require "rendertext" require "keys" require "graphics" require "font" FileSearcher = { -- title height title_H = 45, -- spacing between lines spacing = 40, -- foot height foot_H = 27, -- state buffer dirs = {}, files = {}, result = {}, items = 0, page = 0, current = 1, oldcurrent = 1, } function FileSearcher:readDir() self.dirs = {self.path} self.files = {} while #self.dirs ~= 0 do new_dirs = {} -- handle each dir for __, d in pairs(self.dirs) do -- handle files in d for f in lfs.dir(d) do local file_type = string.lower(string.match(f, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "") if lfs.attributes(d.."/"..f, "mode") == "directory" and f ~= "." and f~= ".." and not string.match(f, "^%.[^.]") then table.insert(new_dirs, d.."/"..f) elseif file_type == "djvu" or file_type == "pdf" or file_type == "xps" or file_type == "cbz" or file_type == "epub" or file_type == "txt" or file_type == "rtf" or file_type == "htm" or file_type == "fb2" or file_type == "chm" then file_entry = {dir=d, name=f,} table.insert(self.files, file_entry) --print("file:"..d.."/"..f) end end end self.dirs = new_dirs end end function FileSearcher:setPath(newPath) self.path = newPath self:readDir() self.items = #self.files --@TODO check none found 19.02 2012 if self.items == 0 then return nil end = 1 self.current = 1 return true end function FileSearcher:setSearchResult(keywords) self.result = {} if keywords == " " then -- one space to show all files self.result = self.files else for __,f in pairs(self.files) do if string.find(string.lower(, keywords) then table.insert(self.result, f) end end end self.items = #self.result = 1 self.current = 1 end function FileSearcher:init(search_path) if search_path then self:setPath(search_path) else self:setPath("/mnt/us/documents") end end function FileSearcher:choose(ypos, height, keywords) local perpage = math.floor(height / self.spacing) - 2 local pagedirty = true local markerdirty = false local prevItem = function () if self.current == 1 then if > 1 then self.current = perpage = - 1 pagedirty = true end else self.current = self.current - 1 markerdirty = true end end local nextItem = function () if self.current == perpage then if < (self.items / perpage) then self.current = 1 = + 1 pagedirty = true end else if ~= math.floor(self.items / perpage) + 1 or self.current + (*perpage < self.items then self.current = self.current + 1 markerdirty = true end end end -- if given keywords, set new result according to keywords. -- Otherwise, display the previous search result. if keywords then self:setSearchResult(keywords) end while true do local cface, cfhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(22) local tface, tfhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(25, Font.tfont) local fface, ffhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(16, Font.ffont) if pagedirty then markerdirty = true, ypos,, height, 0) -- draw menu title renderUtf8Text(, 30, ypos + self.title_H, tface, tfhash, "Search Result for: "..keywords, true) -- draw results local c if self.items == 0 then -- nothing found y = ypos + self.title_H + self.spacing * 2 renderUtf8Text(, 20, y, cface, cfhash, "Sorry, no match found.", true) renderUtf8Text(, 20, y + self.spacing, cface, cfhash, "Please try a different keyword.", true) markerdirty = false else -- found something, draw it for c = 1, perpage do local i = ( - 1) * perpage + c if i <= self.items then y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * c) renderUtf8Text(, 50, y, cface, cfhash, self.result[i].name, true) end end end -- draw footer y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * perpage) + self.foot_H x = ( / 2) - 50 all_page = (math.floor(self.items / perpage)+1) renderUtf8Text(, x, y, fface, ffhash, "Page "" of "..all_page, true) end if markerdirty then if not pagedirty then if self.oldcurrent > 0 then y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * self.oldcurrent) + 10, y, - 60, 3, 0) fb:refresh(1, 30, y, - 60, 3) end end -- draw new marker line y = ypos + self.title_H + (self.spacing * self.current) + 10, y, - 60, 3, 15) if not pagedirty then fb:refresh(1, 30, y, - 60, 3) end self.oldcurrent = self.current markerdirty = false end if pagedirty then fb:refresh(0, 0, ypos,, height) pagedirty = false end local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then if ev.code == KEY_FW_UP then prevItem() elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_DOWN then nextItem() elseif ev.code == KEY_PGFWD then if < (self.items / perpage) then if self.current +*perpage > self.items then self.current = self.items -*perpage end = + 1 pagedirty = true else self.current = self.items - (*perpage markerdirty = true end elseif ev.code == KEY_PGBCK then if > 1 then = - 1 pagedirty = true else self.current = 1 markerdirty = true end elseif ev.code == KEY_S then old_keywords = keywords keywords = InputBox:input(height-100, 100, "Search:", old_keywords) if keywords then self:setSearchResult(keywords) else keywords = old_keywords end pagedirty = true elseif ev.code == KEY_F then -- invoke fontchooser menu fonts_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Fonts Menu", item_array = Font.fonts, } local re = fonts_menu:choose(0, height) if re then Font.cfont = Font.fonts[re] Font:update() end pagedirty = true elseif ev.code == KEY_ENTER or ev.code == KEY_FW_PRESS then file_entry = self.result[perpage*(] file_full_path = file_entry.dir .. "/" .. -- rotation mode might be changed while reading, so -- record height_percent here local height_percent = height/ openFile(file_full_path) --reset height and item index if screen has been rotated local old_perpage = perpage height = math.floor(*height_percent) perpage = math.floor(height / self.spacing) - 2 self.current = (old_perpage * ( - 1) + self.current) % perpage = math.floor(self.items / perpage) + 1 pagedirty = true elseif ev.code == KEY_BACK or ev.code == KEY_HOME then return nil end end end end