local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LuaData = require("luadata") local Screen = require("device").screen local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local logger = require("logger") local ReaderGesture = InputContainer:new{} local action_strings = { nothing = _("Nothing"), page_jmp_back_10 = _("Back 10 pages"), page_jmp_back_1 = _("Previous page"), page_jmp_fwd_10 = _("Forward 10 pages"), page_jmp_fwd_1 = _("Next page"), prev_chapter = _("Previous chapter"), next_chapter = _("Next chapter"), go_to = _("Go to"), skim = _("Skim"), back = _("Back"), previous_location = _("Back to previous location"), latest_bookmark = _("Go to latest bookmark"), follow_nearest_link = _("Follow nearest link"), clear_location_history = _("Clear location history"), toc = _("Table of contents"), bookmarks = _("Bookmarks"), reading_progress = _("Reading progress"), book_info = _("Book information"), book_status = _("Book status"), history = _("History"), open_previous_document = _("Open previous document"), filemanager = _("File browser"), dictionary_lookup = _("Dictionary lookup"), wikipedia_lookup = _("Wikipedia lookup"), fulltext_search = _("Fulltext search"), file_search = _("File search"), full_refresh = _("Full screen refresh"), night_mode = _("Night mode"), suspend = _("Suspend"), exit = _("Exit KOReader"), restart = _("Restart KOReader"), show_menu = _("Show menu"), show_config_menu = _("Show bottom menu"), show_frontlight_dialog = _("Show frontlight dialog"), toggle_frontlight = _("Toggle frontlight"), toggle_gsensor = _("Toggle accelerometer"), toggle_rotation = _("Toggle rotation"), wifi_on = _("Enable wifi"), wifi_off = _("Disable wifi"), toggle_wifi = _("Toggle wifi"), toggle_reflow = _("Toggle reflow"), zoom_contentwidth = _("Zoom to fit content width"), zoom_contentheight = _("Zoom to fit content height"), zoom_pagewidth = _("Zoom to fit page width"), zoom_pageheight = _("Zoom to fit page height"), zoom_column = _("Zoom to fit column"), zoom_content = _("Zoom to fit content"), zoom_page = _("Zoom to fit page"), folder_up = _("Folder up"), folder_shortcuts = _("Folder shortcuts"), wallabag_download = _("Wallabag retrieval"), } local custom_multiswipes_path = DataStorage:getSettingsDir().."/multiswipes.lua" local custom_multiswipes = LuaData:open(custom_multiswipes_path, { name = "MultiSwipes" }) local custom_multiswipes_table = custom_multiswipes:readSetting("multiswipes") local default_multiswipes = { "west east", "east west", "north south", "south north", true, -- separator "north west", "north east", "south west", "south east", "east north", "west north", "east south", "west south", true, -- separator "north south north", "south north south", "west east west", "east west east", true, -- separator "south west north", "north east south", "north west south", "west south east", "west north east", "east south west", "east north west", "south east north", true, -- separator "east north west east", "south east north south", true, -- separator "east south west north", "west south east north", "south east north west", "south west north east", true, -- separator "southeast northeast", "northeast southeast", -- "southwest northwest", -- visually ambiguous -- "northwest southwest", -- visually ambiguous "northwest southwest northwest", "southeast southwest northwest", "southeast northeast northwest", } local multiswipes = {} local multiswipes_info_text = _([[ Multiswipes allow you to perform complex gestures built up out of multiple swipe directions, never losing touch with the screen. These advanced gestures consist of either straight swipes or diagonal swipes. To ensure accuracy, they can't be mixed.]]) function ReaderGesture:init() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end self.multiswipes_enabled = G_reader_settings:readSetting("multiswipes_enabled") self.is_docless = self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil self.ges_mode = self.is_docless and "gesture_fm" or "gesture_reader" self.default_gesture = { tap_right_bottom_corner = "nothing", tap_left_bottom_corner = Device:hasFrontlight() and "toggle_frontlight" or "nothing", short_diagonal_swipe = "full_refresh", multiswipe = "nothing", -- otherwise registerGesture() won't pick up on multiswipes multiswipe_west_east = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "previous_location" or "nothing", multiswipe_east_west = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "latest_bookmark" or "nothing", multiswipe_north_east = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "toc" or "nothing", multiswipe_north_west = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "bookmarks" or "folder_shortcuts", multiswipe_north_south = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "nothing" or "folder_up", multiswipe_east_north = "history", multiswipe_west_north = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "book_status" or "nothing", multiswipe_east_south = "go_to", multiswipe_south_north = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "skim" or "nothing", multiswipe_south_east = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "toggle_reflow" or "nothing", multiswipe_south_west = "show_frontlight_dialog", multiswipe_west_south = "back", multiswipe_north_south_north = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "prev_chapter" or "nothing", multiswipe_south_north_south = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "next_chapter" or "nothing", multiswipe_west_east_west = "open_previous_document", multiswipe_east_north_west = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "zoom_contentwidth" or "nothing", multiswipe_south_east_north = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "zoom_contentheight" or "nothing", multiswipe_east_north_west_east = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "zoom_pagewidth" or "nothing", multiswipe_south_east_north_south = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "zoom_pageheight" or "nothing", multiswipe_east_south_west_north = "full_refresh", multiswipe_southeast_northeast = self.ges_mode == "gesture_reader" and "follow_nearest_link" or "nothing", multiswipe_northwest_southwest_northwest = Device:hasWifiToggle() and "toggle_wifi" or "nothing", multiswipe_southeast_southwest_northwest = Device:hasWifiToggle() and "wifi_off" or "nothing", multiswipe_southeast_northeast_northwest = Device:hasWifiToggle() and "wifi_on" or "nothing", } local gm = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) if gm == nil then G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, {}) end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self:initGesture() end function ReaderGesture:initGesture() local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) for gesture, action in pairs(self.default_gesture) do if not gesture_manager[gesture] then gesture_manager[gesture] = action end end for gesture, action in pairs(gesture_manager) do self:setupGesture(gesture, action) end G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) end function ReaderGesture:genMultiswipeSubmenu() return { text = _("Multiswipe"), sub_item_table = self:buildMultiswipeMenu(), enabled_func = function() return self.multiswipes_enabled end, separator = true, } end function ReaderGesture:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.gesture_manager = { text = _("Gesture manager"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Enable multiswipes"), checked_func = function() return self.multiswipes_enabled end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("multiswipes_enabled", not self.multiswipes_enabled) self.multiswipes_enabled = G_reader_settings:isTrue("multiswipes_enabled") end, help_text = multiswipes_info_text, }, { text = _("Multiswipe recorder"), enabled_func = function() return self.multiswipes_enabled end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local multiswipe_recorder multiswipe_recorder = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Multiswipe recorder"), input_hint = _("Make a multiswipe gesture"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(multiswipe_recorder) end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local recorded_multiswipe = multiswipe_recorder._raw_multiswipe if not recorded_multiswipe then return end logger.dbg("Multiswipe recorder detected:", recorded_multiswipe) for k, multiswipe in pairs(multiswipes) do if recorded_multiswipe == multiswipe then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Recorded multiswipe already exists."), show_icon = false, timeout = 5, }) return end end custom_multiswipes:addTableItem("multiswipes", recorded_multiswipe) -- TODO implement some nicer method in TouchMenu than this ugly hack for updating the menu touchmenu_instance.item_table[3] = self:genMultiswipeSubmenu() touchmenu_instance:updateItems() UIManager:close(multiswipe_recorder) end, }, } }, } multiswipe_recorder.ges_events.Multiswipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "multiswipe", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), }, doc = "Multiswipe in gesture creator" } } function multiswipe_recorder:onMultiswipe(arg, ges) multiswipe_recorder._raw_multiswipe = ges.multiswipe_directions multiswipe_recorder:setInputText(ReaderGesture:friendlyMultiswipeName(multiswipe_recorder._raw_multiswipe)) end UIManager:show(multiswipe_recorder) end, help_text = _("The number of possible multiswipe gestures is theoretically infinite. With the multiswipe recorder you can easily record your