local A, android = pcall(require, "android") -- luacheck: ignore local Event = require("ui/event") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Generic = require("device/generic/device") local UIManager local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = FFIUtil.template local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end local function getCodename() local api = android.app.activity.sdkVersion local codename = "" if api > 30 then codename = "S" elseif api == 30 then codename = "R" elseif api == 29 then codename = "Q" elseif api == 28 then codename = "Pie" elseif api == 27 or api == 26 then codename = "Oreo" elseif api == 25 or api == 24 then codename = "Nougat" elseif api == 23 then codename = "Marshmallow" elseif api == 22 or api == 21 then codename = "Lollipop" elseif api == 19 then codename = "KitKat" elseif api < 19 and api >= 16 then codename = "Jelly Bean" elseif api < 16 and api >= 14 then codename = "Ice Cream Sandwich" end return codename end -- thirdparty app support local external = require("device/thirdparty"):new{ dicts = { { "Aard2", "Aard2", false, "itkach.aard2", "aard2" }, { "Alpus", "Alpus", false, "com.ngcomputing.fora.android", "search" }, { "ColorDict", "ColorDict", false, "com.socialnmobile.colordict", "send" }, { "Eudic", "Eudic", false, "com.eusoft.eudic", "send" }, { "EudicPlay", "Eudic (Google Play)", false, "com.qianyan.eudic", "send" }, { "Fora", "Fora Dict", false, "com.ngc.fora", "search" }, { "ForaPro", "Fora Dict Pro", false, "com.ngc.fora.android", "search" }, { "GoldenFree", "GoldenDict Free", false, "mobi.goldendict.android.free", "send" }, { "GoldenPro", "GoldenDict Pro", false, "mobi.goldendict.android", "send" }, { "Kiwix", "Kiwix", false, "org.kiwix.kiwixmobile", "text" }, { "LookUp", "Look Up", false, "gaurav.lookup", "send" }, { "LookUpPro", "Look Up Pro", false, "gaurav.lookuppro", "send" }, { "Mdict", "Mdict", false, "cn.mdict", "send" }, { "QuickDic", "QuickDic", false, "de.reimardoeffinger.quickdic", "quickdic" }, }, check = function(self, app) return android.isPackageEnabled(app) end, } local Device = Generic:extend{ isAndroid = yes, model = android.prop.product, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = no, hasExitOptions = no, hasEinkScreen = function() return android.isEink() end, hasColorScreen = android.isColorScreen, hasFrontlight = android.hasLights, hasNaturalLight = android.isWarmthDevice, canRestart = no, canSuspend = no, firmware_rev = android.app.activity.sdkVersion, home_dir = android.getExternalStoragePath(), display_dpi = android.lib.AConfiguration_getDensity(android.app.config), isHapticFeedbackEnabled = yes, isDefaultFullscreen = function() return android.app.activity.sdkVersion >= 19 end, hasClipboard = yes, hasOTAUpdates = android.ota.isEnabled, hasOTARunning = function() return android.ota.isRunning end, hasFastWifiStatusQuery = yes, hasSystemFonts = yes, canOpenLink = yes, openLink = function(self, link) if not link or type(link) ~= "string" then return end return android.openLink(link) end, canImportFiles = function() return android.app.activity.sdkVersion >= 19 end, hasExternalSD = function() return android.getExternalSdPath() end, importFile = function(path) android.importFile(path) end, canShareText = yes, doShareText = function(self, text, reason, title, mimetype) android.sendText(text, reason, title, mimetype) end, canExternalDictLookup = yes, getExternalDictLookupList = function() return external.dicts end, doExternalDictLookup = function (self, text, method, callback) external.when_back_callback = callback local _, app, action = external:checkMethod("dict", method) if action then android.dictLookup(text, app, action) end end, } function Device:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_android"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/android/powerd"):new{device = self} local event_map = require("device/android/event_map") if android.prop.is_tolino then -- dpad left/right as page back/forward event_map[21] = "LPgBack" event_map[22] = "LPgFwd" end self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = event_map, handleMiscEv = function(this, ev) logger.dbg("Android application event", ev.code) if ev.code == C.APP_CMD_SAVE_STATE then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("FlushSettings")) elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_DESTROY then UIManager:quit() elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_GAINED_FOCUS