local Event = require("ui/event") local Math = require("optmath") local UIManager local logger = require("logger") local time = require("ui/time") local BasePowerD = { fl_min = 0, -- min frontlight intensity fl_max = 10, -- max frontlight intensity fl_intensity = nil, -- frontlight intensity fl_warmth_min = 0, -- min warmth level fl_warmth_max = 100, -- max warmth level fl_warmth = nil, -- warmth level batt_capacity = 0, -- battery capacity aux_batt_capacity = 0, -- auxiliary battery capacity device = nil, -- device object last_capacity_pull_time = time.s(-61), -- timestamp of last pull last_aux_capacity_pull_time = time.s(-61), -- timestamp of last pull is_fl_on = false, -- whether the frontlight is on } function BasePowerD:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self assert(o.fl_min < o.fl_max) if o.init then o:init() end if o.device and o.device:hasFrontlight() then o.fl_intensity = o:frontlightIntensityHW() o:_decideFrontlightState() end --- @note: Post-init, as the min/max values may be computed at runtime on some platforms assert(o.fl_warmth_min < o.fl_warmth_max) -- For historical reasons, the *public* PowerD warmth API always expects warmth to be in the [0...100] range... self.warmth_scale = 100 / o.fl_warmth_max --- @note: Some platforms cannot actually read fl/warmth level from the HW, -- in which case the implementation should just return self.fl_warmth (c.f., kobo). if o.device and o.device:hasNaturalLight() then o.fl_warmth = o:frontlightWarmthHW() end return o end function BasePowerD:init() end function BasePowerD:setIntensityHW(intensity) end --- @note: Unlike the "public" setWarmth, this one takes a value in the *native* scale! function BasePowerD:setWarmthHW(warmth) end function BasePowerD:getCapacityHW() return 0 end function BasePowerD:getAuxCapacityHW() return 0 end function BasePowerD:isAuxBatteryConnectedHW() return false end function BasePowerD:getDismissBatteryStatus() return self.battery_warning end function BasePowerD:setDismissBatteryStatus(status) self.battery_warning = status end --- @note: Should ideally return true as long as the device is plugged in, even once the battery is full... function BasePowerD:isChargingHW() return false end --- @note: ...at which point this should start returning true (i.e., plugged in & fully charged). function BasePowerD:isChargedHW() return false end function BasePowerD:isAuxChargingHW() return false end function BasePowerD:isAuxChargedHW() return false end function BasePowerD:frontlightIntensityHW() return 0 end function BasePowerD:isFrontlightOnHW() return self.fl_intensity > self.fl_min end --- @note: done_callback is used to display Notifications, --- some implementations *may* need to handle it themselves because of timing constraints, --- in which case they should return *true* here, so that the public API knows not to consume the callback early. function BasePowerD:turnOffFrontlightHW(done_callback) self:setIntensityHW(self.fl_min) -- Nothing fancy required, so we leave done_callback handling to the public API return false end function BasePowerD:turnOnFrontlightHW(done_callback) --- @fixme: what if fl_intensity == fl_min (c.f., kindle)? self:setIntensityHW(self.fl_intensity) return false end function BasePowerD:frontlightWarmthHW() return 0 end -- Anything that needs to be done before doing a real hardware suspend. -- (Such as turning the front light off). -- Do *not* omit calling Device's _beforeSuspend method! This default implementation passes `false` so as *not* to disable input events during PM. function BasePowerD:beforeSuspend() self.device:_beforeSuspend(false) end -- Anything that needs to be done after doing a real hardware resume. -- (Such as restoring front light state). -- Do *not* omit calling Device's _afterResume method! function BasePowerD:afterResume() -- MONOTONIC doesn't tick during suspend, -- invalidate the last battery capacity pull time so that we get up to date data immediately. self:invalidateCapacityCache() self.device:_afterResume(false) end -- Update our UIManager reference once it's ready function BasePowerD:UIManagerReady(uimgr) -- Our own ref UIManager = uimgr -- Let implementations do the same thing, too self:UIManagerReadyHW(uimgr) end -- Ditto, but for implementations function BasePowerD:UIManagerReadyHW(uimgr) end function BasePowerD:isFrontlightOn() return self.is_fl_on end function BasePowerD:_decideFrontlightState() assert(self.device:hasFrontlight()) self.is_fl_on = self:isFrontlightOnHW() end function BasePowerD:isFrontlightOff() return not self:isFrontlightOn() end function BasePowerD:frontlightIntensity() if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return 0 end if self:isFrontlightOff() then return 0 end --- @note: We assume that nothing other than us will set the frontlight level, --- so we only actually query the HW during initialization. --- (Also, some platforms do not actually have any way of querying the HW). return self.fl_intensity end function BasePowerD:toggleFrontlight(done_callback) if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return false end if self:isFrontlightOn() then return self:turnOffFrontlight(done_callback) else return self:turnOnFrontlight(done_callback) end end function BasePowerD:turnOffFrontlight(done_callback) if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return end if