own."), }, -- NB If this changes from position 3, also update the position of this menu in multigesture recorder callback self:genMultiswipeSubmenu(), { text = _("Tap bottom left corner"), sub_item_table = self:buildMenu("tap_left_bottom_corner", self.default_gesture["tap_left_bottom_corner"]), }, { text = _("Tap bottom right corner"), sub_item_table = self:buildMenu("tap_right_bottom_corner", self.default_gesture["tap_right_bottom_corner"]), }, { text = _("Short diagonal swipe"), sub_item_table = self:buildMenu("short_diagonal_swipe", self.default_gesture["short_diagonal_swipe"]), }, }, } end function ReaderGesture:buildMenu(ges, default) local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) local menu = { {"nothing", true }, {"page_jmp_back_10", not self.is_docless}, {"page_jmp_back_1", not self.is_docless}, {"page_jmp_fwd_10", not self.is_docless}, {"page_jmp_fwd_1", not self.is_docless}, {"prev_chapter", not self.is_docless}, {"next_chapter", not self.is_docless}, {"go_to", true}, {"skim", not self.is_docless}, {"back", true}, {"previous_location", not self.is_docless}, {"latest_bookmark", not self.is_docless}, {"follow_nearest_link", not self.is_docless}, {"clear_location_history", not self.is_docless, true}, {"folder_up", self.is_docless}, {"folder_shortcuts", true, true}, { "toc", not self.is_docless}, {"bookmarks", not self.is_docless}, {"reading_progress", ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress ~= nil}, {"book_info", not self.is_docless}, {"book_status", not self.is_docless, true}, {"history", true}, {"open_previous_document", true, true}, {"filemanager", not self.is_docless, true}, {"dictionary_lookup", true}, {"wikipedia_lookup", true, true}, {"fulltext_search", not self.is_docless}, {"file_search", true, true}, {"full_refresh", true}, {"night_mode", true}, {"suspend", true}, {"exit", true}, {"restart", not Device:isAndroid()}, {"show_menu", true}, {"show_config_menu", not self.is_docless, true}, {"show_frontlight_dialog", Device:hasFrontlight()}, {"toggle_frontlight", Device:hasFrontlight(), true}, {"toggle_gsensor", Device:canToggleGSensor()}, {"toggle_rotation", not self.is_docless, true}, {"wifi_on", Device:hasWifiToggle()}, {"wifi_off", Device:hasWifiToggle()}, {"toggle_wifi", Device:hasWifiToggle(), true}, {"toggle_reflow", not self.is_docless, true}, {"zoom_contentwidth", not self.is_docless}, {"zoom_contentheight", not self.is_docless}, {"zoom_pagewidth", not self.is_docless}, {"zoom_pageheight", not self.is_docless}, {"zoom_column", not self.is_docless}, {"zoom_content", not self.is_docless}, {"zoom_page", not self.is_docless, true}, {"wallabag_download", self.ui.wallabag ~= nil}, } local return_menu = {} -- add default action to the top of the submenu for __, entry in pairs(menu) do if entry[1] == default then local menu_entry_default = T(_("%1 (default)"), action_strings[entry[1]]) table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(menu_entry_default, entry[1], ges, true)) if not gesture_manager[ges] then gesture_manager[ges] = default G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) end break end end -- another elements for _, entry in pairs(menu) do if not entry[2] and gesture_manager[ges] == entry[1] then gesture_manager[ges] = "nothing" G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) end if entry[1] ~= default and entry[2] then local sep = entry[1] == "nothing" or entry[3] == true table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(action_strings[entry[1]], entry[1], ges, sep)) end end return return_menu end function ReaderGesture:buildMultiswipeMenu() local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) local menu = {} multiswipes = {} -- Build a list of gestures in settings, so we can show those -- that don't appear anymore in default or custom lists, and -- allow removing them (as they will still work) local settings_gestures = {} for k, v in pairs(gesture_manager) do if k:sub(1, 11) == "multiswipe_" then k = k:sub(12):gsub("_", " ") settings_gestures[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(default_multiswipes) do table.insert(multiswipes, v) settings_gestures[v] = nil -- remove from settings list end if custom_multiswipes_table and #custom_multiswipes_table > 0 then table.insert(multiswipes, true) -- add separator for k, v in pairs(custom_multiswipes_table) do table.insert(multiswipes, v) settings_gestures[v] = nil -- remove from settings list end end if next(settings_gestures) then -- there are old gestures in settings table.insert(multiswipes, true) -- add separator for k, v in pairs(settings_gestures) do table.insert(multiswipes, k) end end for i=1, #multiswipes do local separator = false if i < #multiswipes and multiswipes[i+1] == true then separator = true end if