_future = false, font_face = "xx_smallinfofont", font_size = nil, show_histo = true, histo_height = nil, } function CalendarDay:init() self.dimen = Geom:new{w = self.width, h = self.height} if self.filler then return end if self.callback and Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events.Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, } } self.ges_events.Hold = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, } } end self.daynum_w = TextWidget:new{ text = " " .. tostring(self.daynum), face = Font:getFace(self.font_face, self.font_size), fgcolor = self.is_future and Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY or Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, padding = 0, bold = true, } self.nb_not_shown_w = TextWidget:new{ text = "", face = Font:getFace(self.font_face, self.font_size - 1), fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, overlap_align = "right", } local inner_w = self.width - 2*self.border local inner_h = self.height - 2*self.border if self.show_histo then if not self.histo_height then self.histo_height = inner_h / 3 end self.histo_w = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = inner_w, h = inner_h}, HistogramWidget:new{ width = inner_w, height = self.histo_height, nb_items = 24, ratios = self.ratio_per_hour, } } end self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ padding = 0, color = self.is_future and Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY or Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, bordersize = self.border, width = self.width, height = self.height, OverlapGroup:new{ dimen = { w = inner_w }, self.daynum_w, self.nb_not_shown_w, self.histo_w, -- nil if not show_histo } } end function CalendarDay:updateNbNotShown(nb) self.nb_not_shown_w:setText(string.format("+ %d ", nb)) end function CalendarDay:onTap() if self.callback then self.callback() end return true end function CalendarDay:onHold() return self:onTap() end local CalendarWeek = InputContainer:new{ width = nil, height = nil, day_width = 0, day_padding = 0, day_border = 0, nb_book_spans = 0, histo_shown = nil, span_height = nil, font_size = 0, font_face = "xx_smallinfofont", } function CalendarWeek:init() self.calday_widgets = {} self.days_books = {} end function CalendarWeek:addDay(calday_widget) -- Add day widget to this week widget, and update the -- list of books read this week for later showing book -- spans, that may span multiple days. table.insert(self.calday_widgets, calday_widget) local prev_day_num = #self.days_books local prev_day_books = prev_day_num > 0 and self.days_books[#self.days_books] local this_day_num = prev_day_num + 1 local this_day_books = {} table.insert(self.days_books, this_day_books) if not calday_widget.read_books then calday_widget.read_books = {} end local nb_books_read = #calday_widget.read_books if nb_books_read > self.nb_book_spans then calday_widget:updateNbNotShown(nb_books_read - self.nb_book_spans) end for i=1, self.nb_book_spans do if calday_widget.read_books[i] then this_day_books[i] = calday_widget.read_books[i] -- brings id & title keys this_day_books[i].span_days = 1 this_day_books[i].start_day = this_day_num this_day_books[i].fixed = false else this_day_books[i] = false end end if prev_day_books then -- See if continuation from previous day, and re-order them if needed for pn=1, #prev_day_books do local prev_book = prev_day_books[pn] if prev_book then for tn=1, #this_day_books do local this_book = this_day_books[tn] if this_book and this_book.id == prev_book.id then this_book.start_day = prev_book.start_day this_book.fixed = true this_book.span_days = prev_book.span_days + 1 -- Update span_days in all previous books for bk = 1, prev_book.span_days do self.days_books[this_day_num-bk][pn].span_days = this_book.span_days end if tn ~= pn then -- swap it with the one at previous day position this_day_books[tn], this_day_books[pn] = this_day_books[pn], this_day_books[tn] end break end end end end end end -- Set of { Font color, background color } local SPAN_COLORS = { { Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY_E }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, Blitbuffer.COLOR_WEB_GRAY }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, Blitbuffer.COLOR_DIM_GRAY }, { Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK }, } function CalendarWeek:update() self.dimen = Geom:new{w = self.width, h = self.height} self.day_container = HorizontalGroup:new{ dimen = self.dimen:copy(), } for num, calday in ipairs(self.calday_widgets) do table.insert(self.day_container, calday) if num < #self.calday_widgets then table.insert(self.day_container, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.day_padding, }) end end local overlaps = OverlapGroup:new{ self.day_container, } -- Create and add BookSpans local bspan_margin_h = Size.margin.tiny + self.day_border local bspan_margin_v = Size.margin.tiny local bspan_padding_h = Size.padding.tiny local bspan_border = Size.border.thin -- We need a smaller font size than the one provided local text_height = self.span_height - 2 * (bspan_margin_v + bspan_border) -- We