local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local Event = require("ui/event") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local Math = require("optmath") local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local md5 = require("ffi/sha2").md5 local random = require("random") local util = require("util") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") if G_reader_settings:hasNot("device_id") then G_reader_settings:saveSetting("device_id", random.uuid()) end local KOSync = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "kosync", is_doc_only = true, title = _("Register/login to KOReader server"), page_update_times = 0, last_page = -1, last_page_turn_ticks = 0, } local SYNC_STRATEGY = { -- Forward and backward whisper sync settings are using different -- default value, so none of following opinions should be zero. PROMPT = 1, WHISPER = 2, DISABLE = 3, DEFAULT_FORWARD = 1, DEFAULT_BACKWARD = 3, } local CHECKSUM_METHOD = { BINARY = 0, FILENAME = 1 } local function getNameStrategy(type) if type == 1 then return _("Prompt") elseif type == 2 then return _("Auto") else return _("Disable") end end local function showSyncedMessage() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Progress has been synchronized."), timeout = 3, }) end local function promptLogin() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Please register or login before using the progress synchronization feature."), timeout = 3, }) end local function showSyncError() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Something went wrong when syncing progress, please check your network connection and try again later."), timeout = 3, }) end local function validate(entry) if not entry then return false end if type(entry) == "string" then if entry == "" or not entry:match("%S") then return false end end return true end local function validateUser(user, pass) local error_message = nil local user_ok = validate(user) local pass_ok = validate(pass) if not user_ok and not pass_ok then error_message = _("invalid username and password") elseif not user_ok then error_message = _("invalid username") elseif not pass_ok then error_message = _("invalid password") end if not error_message then return user_ok and pass_ok else return user_ok and pass_ok, error_message end end function KOSync:onDispatcherRegisterActions() Dispatcher:registerAction("kosync_push_progress", { category="none", event="KOSyncPushProgress", title=_("Push progress from this device"), reader=true,}) Dispatcher:registerAction("kosync_pull_progress", { category="none", event="KOSyncPullProgress", title=_("Pull progress from other devices"), reader=true, separator=true,}) end function KOSync:onReaderReady() --- @todo: Viable candidate for a port to the new readSetting API local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("kosync") or {} self.kosync_custom_server = settings.custom_server self.kosync_username = settings.username self.kosync_userkey = settings.userkey self.kosync_auto_sync = settings.auto_sync ~= false self.kosync_pages_before_update = settings.pages_before_update self.kosync_whisper_forward = settings.whisper_forward or SYNC_STRATEGY.DEFAULT_FORWARD self.kosync_whisper_backward = settings.whisper_backward or SYNC_STRATEGY.DEFAULT_BACKWARD self.kosync_checksum_method = settings.checksum_method or CHECKSUM_METHOD.BINARY self.kosync_device_id = G_reader_settings:readSetting("device_id") --assert(self.kosync_device_id) if self.kosync_auto_sync then self:_onResume() end self:registerEvents() self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) -- Make sure checksum has been calculated at the very first time a document has been opened, to -- avoid document saving feature to impact the checksum, and eventually impact the document -- identity in the progress sync feature. self.view.document:fastDigest(self.ui.doc_settings) end function KOSync:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.progress_sync = { text = _("Progress sync"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return self.kosync_userkey and (_("Logout")) or _("Register") .. " / " .. _("Login") end, keep_menu_open = true, callback_func = function() if self.kosync_userkey then return function(menu) self._menu_to_update = menu self:logout() end else return function(menu) self._menu_to_update = menu self:login() end end end, }, { text = _("Auto sync now and future"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_auto_sync end, callback = function() self.kosync_auto_sync = not self.kosync_auto_sync self:registerEvents() if self.kosync_auto_sync then -- since we will update the progress when closing document, we should pull -- current progress now to avoid to overwrite it silently. self:getProgress(true) else -- since we won't update the progress when closing document, we should push -- current progress now to avoid to lose it silently. self:updateProgress(true) end self:saveSettings() end, }, { text = _("Whisper sync"), enabled_func = function() return self.kosync_auto_sync end, sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return T(_("Sync to latest record (%1)"), getNameStrategy(self.kosync_whisper_forward)) end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Auto"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_whisper_forward == SYNC_STRATEGY.WHISPER end, callback = function() self:setWhisperForward(SYNC_STRATEGY.WHISPER) end, }, { text = _("Prompt"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_whisper_forward == SYNC_STRATEGY.PROMPT end, callback = function() self:setWhisperForward(SYNC_STRATEGY.PROMPT) end, }, { text = _("Disable"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_whisper_forward == SYNC_STRATEGY.DISABLE end, callback = function() self:setWhisperForward(SYNC_STRATEGY.DISABLE) end, }, } }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Sync to a previous record (%1)"), getNameStrategy(self.kosync_whisper_backward)) end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Auto"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_whisper_backward == SYNC_STRATEGY.WHISPER end, callback = function() self:setWhisperBackward(SYNC_STRATEGY.WHISPER) end, }, { text = _("Prompt"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_whisper_backward == SYNC_STRATEGY.PROMPT end, callback = function() self:setWhisperBackward(SYNC_STRATEGY.PROMPT) end, }, { text = _("Disable"), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_whisper_backward == SYNC_STRATEGY.DISABLE end, callback = function() self:setWhisperBackward(SYNC_STRATEGY.DISABLE) end, }, } }, }, }, { text = _("Push progress from this device"), enabled_func = function() return self.kosync_userkey ~= nil end, callback = function() self:updateProgress(true) end, }, { text = _("Pull progress from other devices"), enabled_func = function() return self.kosync_userkey ~= nil end, callback = function() self:getProgress(true) end, }, { text = _("Custom sync server"), keep_menu_open = true, tap_input_func = function() return { -- @translators Server address defined by user for progress sync. title = _("Custom progress sync server address"), input = self.kosync_custom_server or "https://", type = "text", callback = function(input) self:setCustomServer(input) end, } end, }, { text = _("Sync every # pages"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ text = _([[This value determines how many page turns it takes to update book progress. If set to 0, updating progress based on page turns will be disabled.]]), value = self.kosync_pages_before_update or 0, value_min = 0, value_max = 999, value_step = 1, value_hold_step = 10, ok_text = _("Set"), title_text = _("Number of pages before update"), default_value = 0, callback = function(spin) self:setPagesBeforeUpdate(spin.value) end } UIManager:show(items) end, }, { text = _("Document matching method"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Binary. Only identical files will sync progress."), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_checksum_method == CHECKSUM_METHOD.BINARY end, callback = function() self:setChecksumMethod(CHECKSUM_METHOD.BINARY) end, }, { text = _("Filename. Files with the same name will sync progress."), checked_func = function() return self.kosync_checksum_method == CHECKSUM_METHOD.FILENAME end, callback = function() self:setChecksumMethod(CHECKSUM_METHOD.FILENAME) end, }, } }, } } end function KOSync:setPagesBeforeUpdate(pages_before_update) self.kosync_pages_before_update = pages_before_update > 0 and pages_before_update or nil self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:setCustomServer(server) logger.dbg("set custom server", server) self.kosync_custom_server = server ~= "" and server or nil self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:setWhisperForward(strategy) self.kosync_whisper_forward = strategy self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:setWhisperBackward(strategy) self.kosync_whisper_backward = strategy self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:setChecksumMethod(method) self.kosync_checksum_method = method self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:login() if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:login() end) then return end local dialog dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = self.title, fields = { { text = self.kosync_username, hint = "username", }, { hint = "password", text_type = "password", }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(dialog) end, }, { text = _("Login"), callback = function() local username, password = unpack(dialog:getFields()) local ok, err = validateUser(username, password) if not ok then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot login: %1"), err), timeout = 2, }) else UIManager:close(dialog) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:doLogin(username, password) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logging in. Please wait…"), timeout = 1, }) end end, }, { text = _("Register"), callback = function() local username, password = unpack(dialog:getFields()) local ok, err = validateUser(username, password) if not ok then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot register: %1"), err), timeout = 2, }) else UIManager:close(dialog) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:doRegister(username, password) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Registering. Please wait…"), timeout = 1, }) end end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(dialog) dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function KOSync:doRegister(username, password) local KOSyncClient = require("KOSyncClient") local client = KOSyncClient:new{ custom_url = self.kosync_custom_server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } -- on Android to avoid ANR (no-op on other platforms) Device:setIgnoreInput(true) local userkey = md5(password) local ok, status, body = pcall(client.register, client, username, userkey) if not ok then if status then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while registering:") .. "\n" .. status, }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An unknown error occurred while registering."), }) end elseif status then self.kosync_username = username self.kosync_userkey = userkey self._menu_to_update:updateItems() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Registered to KOReader server."), }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = body and body.message or _("Unknown server error"), }) end Device:setIgnoreInput(false) self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:doLogin(username, password) local KOSyncClient = require("KOSyncClient") local client = KOSyncClient:new{ custom_url = self.kosync_custom_server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } Device:setIgnoreInput(true) local userkey = md5(password) local ok, status, body = pcall(client.authorize, client, username, userkey) if not ok then if status then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. status, }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An unknown error occurred while logging in."), }) end Device:setIgnoreInput(false) return elseif status then self.kosync_username = username self.kosync_userkey = userkey self._menu_to_update:updateItems() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logged in to KOReader server."), }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = body and body.message or _("Unknown server error"), }) end Device:setIgnoreInput(false) self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:logout() self.kosync_userkey = nil self.kosync_auto_sync = true self._menu_to_update:updateItems() self:saveSettings() end function KOSync:getLastPercent() if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then return Math.roundPercent(self.ui.paging:getLastPercent()) else return Math.roundPercent(self.ui.rolling:getLastPercent()) end end function KOSync:getLastProgress() if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then return self.ui.paging:getLastProgress() else return self.ui.rolling:getLastProgress() end end function KOSync:getDocumentDigest() if self.kosync_checksum_method == CHECKSUM_METHOD.FILENAME then return self:getFileNameDigest() else return self:getFileDigest() end end function KOSync:getFileDigest() return self.view.document:fastDigest() end function KOSync:getFileNameDigest() local file = self.ui.document.file if not file then return end local file_path, file_name = util.splitFilePathName(file) -- luacheck: no unused if not file_name then return end return md5(file_name) end function KOSync:syncToProgress(progress) logger.dbg("sync to", progress) if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", tonumber(progress))) else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoXPointer", progress)) end end function KOSync:updateProgress(manual) if not self.kosync_username or not self.kosync_userkey then if manual then promptLogin() end return end if manual and NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:updateProgress(manual) end) then return end local KOSyncClient = require("KOSyncClient") local client = KOSyncClient:new{ custom_url = self.kosync_custom_server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } local doc_digest = self:getDocumentDigest() local progress = self:getLastProgress() local percentage = self:getLastPercent() local ok, err = pcall(client.update_progress, client, self.kosync_username, self.kosync_userkey, doc_digest, progress, percentage, Device.model, self.kosync_device_id, function(ok, body) logger.dbg("update progress for", self.view.document.file, ok) if manual then if ok then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Progress has been pushed."), timeout = 3, }) else showSyncError() end end end) if not ok then if manual then showSyncError() end if err then logger.dbg("err:", err) end end end function KOSync:getProgress(manual) if not self.kosync_username