type(multiswipes[i]) == "string" then -- skip separators (true) local multiswipe = multiswipes[i] local friendly_multiswipe_name = self:friendlyMultiswipeName(multiswipe) -- friendly_multiswipe_name = friendly_multiswipe_name .. os.time() -- for debugging menu updates local safe_multiswipe_name = "multiswipe_"..self:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe) local default_action = self.default_gesture[safe_multiswipe_name] and self.default_gesture[safe_multiswipe_name] or "nothing" table.insert(menu, { text_func = function() local action_name = gesture_manager[safe_multiswipe_name] ~= "nothing" and action_strings[gesture_manager[safe_multiswipe_name]] or _("Available") return T(_("%1 (%2)"), friendly_multiswipe_name, action_name) end, sub_item_table = self:buildMenu(safe_multiswipe_name, default_action), hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if i > #default_multiswipes + 1 then -- +1 for added separator (true) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Remove custom multiswipe %1?"), friendly_multiswipe_name), ok_text = _("Remove"), ok_callback = function() -- Remove associated action from settings gesture_manager[safe_multiswipe_name] = nil -- multiswipes are a combined table, first defaults, then custom -- so the right index is minus #defalt_multiswipes minus 1 added separator custom_multiswipes:removeTableItem("multiswipes", i-#default_multiswipes-1) -- touchmenu_instance.item_table = self:buildMultiswipeMenu() -- We need to update touchmenu_instance.item_table in-place for the upper -- menu to have it updated too local item_table = touchmenu_instance.item_table while #item_table > 0 do table.remove(item_table, #item_table) end for __, v in ipairs(self:buildMultiswipeMenu()) do table.insert(item_table, v) end touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end end, separator = separator, }) end end return menu end function ReaderGesture:createSubMenu(text, action, ges, separator) local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) return { text = text, checked_func = function() return gesture_manager[ges] == action end, callback = function() gesture_manager[ges] = action G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager) self:setupGesture(ges, action) end, separator = separator or false, } end local multiswipe_to_arrow = { east = "➡", west = "⬅", north = "⬆", south = "⬇", northeast = "⬈", northwest = "⬉", southeast = "⬊", southwest = "⬋", } function ReaderGesture:friendlyMultiswipeName(multiswipe) return multiswipe:gsub("%S+", multiswipe_to_arrow) end function ReaderGesture:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe) return multiswipe:gsub(" ", "_") end function ReaderGesture:setupGesture(ges, action) local ges_type local zone local overrides local direction, distance if ges == "multiswipe" then ges_type = "multiswipe" zone = { ratio_x = 0.0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, } direction = { northeast = true, northwest = true, southeast = true, southwest = true, east = true, west = true, north = true, south = true, } elseif ges == "tap_right_bottom_corner" then ges_type = "tap" zone = { ratio_x = 0.9, ratio_y = 0.9, ratio_w = 0.1, ratio_h = 0.1, } if self.is_docless then overrides = { 'filemanager_tap' } else overrides = { 'readerfooter_tap', } end elseif ges == "tap_left_bottom_corner" then ges_type = "tap" zone = { ratio_x = 0.0, ratio_y = 0.9, ratio_w = 0.1, ratio_h = 0.1, } if self.is_docless then overrides = { 'filemanager_tap' } else overrides = { 'readerfooter_tap', 'filemanager_tap' } end elseif ges == "short_diagonal_swipe" then ges_type = "swipe" zone = { ratio_x = 0.0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, } direction = {northeast = true, northwest = true, southeast = true, southwest = true} distance = "short" if self.is_docless then overrides = { 'filemanager_tap' } else overrides = { 'rolling_swipe', 'paging_swipe' } end else return end self:registerGesture(ges, action, ges_type, zone, overrides, direction, distance) end function ReaderGesture:registerGesture(ges, action, ges_type, zone, overrides, direction, distance) self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = ges, ges = ges_type, screen_zone = zone, handler = function(gest) if distance == "short" and gest.distance > Screen:scaleBySize(300) then return end if direction and not direction[gest.direction] then return end if ges == "multiswipe" then if self.multiswipes_enabled == nil then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("You have just performed a multiswipe gesture for the first time.") .."