require "ui/reader/readerflip" require "ui/reader/readerfooter" require "ui/reader/readerdogear" ReaderView = OverlapGroup:new{ document = nil, -- single page state state = { page = 0, pos = 0, zoom = 1.0, rotation = 0, gamma = 1.0, offset = nil, bbox = nil, }, outer_page_color = 0, -- hightlight highlight = { drawer = "marker" -- show as inverted block instead of underline }, -- PDF/DjVu continuous paging page_scroll = nil, page_bgcolor = 0, page_states = {}, scroll_mode = "vertical", page_gap = { width = scaleByDPI(8), height = scaleByDPI(8), color = 8, }, -- DjVu page rendering mode (used in djvu.c:drawPage()) render_mode = 0, -- default to COLOR -- Crengine view mode view_mode = "page", -- default to page mode hinting = true, -- visible area within current viewing page visible_area = Geom:new{x = 0, y = 0}, -- dimen for current viewing page page_area = Geom:new{}, -- dimen for area to dim dim_area = Geom:new{w = 0, h = 0}, -- has footer footer_visible = false, -- has dogear dogear_visible = false, -- in flipping state flipping_visible = false, } function ReaderView:init() self:resetLayout() end function ReaderView:resetLayout() self.dogear = ReaderDogear:new{ view = self, } self.footer = ReaderFooter:new{ view = self, } self.flipping = ReaderFlipping:new{ view = self, } self[1] = self.dogear self[2] = self.footer self[3] = self.flipping end function ReaderView:paintTo(bb, x, y) DEBUG("painting", self.visible_area, "to", x, y) if self.page_scroll then self:drawPageBackground(bb, x, y) else self:drawPageSurround(bb, x, y) end -- draw page content if then if self.page_scroll then self:drawScrollPages(bb, x, y) else self:drawSinglePage(bb, x, y) end else if self.view_mode == "page" then self:drawPageView(bb, x, y) elseif self.view_mode == "scroll" then self:drawScrollView(bb, x, y) end end -- dim last read area if self.document.view_mode ~= "page" and self.dim_area.w ~= 0 and self.dim_area.h ~= 0 then bb:dimRect( self.dim_area.x, self.dim_area.y, self.dim_area.w, self.dim_area.h ) end -- draw highlight if self.highlight.rect then self:drawHightlight(bb, x, y, self.highlight.rect) end -- paint dogear if self.dogear_visible then self.dogear:paintTo(bb, x, y) end -- paint footer if self.footer_visible then self.footer:paintTo(bb, x, y) end -- paint flipping if self.flipping_visible then self.flipping:paintTo(bb, x, y) end -- stop activity indicator self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("StopActivityIndicator")) end --[[ Given coordinates on the screen return position in original page ]]-- function ReaderView:screenToPageTransform(pos) if then if self.page_scroll then return self:getScrollPagePosition(pos) else return self:getSinglePagePosition(pos) end end end --[[ Given rectangle in original page return rectangle on the screen ]]-- function ReaderView:pageToScreenTransform(page, rect) if then if self.page_scroll then return self:getScrollPageRect(page, rect) else return self:getSinglePageRect(rect) end end end function ReaderView:drawPageBackground(bb, x, y) bb:paintRect(x, y, self.dimen.w, self.dimen.h, self.page_bgcolor) end function ReaderView:drawPageSurround(bb, x, y) if self.dimen.h > self.visible_area.h then bb:paintRect(x, y, self.dimen.w, self.state.offset.y, self.outer_page_color) bb:paintRect(x, y + self.dimen.h - self.state.offset.y - 1, self.dimen.w, self.state.offset.y + 1, self.outer_page_color) end if self.dimen.w > self.visible_area.w then bb:paintRect(x, y, self.state.offset.x, self.dimen.h, self.outer_page_color) bb:paintRect(x + self.dimen.w - self.state.offset.x - 1, y, self.state.offset.x + 1, self.dimen.h, self.outer_page_color) end end function ReaderView:drawScrollPages(bb, x, y) local pos = Geom:new{x = x , y = y} for page, state in ipairs(self.page_states) do self.ui.document:drawPage( bb, pos.x + state.offset.x, pos.y + state.offset.y, state.visible_area,, state.zoom, state.rotation, state.gamma, self.render_mode) pos.y = pos.y + state.visible_area.h -- draw page gap if not the last part if page ~= #self.page_states then self:drawPageGap(bb, pos.x, pos.y) pos.y = pos.y + self.page_gap.height end end UIManager:scheduleIn(0, function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("HintPage", self.hinting)) end) end function ReaderView:getScrollPagePosition(pos) local x_s, y_s = pos.x, pos.y local