local CreOptions = require("ui/data/creoptions") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local T = require("ffi/util").template local Dispatcher = { initialized = false, } --[[-- contains a list of a dispatchable settings each setting contains: category: one of none: a direct event call arg: a event that expects a gesture object or an argument absolutenumber: event that sets a number incrementalnumber: event that increments a number & accepts a gesture object string: event with a list of arguments to chose from event: what to call. title: for use in ui. section: under which menu to display (currently: device, filemanager, rolling, paging) and optionally min/max: for number default args: allowed values for string. toggle: display name for args separator: put a separator after in the menu list --]]-- local settingsList = { -- Device settings show_frontlight_dialog = { category="none", event="ShowFlDialog", title=_("Show frontlight dialog"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),}, toggle_frontlight = { category="none", event="ToggleFrontlight", title=_("Toggle frontlight"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),}, set_frontlight = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetFlIntensity", min=0, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_max, title=_("Set frontlight brightness to %1"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),}, increase_frontlight = { category="incrementalnumber", event="IncreaseFlIntensity", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_max, title=_("Increase frontlight brightness by %1"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),}, decrease_frontlight = { category="incrementalnumber", event="DecreaseFlIntensity", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_max, title=_("Decrease frontlight brightness by %1"), device=true, condition=Device:hasFrontlight(),}, set_frontlight_warmth = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetFlWarmth", min=0, max=100, title=_("Set frontlight warmth to %1"), device=true, condition=Device:hasNaturalLight(),}, increase_frontlight_warmth = { category="incrementalnumber", event="IncreaseFlWarmth", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_warmth_max, title=_("Increase frontlight warmth by %1"), device=true, condition=Device:hasNaturalLight(),}, decrease_frontlight_warmth = { category="incrementalnumber", event="DecreaseFlWarmth", min=1, max=Device:getPowerDevice().fl_warmth_max, title=_("Decrease frontlight warmth by %1"), device=true, condition=Device:hasNaturalLight(), separator=true,}, toggle_gsensor = { category="none", event="ToggleGSensor", title=_("Toggle accelerometer"), device=true, condition=Device:canToggleGSensor(),}, wifi_on = { category="none", event="InfoWifiOn", title=_("Turn on Wi-Fi"), device=true, condition=Device:hasWifiToggle(),}, wifi_off = { category="none", event="InfoWifiOff", title=_("Turn off Wi-Fi"), device=true, condition=Device:hasWifiToggle(),}, toggle_wifi = { category="none", event="ToggleWifi", title=_("Toggle Wi-Fi"), device=true, condition=Device:hasWifiToggle(), separator=true,}, reading_progress = { category="none", event="ShowReaderProgress", title=_("Reading progress"), device=true,}, stats_calendar_view = { category="none", event="ShowCalendarView", title=_("Statistics calendar view"), device=true, separator=true,}, history = { category="none", event="ShowHist", title=_("History"), device=true,}, open_previous_document = { category="none", event="OpenLastDoc", title=_("Open previous document"), device=true,}, filemanager = { category="none", event="Home", title=_("File browser"), device=true,}, dictionary_lookup = { category="none", event="ShowDictionaryLookup", title=_("Dictionary lookup"), device=true,}, wikipedia_lookup = { category="none", event="ShowWikipediaLookup", title=_("Wikipedia lookup"), device=true,}, fulltext_search = { category="none", event="ShowFulltextSearchInput", title=_("Fulltext search"), device=true,}, file_search = { category="none", event="ShowFileSearch", title=_("File search"), device=true, separator=true,}, full_refresh = { category="none", event="FullRefresh", title=_("Full screen refresh"), device=true,}, night_mode = { category="none", event="ToggleNightMode", title=_("Toggle night mode"), device=true,}, set_night_mode = { category="string", event="SetNightMode", title=_("Set night mode"), device=true, args={true, false}, toggle={_("On"), _("Off")},}, suspend = { category="none", event="SuspendEvent", title=_("Suspend"), device=true,}, exit = { category="none", event="Exit", title=_("Exit KOReader"), device=true,}, restart = { category="none", event="Restart", title=_("Restart KOReader"), device=true, condition=Device:canRestart(),}, reboot = { category="none", event="Reboot", title=_("Reboot the device"), device=true, condition=Device:canReboot(),}, poweroff = { category="none", event="PowerOff", title=_("Power off"), device=true, condition=Device:canPowerOff(), separator=true,}, show_menu = { category="none", event="ShowMenu", title=_("Show menu"), device=true,}, toggle_hold_corners = { category="none", event="IgnoreHoldCorners", title=_("Toggle hold corners"), device=true, separator=true,}, toggle_rotation = { category="none", event="SwapRotation", title=_("Toggle orientation"), device=true,}, invert_rotation = { category="none", event="InvertRotation", title=_("Invert rotation"), device=true,}, iterate_rotation = { category="none", event="IterateRotation", title=_("Rotate by 90° CW"), device=true, separator=true,}, set_refresh_rate = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetBothRefreshRates", min=-1, max=200, title=_("Flash every %1 pages (always)"), device=true,}, set_day_refresh_rate = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetDayRefreshRate", min=-1, max=200, title=_("Flash every %1 pages (not in night mode)"), device=true,}, set_night_refresh_rate = { category="absolutenumber", event="SetNightRefreshRate", min=-1, max=200, title=_("Flash every %1 pages (in night mode)"), device=true,}, set_flash_on_chapter_boundaries = { category="string", event="SetFlashOnChapterBoundaries", title=_("Always flash on chapter boundaries"), device=true, args={true, false}, toggle={_("On"), _("Off")},}, toggle_flash_on_chapter_boundaries = { category="none", event="ToggleFlashOnChapterBoundaries", title=_("Toggle flashing on chapter boundaries"), device=true,}, set_no_flash_on_second_chapter_page = { category="string", event="SetNoFlashOnSecondChapterPage", title=_("Never flash on chapter's 2nd page"), device=true, args={true, false}, toggle={_("On"), _("Off")},}, toggle_no_flash_on_second_chapter_page = { category="none", event="ToggleNoFlashOnSecondChapterPage", title=_("Toggle flashing on chapter's 2nd page"), device=true, separator=true,}, wallabag_download = { category="none", event="SynchronizeWallabag", title=_("Wallabag retrieval"), device=true,}, calibre_search = { category="none", event="CalibreSearch", title=_("Search in calibre metadata"), device=true,}, calibre_browse_tags = { category="none", event="CalibreBrowseTags", title=_("Browse all calibre tags"), device=true,}, calibre_browse_series = { category="none", event="CalibreBrowseSeries", title=_("Browse all calibre series"), device=true, separator=true,}, favorites = { category="none", event="ShowColl", arg="favorites", title=_("Favorites"), device=true,}, -- filemanager settings folder_up = { category="none", event="FolderUp", title=_("Folder up"), filemanager=true}, show_plus_menu = { category="none", event="ShowPlusMenu", title=_("Show plus menu"), filemanager=true}, folder_shortcuts = { category="none", event="ShowFolderShortcutsDialog", title=_("Folder shortcuts"), filemanager=true, separator=true,}, -- reader settings prev_chapter = { category="none", event="GotoPrevChapter", title=_("Previous chapter"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, next_chapter = { category="none", event="GotoNextChapter", title=_("Next chapter"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, first_page = { category="none", event="GoToBeginning", title=_("First page"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, last_page = { category="none", event="GoToEnd", title=_("Last page"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, prev_bookmark = { category="none", event="GotoPreviousBookmarkFromPage", title=_("Previous bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, next_bookmark = { category="none", event="GotoNextBookmarkFromPage", title=_("Next bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, go_to = { category="none", event="ShowGotoDialog", title=_("Go to"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, skim = { category="none", event="ShowSkimtoDialog", title=_("Skim"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, back = { category="none", event="Back", title=_("Back"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, previous_location = { category="none", event="GoBackLink", arg=true, title=_("Back to previous location"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, latest_bookmark = { category="none", event="GoToLatestBookmark", title=_("Go to latest bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, follow_nearest_link = { category="arg", event="GoToPageLink", arg={pos={x=0,y=0}}, title=_("Follow nearest link"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, follow_nearest_internal_link = { category="arg", event="GoToInternalPageLink", arg={pos={x=0,y=0}}, title=_("Follow nearest internal link"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, clear_location_history = { category="none", event="ClearLocationStack", arg=true, title=_("Clear location history"), rolling=true, paging=true, separator=true,}, toc = { category="none", event="ShowToc", title=_("Table of contents"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, bookmarks = { category="none", event="ShowBookmark", title=_("Bookmarks"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, book_statistics = { category="none", event="ShowBookStats", title=_("Book statistics"), rolling=true, paging=true, separator=true,}, book_status = { category="none", event="ShowBookStatus", title=_("Book status"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, book_info = { category="none", event="ShowBookInfo", title=_("Book information"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, book_description = { category="none", event="ShowBookDescription", title=_("Book description"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, book_cover = { category="none", event="ShowBookCover", title=_("Book cover"), rolling=true, paging=true, separator=true,}, show_config_menu = { category="none", event="ShowConfigMenu", title=_("Show bottom menu"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, toggle_bookmark = { category="none", event="ToggleBookmark", title=_("Toggle bookmark"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, toggle_inverse_reading_order = { category="none", event="ToggleReadingOrder", title=_("Toggle page turn direction"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, cycle_highlight_action = { category="none", event="CycleHighlightAction", title=_("Cycle highlight action"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, cycle_highlight_style = { category="none", event="CycleHighlightStyle", title=_("Cycle highlight style"), rolling=true, paging=true, separator=true,}, kosync_push_progress = { category="none", event="KOSyncPushProgress", title=_("Push progress from this device"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, kosync_pull_progress = { category="none", event="KOSyncPullProgress", title=_("Pull progress from other devices"), rolling=true, paging=true, separator=true,}, page_jmp = { category="absolutenumber", event="GotoViewRel", min=-100, max=100, title=_("Go %1 pages"), rolling=true, paging=true,}, -- rolling reader settings increase_font = { category="incrementalnumber", event="IncreaseFontSize", min=1, max=255, title=_("Increase font size by %1"), rolling=true,}, decrease_font = { category="incrementalnumber", event="DecreaseFontSize", min=1, max=255, title=_("Decrease font size by %1"), rolling=true,}, -- paging reader settings toggle_page_flipping = { category="none", event="TogglePageFlipping", title=_("Toggle page flipping"), paging=true,}, toggle_reflow = { category="none", event="ToggleReflow", title=_("Toggle reflow"), paging=true,}, zoom = { category="string", event="SetZoomMode", title=_("Zoom to"), args={"contentwidth", "contentheight", "pagewidth", "pageheight", "column", "content", "page"}, toggle={"content width", "content height", "page width", "page height", "column", "content", "page"}, paging=true,}, -- parsed from CreOptions -- the rest of the table elements are built from their counterparts in CreOptions rotation_mode = {category="string", device=true, separator=true,}, visible_pages = {category="string", rolling=true, separator=true,}, h_page_margins = {category="string", rolling=true}, sync_t_b_page_margins = {category="string", rolling=true}, t_page_margin = {category="absolutenumber", rolling=true}, b_page_margin = {category="absolutenumber", rolling=true, separator=true,}, view_mode = {category="string", rolling=true}, block_rendering_mode = {category="string", rolling=true}, render_dpi = {category="string", rolling=true}, line_spacing = {category="absolutenumber", rolling=true, separator=true,}, font_size = {category="absolutenumber", title=_("Set font size to %1"), rolling=true}, font_weight = {category="string", rolling=true}, --font_gamma = {category="string", rolling=true}, font_hinting = {category="string", rolling=true}, font_kerning = {category="string", rolling=true, separator=true,}, status_line = {category="string", rolling=true}, embedded_css = {category="string", rolling=true}, embedded_fonts = {category="string", rolling=true}, smooth_scaling = {category="string", rolling=true}, nightmode_images = {category="string", rolling=true}, } -- array for item order in menu local dispatcher_menu_order = { -- device "reading_progress", "history", "open_previous_document", "favorites", "filemanager", "stats_calendar_view", "dictionary_lookup", "wikipedia_lookup", "fulltext_search", "file_search", "full_refresh", "night_mode", "set_night_mode", "suspend", "exit", "restart", "reboot", "poweroff", "show_menu", "show_config_menu", "show_frontlight_dialog", "toggle_frontlight", "set_frontlight", "increase_frontlight", "decrease_frontlight", "set_frontlight_warmth", "increase_frontlight_warmth", "decrease_frontlight_warmth", "toggle_hold_corners", "toggle_gsensor", "toggle_rotation", "invert_rotation", "iterate_rotation", "set_refresh_rate", "set_day_refresh_rate", "set_night_refresh_rate", "set_flash_on_chapter_boundaries", "toggle_flash_on_chapter_boundaries", "set_no_flash_on_second_chapter_page", "toggle_no_flash_on_second_chapter_page", "wifi_on", "wifi_off", "toggle_wifi", "wallabag_download", "calibre_search", "calibre_browse_tags", "calibre_browse_series", "rotation_mode", -- filemanager "folder_up", "show_plus_menu", "folder_shortcuts", -- reader "page_jmp", "prev_chapter", "next_chapter", "first_page", "last_page", "prev_bookmark", "next_bookmark", "go_to", "skim", "back", "previous_location", "latest_bookmark", "follow_nearest_link", "follow_nearest_internal_link", "clear_location_history", "toc", "bookmarks", "book_statistics", "book_status", "book_info", "book_description", "book_cover", "increase_font", "decrease_font", "font_size", --"font_gamma", "font_weight", "font_hinting", "font_kerning", "toggle_bookmark", "toggle_page_flipping", "toggle_reflow", "toggle_inverse_reading_order", "zoom", "cycle_highlight_action", "cycle_highlight_style", "kosync_push_progress", "kosync_pull_progress", "visible_pages", "h_page_margins", "sync_t_b_page_margins", "t_page_margin", "b_page_margin", "view_mode", "block_rendering_mode", "render_dpi", "line_spacing", "status_line", "embedded_css", "embedded_fonts", "smooth_scaling", "nightmode_images", } --[[-- add settings from CreOptions / KoptOptions --]]-- function Dispatcher:init() local parseoptions = function(base, i) for y=1,#base[i].options do local option = base[i].options[y] if settingsList[option.name] ~= nil then if settingsList[option.name].event == nil then settingsList[option.name].event = option.event end if settingsList[option.name].title == nil then settingsList[option.name].title = option.name_text end if settingsList[option.name].category == "string" then if settingsList[option.name].toggle == nil then settingsList[option.name].toggle = option.toggle or option.labels if settingsList[option.name].toggle == nil then settingsList[option.name].toggle = {} for z=1,#option.values do if type(option.values[z]) == "table" then settingsList[option.name].toggle[z] = option.values[z][1] end end end end if settingsList[option.name].args == nil then settingsList[option.name].args = option.args or option.values end elseif settingsList[option.name].category == "absolutenumber" then if settingsList[option.name].min == nil then settingsList[option.name].min = option.args[1] end if settingsList[option.name].max == nil then settingsList[option.name].max = option.args[#option.args] end if settingsList[option.name].default == nil then settingsList[option.name].default = option.default_value end end end end end for i=1,#CreOptions do parseoptions(CreOptions, i) end Dispatcher.initialized = true end -- Returns a display name for the item. function Dispatcher:getNameFromItem(item, location, settings) local amount if location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][item] ~= nil then amount = location[settings][item] end if amount == nil or (amount == 0 and settingsList[item].category == "incrementalnumber") then amount = C_("Number placeholder", "#") end return T(settingsList[item].title, amount) end function Dispatcher:addItem(caller, menu, location, settings, section) for _, k in ipairs(dispatcher_menu_order) do if settingsList[k][section] == true and (settingsList[k].condition == nil or settingsList[k].condition) then if settingsList[k].category == "none" or settingsList[k].category == "arg" then table.insert(menu, { text = settingsList[k].title, checked_func = function() return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if location[settings] == nil then location[settings] = {} end if location[settings][k] then location[settings][k] = nil else location[settings][k] = true end caller.updated = true if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, separator = settingsList[k].separator, }) elseif settingsList[k].category == "absolutenumber" then table.insert(menu, { text_func = function() return Dispatcher:getNameFromItem(k, location, settings) end, checked_func = function() return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] or settingsList[k].default or 0, value_min = settingsList[k].min, value_step = 1, value_hold_step = 2, value_max = settingsList[k].max, default_value = 0, title_text = Dispatcher:getNameFromItem(k, location, settings), callback = function(spin) if location[settings] == nil then location[settings] = {} end location[settings][k] = spin.value caller.updated = true if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items) end, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil then location[settings][k] = nil caller.updated = true end if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, separator = settingsList[k].separator, }) elseif settingsList[k].category == "incrementalnumber" then