print(package.path) package.path = "./frontend/?.lua" require "ui/ui" require "ui/readerui" require "document/document" TestGrid = Widget:new{} function TestGrid:paintTo() v_line = math.floor(G_width / 50) h_line = math.floor(G_height / 50) for i=1,h_line do y_num = i*50 renderUtf8Text(, 0, y_num+10, Font:getFace("ffont", 12), y_num, true), y_num, G_width, 1, 10) end for i=1,v_line do x_num = i*50 renderUtf8Text(, x_num, 10, Font:getFace("ffont", 12), x_num, true), 0, 1, G_height, 10) end end -- we create a widget that paints a background: Background = InputContainer:new{ is_always_active = true, -- receive events when other dialogs are active key_events = { OpenDialog = { { "Press" } }, OpenConfirmBox = { { "Del" } }, QuitApplication = { { {"Home","Back"} } } }, -- contains a gray rectangular desktop FrameContainer:new{ background = 3, bordersize = 0, dimen = { w = G_width, h = G_height } } } function Background:onOpenDialog() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = "Example message.", timeout = 10 }) end function Background:onOpenConfirmBox() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = "Please confirm delete" }) end function Background:onInputError() UIManager:quit() end function Background:onQuitApplication() UIManager:quit() end -- example widget: a clock Clock = FrameContainer:new{ background = 0, bordersize = 1, margin = 0, padding = 1 } function Clock:schedFunc() self[1]:free() self[1] = self:getTextWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self) -- reschedule -- TODO: wait until next real second shift UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function() self:schedFunc() end) end function Clock:onShow() self[1] = self:getTextWidget() self:schedFunc() end function Clock:getTextWidget() return CenterContainer:new{ dimen = { w = 300, h = 25 }, TextWidget:new{ text ="%H:%M:%S"), face = Font:getFace("cfont", 12) } } end Quiz = ConfirmBox:new{ text = "Tell me the truth, isn't it COOL?!", width = 300, ok_text = "Yes, of course.", cancel_text = "No, it's ugly.", cancel_callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text="You liar!", }) end, } menu_items = { {text = "item1"}, {text = "item2"}, {text = "This is a very very log item whose length should exceed the width of the menu."}, {text = "item3"}, {text = "item4"}, {text = "item5"}, {text = "item6"}, {text = "item7"}, {text = "item8"}, {text = "item9"}, {text = "item10"}, {text = "item11"}, {text = "item12"}, {text = "item13"}, {text = "item14"}, {text = "item15"}, {text = "item16"}, {text = "item17"}, } M = Menu:new{ title = "Test Menu", item_table = menu_items, width = 500, height = 600, } readerwindow = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = G_width, h = G_height }, FrameContainer:new{ background = 0 } } reader = ReaderUI:new{ dialog = readerwindow, dimen = Geom:new{ w = G_width - 100, h = G_height - 100 }, document = DocumentRegistry:getProvider("test/2col.pdf") } readerwindow[1][1] = reader UIManager:show(Background:new()) UIManager:show(TestGrid) UIManager:show(Clock:new()) UIManager:show(M) UIManager:show(Quiz) UIManager:show(readerwindow) UIManager:run()