or ev.code == C.APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW or ev.code == C.APP_CMD_WINDOW_REDRAW_NEEDED then this.device.screen:_updateWindow() elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_LOST_FOCUS or ev.code == C.APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW then this.device.input:resetState() elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGED then -- orientation and size changes if android.screen.width ~= android.getScreenWidth() or android.screen.height ~= android.getScreenHeight() then this.device.screen:resize() local new_size = this.device.screen:getSize() logger.info("Resizing screen to", new_size) local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", new_size)) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("ScreenResize", new_size)) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("RedrawCurrentPage")) if FileManager.instance then FileManager.instance:reinit(FileManager.instance.path, FileManager.instance.focused_file) end end -- to-do: keyboard connected, disconnected elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_RESUME then if not android.prop.brokenLifecycle then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Resume")) end if external.when_back_callback then external.when_back_callback() external.when_back_callback = nil end if android.ota.isPending then UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, self.install) else local new_file = android.getIntent() if new_file ~= nil and lfs.attributes(new_file, "mode") == "file" then -- we cannot blit to a window here since we have no focus yet. local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local BD = require("ui/bidi") UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Opening file '%1'."), BD.filepath(new_file)), timeout = 0.0, }) end) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.2, function() require("apps/reader/readerui"):doShowReader(new_file) end) else -- check if we're resuming from importing content. local content_path = android.getLastImportedPath() if content_path ~= nil then local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() if FileManager.instance then FileManager.instance:onRefresh() else FileManager:showFiles(content_path) end end) end end end elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_PAUSE then if not android.prop.brokenLifecycle then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("RequestSuspend")) end elseif ev.code == C.AEVENT_POWER_CONNECTED then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Charging")) elseif ev.code == C.AEVENT_POWER_DISCONNECTED then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("NotCharging")) elseif ev.code == C.AEVENT_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE then android.ota.isRunning = false if android.isResumed() then self:install() else android.ota.isPending = true end end end, hasClipboardText = function() return android.hasClipboardText() end, getClipboardText = function() return android.getClipboardText() end, setClipboardText = function(text) return android.setClipboardText(text) end, } -- check if we have a keyboard if android.lib.AConfiguration_getKeyboard(android.app.config) == C.ACONFIGURATION_KEYBOARD_QWERTY then self.hasKeyboard = yes end -- check if we have a touchscreen if android.lib.AConfiguration_getTouchscreen(android.app.config) ~= C.ACONFIGURATION_TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH then self.isTouchDevice = yes end -- check if we use custom timeouts if android.needsWakelocks() then android.timeout.set(C.AKEEP_SCREEN_ON_ENABLED) else local timeout = G_reader_settings:readSetting("android_screen_timeout") if timeout then if timeout == C.AKEEP_SCREEN_ON_ENABLED or timeout > C.AKEEP_SCREEN_ON_DISABLED and android.settings.hasPermission("settings") then android.timeout.set(timeout) end end end -- check if we disable fullscreen support if G_reader_settings:isTrue("disable_android_fullscreen") then self:toggleFullscreen() end -- check if we allow haptic feedback in spite of system settings if G_reader_settings:isTrue("haptic_feedback_override") then android.setHapticOverride(true) end -- check if we ignore volume keys and then they're forwarded to system services. if G_reader_settings:isTrue("android_ignore_volume_keys") then android.setVolumeKeysIgnored(true) end -- check if we ignore the back button completely if G_reader_settings:isTrue("android_ignore_back_button") then