--[[-- A button widget that shows text or an icon and handles callback when tapped. @usage local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local button = Button:new{ text = _("Press me!"), enabled = false, -- defaults to true callback = some_callback_function, width = Screen:scaleBySize(50), max_width = Screen:scaleBySize(100), bordersize = Screen:scaleBySize(3), margin = 0, padding = Screen:scaleBySize(2), } --]] local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local IconWidget = require("ui/widget/iconwidget") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local LeftContainer = require("ui/widget/container/leftcontainer") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local logger = require("logger") local DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE = G_defaults:readSetting("DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE") local Button = InputContainer:extend{ text = nil, -- mandatory (unless icon is provided) text_func = nil, icon = nil, icon_width = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE), -- our icons are square icon_height = Screen:scaleBySize(DGENERIC_ICON_SIZE), icon_rotation_angle = 0, align = "center", -- or "left" preselect = false, callback = nil, enabled = true, hidden = false, allow_hold_when_disabled = false, margin = 0, bordersize = Size.border.button, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, radius = nil, padding = Size.padding.button, padding_h = nil, padding_v = nil, width = nil, max_width = nil, avoid_text_truncation = true, text_font_face = "cfont", text_font_size = 20, text_font_bold = true, vsync = nil, -- when "flash_ui" is enabled, allow bundling the highlight with the callback, and fence that batch away from the unhighlight. Avoid delays when callback requires a "partial" on Kobo Mk. 7, c.f., ffi/framebuffer_mxcfb for more details. } function Button:init() -- Prefer an optional text_func over text if self.text_func and type(self.text_func) == "function" then self.text = self.text_func() end -- Point tap_input to hold_input if requested if self.call_hold_input_on_tap then self.tap_input = self.hold_input end if not self.padding_h then self.padding_h = self.padding end if not self.padding_v then self.padding_v = self.padding end local is_left_aligned = self.align == "left" local right_margin = is_left_aligned and (2 * Size.padding.large) or 0 if self.text then local max_width = self.max_width and self.max_width - 2*self.padding_h - 2*self.margin - 2*self.bordersize - right_margin or nil self.label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.text, max_width = max_width, fgcolor = self.enabled and Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK or Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, bold = self.text_font_bold, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, self.text_font_size) } self.did_truncation_tweaks = false if self.avoid_text_truncation and self.label_widget:isTruncated() then self.did_truncation_tweaks = true local max_height = self.label_widget:getSize().h local font_size_2_lines = TextBoxWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight(max_height, 2, 0) while self.label_widget:isTruncated() do local new_size = self.label_widget.face.orig_size - 1 if new_size < font_size_2_lines then -- Switch to a 2-lines TextBoxWidget self.label_widget:free(true) self.label_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.text, line_height = 0, alignment = self.align, width = max_width, height = max_height, height_adjust = true, height_overflow_show_ellipsis = true, fgcolor = self.enabled and Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK or Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, bold = self.text_font_bold, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, font_size_2_lines) } if not self.label_widget.has_split_inside_word then break end -- No good wrap opportunity (split inside a word): ignore this TextBoxWidget -- and go on with a TextWidget with the smaller font size end if new_size < 8 then -- don't go too small break end self.label_widget:free(true) self.label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.text, max_width = max_width, fgcolor = self.enabled and Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK or Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, bold = self.text_font_bold, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, new_size) } end end else self.label_widget = IconWidget:new{ icon = self.icon, rotation_angle = self.icon_rotation_angle, dim = not self.enabled, width = self.icon_width, height = self.icon_height, } end local widget_size = self.label_widget:getSize() if self.width == nil then self.width = widget_size.w end -- set FrameContainer content if is_left_aligned then self.label_container = LeftContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width - 4 * Size.padding.large, h = widget_size.h }, self.label_widget, } else self.label_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = widget_size.h }, self.label_widget, } end self.frame = FrameContainer:new{ margin = self.margin, show_parent = self.show_parent, bordersize = self.bordersize, background = self.background, radius = self.radius, padding_top = self.padding_v, padding_bottom = self.padding_v, padding_left = self.padding_h, padding_right = self.padding_h, self.label_container } if self.preselect then self.frame.invert = true end self.dimen = self.frame:getSize() self[1] = self.frame self.ges_events = { TapSelectButton = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, }, HoldSelectButton = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, }, }, -- Safe-guard for when used inside a MovableContainer HoldReleaseSelectButton = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = self.dimen, }, } } end function Button:setText(text, width) if text ~= self.text then -- Don't trash the frame if we're already a text button, and we're keeping the geometry intact if self.text and width and width == self.width and not self.did_truncation_tweaks then self.text = text self.label_widget:setText(text) else self.text = text self.width = width self.label_widget:free() self:init() end end end function Button:setIcon(icon, width) if icon ~= self.icon then self.icon = icon self.width = width self.label_widget:free() self:init() end end function Button:onFocus() if self.no_focus then return end self.frame.invert = true return true end function Button:onUnfocus() if self.no_focus then return end self.frame.invert = false return true end function Button:enable() if not self.enabled then if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK else self.label_widget.dim = false end self.enabled = true end end function Button:disable() if self.enabled then if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY else self.label_widget.dim = true end self.enabled = false end end -- This is used by pagination buttons with a hold_input registered that we want to *sometimes* inhibit, -- meaning we want the Button disabled, but *without* dimming the text... function Button:disableWithoutDimming() self.enabled = false if self.text then self.label_widget.fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK else self.label_widget.dim = false end end function Button:enableDisable(enable) if enable then self:enable() else self:disable() end end function Button:hide() if self.icon and not self.hidden then self.frame.orig_background = self.frame.background self.frame.background = nil self.label_widget.hide = true self.hidden = true end end function Button:show() if self.icon and self.hidden then self.label_widget.hide = false self.frame.background = self.frame.orig_background self.hidden = false end end function Button:showHide(show) if show then self:show() else self:hide() end end -- Used by onTapSelectButton to handle visual feedback when flash_ui is enabled function Button:_doFeedbackHighlight() -- NOTE: self[1] -> self.frame, if you're confused about what this does vs. onFocus/onUnfocus ;). if self.text then -- We only want the button's *highlight* to have rounded corners (otherwise they're redundant, same color as the bg). -- The nil check is to discriminate the default from callers that explicitly request a specific radius. if self[1].radius == nil then self[1].radius = Size.radius.button -- And here, it's easier to just invert the bg/fg colors ourselves, -- so as to preserve the rounded corners in one step. self[1].background = self[1].background:invert() self.label_widget.fgcolor = self.label_widget.fgcolor:invert() -- We do *NOT* set the invert flag, because it just adds an invertRect step at the end of the paintTo process, -- and we've already taken care of inversion in a way that won't mangle the rounded corners. else self[1].invert = true end -- This repaints *now*, unlike setDirty UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) else self[1].invert = true UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) end UIManager:setDirty(nil, "fast", self[1].dimen) end function Button:_undoFeedbackHighlight(is_translucent) if self.text then if self[1].radius == Size.radius.button then self[1].radius = nil self[1].background = self[1].background:invert() self.label_widget.fgcolor = self.label_widget.fgcolor:invert() else self[1].invert = false end UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) else self[1].invert = false UIManager:widgetInvert(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) end if is_translucent then -- If our parent belongs to a translucent MovableContainer, we need to repaint it on unhighlight in order to honor alpha, -- because our highlight/unhighlight will have made the Button fully opaque. -- UIManager will detect transparency and then takes care of also repainting what's underneath us to avoid alpha layering glitches. UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, "ui", self[1].dimen) else -- In case the callback itself won't enqueue a refresh region that includes us, do it ourselves. -- If the button is disabled, switch to UI to make sure the gray comes through unharmed ;). UIManager:setDirty(nil, self.enabled and "fast" or "ui", self[1].dimen) end end function Button:onTapSelectButton() if self.enabled or self.allow_tap_when_disabled