or not self.kosync_userkey then if manual then promptLogin() end return end if manual and NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:getProgress(manual) end) then return end local KOSyncClient = require("KOSyncClient") local client = KOSyncClient:new{ custom_url = self.kosync_custom_server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } local doc_digest = self:getDocumentDigest() local ok, err = pcall(client.get_progress, client, self.kosync_username, self.kosync_userkey, doc_digest, function(ok, body) logger.dbg("get progress for", self.view.document.file, ok, body) if not ok or not body then if manual then showSyncError() end return end if not body.percentage then if manual then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("No progress found for this document."), timeout = 3, }) end return end if body.device == Device.model and body.device_id == self.kosync_device_id then if manual then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Latest progress is coming from this device."), timeout = 3, }) end return end body.percentage = Math.roundPercent(body.percentage) local progress = self:getLastProgress() local percentage = self:getLastPercent() logger.dbg("current progress", percentage) if percentage == body.percentage or body.progress == progress then if manual then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("The progress has already been synchronized."), timeout = 3, }) end return end -- The progress needs to be updated. if manual then -- If user actively pulls progress from other devices, we always update the -- progress without further confirmation. self:syncToProgress(body.progress) showSyncedMessage() return end local self_older if body.timestamp ~= nil then self_older = (body.timestamp > self.last_page_turn_ticks) else -- If we are working with old sync server, we can only use -- percentage field. self_older = (body.percentage > percentage) end if self_older then if self.kosync_whisper_forward == SYNC_STRATEGY.WHISPER then self:syncToProgress(body.progress) showSyncedMessage() elseif self.kosync_whisper_forward == SYNC_STRATEGY.PROMPT then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Sync to latest location %1% from device '%2'?"), Math.round(body.percentage * 100), body.device), ok_callback = function() self:syncToProgress(body.progress) end, }) end else -- if not self_older then if self.kosync_whisper_backward == SYNC_STRATEGY.WHISPER then self:syncToProgress(body.progress) showSyncedMessage() elseif self.kosync_whisper_backward == SYNC_STRATEGY.PROMPT then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Sync to previous location %1% from device '%2'?"), Math.round(body.percentage * 100), body.device), ok_callback = function() self:syncToProgress(body.progress) end, }) end end end) if not ok then if manual then showSyncError() end if err then logger.dbg("err:", err) end end end function KOSync:saveSettings() local settings = { custom_server = self.kosync_custom_server, username = self.kosync_username, userkey = self.kosync_userkey, auto_sync = self.kosync_auto_sync, pages_before_update = self.kosync_pages_before_update, whisper_forward = (self.kosync_whisper_forward ~= SYNC_STRATEGY.DEFAULT_FORWARD and self.kosync_whisper_forward or nil), whisper_backward = (self.kosync_whisper_backward ~= SYNC_STRATEGY.DEFAULT_BACKWARD and self.kosync_whisper_backward or nil), checksum_method = self.kosync_checksum_method, } G_reader_settings:saveSetting("kosync", settings) end function KOSync:onCloseDocument() logger.dbg("on close document") if self.kosync_auto_sync then self:updateProgress() end end function KOSync:_onPageUpdate(page) if page == nil then return end if self.last_page == -1 then self.last_page = page elseif self.last_page ~= page then self.last_page = page self.last_page_turn_ticks = os.time() self.page_update_times = self.page_update_times + 1 if self.kosync_pages_before_update and self.page_update_times == self.kosync_pages_before_update then self.page_update_times = 0 UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self:updateProgress() end) end end end function KOSync:_onResume() UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self:getProgress() end) end function KOSync:_onFlushSettings() if self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil then return end self:updateProgress() end function KOSync:_onNetworkConnected() self:_onResume() end function KOSync:onKOSyncPushProgress() if not self.kosync_userkey then return end self:updateProgress(true) end function KOSync:onKOSyncPullProgress() if not self.kosync_userkey then return end self:getProgress(true) end function KOSync:registerEvents() if self.kosync_auto_sync then self.onPageUpdate = self._onPageUpdate self.onResume = self._onResume self.onFlushSettings = self._onFlushSettings self.onNetworkConnected = self._onNetworkConnected else self.onPageUpdate = nil self.onResume = nil self.onFlushSettings = nil self.onNetworkConnected = nil end end return KOSync