\n\n".. multiswipes_info_text, ok_text = _("Enable"), ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("multiswipes_enabled", true) self.multiswipes_enabled = true end, cancel_text = _("Disable"), cancel_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("multiswipes_enabled", false) self.multiswipes_enabled = false end, }) else return self:multiswipeAction(gest.multiswipe_directions, gest) end end return self:gestureAction(action, gest) end, overrides = overrides, }, }) end function ReaderGesture:gestureAction(action, ges) if action == "reading_progress" and ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress then UIManager:show(ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress()) elseif action == "toc" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowToc")) elseif action == "night_mode" then local night_mode = G_reader_settings:readSetting("night_mode") or false Screen:toggleNightMode() UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") G_reader_settings:saveSetting("night_mode", not night_mode) elseif action == "full_refresh" then if self.view then -- update footer (time & battery) self.view.footer:updateFooter() end UIManager:setDirty("all", "full") elseif action == "bookmarks" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowBookmark")) elseif action == "history" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowHist")) elseif action == "book_info" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowBookInfo")) elseif action == "book_status" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowBookStatus")) elseif action == "page_jmp_fwd_10" then self:pageUpdate(10) elseif action == "page_jmp_fwd_1" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoViewRel", 1)) elseif action == "page_jmp_back_10" then self:pageUpdate(-10) elseif action == "page_jmp_back_1" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoViewRel", -1)) elseif action == "next_chapter" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoNextChapter")) elseif action == "prev_chapter" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPrevChapter")) elseif action == "go_to" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowGotoDialog")) elseif action == "skim" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowSkimtoDialog")) elseif action == "back" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("Back")) elseif action == "previous_location" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GoBackLink", true)) -- show_notification_if_empty elseif action == "latest_bookmark" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GoToLatestBookmark")) elseif action == "follow_nearest_link" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GoToPageLink", ges, false, G_reader_settings:isTrue("footnote_link_in_popup"))) elseif action == "clear_location_history" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ClearLocationStack", true)) -- show_notification elseif action == "filemanager" then self.ui:onClose() self.ui:showFileManager() elseif action == "file_search" then if self.ges_mode == "gesture_fm" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFileSearch", self.ui.file_chooser.path)) else local last_dir = self.ui:getLastDirFile() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFileSearch", last_dir)) end elseif action == "folder_up" then self.ui.file_chooser:changeToPath(string.format("%s/..", self.ui.file_chooser.path)) elseif action == "folder_shortcuts" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFolderShortcutsDialog")) elseif action == "open_previous_document" then -- FileManager if self.ui.menu.openLastDoc and G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastfile") ~= nil then self.ui.menu:openLastDoc() -- ReaderUI elseif self.ui.switchDocument and self.ui.menu then self.ui:switchDocument(self.ui.menu:getPreviousFile()) end elseif action == "dictionary_lookup" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowDictionaryLookup")) elseif action == "wikipedia_lookup" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowWikipediaLookup")) elseif action == "fulltext_search" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFulltextSearchInput")) elseif action == "show_menu" then if self.ges_mode == "gesture_fm" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowMenu")) else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowReaderMenu")) end elseif action == "show_config_menu" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowConfigMenu")) elseif action == "show_frontlight_dialog" then if self.ges_mode == "gesture_fm" then local ReaderFrontLight = require("apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight") ReaderFrontLight:onShowFlDialog() else self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFlDialog")) end elseif action == "toggle_frontlight" then Device:getPowerDevice():toggleFrontlight() self:onShowFLOnOff() elseif action == "toggle_gsensor" then