don't use any bspan_padding_v, we let that be handled by CenterContainer -- and choosing an appropriate font size. -- We use TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight() to get a fitting -- font size. It's less precise than the TextWidget equivalent, -- but it handles padding as 'em'. -- Use a 1.3em line height local inner_font_size = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(text_height, 1, 0.3) -- If font size gets really small, get a larger one by using a smaller -- line height: tall glyphs may bleed on the border, but we won't notice -- at such small size, and we'll appreciate the readability. -- (threshold values decided from visual testing) if inner_font_size <= 12 then inner_font_size = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(text_height, 1, 0.1) elseif inner_font_size <= 15 then inner_font_size = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(text_height, 1, 0.2) end -- But cap it to the day num font size inner_font_size = math.min(inner_font_size, self.font_size) local offset_y_fixup if self.histo_shown then -- No real y positionning needed, but push it a bit down -- over histogram, as histograms rarely reach 100%, and -- will be drawn last, so possibly over last book span if -- really near 100% offset_y_fixup = Size.margin.small else -- No histogram: ensure last book span bottom margin -- is equal to bspan_margin_v for a nice fit offset_y_fixup = self.height - self.span_height * (self.nb_book_spans + 1) - bspan_margin_v end for col, day_books in ipairs(self.days_books) do for row, book in ipairs(day_books) do if book and book.start_day == col then local fgcolor, bgcolor = unpack(SPAN_COLORS[(book.id % #SPAN_COLORS)+1]) local offset_x = (col-1) * (self.day_width + self.day_padding) local offset_y = row * self.span_height -- 1st real row used by day num offset_y = offset_y + offset_y_fixup local width = book.span_days * self.day_width + self.day_padding * (book.span_days-1) -- We use two FrameContainers, as (unlike HTML) a FrameContainer -- draws the background color outside its borders, in the margins local span_w = FrameContainer:new{ width = width, height = self.span_height, margin = 0, bordersize = 0, padding_top = bspan_margin_v, padding_bottom = bspan_margin_v, padding_left = bspan_margin_h, padding_right = bspan_margin_h, overlap_offset = {offset_x, offset_y}, FrameContainer:new{ width = width - 2 * bspan_margin_h, height = self.span_height - 2 * bspan_margin_v, margin = 0, padding = 0, bordersize = bspan_border, background = bgcolor, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = width - 2 * (bspan_margin_h + bspan_border), h = self.span_height - 2 * (bspan_margin_v + bspan_border), }, TextWidget:new{ text = BD.auto(book.title), max_width = width - 2 * (bspan_margin_h + bspan_border + bspan_padding_h), face = Font:getFace(self.font_face, inner_font_size), padding = 0, fgcolor = fgcolor, } } } } table.insert(overlaps, span_w) end end end self[1] = LeftContainer:new{ dimen = self.dimen:copy(), overlaps, } end -- Fetched from db, cached as local as it might be expensive local MIN_MONTH = nil local CalendarView = InputContainer:new{ reader_statistics = nil, monthTranslation = nil, shortDayOfWeekTranslation = nil, longDayOfWeekTranslation = nil, start_day_of_week = 2, -- 2 = Monday, 1-7 = Sunday-Saturday show_hourly_histogram = true, browse_future_months = false, nb_book_spans = 3, font_face = "xx_smallinfofont", title = "", width = nil, height = nil, cur_month = nil, weekdays = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" } -- in Lua wday order -- (These do not need translations: they are the key into the provided -- self.shortDayOfWeekTranslation and self.longDayOfWeekTranslation) } function CalendarView:init() self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width or Screen:getWidth(), h = self.height or Screen:getHeight(), } if self.dimen.w == Screen:getWidth() and self.dimen.h == Screen:getHeight() then self.covers_fullscreen = true -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() end if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events = { Close = { {"Back"}, doc = "close page" }, NextMonth = {{Input.group.PgFwd}, doc = "next page"}, PrevMonth = {{Input.group.PgBack}, doc = "prev page"}, } end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events.Swipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = self.dimen, } } end local outer_padding = Size.padding.large self.inner_padding = Size.padding.small -- 7 days in a week self.day_width = math.floor((self.dimen.w - 2*outer_padding - 6*self.inner_padding) / 7) -- Put back the possible 7px lost in rounding into outer_padding outer_padding = math.floor((self.dimen.w - 7*self.day_width - 6*self.inner_padding) / 2) self.content_width = self.dimen.w - 2*outer_padding local now_ts = os.time() if not MIN_MONTH then local min_ts = self.reader_statistics:getFirstTimestamp() if not min_ts then min_ts = now_ts end MIN_MONTH = os.date("%Y-%m", min_ts) end self.min_month = MIN_MONTH self.max_month = os.date("%Y-%m", now_ts) if not self.cur_month then self.cur_month = self.max_month end -- group for page info local chevron_left = "resources/icons/appbar.chevron.left.png" local chevron_right = "resources/icons/appbar.chevron.right.png" local chevron_first = "resources/icons/appbar.chevron.first.png" local chevron_last = "resources/icons/appbar.chevron.last.png" if BD.mirroredUILayout() then chevron_left, chevron_right = chevron_right, chevron_left chevron_first, chevron_last = chevron_last, chevron_first end self.page_info_left_chev = Button:new{ icon = chevron_left, callback = function() self:prevMonth() end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self, } self.page_info_right_chev = Button:new{ icon = chevron_right, callback = function() self:nextMonth() end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self, } self.page_info_first_chev = Button:new{ icon = chevron_first, callback = function() self:goToMonth(self.min_month) end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self, } self.page_info_last_chev = Button:new{ icon = chevron_last, callback = function() self:goToMonth(self.max_month) end, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self, } self.page_info_spacer = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Screen:scaleBySize(32), } self.page_info_text = Button:new{ text = "", hold_input = { title = _("Enter month"), input_func = function() return self.cur_month end, callback = function(input) local year, month = input:match("^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)$") if year and month then if tonumber(month) >= 1 and tonumber(month) <= 12 and tonumber(year) >= 1000 then -- Allow seeing arbitrary year-month in the past or future by -- not constraining to self.min_month/max_month. -- (year >= 1000 to ensure %Y keeps returning 4 digits) self:goToMonth(input) return end end local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Invalid year-month string (YYYY-MM)"), }) end, }, bordersize = 0, margin = Screen:scaleBySize(20), text_font_face = "pgfont", text_font_bold = false, } self.page_info = HorizontalGroup:new{ self.page_info_first_chev, self.page_info_spacer, self.page_info_left_chev, self.page_info_text, self.page_info_right_chev, self.page_info_spacer, self.page_info_last_chev, } local footer = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.content_width, h = self.dimen.h, }, self.page_info, } self.title_bar = CalendarTitle:new{ title = self.title, width = self.content_width, height = Size.item.height_default, calendar_view = self, } -- week days names header self.day_names = HorizontalGroup:new{} for i = 0, 6 do local dayname = TextWidget:new{ text = self.shortDayOfWeekTranslation[self.weekdays[(self.start_day_of_week-1+i)%7 + 1]], face = Font:getFace("xx_smallinfofont"), bold = true, } table.insert(self.day_names, FrameContainer:new{ padding = 0, bordersize = 0, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.day_width, h = dayname:getSize().h }, dayname, } }) if i < 6 then table.insert(self.day_names, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.inner_padding, }) end end -- At most 6 weeks in a month local available_height = self.dimen.h - self.title_bar:getSize().h - self.page_info:getSize().h - self.day_names:getSize().h self.week_height = math.floor((available_height - 5*self.inner_padding) / 6) self.day_border = Size.border.default if self.show_hourly_histogram then -- day num + nb_book_spans + histogram: ceil() as histogram rarely -- reaches 100% and is stuck to bottom self.span_height = math.ceil((self.week_height - 2*self.day_border) / (self.nb_book_spans+2)) else -- day num + nb_book_span: floor() to get some room for bottom padding self.span_height = math.floor((self.week_height - 2*self.day_border) / (self.nb_book_spans+1)) end -- Limit font size to 1/3 of available height, and so that -- the day number and the +nb-not-shown do not overlap local text_height = math.min(self.span_height, self.week_height/3) self.span_font_size = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(text_height, 1, 0.3) local day_inner_width = self.day_width - 2*self.day_border -2*self.inner_padding while true do local test_w = TextWidget:new{ text = " 30 + 99 ", -- we want this to be displayed in the available width face = Font:getFace(self.font_face, self.span_font_size), bold = true, } if test_w:getWidth() <= day_inner_width then test_w:free() break end self.span_font_size = self.span_font_size - 1 test_w:free() end self.main_content = VerticalGroup:new{} self:_populateItems() local content = OverlapGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.content_width, h = self.dimen.h, }, allow_mirroring = false, VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", self.title_bar, self.day_names, self.main_content, }, footer, } -- assemble page self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ width = self.dimen.w, height = self.dimen.h, padding = outer_padding, bordersize = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, content } end function CalendarView:_populateItems() self.page_info:resetLayout() self.main_content:clear() -- See https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html