x_p, y_p = nil, nil for _, state in ipairs(self.page_states) do if y_s < state.visible_area.h + state.offset.y then y_p = (state.visible_area.y + y_s - state.offset.y) / state.zoom x_p = (state.visible_area.x + x_s - state.offset.x) / state.zoom return { x = x_p, y = y_p, page =, zoom = state.zoom, rotation = state.rotation, } else y_s = y_s - state.visible_area.h - self.page_gap.height end end end function ReaderView:getScrollPageRect(page, rect_p) local rect_s = Geom:new{} for _, state in ipairs(self.page_states) do if page == and state.visible_area:contains(rect_p) then rect_s.x = rect_s.x + state.offset.x + rect_p.x*state.zoom - state.visible_area.x rect_s.y = rect_s.y + state.offset.y + rect_p.y*state.zoom - state.visible_area.y rect_s.w = rect_p.w * state.zoom rect_s.h = rect_p.h * state.zoom return rect_s end rect_s.y = rect_s.y + state.visible_area.h + self.page_gap.height end end function ReaderView:drawPageGap(bb, x, y) if self.scroll_mode == "vertical" then bb:paintRect(x, y, self.dimen.w, self.page_gap.height, self.page_gap.color) elseif self.scroll_mode == "horizontal" then bb:paintRect(x, y, self.page_gap.width, self.dimen.h, self.page_gap.color) end end function ReaderView:drawSinglePage(bb, x, y) self.ui.document:drawPage( bb, x + self.state.offset.x, y + self.state.offset.y, self.visible_area,, self.state.zoom, self.state.rotation, self.state.gamma, self.render_mode) UIManager:scheduleIn(0, function() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("HintPage", self.hinting)) end) end function ReaderView:getSinglePagePosition(pos) local x_s, y_s = pos.x, pos.y return { x = (self.visible_area.x + x_s - self.state.offset.x) / self.state.zoom, y = (self.visible_area.y + y_s - self.state.offset.y) / self.state.zoom, page =, zoom = self.state.zoom, rotation = self.state.rotation, } end function ReaderView:getSinglePageRect(rect_p) local rect_s = Geom:new{} if self.visible_area:contains(rect_p) then rect_s.x = self.state.offset.x + rect_p.x * self.state.zoom - self.visible_area.x rect_s.y = self.state.offset.y + rect_p.y * self.state.zoom - self.visible_area.y rect_s.w = rect_p.w * self.state.zoom rect_s.h = rect_p.h * self.state.zoom return rect_s end end function ReaderView:drawPageView(bb, x, y) self.ui.document:drawCurrentViewByPage( bb, x + self.state.offset.x, y + self.state.offset.y, self.visible_area, end function ReaderView:drawScrollView(bb, x, y) self.ui.document:drawCurrentViewByPos( bb, x + self.state.offset.x, y + self.state.offset.y, self.visible_area, self.state.pos) end function ReaderView:drawHightlight(bb, x, y, rect) -- slightly enlarge the highlight box -- for better viewing experience local x = rect.x - rect.h * 0.01 local y = rect.y - rect.h * 0.01 local w = rect.w + rect.h * 0.02 local h = rect.h + rect.h * 0.02 self.highlight.drawer = self.highlight.drawer or "underscore" if self.highlight.drawer == "underscore" then self.highlight.line_width = self.highlight.line_width or 2 self.highlight.line_color = self.highlight.line_color or 5 bb:paintRect(x, y+h-1, w, self.highlight.line_width, self.highlight.line_color) elseif self.highlight.drawer == "marker" then bb:invertRect(x, y, w, h) end end function ReaderView:getPageArea(page, zoom, rotation) if self.use_bbox then return self.ui.document:getUsedBBoxDimensions(page, zoom, rotation) else return self.ui.document:getPageDimensions(page, zoom, rotation) end end --[[ This method is supposed to be only used by ReaderPaging --]] function ReaderView:recalculate() local page_size = nil if then self.page_area = self:getPageArea(, self.state.zoom, self.state.rotation) -- starts from left top of page_area self.visible_area.x = self.page_area.x self.visible_area.y = self.page_area.y -- reset our size self.visible_area:setSizeTo(self.dimen) -- and recalculate it according to page size self.visible_area:offsetWithin(self.page_area, 0, 0) -- clear dim area self.dim_area.w = 0 self.dim_area.h = 0 self.ui:handleEvent( Event:new("ViewRecalculate", self.visible_area, self.page_area)) else self.visible_area:setSizeTo(self.dimen) end self.state.offset = Geom:new{x = 0, y = 0} if self.dimen.h > self.visible_area.h then self.state.offset.y = (self.dimen.h - self.visible_area.h) / 2 end if self.dimen.w > self.visible_area.w then self.state.offset.x = (self.dimen.w - self.visible_area.w) / 