G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("input_ignore_gsensor") Device:toggleGSensor() self:onGSensorToggle() elseif action == "toggle_reflow" then if not self.document.info.has_pages then return end if self.document.configurable.text_wrap == 1 then self.document.configurable.text_wrap = 0 else self.document.configurable.text_wrap = 1 end self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("RedrawCurrentPage")) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("RestoreZoomMode")) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("InitScrollPageStates")) elseif action == "toggle_rotation" then local event_name = self.document.info.has_pages and "SwapScreenMode" or "ChangeScreenMode" local arg = Screen:getScreenMode() == "portrait" and "landscape" or "portrait" self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new(event_name, arg)) elseif action == "toggle_wifi" then local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Enabling wifi…"), timeout = 1, }) -- NB Normal widgets should use NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() -- This is specifically the toggle wifi action, so consent is implied. NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi() else NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Wifi disabled."), timeout = 1, }) end elseif action == "wifi_off" then local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") -- can't hurt NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Wifi disabled."), timeout = 1, }) elseif action == "wifi_on" then local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Enabling wifi…"), timeout = 1, }) -- NB Normal widgets should use NetworkMgr:promptWifiOn() -- This is specifically the toggle wifi action, so consent is implied. NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi() else local info_text local current_network = NetworkMgr:getCurrentNetwork() -- this method is only available for some implementations if current_network then info_text = T(_("Already connected to network %1."), NetworkMgr:getCurrentNetwork()) else info_text = _("Already connected.") end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = info_text, timeout = 1, }) end elseif action == "suspend" then UIManager:suspend() elseif action == "exit" then self.ui.menu:exitOrRestart() elseif action == "restart" then self.ui.menu:exitOrRestart(function() UIManager:restartKOReader() end) elseif action == "zoom_contentwidth" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "contentwidth")) elseif action == "zoom_contentheight" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "contentheight")) elseif action == "zoom_pagewidth" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "pagewidth")) elseif action == "zoom_pageheight" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "pageheight")) elseif action == "zoom_column" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "column")) elseif action == "zoom_content" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "content")) elseif action == "zoom_page" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetZoomMode", "page")) elseif action == "wallabag_download" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SynchronizeWallabag")) end return true end function ReaderGesture:multiswipeAction(multiswipe_directions, ges) if not self.multiswipes_enabled then return end local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode) local multiswipe_gesture_name = "multiswipe_"..self:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe_directions) local action = gesture_manager[multiswipe_gesture_name] if action and action ~= "nothing" then return self:gestureAction(action, ges) end end function ReaderGesture:pageUpdate(page) local curr_page if self.document.info.has_pages then curr_page = self.ui.paging.current_page else curr_page = self.document:getCurrentPage() end if curr_page and page then curr_page = curr_page + page self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", curr_page)) end end function ReaderGesture:onShowFLOnOff() local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local new_text if powerd.is_fl_on then new_text = _("Frontlight is on.") else new_text = _("Frontlight is off.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = new_text, timeout = 1.0, }) return true end function ReaderGesture:onGSensorToggle() local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local new_text if G_reader_settings:isTrue("input_ignore_gsensor") then new_text = _("Accelerometer rotation events will now be ignored.") else new_text = _("Accelerometer rotation events will now be honored.") end UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = new_text, timeout = 1.0, }) return true end return ReaderGesture