self:isFrontlightOff() then return false end local cb_handled = self:turnOffFrontlightHW(done_callback) self.is_fl_on = false self:stateChanged() if not cb_handled and done_callback then done_callback() end return true end function BasePowerD:turnOnFrontlight(done_callback) if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return end if self:isFrontlightOn() then return false end if self.fl_intensity == self.fl_min then return false end --- @fixme what the hell? local cb_handled = self:turnOnFrontlightHW(done_callback) self.is_fl_on = true self:stateChanged() if not cb_handled and done_callback then done_callback() end return true end function BasePowerD:frontlightWarmth() if not self.device:hasNaturalLight() then return 0 end --- @note: No live query, much like frontlightIntensity return self.fl_warmth end function BasePowerD:read_int_file(file) local fd = io.open(file, "r") if fd then local int = fd:read("*number") fd:close() return int or 0 else return 0 end end function BasePowerD:unchecked_read_int_file(file) local fd = io.open(file, "r") if fd then local int = fd:read("*number") fd:close() return int else return nil end end function BasePowerD:read_str_file(file) local fd = io.open(file, "r") if fd then local str = fd:read("*line") fd:close() return str else return "" end end function BasePowerD:normalizeIntensity(intensity) intensity = intensity < self.fl_min and self.fl_min or intensity return intensity > self.fl_max and self.fl_max or intensity end --- @note: Takes an intensity in the native scale (i.e., [self.fl_min, self.fl_max]) function BasePowerD:setIntensity(intensity) if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return false end if intensity == self:frontlightIntensity() then return false end self.fl_intensity = self:normalizeIntensity(intensity) self:_decideFrontlightState() logger.dbg("set light intensity", self.fl_intensity) self:setIntensityHW(self.fl_intensity) self:stateChanged() return true end function BasePowerD:normalizeWarmth(warmth) warmth = warmth < 0 and 0 or warmth return warmth > 100 and 100 or warmth end function BasePowerD:toNativeWarmth(ko_warmth) return Math.round(ko_warmth / self.warmth_scale) end function BasePowerD:fromNativeWarmth(nat_warmth) return Math.round(nat_warmth * self.warmth_scale) end --- @note: Takes a warmth in the *KOReader* scale (i.e., [0, 100], *sic*) function BasePowerD:setWarmth(warmth, force_setting) if not self.device:hasNaturalLight() then return false end if not force_setting and warmth == self:frontlightWarmth() then return false end -- Which means that fl_warmth is *also* in the KOReader scale (unlike fl_intensity) self.fl_warmth = self:normalizeWarmth(warmth) local nat_warmth = self:toNativeWarmth(self.fl_warmth) logger.dbg("set light warmth", self.fl_warmth, "->", nat_warmth) self:setWarmthHW(nat_warmth) self:stateChanged() return true end function BasePowerD:getCapacity() -- BasePowerD is loaded before UIManager. -- Nothing *currently* calls this before UIManager is actually loaded, but future-proof this anyway. local now if UIManager then now = UIManager:getElapsedTimeSinceBoot() else -- Add time the device was in standby and suspend now = time.now() + self.device.total_standby_time + self.device.total_suspend_time end if now - self.last_capacity_pull_time >= time.s(60) then self.batt_capacity = self:getCapacityHW() self.last_capacity_pull_time = now end return self.batt_capacity end function BasePowerD:isCharging() return self:isChargingHW() end function BasePowerD:isCharged() return self:isChargedHW() end function BasePowerD:getAuxCapacity() local now if UIManager then now = UIManager:getElapsedTimeSinceBoot() else -- Add time the device was in standby and suspend now = time.now() + self.device.total_standby_time + self.device.total_suspend_time end if now - self.last_aux_capacity_pull_time >= time.s(60) then local aux_batt_capa = self:getAuxCapacityHW() -- If the read failed, don't update our cache, and retry next time. if aux_batt_capa then self.aux_batt_capacity = aux_batt_capa self.last_aux_capacity_pull_time = now end end return self.aux_batt_capacity end function BasePowerD:invalidateCapacityCache() self.last_capacity_pull_time = time.s(-61) self.last_aux_capacity_pull_time = self.last_capacity_pull_time end function BasePowerD:isAuxCharging() return self:isAuxChargingHW() end function BasePowerD:isAuxCharged() return self:isAuxChargedHW() end function BasePowerD:isAuxBatteryConnected() return self:isAuxBatteryConnectedHW() end function BasePowerD:stateChanged() -- BasePowerD is loaded before UIManager. So we cannot broadcast events before UIManager has been loaded. if UIManager then UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("FrontlightStateChanged")) end end -- Silly helper to avoid code duplication ;). function BasePowerD:getBatterySymbol(is_charged, is_charging, capacity) if is_charged then return "" elseif is_charging then return "" else if capacity >= 100 then return "" elseif capacity >= 90 then return "" elseif capacity >= 80 then return "" elseif capacity >= 70 then return "" elseif capacity >= 60 then return "" elseif capacity >= 50 then return "" elseif capacity >= 40 then return "" elseif capacity >= 30 then return "" elseif capacity >= 20 then return "" elseif capacity >= 10 then return "" else return "" end end end return BasePowerD