2 end -- flag a repaint so self:paintTo will be called UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog) end function ReaderView:PanningUpdate(dx, dy) DEBUG("pan by", dx, dy) local old = self.visible_area:copy() self.visible_area:offsetWithin(self.page_area, dx, dy) if self.visible_area ~= old then -- flag a repaint UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog) DEBUG("on pan: page_area", self.page_area) DEBUG("on pan: visible_area", self.visible_area) self.ui:handleEvent( Event:new("ViewRecalculate", self.visible_area, self.page_area)) end return true end function ReaderView:onSetScreenMode(new_mode) if new_mode == "landscape" or new_mode == "portrait" then self.screen_mode = new_mode Screen:setScreenMode(new_mode) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", Screen:getSize())) end if new_mode == "landscape" and then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "contentwidth")) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("InitScrollPageStates")) end return true end -- for returning to FileManager function ReaderView:onRestoreScreenMode(old_mode) if old_mode == "landscape" or old_mode == "portrait" then Screen:setScreenMode(old_mode) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", Screen:getSize())) end return true end function ReaderView:onSetDimensions(dimensions) --DEBUG("set dimen", dimensions) self:resetLayout() self.dimen = dimensions if self.footer_visible then self.dimen.h = dimensions.h - self.footer.height end -- recalculate view self:recalculate() end function ReaderView:onRestoreDimensions(dimensions) --DEBUG("restore dimen", dimensions) self:resetLayout() self.dimen = dimensions -- recalculate view self:recalculate() end function ReaderView:onSetFullScreen(full_screen) self.footer_visible = not full_screen self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", Screen:getSize())) end function ReaderView:onToggleScrollMode(page_scroll) self.page_scroll = page_scroll self:recalculate() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("InitScrollPageStates")) end function ReaderView:onReadSettings(config) self.render_mode = config:readSetting("render_mode") or 0 local screen_mode = config:readSetting("screen_mode") if screen_mode then table.insert(self.ui.postInitCallback, function() self:onSetScreenMode(screen_mode) end) end self.state.gamma = config:readSetting("gamma") or 1.0 local full_screen = config:readSetting("kopt_full_screen") if full_screen == nil then self.footer_visible = self.document.configurable.full_screen = self.footer_visible and 0 or 1 else self.footer_visible = full_screen == 0 and true or false end self:resetLayout() local page_scroll = config:readSetting("kopt_page_scroll") self.page_scroll = (page_scroll == nil or page_scroll == 1) and true or false end function ReaderView:onPageUpdate(new_page_no) = new_page_no self:recalculate() end function ReaderView:onPosUpdate(new_pos) self.state.pos = new_pos self:recalculate() end function ReaderView:onZoomUpdate(zoom) self.state.zoom = zoom self:recalculate() end function ReaderView:onBBoxUpdate(bbox) self.use_bbox = bbox and true or false end function ReaderView:onRotationUpdate(rotation) self.state.rotation = rotation self:recalculate() end function ReaderView:onGammaUpdate(gamma) self.state.gamma = gamma if self.page_scroll then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateScrollPageGamma", gamma)) end end function ReaderView:onFontSizeUpdate() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ReZoom")) end function ReaderView:onDefectSizeUpdate() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ReZoom")) end function ReaderView:onPageCrop() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ReZoom")) end function ReaderView:onMarginUpdate() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ReZoom")) end function ReaderView:onSetViewMode(new_mode) self.view_mode = new_mode self.ui.document:setViewMode(new_mode) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdatePos")) return true end function ReaderView:onCloseDocument() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("render_mode", self.render_mode) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("screen_mode", self.screen_mode) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("gamma", self.state.gamma) end