then if self.callback then if G_reader_settings:isFalse("flash_ui") then self.callback() else -- NOTE: We have a few tricks up our sleeve in case our parent is inside a translucent MovableContainer... local is_translucent = self.show_parent and self.show_parent.movable and self.show_parent.movable.alpha -- Highlight -- self:_doFeedbackHighlight() -- Force the refresh by draining the refresh queue *now*, so we have a chance to see the highlight on its own, before whatever the callback will do. if not self.vsync then -- NOTE: Except when a Button is flagged vsync, in which case we *want* to bundle the highlight with the callback, to prevent further delays UIManager:forceRePaint() -- NOTE: Yield to the kernel for a tiny slice of time, otherwise, writing to the same fb region as the refresh we've just requested may be race-y, -- causing mild variants of our friend the papercut refresh glitch ;). -- Remember that the whole eInk refresh dance is completely asynchronous: we *request* a refresh from the kernel, -- but it's up to the EPDC to schedule that however it sees fit... -- The other approach would be to *ask* the EPDC to block until it's *completely* done, -- but that's too much (because we only care about it being done *reading* the fb), -- and that could take upwards of 300ms, which is also way too much ;). UIManager:yieldToEPDC() end -- Unhighlight -- -- We'll *paint* the unhighlight now, because at this point we can still be sure that our widget exists, -- and that anything we do will not impact whatever the callback does (i.e., that we draw *below* whatever the callback might show). -- We won't *fence* the refresh (i.e., it's queued, but we don't actually drain the queue yet), though, to ensure that we do not delay the callback, and that the unhighlight essentially blends into whatever the callback does. -- Worst case scenario, we'll simply have "wasted" a tiny subwidget repaint if the callback closed us, -- but doing it this way allows us to avoid a large array of potential interactions with whatever the callback may paint/refresh if we were to handle the unhighlight post-callback, -- which would require a number of possibly brittle heuristics to handle. -- NOTE: If a Button is marked vsync, we want to keep it highlighted for now (in order for said highlight to be visible during the callback refresh), we'll remove the highlight post-callback. if not self.vsync then self:_undoFeedbackHighlight(is_translucent) end -- Callback -- self.callback() -- Check if the callback reset transparency... is_translucent = is_translucent and self.show_parent.movable.alpha UIManager:forceRePaint() -- Ensures whatever the callback wanted to paint will be shown *now*... if self.vsync then -- NOTE: This is mainly useful when the callback caused a REAGL update that we do not explicitly fence via MXCFB_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_COMPLETE already, (i.e., Kobo Mk. 7). UIManager:waitForVSync() -- ...and that the EPDC will not wait to coalesce it with the *next* update, -- because that would have a chance to noticeably delay it until the unhighlight. end -- Unhighlight -- -- NOTE: If a Button is marked vsync, we have a guarantee from the programmer that the widget it belongs to is still alive and top-level post-callback, -- so we can do this safely without risking UI glitches. if self.vsync then self:_undoFeedbackHighlight(is_translucent) UIManager:forceRePaint() end end elseif self.tap_input then self:onInput(self.tap_input) elseif type(self.tap_input_func) == "function" then self:onInput(self.tap_input_func()) end end if self.readonly ~= true then return true end end -- Allow repainting and refreshing *a* specific Button, instead of the full screen/parent stack function Button:refresh() -- We can only be called on a Button that's already been painted once, which allows us to know where we're positioned, -- thanks to the frame's geometry. -- e.g., right after a setText or setIcon is a no-go, as those kill the frame. -- (Although, setText, if called with the current width, will conserve the frame). if not self[1].dimen then logger.dbg("Button:", self, "attempted a repaint in an unpainted frame!") return end UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self.dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return self.enabled and "fast" or "ui", self[1].dimen end) end function Button:onHoldSelectButton() -- If we're going to process this hold, we must make -- sure to also handle its hold_release below, so it's -- not propagated up to a MovableContainer self._hold_handled = nil if self.enabled or self.allow_hold_when_disabled then if self.hold_callback then self.hold_callback() self._hold_handled = true elseif self.hold_input then self:onInput(self.hold_input, true) self._hold_handled = true elseif type(self.hold_input_func) == "function" then self:onInput(self.hold_input_func(), true) self._hold_handled = true end end if self.readonly ~= true then return true end end function Button:onHoldReleaseSelectButton() if self._hold_handled then self._hold_handled = nil return true end return false end return Button