table.insert(menu, { text_func = function() return Dispatcher:getNameFromItem(k, location, settings) end, checked_func = function() return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local _ = require("gettext") local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] or 0, value_min = settingsList[k].min, value_step = 1, value_hold_step = 2, value_max = settingsList[k].max, default_value = 0, title_text = Dispatcher:getNameFromItem(k, location, settings), info_text = _([[If called by a gesture the amount of the gesture will be used]]), callback = function(spin) if location[settings] == nil then location[settings] = {} end location[settings][k] = spin.value caller.updated = true if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items) end, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil then location[settings][k] = nil caller.updated = true end if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, separator = settingsList[k].separator, }) elseif settingsList[k].category == "string" then local sub_item_table = {} for i=1,#settingsList[k].args do table.insert(sub_item_table, { text = tostring(settingsList[k].toggle[i]), checked_func = function() return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil and location[settings][k] == settingsList[k].args[i] end, callback = function() if location[settings] == nil then location[settings] = {} end location[settings][k] = settingsList[k].args[i] caller.updated = true end, }) end table.insert(menu, { text_func = function() return Dispatcher:getNameFromItem(k, location, settings) end, checked_func = function() return location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil end, sub_item_table = sub_item_table, keep_menu_open = true, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if location[settings] ~= nil and location[settings][k] ~= nil then location[settings][k] = nil caller.updated = true end if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, separator = settingsList[k].separator, }) end end end end --[[-- Add a submenu to edit which items are dispatched arguments are: 1) the caller so dispatcher can set the updated flag 2) the table representing the submenu (can be empty) 3) the object (table) in which the settings table is found 4) the name of the settings table example usage: Dispatcher.addSubMenu(self, sub_items, self.data, "profile1") --]]-- function Dispatcher:addSubMenu(caller, menu, location, settings) if not Dispatcher.initialized then Dispatcher:init() end table.insert(menu, { text = _("Nothing"), separator = true, checked_func = function() return location[settings] ~= nil and next(location[settings]) == nil end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) location[settings] = {} caller.updated = true if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, }) local section_list = { {"device", _("Device")}, {"filemanager", _("File browser")}, {"rolling", _("Reflowable documents (epub, fb2, txt…)")}, {"paging", _("Fixed layout documents (pdf, djvu, pics…)")}, } for _, section in ipairs(section_list) do local submenu = {} Dispatcher:addItem(caller, submenu, location, settings, section[1]) table.insert(menu, { text = section[2], checked_func = function() if location[settings] ~= nil then for k, _ in pairs(location[settings]) do if settingsList[k][section[1]] == true and (settingsList[k].condition == nil or settingsList[k].condition) then return true end end end end, hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if location[settings] ~= nil then for k, _ in pairs(location[settings]) do if settingsList[k][section[1]] == true then location[settings][k] = nil caller.updated = true end end if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end end, sub_item_table = submenu, }) end end --[[-- Calls the events in a settings list arguments are: 1) a reference to the uimanager 2) the settings table 3) optionally a `gestures`object --]]-- function Dispatcher:execute(ui, settings, gesture) for k, v in pairs(settings) do if settingsList[k].conditions == nil or settingsList[k].conditions == true then if settingsList[k].category == "none" then if settingsList[k].arg ~= nil then ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, settingsList[k].arg)) else ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event)) end end if settingsList[k].category == "absolutenumber" or settingsList[k].category == "string" then ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, v)) end -- the event can accept a gesture object or an argument if settingsList[k].category == "arg" then local arg = gesture or settingsList[k].arg ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, arg)) end -- the event can accept a gesture object or a number if settingsList[k].category == "incrementalnumber" then local arg = gesture or v ui:handleEvent(Event:new(settingsList[k].event, arg)) end end end end return Dispatcher