android.setBackButtonIgnored(true) end Generic.init(self) end function Device:UIManagerReady(uimgr) UIManager = uimgr end function Device:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi(complete_callback) android.openWifiSettings() end function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi(complete_callback) android.openWifiSettings() end function NetworkMgr:openSettings() android.openWifiSettings() end function NetworkMgr:isConnected() local ok = android.getNetworkInfo() ok = tonumber(ok) if not ok then return false end return ok == 1 end NetworkMgr.isWifiOn = NetworkMgr.isConnected end function Device:performHapticFeedback(type) android.hapticFeedback(C["AHAPTIC_"..type]) end function Device:setIgnoreInput(enable) logger.dbg("android.setIgnoreInput", enable) android.setIgnoreInput(enable) end function Device:retrieveNetworkInfo() local ok, type = android.getNetworkInfo() ok, type = tonumber(ok), tonumber(type) if not ok or not type or type == C.ANETWORK_NONE then return _("Not connected") else if type == C.ANETWORK_WIFI then return _("Connected to Wi-Fi") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_MOBILE then return _("Connected to mobile data network") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_ETHERNET then return _("Connected to Ethernet") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_BLUETOOTH then return _("Connected to Bluetooth") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_VPN then return _("Connected to VPN") end return _("Unknown connection") end end function Device:setViewport(x, y, w, h) logger.info(string.format("Switching viewport to new geometry [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]", x, y, w, h)) local viewport = Geom:new{x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h} self.screen:setViewport(viewport) end -- fullscreen -- to-do: implement fullscreen toggle in API19+ local function canToggleFullscreen() local api = android.app.activity.sdkVersion return api < 19, api end -- toggle fullscreen API 19+ function Device:_toggleFullscreenImmersive() logger.dbg("ignoring fullscreen toggle, reason: always in immersive mode") end -- toggle fullscreen API 17-18 function Device:_toggleFullscreenLegacy() local width = android.getScreenWidth() local height = android.getScreenHeight() -- NOTE: Since we don't do HW rotation here, this should always match width local available_width = android.getScreenAvailableWidth() local available_height = android.getScreenAvailableHeight() local is_fullscreen = android.isFullscreen() android.setFullscreen(not is_fullscreen) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("disable_android_fullscreen", is_fullscreen) self.fullscreen = android.isFullscreen() if self.fullscreen then self:setViewport(0, 0, width, height) else self:setViewport(0, 0, available_width, available_height) end end -- toggle fullscreen API 14-16 function Device:_toggleStatusBarVisibility() local is_fullscreen = android.isFullscreen() android.setFullscreen(not is_fullscreen) logger.dbg(string.format("requesting fullscreen: %s", not is_fullscreen)) local width = android.getScreenWidth() local height = android.getScreenHeight() local statusbar_height = android.getStatusBarHeight() local new_height = height - statusbar_height local Input = require("device/input") if not is_fullscreen and self.viewport then statusbar_height = 0 -- reset touchTranslate to normal -- (since we don't setup any hooks besides the viewport one, -- (we can just reset the hook to the default NOP instead of piling on +/- translations...) self.input.eventAdjustHook = Input.eventAdjustHook end local viewport = Geom:new{x=0, y=statusbar_height, w=width, h=new_height} logger.info(string.format("Switching viewport to new geometry [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]", 0, statusbar_height, width, new_height)) self.screen:setViewport(viewport) if is_fullscreen and self.viewport and self.viewport.y ~= 0 then self.input:registerEventAdjustHook( self.input.adjustTouchTranslate, {x = 0 - self.viewport.x, y = 0 - self.viewport.y} ) end self.fullscreen = is_fullscreen end function Device:isAlwaysFullscreen() return not canToggleFullscreen() end function Device:toggleFullscreen() local is_fullscreen = android.isFullscreen() logger.dbg(string.format("requesting fullscreen: %s", not is_fullscreen)) local dummy, api = canToggleFullscreen() if api >= 19 then self:_toggleFullscreenImmersive() elseif api >= 16 then self:_toggleFullscreenLegacy() else self:_toggleStatusBarVisibility() end end function Device:info() local is_eink, eink_platform = android.isEink() local product_type = android.getPlatformName() local common_text = T(_("%1\n\nOS: Android %2, api %3 on %4\nBuild flavor: %5\n"), android.prop.product, getCodename(), Device.firmware_rev, jit.arch, android.prop.flavor) local platform_text = "" if product_type ~= "android" then platform_text = "\n" .. T(_("Device type: %1"), product_type) .. "\n" end local eink_text = "" if is_eink then eink_text = "\n" .. T(_("E-ink display supported.