for info about os.time() and os.date() local month_start_ts = os.time({ year = self.cur_month:sub(1,4), month = self.cur_month:sub(6), day = 1, -- When hour is unspecified, Lua defaults to noon 12h00 }) -- Update title local month_text = self.monthTranslation[os.date("%B", month_start_ts)] .. os.date(" %Y", month_start_ts) self.title_bar:setTitle(month_text) -- Update footer self.page_info_text:setText(self.cur_month) self.page_info_left_chev:enableDisable(self.cur_month > self.min_month) self.page_info_right_chev:enableDisable(self.cur_month < self.max_month or self.browse_future_months) self.page_info_first_chev:enableDisable(self.cur_month > self.min_month) self.page_info_last_chev:enableDisable(self.cur_month < self.max_month or self.browse_future_months) local ratio_per_hour_by_day = self.reader_statistics:getReadingRatioPerHourByDay(self.cur_month) local books_by_day = self.reader_statistics:getReadBookByDay(self.cur_month) table.insert(self.main_content, VerticalSpan:new{ width = self.inner_padding }) self.weeks = {} local today_s = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", os.time()) local cur_ts = month_start_ts local cur_date = os.date("*t", cur_ts) local this_month = cur_date.month local cur_week while true do cur_date = os.date("*t", cur_ts) if cur_date.month ~= this_month then break end if not cur_week or cur_date.wday == self.start_day_of_week then if cur_week then table.insert(self.main_content, VerticalSpan:new{ width = self.inner_padding }) end cur_week = CalendarWeek:new{ height = self.week_height, width = self.content_width, day_width = self.day_width, day_padding = self.inner_padding, day_border = self.day_border, nb_book_spans = self.nb_book_spans, histo_shown = self.show_hourly_histogram, span_height = self.span_height, font_face = self.font_face, font_size = self.span_font_size, show_parent = self, } table.insert(self.weeks, cur_week) table.insert(self.main_content, cur_week) if cur_date.wday ~= self.start_day_of_week then -- Add fake days to fill week local day = self.start_day_of_week while day ~= cur_date.wday do cur_week:addDay(CalendarDay:new{ filler = true, height = self.week_height, width = self.day_width, border = self.day_border, show_parent = self, }) day = day + 1 if day == 8 then day = 1 end end end end local day_s = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", cur_ts) local day_text = string.format("%s (%s)", day_s, self.longDayOfWeekTranslation[self.weekdays[cur_date.wday]]) local day_ts = os.time({ year = cur_date.year, month = cur_date.month, day = cur_date.day, hour = 0, }) local is_future = day_s > today_s cur_week:addDay(CalendarDay:new{ show_histo = self.show_hourly_histogram, histo_height = self.span_height, font_face = self.font_face, font_size = self.span_font_size, border = self.day_border, is_future = is_future, daynum = cur_date.day, height = self.week_height, width = self.day_width, ratio_per_hour = ratio_per_hour_by_day[day_s], read_books = books_by_day[day_s], show_parent = self, callback = not is_future and function() -- Just as ReaderStatistics:callbackDaily(), but without any window stacking UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = day_text, value_align = "right", kv_pairs = self.reader_statistics:getBooksFromPeriod(day_ts, day_ts + 86400), callback_return = function() end -- to just have that return button shown }) end }) cur_ts = cur_ts + 86400 -- add one day end for _, week in ipairs(self.weeks) do week:update() end UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) end function CalendarView:nextMonth() local t = os.time({ year = self.cur_month:sub(1,4), month = self.cur_month:sub(6), day = 15, }) t = t + 86400 * 30 -- 30 days later local next_month = os.date("%Y-%m", t) if self.browse_future_months or next_month <= self.max_month then self.cur_month = next_month self:_populateItems() end end function CalendarView:prevMonth() local t = os.time({ year = self.cur_month:sub(1,4), month = self.cur_month:sub(6), day = 15, }) t = t - 86400 * 30 -- 30 days before local prev_month = os.date("%Y-%m", t) if prev_month >= self.min_month then self.cur_month = prev_month self:_populateItems() end end function CalendarView:goToMonth(month) self.cur_month = month self:_populateItems() end function CalendarView:onNextMonth() self:nextMonth() return true end function CalendarView:onPrevMonth() self:prevMonth() return true end function CalendarView:onSwipe(arg, ges_ev) local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges_ev.direction) if direction == "west" then self:nextMonth() return true elseif direction == "east" then self:prevMonth() return true elseif direction == "south" then -- Allow easier closing with swipe down self:onClose() elseif direction == "north" then -- no use for now do end -- luacheck: ignore 541 else -- diagonal swipe -- trigger full refresh UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") -- a long diagonal swipe may also be used for taking a screenshot, -- so let it propagate return false end end function CalendarView:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end return CalendarView