require "unireader" DJVUReader = UniReader:new{} function DJVUReader:init() self.nulldc = djvu.newDC() end -- open a DJVU file and its settings store function DJVUReader:open(filename) self.doc = djvu.openDocument(filename) if self.doc ~= nil then self.settings = DocSettings:open(filename) local gamma = self.settings:readsetting("gamma") if gamma then self.globalgamma = gamma end return true end return false end -- set viewer state according to zoom state function DJVUReader:setzoom(page) local dc = djvu.newDC() local pwidth, pheight = page:getSize(self.nulldc) if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE then self.globalzoom = width / pwidth self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = (height - (self.globalzoom * pheight)) / 2 if height / pheight < self.globalzoom then self.globalzoom = height / pheight print(width, (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) self.offset_x = (width - (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) / 2 self.offset_y = 0 end elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH then self.globalzoom = width / pwidth self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = (height - (self.globalzoom * pheight)) / 2 elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT then self.globalzoom = height / pheight self.offset_x = (width - (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) / 2 self.offset_y = 0 end dc:setZoom(self.globalzoom) -- record globalzoom for manual zoom in/out self.globalzoom_orig = self.globalzoom dc:setRotate(self.globalrotate); dc:setOffset(self.offset_x, self.offset_y) self.fullwidth, self.fullheight = page:getSize(dc) self.min_offset_x = - self.fullwidth self.min_offset_y = - self.fullheight if(self.min_offset_x > 0) then self.min_offset_x = 0 end if(self.min_offset_y > 0) then self.min_offset_y = 0 end -- set gamma here, we don't have any other good place for this right now: if self.globalgamma ~= self.GAMMA_NO_GAMMA then print("gamma correction: "..self.globalgamma) dc:setGamma(self.globalgamma) end return dc end