\nPlatform: %1"), eink_platform) .. "\n" end local wakelocks_text = "" if android.needsWakelocks() then wakelocks_text = "\n" .. _("This device needs CPU, screen and touchscreen always on.\nScreen timeout will be ignored while the app is in the foreground!") .. "\n" end return common_text..platform_text..eink_text..wakelocks_text end function Device:test() android.runTest() end function Device:exit() android.LOGI(string.format("Stopping %s main activity", android.prop.name)) android.lib.ANativeActivity_finish(android.app.activity) end function Device:canExecuteScript(file) local file_ext = string.lower(util.getFileNameSuffix(file)) if android.prop.flavor ~= "fdroid" and file_ext == "sh" then return true end end function Device:isValidPath(path) -- the fast check if android.isPathInsideSandbox(path) then return true end -- the thorough check local real_ext_storage = FFIUtil.realpath(android.getExternalStoragePath()) local real_path = FFIUtil.realpath(path) if real_path then return real_path:sub(1, #real_ext_storage) == real_ext_storage else return false end end function Device:showLightDialog() -- Delay it until next tick so that the event loop gets a chance to drain the input queue, -- and consume the APP_CMD_LOST_FOCUS event. -- This helps prevent ANRs on Tolino (c.f., #6583 & #7552). UIManager:nextTick(function() self:_showLightDialog() end) end function Device:_showLightDialog() local title = android.isEink() and _("Frontlight settings") or _("Light settings") android.lights.showDialog(title, _("Brightness"), _("Warmth"), _("OK"), _("Cancel")) local action = android.lights.dialogState() if action == C.ALIGHTS_DIALOG_OK then self.powerd.fl_intensity = self.powerd:frontlightIntensityHW() logger.dbg("Dialog OK, brightness: " .. self.powerd.fl_intensity) if android.isWarmthDevice() then self.powerd.fl_warmth = self.powerd:frontlightWarmthHW() logger.dbg("Dialog OK, warmth: " .. self.powerd.fl_warmth) end UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("FrontlightStateChanged")) elseif action == C.ALIGHTS_DIALOG_CANCEL then logger.dbg("Dialog Cancel, brightness: " .. self.powerd.fl_intensity) self.powerd:setIntensityHW(self.powerd.fl_intensity) if android.isWarmthDevice() then logger.dbg("Dialog Cancel, warmth: " .. self.powerd.fl_warmth) self.powerd:setWarmth(self.powerd.fl_warmth) end end end function Device:untar(archive, extract_to) return android.untar(archive, extract_to) end function Device:download(link, name, ok_text) local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local ok = android.download(link, name) if ok == C.ADOWNLOAD_EXISTS then self:install() elseif ok == C.ADOWNLOAD_OK then android.ota.isRunning = true UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = ok_text, timeout = 3, }) elseif ok == C.ADOWNLOAD_FAILED then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Your device seems to be unable to download packages.\nRetry using the browser?"), ok_text = _("Retry"), ok_callback = function() self:openLink(link) end, }) end end function Device:install() local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Update is ready. Install it now?"), ok_text = _("Install"), ok_callback = function() UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("FlushSettings")) UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() android.ota.install() android.ota.isPending = false end) end, }) end -- todo: Wouldn't we like an android.deviceIdentifier() method, so we can use better default paths? function Device:getDefaultCoverPath() if android.prop.product == "ntx_6sl" then -- Tolino HD4 and other return android.getExternalStoragePath() .. "/suspend_others.jpg" else return android.getExternalStoragePath() .. "/cover.jpg" end end android.LOGI(string.format("Android %s - %s (API %d) - flavor: %s", android.prop.version, getCodename(), Device.firmware_rev, android.prop.flavor)) return Device