require "ui/widget/image" require "ui/widget/container" --[[ a button widget that shows text or a icon and handles callback when tapped --]] Button = InputContainer:new{ text = nil, -- mandatory icon = nil, preselect = false, callback = nil, enabled = true, margin = 0, bordersize = 3, background = 0, radius = 15, padding = 2, width = nil, text_font_face = "cfont", text_font_size = 20, } function Button:init() if self.text then self.label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.text, bgcolor = 0.0, fgcolor = self.enabled and 1.0 or 0.5, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, self.text_font_size) } else self.label_widget = ImageWidget:new{ file = self.icon, dim = self.enabled, } end local widget_size = self.label_widget:getSize() if self.width == nil then self.width = widget_size.w end -- set FrameContainer content self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ margin = self.margin, bordersize = self.bordersize, background = self.background, radius = self.radius, padding = self.padding, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = widget_size.h }, self.label_widget, } } if self.preselect then self[1].color = 15 else self[1].color = 5 end self.dimen = self[1]:getSize() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = _("Tap Button"), }, } end end function Button:onFocus() self[1].color = 15 return true end function Button:onUnfocus() self[1].color = 5 return true end function Button:enable() self.enabled = true if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = self.enabled and 1.0 or 0.5 else self.label_widget.dim = not self.enabled end end function Button:disable() self.enabled = false if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = self.enabled and 1.0 or 0.5 else self.label_widget.dim = not self.enabled end end function Button:enableDisable(enable) if enable then self:enable() else self:disable() end end function Button:hide() if self.icon then self.label_widget.hide = true end end function Button:show() if self.icon then self.label_widget.hide = false end end function Button:showHide(show) if show then self:show() else self:hide() end end function Button:onTapSelect() if self.enabled then self.callback() end return true end